In my family this is common. Continuous loop discussion with the covidians.

Same with several friends. Just looping loopminded covidians. It is sad.

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They cant afford to see the truth. The only defense they have is cognitive dissonance, otherwirse the truth would be too hard to face, and cause breakdown, especially where people have allowed their kids to be harmed

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They know EXACTLY what they are saying. They are AVOIDING the questions. There is no cognitive dissonance, they are criminals.

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I know this, but I am referring to those citizens denying its dangers (who have had the jab). that is who I am talking about. Pfizer employees have not had any jab other than saline. That was proven during these hearings when they admitted their staff had a 'special batch'... other than government issue.

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Yes. It’s germ warfare in a tuxedo. Damn scum

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Agree completely

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Exactly! And the COVIDIANS in my family all think what I have researched is ‘misinformation’ and I am “in a very dark place”......rolling my eyes....

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It appears to me that they are in a much, much darker place.

I would hate to be one of the ones who took the shots and thinks that they are ‘safe and effective’ despite all of the evidence to the contrary and later finding out that I had been duped.

And then spending the rest of my life waiting for something bad to possibly happen.

You are in a much better place.....

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It probably doesn't help a lot of people that, for instance, in my region the health authority and media are still pushing the shots, saying how necessary they are, etc. I imagine that realizing these "authorities" are not doing good is almost too much to cope with for a lot of people. They either refuse to accept it, or try to just not think about it.

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My sister who was 51, died at home in her sleep. She was aN RN, so you know her vax status. Her death certificate said cardiac arrest. She wasn’t overweight and no health issues. Funny how that happens...

Left a grieving husband a teenage son and daughter.

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This is so sad.

My sister is fully vaxxed. She is sickkkk all the time

Now she is even more “mental” than usual too

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Don’t be surprised if one day...she just stops breathing. My step-MIL, her sister was found dead (a week after my sister) on the living room floor in the morning, by her son. Just trauma all over the globe and people still walking around with blinders on.

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" more “mental” than usual"

...love it.

I have a wife that's more mental than usual and she's NOT vaxd!!


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I'm very sorry for your loss. A 50 year old Doctor I used to work for died in his sleep a few months ago. Same scenario, although he was overweight. Left 5 children and a wife.

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Hang in there. I was given the same treatment over JFK’s death, over AIDS, over 9/11 and last year by my neighbor who came TO MY DOOR to harangue me about “herd immunity” when it was none of his fukking business.

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Herd immunity? Omg! I’d buy that neighbor a copy of Turtles All The Way Down and tell him he’ll be given a test on it later. 😀

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Quite. And herd immunity is a load of bollux anyway.


As to turd immunity that is another matter. How Canadians put up with it I do not know.


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It’s called mass psychosis!

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I prefer stark raving bonkers myself.

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Agree 💯 Criminals all

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EXACTLY. My opinion is you WILL be held accountable if you can't answer the question for murder and I'm not sorry for the stiff penalty.

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They will be if RFK jr is elected so look for MASSIVE pushback if he gets any closer to being elected.

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As much as I would like RFK to be elected, or someone with his integrity and convictions, I fear that our electoral system is as much of a controlled con job as the shots. The chances of an independent thinking President who puts citizens above mighty corporate and deep state influence is nil.

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It is if you surrender before the fight, just because you fear…

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RFK-jr has already promised if elected he will not seek retribution, meaning the CEO's of big-pharma have nothing to fear, he is their boy, on their side

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O you idiot! Retribution and reform are two different things. Just because he’s not smash and burn doesn’t mean he’s “their boy”. You’re methods and comments are ineffective and divisive, leading to no solutions. Makes me think maybe you’re their boy.

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Sirka has it exactly correct!

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Absolutely. What's that term drawn and quartered? Somehow it keeps popping up into my consciousness....I'll have to get back to you on that...

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Sad for you, you have to talk to them. I can't. Wrote them off or there is zero discussion. But... I have 25 cousins. 9 got it. 1 has cancer, 2 have heart issues and one is chronically tired. This group all believe its the jab. My wives moms side diff story. And friends we don't talk about it..if they're brainwashed. Or they're not friends anymore. Fine with me. Take a GD stand.

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Amen. Same here. Goodbye.

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That’s sad

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I refer to them as Branch Covidians

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Or Staunch Stupidians!!!

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that is a good one

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I used to be married to someone like that (go figure he is quadra-shotted, probable quinta-shotted by now). When I asked "yes or no" he never responded - just looped over in the same gobbely-gook. So I ended up saying "I'll take that as a no." If you can't answer a simple yes or no to a question, you have major issues.

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Don't worry no matter what you say, they will never listen

Like 'pod people' in a 1950's Hollywood Sci-Fi

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You could try this simple answer as to why vaccines can't be good for health. Cuts through all the rubbish and superfluous data and statistics etc.


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This will not stop until we LITERALLY STOP THEM. They will not stop until they are stopped. They are not there to tell the truth, they are there to lie. Its that simple. We have to stop expecting foul long time criminals to dob themselves in.

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Amen Helen. Amen amen. Amen. Amen. We are in a world of cowards.

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"They will not stop until they are stopped." This. By any means necessary.

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"Look, we're gathering all that data right now. Please go get your boosters."

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Pfizer also saying, "no one forced you to get the shots."

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Well they sure had a lot of advertising on the TV, which I no long watch, all propaganda!

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Throw the television away. Lol!

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that was the cherry on top!

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We have to take the vaccines to see if they work.

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You must be kidding ? Vaccines are supposed to be tested first to show they are safe. Human trials were only 2 months, and then they vaxxed the control group and the whole project was useless. All animals in studies that were given mRNA vaxxes died. The vaxxes were, and are not, ready for human use. Too many serious vaccine injuries and deaths from them. They're not safe. They do not stop transmission, or prevent the vaxxed from getting Covid-19, or dying from C-19.

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About 5 years ago I stepped on a rusty nail, it had been about 15 years since last ‘tetanus’ vax. So I got one ….. that will be my last vaccine. My brother in law was 2x vx’d 2x boosted. It killed him he died of acute renal and kidney failure.

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Did he pass in the Hospital ? I ask because Remdesivir is the go to treatment of the 'standard of care'. And supposedly, Remdesivir destroys your kidneys. Sorry to hear of your loss. This whole thing is a nightmare too big to believe. But it's real.

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Passed at home, no remdesiver involved.

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this is so sad. I am so very sorry

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JimB was being sarcastic 🤔

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exactly. Kind of like "we have to pass the bill in order to see what is in it"

What a bull shit lie these people live. How do they sleep at night?

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It is difficult to watch this sleazy Pfizer rep repeatedly answer questions that are not asked, while refusing to answer the question that is asked.

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It's strange how the DOD is not looking hard into all of this, isn 't it?

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Not at all, since the DOD was behind the development of the jab-juice.

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It's strange that some members of Tier Two media elide this fact.

Will not go there. Will stay in safe Pfizer Bad ville.

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What? You act like we have a justice system. What? Is this satire? They're behind it. Come on youre joking right? Sage?

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The DOD is behind Pfizer?


But I keep just seeing these PFIZER BAD posts and ... dang am I confused!

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

Messenger RNA therapeutics™ can be designed to tap directly into the body's natural processes to produce antibodies without exposing people to a weakened or inactivated virus or pathogen, as is the case with the vaccine approaches currently being tested. As a result, Moderna's messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform has the potential to speed the development and manufacture of treatments that can produce a safer, more reliable and more robust immune response than existing technologies...

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Haha. Seen a lot for your comments and you're spot on. You threw me for a second!

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Strange that summer of 2019 TRUMP signed off WW3 and COVID was the first bomb dropped on RUSSIA&CHINA

But CHINA&RUSSIA being smarter than BIDEN or TRUMP nipped it in the bud, an USA ended up clot-shot'ing its own people, and ASIA/RUSSIA said "Fuck you very much to the mRNA clot-shot' and developed their own classic dual-vector non mRNA vaccine;


Here, how & why the US-DOD-MIL used COVID to launch WW3, and why TRUMP signed it off


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Why in the world are we even having such discussions? Pfizer has been convicted of over 70 felonies. What more need be said?

Of course they are going to lie, cheat and steal. Those two clowns being interviewed are not human beings they are androids.

Pfizer should have had their corporate charter revoked ages ago. Anyone who trusts these mass murderers belongs in an asylum.

Read this piece and spread it around:

The Story of Pfizer Inc. – A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption


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I would have thought there were some hot shot law enforcement types just itching to go after this company and its proxies. Did they all just get neutered by all the woke garbage around nowadays?

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Neutered is the word for it.

Law school mainly teaches careerism like all the rest.

Most of the good ones are bought off. Doesn't take much.

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Bingo! Sad thing is very few know this because they have skated so many times with minor slaps on the hands.

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Benefit my ass. String them up. Someone must have some balls somewhere.

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Isn't it now accepted fact that for men under 40, the risk from the vaccine is higher than for the risk of infection? Be nice if these clowns actually followed the science.

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I believe it’s for any age, but sure let’s go with 40.

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i needed that laugh. thanks.

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And the FDA has still approved this lethal vaccine for EVERYONE once a year....THAT is where the criminality REALLY exists...they are there to protect us from scums and rats like these sort of people...and yet they have totally botched that charge. You also have to ask yourself why is the GOO not making these lies and deceit a huge political issue on the campaign now!!!!....like ensuring our changes in the justice system ensures these FDA types are sent to prison...it is THEY who really failed this World!!

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One more time:

"When do the arrests commence?"

"When do we start to witness the public, televised executions -- after scrupulously fair trials in the purported style of Nuremberg and inevitable "guilty" verdicts?"

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They know exactly why and they will always lie about it. In the eyes of big pharma, no vaccine or mRNA injection can ever be made to look anything other than safe and effective. Even if they murder 10 million people, these poisons will always be safe and effective. Just ask the CDC and FDA.

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Myocarditis caused by Endotoxin in the mRNA jabs very well understood from Autopsy and Live Biopsy showing expected Epigenetic disruption and CD68 Histiocytes


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And To Think ...

To Actually Promulgate A Master Race

The Unvaccinated

Didn't Have To Do A Thing.


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Their LYIN! They know the ingredients!!

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If Pfizer ever revealed what they put in the COVID vax, it would be obvious wnat the cause of myocarditis and all the Sudden Death.

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Warning: swearing and anger contained in this comment

These MFers couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. They run around in circles chasing their shrunken dicks thinking no one will notice. It’s Insulting and I can only imagine the rage the injured must feel towards these lying sacks of shit. I hope that one day they get their due as mortals and if not that they all burn in hell for eternity.

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