Dr Peter McCullough a true and relentless #CovidPandemicHero! I like many are truly thankful for his contributions and those of other #CovidPandemicHeroes.

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He still believes in viruses though

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McCullough is a Virologist. He want's Jabs forever and to sell his products on the back of injuries sustained in the whole scam.

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Sadly, brian has now threatened several of us who simply shared the story and has gone off the deep end on his tiny Twitter page. I have been written by numerous credible people, including his old cohost and many others with court documents that, let’s just say make him sound terrifying.

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I noticed Mr.Shapiro’s world got shaken. People that egotistical are battling cognitive dissonance. Should have worn a garlic necklace for the interview.

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I have a friend who still gets every one. Heart was fine, now she had to retire early and has had 2 heart surgeries. Tires easily. Still gets every one. Dr still tells her to and she complies. I told her only once to stop. She gets angry. I suppose she just can't believe she was duped. She does have an ego.

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One question for her. How's that shot working for you?

One question for her doctor. Is he being financially compensated for every shot he gives above and beyond his normal salary?

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My guess is the woman will deny the jabs had anything to do with her early retirement due to health issues, heart surgeries, etc. In fact I would be willing to bet she will blame it on getting Covid despite being vaxxed (if that happened to her).

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My brothers wife has heart problems and is on medication to keep her heart going.

Fine before the vaccine and believes that covid caused it.

I told my brother that there was a study I read that said the heart problems only started when the jab came out and then the lies started about covid causing heart issues.

I said, il send you it, the reply was - I won't read it !!

Unbelievable. Even when it's staring them right in the face, they don't want to know.

Crazy times we live in.

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Of course!

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Such radical denial of the obvious shows how totalistic the propaganda was & is. It's amazing there are still booster shots being administered. Most mind controllees see there's something amiss, but they literally CANNOT admit they were lied to, manipulated, & had their lives shortened. That's how controlled they are. The US has had decades now of mainstream MKUltra programming of minds going on. And followers of the left across the West are now Exhibit #1.

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Plus; there are herds of people out there STILL blocking their oxygen intake with the idiotic and harmful mask. You cannot convince those people with logic, reason and facts. They will not listen and their minds simply block out any rational explanation - anything that goes against the "official narrative" that their delusion is based upon. On their death bed; they will still claim that "vaccines" are "Safe and Effective".

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Frankly, I can’t imagine the mindset of people so silly they’re in their FIFTH YEAR of muzzling their faces & blocking their respiration.

Absolute fools.

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Don't even try to imagine. Mask minions walking in nature, along paths, all alone, jogging while muzzled, cycling while muzzled, riding electric scooter while muzzled, driving alone in a car while muzzled...I'd love to know how many of those geniuses wear them to bed at night! I can't be "nice" when I'm confronted with such absurdity.

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I noticed Mr. Shapiro crapped his pants during the interview. Never saw that before! Could smell it over the computer screen...

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Apr 18
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Hilarious! The censor clowns are here! I just tried to send this to myself, bc you know, they seem to disappear. I want to look closer later. Microstiff is requiring me to send my email through their deeply censored platform, so I don't. I copied the link and opened in my private browser and the only thing I get is link after link about how anti vaxx people are going down. I don't find you there at all!

Censorship madness. No worries, we aren't afraid of those who hide behind the curtain and call people names and try to give them kill shots.

They seem to be getting more aggressive on media-must be afraid. Mostly of losing big bucks, I imagine, and not getting their goal accomplished in time.

Living in the twilight zone!

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I have a proton mail account. Also a cloud account. I don’t use Microsoft anything and avoid google as much as possible because of censorship. So far I’m getting everything on the cloud and send it to proton mail for safe keeping.

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At one point in this interview (perhaps not in this short segment), Brian mentions he has been having long-term health problems "due to Covid". I am wondering if it's a vaccine injury... In which case, the idea this his belief in the vaxx caused him to get injured would be TOO MUCH for him to come to terms with, and he will stay asleep no matter what facts you throw at him.

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no one wants to admit I was stupid and basically killed or horribly injured myself.

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I know many who can’t put there fear aside look at the truth. I have 3 family members who had life threatening emergencies after the jab.

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Brian may very well have been told by his doctors that his long term health problems are because he got Covid and not because of the vax.

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Of course. It's all part of the Grand COVID Deception.

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I feel sorry for those horribly captured people with an alphabet of professional credentials behind their name & college degrees. All of that time and money invested didn’t buy those people a a lick of common sense. They are very dangerous because of the positions they hold. And they are now starting to panic because people aren’t going to the Doctor anymore.

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Understood and agreed. I've observed that (with some exceptions, myself included), the most highly educated among us are often those most susceptible to trusting (and making appeals to) authorities, such as the CDC, the FDA and the WHO. I believe this is in large part due to an abiding faith in credentialism, which inevitably took a hard (if not fatal) hit during the COVID era.

> https://brownstone.org/articles/the-crash-and-burn-of-credentialism/

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I’m sure! That is the line they all use. Those who are captured by big pharma money and the corporate groups that have scooped them up the lucrative benefits they can’t turn down. aka greed.

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I don't pay attention to either twitter or occupy democrats. Does this podcaster have long term health issues? Doctors in denial told my brother his tinnitus came from covid. Told another person I know who developed cancer during the pandemic that it was from stress. Or rather than stick their necks out when confronted with teenagers dying in their sleep after 2021, such doctors shrug their baffled shoulders and say "we can't know, and probably never will know, what caused it."

I think many of them know or suspect and lack the courage to lose their job and become a target for saying so.

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It seems as it was stated above; especially those with an ego cannot fathom they were fooled. I do have a friend. Ill also (several have died, many more sick). She still takes docs advice and gets every single boosteroma. Having heart difficulties since, and 2 surgeries. Can't fathom she's been duped. I am still the ignorant one. All this time later.

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2 doctors I know personally had devastating life altering reactions after the jab. 1 had a stroke and lost 80 % of his eye sight. No longer able to work. The other had a heart attack. Both young and healthy. The one who had a heart attack was also a ballroom dancer. Very athletic. Ate healthy, in her 40’s. Not an obese sedentary person with lots of risk factors. It’s like Russian roulette.

The other elephant in the room is shedding by the vaxxed. Now data is coming out that health of the unvaxxed is significantly better than that of the vaxxed. Something see myself in my local circle. Even with the evidence of the shedding, the unvaxxed are in much better shape.

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Oh isn’t that ‘interviewer’ just awful 💩 Dr McCullough handled himself in exemplary fashion whilst explaining facts, citing evidence and making clear arguments all while combatting petulant outbursts. Well done Doctor ❤️

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God Bless Dr. McCullough! A true professional, knew his work, knew data, told him to listen twice I believe. Brian, even though he said. he has high regard for him as a doctor, turned and became an angry, arrogant pr...! Thank you for this video, greatly appreciated.

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"With all due respect"? This little joke of a pod-caster shows no respect at all. Demands evidence, but then won't look up the evidence Dr McCullogh gives him. Keeps saying nothing has been proved in a court of law, therefore it's not true. "There is no direct evidence that people are dropping dead after being vaccinated"??? YES THERE IS. Nothing will convince this little fool. Let's just hope and pray that Fauci's part in all this IS eventually proved in a court of law and he spends the rest of his life in jail.

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And he wants to see it on their death certificates. Good luck with getting the truth on there.

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Yep. I don't know anyone who really died from covid but 3 who had on death certificate. One was a car wreck, other 2 were in hospice care for cancer. The corruption is so ubiquitous and deep. I also remember studies where they revised cause of death in several CA counties bc open about counting deaths as covid and then "cleaning up later". The reduction was 20 to 30% but no one paid attention and fear porn had already hooked so many.

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Why do people still comply and deny even if they suspect they've been duped? Carl Sagan wrote the definitive answer:

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

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Excellent quote! Thanks for sharing. Just now added into my "red pill" library.

> Library: BeyondC19.org

> Madness & Insanity: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/db27890b8f56

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He said he hates it when he hears that ppl are making money off of covid…and totally ignores Big Pharma & Company (Moderna, Pfizer, CDC, FDA, etc) who made billions of dollars!!!

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Heck, he didn’t even mention the MILLIONS that became permanently disabled by the shots too.

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And the millions more that will be dying from chronic illness ~ not to mention all the miscarriages and stillbirths that may never figure into the total death count . . . .

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We need more people to speak. I took the Jab and regret it as does my husband. Our son is that other generation that does not question. But. Now we all are. We have aged 50 to 60 - something friends really ill with blood cancer and stroke plus two more who have died. This poison MUST be pulled immediately.

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Thank you for speaking up, Sherry! 🙏 Please keep sharing your story:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/4e1f2901bcd9

Of special interest may be this site:

> https://sorryigotvaxxed.com/

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Sooner or later ppl are going to have to come to terms with what was done to them.

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I really want to know what he’s thinking after that interview. I wonder if any of those facts are able to penetrate the propaganda he’s bought into.

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Not one of those facts penetrated... he wasn't there to learn... he was emotional and pugnacious and he kept "disagreeing" with things HE had no evidence of the contrary (where were his studies and proofs of safety and efficacy?)

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At one point in this interview (perhaps not in this short segment), Brian mentions he has been having long-term health problems "due to Covid". But I am wondering if it's not a vaccine injury. The color of his skin looks that way... In which case, the idea this his belief in the vaxx caused him to get injured would be TOO MUCH for him to come to terms with, and he will stay asleep no matter what facts you throw at him.

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I watched most of the video. Dr. McCullough is a class act. How he handled the interview in the face of the tone and derisive arrogance of the interviewer was impressive. Being a truth teller must be armor enough.

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This Shapiro guy ... name sounds oddly familiar ... isn't off the deep end because he thinks credible physicians like Dr. McCullough are trafficking in lies, it's because he knows damned well he made a terrible mistake in judgement and his life may very well be in jeopardy. He's one of the unhinged who will completely lose it—I mean REALLY lose it—when the full truth is revealed.

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It seems he already has lost it!

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This radio host is a know it all nutter. Total denial of medical evidence for an experimental injection

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Facts are Facts and can never become 'unfactual' its a fact the wind blows, the sun shines, the rain falls down not up, its a fact that people are dying from the covid 19vaccines

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Brilliant. Thank you for sharing this.

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