MacGregor knows his stuff and spot on in this interview. Really shook up Tucker, too.

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MacGregor is part of team-saker, and Lira Gonzales CIA show

All of team-saker and there are 100's of them all are on London GHCQ,

The used to be called alt-ukraine, now with that winding down they're pivoting to Israel to be alt-israel

+5 years ago they called themselves 'alt-right' ran by PJ Watson, they are all homosexual, just like operation-paperclip nazis

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Sure zelensky probably did kill Lira, the CIA has seriously ass fuck zel, they led him into this sewer and now he's climbing out by working with PUTIN, if CIA doesn't kill zelensky first;


The thing to watch is Israel-Hamas(CIA) war in gaza, that is where the action is now and all our HOMO alt-right want everybody to hate Arabs & Palestine people;

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Man, reality is heating up. The truth is coming out more and more everyday. We all gotta be ready for the enemy to attack. They aren't gonna let this go on forever. Stay vigilant, my friends. Eyes peeled.

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I have been listening to Col MacGregor since the beginning of the Ukrainian Massacre by NATO. He is Spot On! I’m surprised that Tucker was surprised considering his family’s past involvement with the CiA.

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Wow! I was under impression that Putin and his military (convicts included) are massacring brave Ukrainians. I don't remember NATO bombing Drama Theatre in Mariupol, me thing it was Russians. Am I wrong? Illuminate me please.

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Yes. You are dead wrong and have bought the propaganda. Ukraine is a killing field designed by the Neocons and NATO. Merkel of Germany admitted that the Minsk agreement was a ruse to allow enough time for Ukraine to build its military for the sole purpose of softening up Russia before a NATO invasion. Nobody is interested in peace, only the destruction of Russia. Everything out of the legacy media, the State Department, NATO, the EU, or any other establishment organization is a damn lie to sway you to believe Russia is the evil empire. They've used Russia to go after Trump; we know it is a lie. The democratic party email leak was a lie, and Hilary lost the election. It's all Russia's fault. And it's all a lie. The same people that brought us weapons of mass destruction, the invasion of Afghanistan, the destruction of Lybia and Gaddafi, and on and on, are the people pushing to war with Russia. Yet, you still seem to believe them. Why?

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He still believes them because the propaganda machine is just that strong.

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I have quite few miles done so far. No propaganda will work on me. It's actually you who believes pure nonsense like the one I have replied to:

Ukrainian Massacre by NATO - a distilled lie.

Russia is massacring Ukraine, not NATO. I know it's tough to admit that.

Too bad.

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BINGO we have a winner, and McGregor did target selection in the YUGOSLAVIAN war where 100's of 1,000's of women & children were murdered by ZOG USA bombs, same now in GAZA;

McGregor is retired today, if he wasn't he would be picking targets in GAZA;

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Phil: ....State Department, NATO, the EU, or any other establishment organization is a damn lie to sway you to believe Russia is the evil empire.

I don't need any of the above mentioned agencies sway me. This fact is confirmed by incontrovertible evidence: RuSSia is and was an evil empire.

In 1940 RuSSia attacked Finland. It was a bloody winter war where brave Finns managed to save their homeland from evil RuSSia. At least 2/3 of it. There was no NATO at the time? No EU? Do you still blame NATO for Finnish defenses? And loss of Karelia? Which is one third of Finland.

They've used Russia to go after Trump.... woa! What a joke. Actually it's Trump aka Warp Speed man who refused to supply Ukraine with weapons as revenge for Ukrainian refusal to invent dirt on Hunter Biden. Burisma if you didn't know. Mike Johnson and his mentor Warp Speed man are trying to inflict as much damage to Ukrainians as possible just as vengeance for Ukraine saying NO to scams invented by Warp Speed man. Warp Speed doesn't like NO as answers to his demands.

I could not find anything about NATO (or EU) bombing Drama Theatre in Mariupol. Did I miss your answer? Yep you still seems to believe this lie.

By the way, today The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for the commander of Russia's long-range aviation, Serhiy Ivanovich Kobylash, and the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Viktor Nikolaievich Sokolov, for crimes in the war against Ukraine.

Are you going to claim this is a lie too? Or are you going to add ICC to NATO, EU, State Department, legacy media list.

Evil empires commit war crimes against civilians.

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I now see your problem. You are still living in the Cold War days. I have news for you. It is 2024, not 1940. The Neocons are also living in the Cold War. The Soviet Union is gone. Your analysis of Russia is old news. Your hatred has completely clouded your judgment. The same reason hatred among nations lasts hundreds if not thousands of years; it never ends, just like in the Middle East. Do you want WW3? Attitudes like yours assure it.

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You may want to look at a mirror to see where the problem is. You are out of arguments and then you turn this debate into personal attacks.

My attitudes are the problem? And not your complete lack of facts and data? You have no clue what is in Minsk accords and yet you quote it as if you know what's been agreed to. What a disappointment and a waste of time.

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Dude, you are so fucking out of touch that there is no way you can come to terms with the fact that all this nonsense we see is all connected. This Russian business is not as isolated as you want to believe just because of your hatred for the country. Your facts are simply Neocon talking points, which you have bought like a stupid fish biting at the bait. Did you not see, just a few days ago, the story of the leak of CIA bases around the Ukraine and Russian border? If you are so stupid to believe this is all a Russian plot to seize control of territory, then you are simply a one-dimensional man who has a credulity problem.

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You have forgotten Martians as well. They would fit nicely in your hallucinations.

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Close your eyes to the truth and continue that Kool-aid addiction. Oh, and make sure your children and grandchildren sign up to fight so they can be sacrificed at the pleasure of the neocon.

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All the children in this world are my children and grandchildren. So are murdered children in Ukraine, especially in Drama Theatre in Mariupol. These were sacrificed on altar of an utterly evil empire.

Make sure you wear your tin foil hat.

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Right. You pick your children based on your bias toward a country. Did you realize Zelenskyy ran for office promising good relations with Russia? Did you know there was a peace deal ready to be signed? And that Boris Johnson went to Ukraine and stopped it on the orders of the US Neocon? These are facts, my friend. Zelenskyy continues to send young kids and old men into battle when they have zero chance of survival on the orders of the US Govt. Do you even understand the Minsk agreements and how Ukraine, NATO, and the US broke the deal? Look it up. If the agreements were honored, there would be no war and no children dying. The Neocons and NATO want Russia's ass, that is their goal. You are siding with Neocons, Dead John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, and all the other warmongers in NATO to begin WW3.

The first war tactic is to demonize your opponents. You were conned on the first tactic of war to hate Russia. Your thinking stopped there; the Neocons have won your bias. Congratulations, how does it feel to be used? I am sure you bought the weapons of mass destruction scam too. And the Iraqis would throw a parade after the US destroyed Iraq.

For gods sake man, start thinking!

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19s of millions of illegal alien felons awaing their US benefits, military uniforms, weapons & other free stuff.

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Col (ret) MacGregor would be amazing as SecDef!

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Illegal invaders are one part of the Globalist Power-Elite WEF CRIMINALS' DESTROY THE USA PLAN. The Globalist Power-Elites' KINGDOM OF SATAN'S worldwide organized crime syndicate intends to ELIMINATE 90% of the world's population, destroy the sovereignty of all nations and RULE the entire world with their NEW WORLD ORDER GREAT RESET TOTALITARIAN HELL ON EARTH complete with government controlled digital currency (CBDCs) and the MARK OF THE BEAST microchip implant. Revelation 13:16-18

The Globalist Power-Elite CRIMINALS are the fallen rebellious angels whom Archangel Michael threw out of Heaven. They have incarnated on earth as Satan Worshippers and intend to destroy God's Divine Plan for earth and humanity.

God's Divine Plan for earth and humanity is HEAVEN ON EARTH.

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Donors are losing!

Will take awhile for them to retire and accept this!

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MacGregor is a silly person. I would never suggest censoring him. Let him talk. If you are in the mood for high octane nonsense, he's just the ticket.

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Everything Dr. Ron Paul tried to warn YOU PEOPLE about was 100% TRUE. Now go die for Israel.

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jeebuz xmas, you were never in all usa satanic history in power

mcGregor is a paid UK london cuck; he's part of the alt-right, team saker, op lim-hangout homo


USA was never a real nation

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They already do this. I know of people who have joined the Marines to get their citizenship.

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As if we didn’t already know.

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Migrants don’t like the food trey can buy with food stamps?

Huh, imagine that. I don’t think anybody is satisfied with the food stamps limitations on buying healthy food.

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They were sent here my Alysondro Mayorkis to attack Americans.

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Unless the traitors in DC are arrested and thrown in jail, awaiting trial, USA is lost, period.

Talk is really nonsense with these robot like money grabbing terrorist. This Col is spot on. Thank you Tucker. We hate violence, however the enemy is within. Our own military is traitorous in not helping the people in this internal war. USMC

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