Hotez’s denial over his own vaccine-injured child is a threat to humanity. He should resign. His conflict of interest and inner turmoil is dangerous to others.

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Peter Hotez can go to hell! He is complicit with the evil swamp!

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And mass murder

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Maybe Dr Hotez could explain how Moderna secured their covid-19 bioweapon patent 9mos before the outbreak...or maybe Agenda 2030.

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He proves nothing, makes the claim and people have to trust him, because he is the "expert" (now that Fauxi is dead - so to speak). And who in his right mind could say "no" to a man in a bow tie?

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He should turn himself in. To some sort of prison camp.

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His slovenly appearance has always irritated me. He does not take care of his own health so why would I ever listen to a thing he says. And yes his daughter is autistic and could very possibly been damaged through jabs.

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If his own child is vax-injured, he absolutely has to deny it. Otherwise his guilt would overwhelm him, if he's any kind of decent parent.

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i didn’t know he had a vax-injured child. that explains a lot! denial extracts a helluva toll, physically and emotionally. just look at him; he’s the picture of emotional constipation. damn

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Happy to admit he feeds her junk food too. A shining example to us all for healthy living.

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Oh I remember that Joe Rogan clip where Rogan asks Hotez about his own health habits, junk food intake etc... he literally said his go to play date with his autistic daughter is to take her for McDonald's fries or something- Rohan's face was a mixture of amused and appalled. Rogan actually asked him if he had any discipline.

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He should resign?!!?

There should be better options.

Some of these people need to feel the wrath of the people and be publicly judged for their crimes.

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He needs to go to prison ! Resign? Lol


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He sounds dreadful. Shouldn't he be on a vent?

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Hotez is an evil little man protecting his turf of vaccines and harm to the unsuspecting and uninformed public. Shame on him, but men of his ilk have no shame.

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When will the supposed real men in society step up and fulfill their role as protectors and remove scum like Hotez from the earth?

Between 1776 and the 1950s, Show me even just ONE example of someone as overtly and openly evil as Hotez, Fauci, Gates, Soros, Klaus Schwab, etc., being allowed to spew such blatant threats without suffering immediate consequences. Such scum have ALWAYS existed but they operated under the cover of darkness because they feared GOOD MEN who abounded during those times. But nowadays good courageous men in America and the West are in numbers so small that they are only rarely seen and that is why the current situation is the way it is.

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You are 100% right.. Everyone just wants to fit in with the crowd, the crowd being wrong matters not.. There are only a few who always stand up in these times.. The next four years starting in January will tell the difference.. The majority of people keep believing in the LIES that they have been told since birth, its like an addiction to drugs, they just cannot wean themselves off the LIES by embracing TRUTH.. They see ALL LIES as truth and TRUTH as misinformation or LIES LOL..

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Truth is a 4-letter word to these people

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You are so right

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That’s because the people just can’t seem to wrap their heads around the fact the government has and continues to LIE TO THEM.

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Rikki I think what happens is what always happens and their favorite trick since forever, its called Divide and conquer, no UNITY, they win we lose..

You have the RICH in this country, some just want to be rich and live and let live and even help, but you have some super rich, who have been rich for centuries who are EVIL and think they are better than everyone and want to rule and control and destroy, so they do not want anything to change and they dirty everyone with their money and influence, threats and murders.. They they divide us by race, then they hook the poor on give outs, and of course the American dream, basically saying I have a nice job, house and car and I got that by believing in what the government and MSM say as FACTS, so I live on LIES and I am ok, even if I know they are LIES I do not care because they are only destroying them people here, and in other countries, so USA USA USA.. Well now those people have never ever searched for real TRUTH because they had everything they wanted, they did not care about the injustices done to others here and abroad. Now those LIES and injustices are here full throttle and a lot of people just refuse to see what their eyes and hearts are telling them.. They are addicted to the comfortable LIES, they have never ever faced any truth, they are comfortable with the LIES.. Some depend on the LIES for their money, some for power and some for status.. Selfishness and EGO are hard to overcome, but our only HOPE really has been and always will be FAITH in GOD and the good qualities to follow like some many EDICTS, but just the 10 commandments, if we followed the good qualities that most religions teach us we would know to do the right thing and help each other when one is hurt or killed or mistreated it should affect all of us, that is UNITY, and they can never divide that, but as long as we all follow our own selfish EGOTISTICAL ways, DIVIDE and CONQUER always wins.. UNITY WE WIN..

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You forgot Kissinger & Gates

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Gates is beyond EVIL and SICK in the head... He got his EVIL like a lot of them from his parents..

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Kissinger was like a spreader of EVIL, he spread his EVIL wherever he went, he mentored so many EVIL people including Klaus and organizing the WEF..

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Evil takes forever to die.

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You are so right!

Will the real men please stand up!

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RFK is doing that, along with the anti-jab docs. Rare but awesome folk!

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Am praying that RFK gets the job. Many folks who will try to cancel him. But he can make a huge difference!

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Oh, they're still around. It's just that the jackboots have their heavy boots on their necks. And the scourge of big tech listens to every word everyone says.

Someday, if nothing changes they will rise up like goat herders and Mangioni the traitors

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Agreed! Where are the men of the covid vax injured children, wives and loved ones? Oh, right. They are watching the nightly drone show above their heads without doing a damn thing. Pussies.

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OMGOSH so true! Thank you for saying this, El Numero Principal!

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Such bad vibes, like little Fauci and Gates.

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This is how you know the whole government is corrupt, when someone is allowed to threaten the US/World with biological pathogens, and not one law agency is doing anything about it.

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Exactly, and someone is sitting in a prison cell right now for possession of a small amount of cannabis!

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I urge everyone to contact their local.fbi office and report this lunatic.

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They'd probably come and arrest you. Unfortunately, that's where we are at as a country.

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Jackbooted thugs at 6 a.m.

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Pls try to arrest us.. plz

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The FBI is as corrupt as Hotez.

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I can’t. I’m a Traditional Catholic, thus an enemy to the FBI.

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Absolutely! 💯🎯

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This guy should be in prison. If any of this happens it’s because he has access to it snd no doubt he would release it! Lock him up.

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Yes, this is a threat to humanity. How is this allowed to occur without consequences?

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Hotez is the danger. He lied on behalf of corporate profits and dismisses those who have been terribly hurt and had their lives destroyed. His concern isn't health, it's the status quo of corrupt and dishonest vaccine manufacturers to continue to pimp their products without questions or liability for harms. The COVID shots pulled the curtain back on these bastards and it is time for them to face justice.

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Their fear mongering is becoming more like quackery everyday.

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It has been that from the beginning. Some of us just recognize it now.

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To those of us who REALIZE! Unfortunately there are still many that believe these crazies.

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Maybe he and Gates are planning to release their infected mosquitos or maybe the drones are spraying toxins in NJ and where ever else they are. God please deliver us from evil. In Jesus name 🙏🏻

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Or maybe it'll be in tomorrows serving of chem-trails.

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You're probably right

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Hope not

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People keep trusting their Government's and the Health Garbage industry committed by the Deep State to destroy the World by any means possible. The Atrocities of the Health System is nothing more than Abomination.

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Says fearmonger who refused to debate RFK ☝️

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Bought and paid for by big pharma and WHO.

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The reason these diseases are back around is because of the illegal immigrants. Bringing measels, mumps and all else as well. Shut his trap, would be my idea.

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No its the immune suppressing acts of the covid vaccines

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This man is frightening. He may be a scientist but lacks common sense and moral reasoning.

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If he is a scientist he must have been awarded his degree at Fauci Quack University. Anyone with an iota of judegement and common sense should perceive that he is an imbecile

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This guy is simply the worst of everything. We must simply ignore and/or mock him.

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No. He should be brought to justice.

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What a fear mongering asshat. What he's really saying is this is what he and his ilk are planning. Investigate them now. Raid their homes, offices and labs.

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Hotez is a weeny weasel! Look at this guy! I'm sure he was the guy that was picked on in school and now he wants revenge! A real POS! It will be interesting to see how President Trump aka Mr. Warp Speed handles this asshole! Will he put his foot on his throat or will he just ignore him and continue to push the bioweapon!

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President Trump was the first person to come out in favor of HCQ & other repurposed meds before a so called vaccine was available. He was pilloried for it. He only pushed for a vaccine to open up the country so we could survive economically. If Biden hadn’t stolen the election President Trump would NEVER have mandated the vaccine, the schools would not have been shut down & businesses would not have been closed & we would be in a very different situation than we are now. When he says that he saved millions of lives what he means by that is if the country would have been locked down for years like was planned many millions more people would have died. It was bad enough & I think that by picking RFK Jr he is signaling that he is very open to looking at how bad all the vaccines are & the damage that they cause. I don’t think he’s felt able to come out against the vaccines because so many people believe in them. The truth will now come out.

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And there is so much residual trauma from the whole covid plandemic.

So much depression, financial insecurity, loss of education...

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The damage is terrible. My son’s life was ruined. In turn mine trying to help him. There will be no restitution as far as I can see. He was a cancer survivor doing well & then caught a horrible case of whatever Covid was & hasn’t been able to work since. Do you know what SSI gives a person to live on ? About $1000 a month if you are lucky. How do you live on that? Car, rent, food, medicine 💊? All he talks about is this is what he lived through cancer for?

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Hard to me to hit the "like" button, but I wanted you to know I read your comment.

I also agree, there will be no restitution or punishment for the evil people that did this to us.

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This is a very tragic situation. I'm so sorry for your family. A relative of mine recently went to the doctor time and again because she was so sick, felt bad most days. The doctor kept claiming it was long covid or a reinfection of covid. She got fed up and sought the help of a holistic doctor who ran a lot of tests. Turns out she has lyme disease. She's being treated for that now and has had a huge improvement. She'll never trust her regular doctor again. Covid became a handy excuse for lazy doctors.

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What a scumbag he is.

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