Important for knowledgeable people who grasp the scale of this thing to explain and forecast to the world how much mortality and moribidity is coming down the pike and when it will accumulate with what milestones. Dr. David Martin does this as does Edward Dowd. Mark Crispin Miller does this too with all his weekly compilations of obituaries around the world.
God bless you, David Martin! Yes, you are cooler than Bond, James Bond, 'cuz your adversaries are real! And they're our adversaries as well! You are an inspiration.
Important for knowledgeable people who grasp the scale of this thing to explain and forecast to the world how much mortality and moribidity is coming down the pike and when it will accumulate with what milestones. Dr. David Martin does this as does Edward Dowd. Mark Crispin Miller does this too with all his weekly compilations of obituaries around the world.
God bless you, David Martin! Yes, you are cooler than Bond, James Bond, 'cuz your adversaries are real! And they're our adversaries as well! You are an inspiration.