Dr Peter McCullough a true and relentless #CovidPandemicHero! I like many are truly thankful for his contributions and those of other #CovidPandemicHeroes.

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Sadly, brian has now threatened several of us who simply shared the story and has gone off the deep end on his tiny Twitter page. I have been written by numerous credible people, including his old cohost and many others with court documents that, let’s just say make him sound terrifying.

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At one point in this interview (perhaps not in this short segment), Brian mentions he has been having long-term health problems "due to Covid". I am wondering if it's a vaccine injury... In which case, the idea this his belief in the vaxx caused him to get injured would be TOO MUCH for him to come to terms with, and he will stay asleep no matter what facts you throw at him.

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Oh isn’t that ‘interviewer’ just awful 💩 Dr McCullough handled himself in exemplary fashion whilst explaining facts, citing evidence and making clear arguments all while combatting petulant outbursts. Well done Doctor ❤️

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"With all due respect"? This little joke of a pod-caster shows no respect at all. Demands evidence, but then won't look up the evidence Dr McCullogh gives him. Keeps saying nothing has been proved in a court of law, therefore it's not true. "There is no direct evidence that people are dropping dead after being vaccinated"??? YES THERE IS. Nothing will convince this little fool. Let's just hope and pray that Fauci's part in all this IS eventually proved in a court of law and he spends the rest of his life in jail.

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Why do people still comply and deny even if they suspect they've been duped? Carl Sagan wrote the definitive answer:

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

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He said he hates it when he hears that ppl are making money off of covid…and totally ignores Big Pharma & Company (Moderna, Pfizer, CDC, FDA, etc) who made billions of dollars!!!

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Heck, he didn’t even mention the MILLIONS that became permanently disabled by the shots too.

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We need more people to speak. I took the Jab and regret it as does my husband. Our son is that other generation that does not question. But. Now we all are. We have aged 50 to 60 - something friends really ill with blood cancer and stroke plus two more who have died. This poison MUST be pulled immediately.

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Sooner or later ppl are going to have to come to terms with what was done to them.

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I really want to know what he’s thinking after that interview. I wonder if any of those facts are able to penetrate the propaganda he’s bought into.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

I watched most of the video. Dr. McCullough is a class act. How he handled the interview in the face of the tone and derisive arrogance of the interviewer was impressive. Being a truth teller must be armor enough.

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This Shapiro guy ... name sounds oddly familiar ... isn't off the deep end because he thinks credible physicians like Dr. McCullough are trafficking in lies, it's because he knows damned well he made a terrible mistake in judgement and his life may very well be in jeopardy. He's one of the unhinged who will completely lose it—I mean REALLY lose it—when the full truth is revealed.

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This radio host is a know it all nutter. Total denial of medical evidence for an experimental injection

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Facts are Facts and can never become 'unfactual' its a fact the wind blows, the sun shines, the rain falls down not up, its a fact that people are dying from the covid 19vaccines

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Brilliant. Thank you for sharing this.

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