I hope there is news here, though I doubt it, the ones highlighted are all in the big club, they are high exposure, which means "establishment approval", in other words, not really against the powers. No truly radical and raw truth will come from the lips of those that the establishment allows to be seen and heard everywhere. I have never seen these people say that there is really no such thing as a virus, or that 5G caused the respiratory symptoms called covid. Have they even revealed that 5G is a military grade weapon? I am not expecting any great revelations or groundbreaking news here.


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Agree 100%! So sick of grifters telling you half truths or lying by omission. The DARK FORCES want everyone brainwashed and confused- so they provide “HEROES “

What does everyone think TRUMP is? A “selected “ hero for the masses.

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AMEN. Notice the penguin tuxedo. All suited up in the uniform of the dominant class for approval by their masters. Gotta show rich taste.

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If they don't mention the illegal Trusted News Initiative or the 6 corporations who own all the media worldwide, I'm not interested.

Where are the ideas for breaking them up?

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I stopped watching mainstream propaganda over 20 years ago and don't watch movies either now! Hard to enjoy watching something or even listening to music if you know what the actors and performers have done to become rich and famous!

I will never accept paedophilia as normal or torturing children for adrenochrome to stay young and pretty! It's beyond evil and I will not comply!

It's pretty much the same world wide and it's very clever really if it wasn't so evil! Sad truths!

I will stand up for children until the day I die! Gods souls come through us and don't belong to us but are ours to love and care for 🙏 God bless the children and bring evil to an end 🙏

Their evil contract finished on the 31 October I believe?🙏

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Of course Malone is there... he’s everywhere 🤪

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It is curious that Fox brought these guys in here. He should know that it is the substack journalists who are the ones providing the real truths and revelations, not the damn "cardboard heroes" that are so promoted on establishment avenues.

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It works for me to no longer think of things happen curiously, but to think if I see something curious in this strictly organised freakshow for decades and at least a century, that the only thing curious about this, is that I still think curious thing can happen, and the by far immensly bigger chance is that the event/occurance is NOT curious, but in fact I just don't get it/ cannot imagine evilness/immense opportunism of other people

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I am in full agreement. Some substack authors, as well as virtually all establishment journalists seem incapable of comprehending the obvious= our rulers are intent on our destruction, and are not stupid or mistaken, they are evil. And those that fail to acknowledge that are truly not worth listening to, as they are deliberately misleading, or less likely, incredibly and unbelievably stupid. In other words, not worth listening to.

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It's been well orchestrated and planned for over a century!

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They didn’t ‘get it wrong’ - they lied. There is a big difference.

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Exactly. And even substackwriters keep on writing about 'errors being made' everywhere. Also almost every substackwriter who seem to know very well that humanity is constantly and more and more under attack by almost all of its 'own' goverments keep on asking questions like: 'why didn't 'they' learn anything from... -fill in almost any 'disaster' anywhere in the world happening last 200 years- and than mentioning vaccine deaths, collapse of economys, lack of food, suffering of millions and all this kinds of catastrophic events exactly serving the psychopatic goals of exactly those who, are exactly like always the same few people orchestrating and benefitting from the events simultaneously. But to almost all our substackwriters this is for ever and always undoubtly a sheer coincidence (of course it is clear for a three year old child and everybody else that keep on thinking about those as coincidences serves a certain goal, not clear which goal but it is clear that they are deleberatly as hell keeping on selling us global bullshit).

And they writing things like, and take a look around, it is to be found almost EVERYWHERE here on substack among almost all 'our' (not mine!!) trusted writers who are on our side

'Why are 'they'...

..keep on doing....

...making the same mistakes...

...spending so much money...

...don't know the law...


Well dear substackwriters who still dare to write this bullshit questions down, here is the answer to ALL:

Because you don't get it. You make mistakes, you keep on asking questions where or

1 you know the answer yourself already and you are pretending you don't

2 you suffer from consequent situational memory loss (and this condition doesn't really exist as far as I know, but I do see the symptoms occuring everywhere

Only very very few people can be trusted. I recognise the ones you cannot trust with a lot of hearth aches. And sadness.

I don't know which persons are to be trusted, I only know they are getting less and less

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Will RFK say something about net 0 and "climate crisis" propaganda? And Malone "the inventor of mrna vaccines"...right. Such a team.

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Malone didn't make mRNA with the intention of using it for vaccines at all!

They took the mRNA and added other toxic ingredients and the military industrial complex along with the not so nice pharmaceutical companies and evil scientists like Fauci did gain of function to make it a lot more toxic to people who they have injected with what is a level 4 bioweapon for depopulation!

Climate change is another depopulation agenda and so are all their sustainability and green options!

Wind turbines, solar panels and Electric cars are not environmentally friendly or better options! Just another money making business for the cabal!

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This is how they present malone or he present himself.

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The UN, WHO, and WEF truly are the real “Axis of Evil” in our world today.

They are the front organizations for a globalist cabal of billionaires, bankers, and their armies of psychopathic bureaucrats, corrupt politicians, media mouthpieces, satanic pedophiles, and blood thirsty generals intent on blowing up the world.

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Just last night Stephen Colbert mentioned horse paste! (I can’t stand him, but friend put it on.) He must still be getting paid to shill for Pharma.

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• COVID came from natural origins - COVID is the 'flu, there was no 'engineered' virus, it was a psy -op.



• Two weeks to "flatten the curve" - fatten the curves of the fat cats, the wealthy, would be true.

• There is no effective early treatment for COVID-19 - the 'flu can be treated by flushing out the toxins using primarily water and anti-oxidants like vit C.

• Vaccinated individuals don't spread the virus and don't get sick - the so-called virus doesn't exist as something to spread so vaccinated individuals don't spread anything except stupidity and lies if they still believe they are being sensible.

They do of course get sick and may die if there is anything other than saline in the jabs.

Poisons in their bodies may get to other people, particularly if their blood is donated and used in others.

• Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are ineffective and dangerous - there are lots of anti-oxidants available, again vit C being the main one.


• Vaccinated immunity is better than natural immunity - being vaccinated with poison will make one ill or even kill you. There is no such thing as natural immunity but one can have a good immune system if one looks after one's body properly and give it the necessary resources to deal with toxicity and steer clear of poisons.

This must be kept up to be free from disease.

• Booster shots are a "conspiracy theory" - an odd phrase. More boosters = more poisons = more harm or death.


• You need (insert percentage) of people vaccinated to achieve herd immunity - herd immunity doesn't exist. More vaccinated people = more injured and harmed (assuming as always there is anything other than saline in the shots).

Big pharma like high % of people vaccinated to achieve immunity from poverty according to its greedy standards.

• Masks work — and there are no downsides to using them - masks are useful for removing certain particulates but useless against the 'flu. Clown-sides might be more suitable word for the clowns that still wear them unnecessarily, The trauma on people especially children who have been forced to wear them is immense.

• The COVID shots are "safe and effective" - safe for big pharma profits and effective at harming and killing.


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So far 17 people I know have died in 22 months! Several family members have been extremely sick after being vaccinated with pneumonia, heart attack and stroke. Always getting cold type symptoms. My 30 year old son now has serious liver damage and my friends daughter at 38 has terminal bowel cancer after being injected with poison! Personally I had a minor stroke after spending a lot of time with my son after he was vaccinated and he had surgery on a very badly broken ankle/foot. Then I had a heart attack and pretty useless for two years! I was never vaccinated!

I think shedding is absolutely happening and Ivermectin saved my life! Ivermectin is a very safe medication with a 60 year safety history!

So I disagree with a lot of what you say there!

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I am very sorry to hear about all those deaths and injuries.

I was using Vigilant Fox's good bullet points to comment on.

I know the vaccines are horrible and have always been so.

I don't say Ivermectin is ineffective just that there are lots of other alternatives. They don't have to be pharmaceutical.

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gee some of us knew this years ago...

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I signed up for this 9 part mini series documentary. Thanks to Charlene & Ty. I also get emails from them as well as Dr. Mercola & Erin from Health Nut News. VERY IMPORTANT FOLKS, PLEASE SIGN UP. Thank you Vigilant fox for the reminder!

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Extremely important initiative and we will be many to adhere to the call!

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We should always remember, they're using the same propaganda tactics now with these wars as they did during Covid!


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If you scroll down, you will see evidence that covid symptoms and the few deaths were caused by 5G- Wuhan was the first place it was implemented, and at the time covid first struck- the victims dropped, not being sick in bed. Read the evidence. The cruise ship had independent 5G towers on it.




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I've definitely seen videos of the weird phantom twirl people do before dropping... also, what's up with all these purple street lights? anybody noticing them popping up more frequently?

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I was referring to the first ones in Wuhan attributed to covid (bat soup), but yes, there are the spinners also. I included the street lights in a newsletter, and vaguely remember them as another weapon.

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Oct 30, 2023
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And I'm sure referring to the two in office now. He fraudulently is in that high position & she is an anchor baby. AND as far as two administrators before that, obama, is not a U.S. born citizen

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I find it curious that your law center addresses discrimination against immigrants in a nation comprised of immigrants. Are you native American? (I am not saying AMerican born). The following shows what the law center does not find important, the problem that few whites will find problematic. AFter all, the major problem is that whites may no longer be the majority here in America. THAT is what matters. (sarcasm)

Due to the nature of the amendment which prohibited slavery, there was put in a condition that slavery was okay for prisoners in jail. The constitution was created by freemasons. IT was established for the purpose to bring us where we are today. I explain in my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. Regarding slavery

Now I have often shown how there is systemic racism in the (in)justice system, but here are links I have shown only once. The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. There are laws like the three strike law, which condemn without recourse some condemned felons to life in prison. There are also many privatized prisons, which are run for profit, and the conditions are deplorable, with many having forced labor, with which prisons profit from even more. Bribed politicians have made laws that require the states to fill the private prisons with inmates (slaves), or to compensate them with taxpayer money for not providing profit-making slaves, as police provide them the workers from amongst the urban dwellers. If you cannot afford a lawyer, to prison you go, and there you work literally for pennies. The police are today's slave catchers and provide the prison industrial complex with workers, whose employment requires only a few cents of compensation. Furthermore, the people's taxes pay for the sustenance of the slaves. The fascists (prison corporations) profit totally.







Put all those important factors, now also consider slavery that exists today in a large scale, right under our noses. Fascism is growing quickly here in the US, corporations are taking away the oversight from the government in military, schools, medical system and insurance, prisons, libraries, and other facets previously done by elected officials and their selected (or bought) bureaucrats. Believe it or not, the provisions of corporations are even worse than the other consequences of corrupt politicians.

The justice system has been manipulated into becoming a business providing exceedingly cheap labor and huge profits for owners of privatized prisons, and for huge bribes collected by their managers to accept bids for slave employees for the corporations for whom prisoners were forced to work for in virtually slave labor.


Here are two links that prove much valuable knowledge regarding cops. Scroll down a bit (or read the introductory paragraphs) to the quote of President Nixon's aid Ehrlichman, who tells us why they started the war on drugs. The second link proves racism amongst policing.



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Oct 30, 2023
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They definitely laughed. And still are. They are mocking the profane while marvelling at the ingenuity of their Luciferian pathocracy. Which would be fine for a laugh at these new age “mockultist” twats if they weren’t all so juvenile, dumb and ghey.

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True sadly, no better in the UK although many are now awake. At least we down't have Trudeau though.


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Thanks for the link. Some great points - liked all the tweaks to achieve the scamdemic twaddke. Some could have been their own standalone articles. The power of othering the unjabbed we saw, still see and will see again, for example, seems to me to be history’s and humanity’s built-in kill switch hidden in plain view, which the powers that be have known how to activate since forever, I suspect. Now more of us know it’s real, and answers so much about history, the power of propaganda and manufactured mass hysteria... hystoria, anyone? Also, liked the part on Films. I worked in the industry - commercial side, non-production - through the 90s and 2010s. I have long contended that there were very significant and deliberate changes to the industry then that spawned 20 years of what is loosely called predictive programming leading to the present day. One of these was DVD which was a gold rush that financed the development of hardware and software and content output to make movies ever more creative and impactful on ever more bigger screens with higher pixel ratios. Another was the rise of the end-of-the-world / zombie genre from around 2000. Of course, this genre goes back to the schlock horror 50s and 60s and psychological thriller 70s but only with the new technology could some truly powerful imagery be used. One of the first and most successful of these was 28 Days Later, with its depictions of empty London and England resembling lockdown. Who directed that movie? Nine other than Danny Boyle, who was also the artistic director of the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony which itself has been associated with predictive programming for much of what has occurred in recent years... Might be a book project in there somewhere...

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Thanks Brian, interesting and usefully explained. May I just say it would be a help to have paras as it helps to follow your points.

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Oct 30, 2023
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Oct 30, 2023
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We supposedly had Covid Marshals in the UK but as I was not getting out much I didn't notice any. In any event I wrote something amusing to compensate.


plus a song to go with it.


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