We do not want him punished for lying to Congress. We want him punished for the death of millions of people who did not need to die. Fauci and many others need to suffer the ultimate consequences

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Please put Trudeau of Canada first on the list!

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And the MP from Australia

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Sure, but one way to do it would be first indict him for a "small" crime like lying to Congress because that's easily provable and the trial should go very fast. Then, when he is convicted and locked away for five years, the indictments for the *big* crimes follow because those proceedings could take months and years.

All this is hypothetical of course because the justice system is utterly and hopelessly corrupt and instead of being prosecuted, Doctor Mengele 2.0 will probably be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Yes a bit like how Trudeau has just awarded Ursula Fondalyin a "peace" prize for supplying more weapons to the US installed regime in Kiev and no doubt she will be awarding him one for doing the same.

What was that famous line from "Gladiator" to the corrupt emperor ....... "The time for honouring yourself will soon be at an end"........... "Highness".

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He needs to be charged as a traitor and the same goes for anyone who promoted Operation Warp Speed regardless who promoted it.

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Yes, we do want him punished for lying to Congress! We want him punished for ALL of his crimes. And lying to Congress helped prolong the damage done by his other crimes, so compound the punishment to make it commensurate with the compound nature of the crimes. Recycle him through the dog and monkey torture biomedical experiments he approved, and let’s let his body provide useful data (in place of the innocent animals) before his soul parts ways with it and goes back to whatever level of hell it came from, for retooling.

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Hey Rand, while you are getting Dr. Falsi for lying to Congress about Gain and Function, then get him too for not allowing preventative treatments for covid as that killed many. Then there is the Remdesivir kidney killing drug so many of them backed. Oh, and there is that AZT poison he backed in the 80's and didn't allow preventative treatment for that either. He is a mass murderer, however will he ever seen the inside of a jail cell?

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Did Rand take the jab??? Did any of the politicians take it or their families??????????

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No, Rand is an MD and stated publicly that since he was infected by covid-19, he would not be taking the vaccine. Congress never mandated it for themselves, nor did Joe Biden during the 3 year "health emergency" that suspended so many of our constitutional rights.

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Did the media??? I know Al Roker did....

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yeah, lotta people took it and are suffering for it agree but Congress exempted themselves...dirty dogs

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Oh geeze, thats fair! 🤯🤯🤯🤯

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Al definitely did, kool-Aid drinking stooge that he is. I think most of the people that work in primetime news kind of have to be.

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Lying to Congress?? Tip of the Iceberg...how about crimes against Humanity?!?!! Why no HCQ or Ivermectin? Too afraid of what the leaked tweaked virus could do?? OR a huge $$$ making opportunity for him and his cronies?? We cannot let this go unaddressed! And Democrats need to take off their super glued Party Hats and do what is right for the American People!! Stop the cover up and protecting each other! And the media, they need to be held responsible for their aiding and abetting this gross malpractice!

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Completely with you, just think of the impact this would have. It would devastate modern medicine. Expect every soldier they have to defend their position.

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Tough shit. Modern Medicine has become “ there’s a drug for that”... but only $$$ patented ones. I took PlaQUINel and abx for 60 days to treat Lyme Disease 27 or so years ago... in much higher doses. There’s another possible government cover up of bio warfare madness!

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In its current form, I hope it dies.

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My own doctor told me to watch “ Dope Sick”about Big Pharma.

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I had a good doctor at one point. He got shut down.

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👏👏👏 keep that doctor!

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A good start.

The thwarting of treatments has to be next. Real consequences for that one.

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Yes the denial of early and effective treatments is as evil as you can be.

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Between that and the vents and the remdesivir, more ghoulish than war.

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And....vaccinating pregnant women and babies!! That’s just insanity!

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Insanity. It breaks their bodies and it breaks our brains watching this unfold.

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Great meme spotted yesterday: Conspiracy Theorist= Pay Attentionist

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The hysteric scramble the media goes into blocking challenges to the official narrative is all the proof I need to know we are right. You dont see them scrambling to stop flat earth theory, they use it as a pejorative to associate said challenges to ridicule.

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The Australian’s front page news a few days ago was: Covid Cover-up. How the Science was silenced. It details how Fauci did a major cya. Colleague whistleblower. The story is behind a paywall--could not post a link. I do think the full story is much larger than Fauci attempting to cover-up corroboration with the CCP on GoF research.

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the story seems to be generating even more 🤔…Kudlac & Fauci did some “interesting” experiments together.

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I hope these hit a public forum soon. The revolution seems to be starting. These facts would be good tinder.

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I’d be shocked if anything was ever done to any of these evildoers, Biden and the Dems control everything.

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This too shall pass. And then it’s gonna look like a fire sale at Macy’s! People knocking each other down to get to the Mike to expose and incriminate their peers before their peers can do it to them! Be ready to laugh tears of rage!!!

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Cheers for Senator Ron Paul!

PS Delighted to see a transcript! Thanks for posting this, Vigilant Fox.

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What baffles me is knowing this was not only a federal crime but Fauci worked out of Bethesda, MD and so Sheriff Maxwell Uy can investigate crimes and charge Fauci for crimes committed in Montgomery County Maryland and the same approach can be taken to investigate Jab deaths and harm created by the Trump/Biden Jab in every county across the USA.

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What is the statute of limitations on mass murder?

Fauci, Collins and their co-conspirators need to pay in full.

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There is none. Genocide is a forever crime.

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Maybe I’m dense but what I hear Fauci saying is that gain of function is going on in that lab, not that we are funding gain of function in that lab. I know it’s hair splitting and I hate that bastard Fauci with a passion, but I also know that Ron Paul is not the brightest bulb in any room and seems to have jumped the gun on this. Unless that lab is 100% “our” lab—which I don’t think it is—it sounds to me like Fauci did his usual verbal dance and hasn’t actually admitted that he funded gain of function. Too bad. It would be nice to catch him with his pants down….. well, on second thought! 🤢🤮

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According to David Martin and Judy Mikovits this all actually started in Fort Ditrick where she once worked for Fauci! The whole Wuhan scenario seems to be nothing more than a diversion but especially when then government and media also agree - saying it originated from there!

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Ya. There were lots of rumors like that with the onset of aids which of course was a manufactured disease. With Patient 1 being called a super spreader. But there were so many apparent origins that no one really cared. I’m sure the Insanes who do this stuff have many avenues of transmission if for no other reason than to CYA and confuse the search. I think there is enough evidence now to indict the bastards. Wonder where the vaunted ACLU is on this? I notice they’re beating the bush for members, why don’t they try DOING sonething to drum up memberships! Grrrrr! 👹👿

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He is one of the only people to have the guts to go after Fauci. I’d say he’s pretty great. Everyone else is too scared to get cancelled or torn apart by the media.

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Exactly. I think he appeals to people of conscience and courage but with little voice or representation. I’m a Kennedy kid from the 60’s and I completely agree with you my Republican friend.

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Thank You https://substack.com/profile/52930909-reality-speaks? , but as long as the Lobbyist has the $$$ control of Congress, it’s all a ShOw!

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AZT and AIDS creation empowered him

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There were several scientists that said COVID never could have happened in the wild, especially with the HIV genes in it. The MSM never covered that, it was censored. They only censor things too close to the truth.

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Unfortunately, this is not new information. Fauci lied to the President, Congress, and the American people and so did former Dir. CDC, Rochelle Walensky, former Dir. CDC her staff and the Administrator of the FDA, and the Director of NIH. We're just uncovering more and rehashing the known. But even more unfortunately --- not one single bit of justice is being served.

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Yeah, those nazis should punish those other nazis for their nazi plans.

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You are correct Rand Paul. Thank you for diligently following through. Now pls continue to do what is necessary to expose this to the whole on congress

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