Our daughter developed triple negative breast cancer. For all you ladies out there, if you have been on the pill for a long period of time, and especially approaching 39 yrs. old, of if you are a black female, TAKE CAUTION. These are the 2 largest areas where triple negative breast cancer shows up. Our daughter had a double mastectomy for stage 1, due to the fears, took the most brutal chemo called RED DEVIL (appropriate). It put her through hell, much pain etc. Luckily she didn't do the radiation. I only wish I was prepared ahead of time because what I found out after she went through all that TORTURE, was that there really are known but hidden cures out there!!! What we found afterward is more people die from chemo than cancer. And through our research, we found that there are MANY CURES that they are lying to us about cuz they make BILLIONS on chemo etc. Just to name a few: FENBENDEZOLE, (look up TIPPIN's story and follow him on FB). Another is Frankincense, and another is what the the same chemical they accused Donald Trump of injecting CLOROX. It's actually called CHLORINE DIOXIDE. Charlie Ward had a clip on rumble about his mother-in-law diagnosed with breast cancer. She did chlorine dioxide, and when they went to do the lumpectomy, they found that the cancer was completely encapsulated the size of a golf ball. They took it out and saved her breasts! My wife and I have been researching cancer killing supplements and I am going go list a few here for you. Don't take my word for it - look them up on your own. One is right in your cabinet - BAKING SODA. Here are a few more: NAC, BOSWELLA (FRANKINCENSE), AAHC, BERBERINE, TURMERIC, ALPHA LIPOIC ACID, LION'S MANE AND TURKEY TAIL MUSHROOMS, DANDELION ROOT, OLIVE LEAF, MILK THISTLE, QUERCETIN, MACA ROOT, BROMALAIN. (BTW - my daughter is on recovery cancer free!) --- One final gift --- the gift of everlasting life if you want it: ROMANS 10: 9 & 10 -- GOD BLESS AND HAPPY EASTER OR PASSOVER!

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My sister had triple neg breast cancer - stage 2B. She was murdered by the cancer industrial complex. She did it all, all the torture prescribed - double masectomy, red devil and chemo poison, and radiation (just in case). Basically they cut. burned and poisoned her to death. It was horrendous to watch and why I will never, ever enter the cancer industrial torture complex should I develop cancer.

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I'm sorry, Napolean.

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Such sad stories, and how many of them there are like them!

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Very sorry to hear that... I feel your pain and know what your family went through! My daughter had the Red Devil too, and it was the HIGHEST DOSE POSSIBLE. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only thing that kept her alive is that we belong to an international prayer group and people prayed for her all over the world! It was God's hand that saved her, not the doctors for sure! God Bless you and your family. I am praying for you all as I write this with a sad heart for your loss!

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My dad’s PET scans have been clear for over a year .. he has stage iv colon cancer … they have him conned into doing “maintenance chemo”. WTF is that madness

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It is a gimmick. A very cruel and fucked up gimmick.

Best wishes to your Dad.

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Thank you. It’s just enraging

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I agree. It's a business. If they cared they would question the 5G, but they won't do that, but Reiner Fuellmich is in prison for questioning the 5G < amongst other nefarious crimes.

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tragic and heartbreaking--nothing is being done to save Dr. Fuellmich after he spent months exposing "the cabal" (through ICIC) whose main goal is our slow and agonizing demise through their satanic machinations-- INCLUDING child sex trafficking and a systematic poisoning of the entire biosphere-J. Osseboard was found murdered recently after her film came came out--THE FALL OF THE CABAL.....fact is "the cabal" is only becoming more powerful while we are being distracted with mindless entertainments, poisoned with toxins and murdered with "medicine"..... sad.

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yes!! Soros, founder of MAP (Minor Attracted Persons)the cabal.

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Absolutely fantastic! Thank you, Professor.

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One in a million doctors have the courage, and integrity, to stand for truth.

The rest are working hard…for that third vacation home.

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I will check out the videos; but before I do...this is a no-brainer. The last thing that the Cancer Industrial Complex wants, is a cure for cancer! Think about the billions of dollars they get in funding and campaigning each year. I see them on the streets with their little tables and brochures, etc., asking me to "donate". I just shake my head. It's the same with the Medical Industrial Complex. They don't "cure" anything. Their business is to keep you sick and treat, treat, treat! This entire society is based upon lies and deception. None of these entities could care less about you or me. They care about Money, Power and Control - investors, stakeholders...money, money, money! Be aware that Big Pharma is now pushing mRNA bioweapons "for cancer", right in the midst of Turbo Cancers caused by the covid bioweapons! Eat well, get plenty of exercise, supplement with D3 if you're not getting enough sun and stay positive...That's how you battle disease!

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Dr. Stanislav Burzynski MD discovered a cure for cancer that was used successfully by dozens--if not hundreds--of 'terminal' cancer patients--some even had lethal brain cancer. He has been ignored and shut down by out medical system. His discovery is called antineoplastones---check it out. Very fascinating and more proof that TPTB do not want a cure for this very lucrative disease...ABOUT STANISLAW R. BURZYNSKI MD, PHD:

Dr. Burzynski, a nationally and internationally recognized physician/investigator, pioneered the use of biologically active peptides for the treatment of cancer. In 1967, at the age of 24, Dr. Burzynski graduated first in his class of 250 students from the Medical Academy in Lublin, Poland. It was at this time that he identified naturally occurring human peptides, which were deficient in cancer patients. He concluded that these peptides played a role in preventing the growth of cancer cells. In 1968, he earned a PhD degree and became one of the youngest physician/investigators in Poland to hold both a MD and PhD degree.

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Oncologists buy cancer drugs on the cheap then mark them up to their patients that they’ve prescribed them to https://www.statnews.com/2019/10/30/cancer-growing-in-cancer-medicine-pharma-money-doctors/

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Jimmy Dore (Yes, the comedian!) has an excellent layman's interview with Dr. Seyfried on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhXZjlp8E_k

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This si a Must Watch Clip for every individual & all families.

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Asymptomatic cancer. Wait for it...

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It already exists. That's why there are "preventative" cancer tests. Why did breast cancer explode in the 90's? Why is colon cancer exploding now? Asymptomatic cancer. The tests shilled on TV are finding cancer that doesn't exist. Even if you have no symptoms, you have it - per the talking cologuard box on TV.

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It can be answered in one word: VACCINATIONS but then there's another: FLU-SHOTS.

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Of course he is correct regarding the mitochondrial damage. However, he does not mention the jab?!? It is well-known that when the spikes attach to the cellular membrane, the mitochondria are hit (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref83404063 ). Also, the LNPs have a positive charge, which is disastrous when they hit the negatively charged organelles, including the mitochondrion (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref83404044 ).

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my thought exactly. There is intentional harm at play ... from jabs to processed food to sugar habits ... all intended to harm.

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yup---the "elites"--as they like to call themselves--want to be able to go on their 'big game' hunts and to their ski resorts without having to deal with the unpleasant spectacle of suffering humanity...they "intend" us to be cleansed from "their" planet and soon. If toxic food, 5g and turbo cancer don't do the trick...how about WORLD WAR III?

BTW...did anyone catch that clip of billgates at a Swiss ski resort opining that his 'best investment' ever was vaccines?...Sickening chutzpa...totally criminal.

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exactly. This is not their planet, it's ours. We all need to claim that truth. They can all go back to Sirius or wherever they think they came from. 🤷‍♀️

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I am taking fenbendazole which is identical to the human version of this cancer killing med. It doesn’t require a prescription. After finding success in quality and avalibility I use fenbenlabs.com

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what is Fendendazole used for?

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Yet I have known super fit and healthy people get cancer and die as recently as this past week. This may answer some of the reasons people get cancers but not all.

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did they get the jabs?

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Mar 29
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I agree with you Beth but our friend that passed away this week and another one last October were actually two of the healthiest eaters I know. Not just acquaintances but people I truly knew, ate with and discussed these things with. (At least as adults)

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Mar 29
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One did, one did not. The one who didn’t had a son living with her who did which has lead me to lean towards the shedding possibility, because hers came on very quickly and she died before even having a conclusive diagnosis. We were told it was cancer as she lay dying in the hospital. The whole thing was tragic. She was the cleanest eater I truly have ever known and walked miles daily.

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Hey - how the hell is big Harma gonna make mulla if nobody is sick?

Eff that hippocratic oath bs - making money is all that matters ain't it?

Now my tongue is in the cheek just like Jesus spent some time in hell today on so-called "Good Friday" and seriously as Jesus came out of that place what I heard is he whispered this:

Eff the medical establishment....


Go Wolfpack!


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Ivermectin, melatonin , fenbendazole, ldnresearchtrust.com, vitamin c IV therapy, black seed oil, turmeric, vits. D,E, A, K which supports fenben efficacy, varities of mushrooms, Artemisinin etc …. They all have scientific documentation from PUB Med and world wide research …. Yet all they offer is chemo..

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We already know this. Scientist, Otto Warburg told us this in 1923 and it has been ignored ever since.

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true that. Dr. Max Gerson followed on Warburg's heels with his own version of an effective cancer therapy...Gerson Therapy---there is a movie called THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH which details this protocol....used by many to restore health after medical doctors pronounced a patient as "incurable"...I had such an "incurable" brain tumor and now after following this therapy for several years...the tumor is gone.

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The Beautiful Truth: The World's Simplest Cure for Cancer

Garrett Kroschel (Actor), Charlotte Gerson (Actor), Steve Kroschel (Director) Rated:


Format: DVD

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Thank you for this info, I will go find it. Good to hear that it worked for you and hopefully many others.

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