RFK, Jr. You would get more crossover votes by leaving the climate "crisis" in the dust. Message this. Destroying the permanent DC that controls bureaucracy, eliminating US taxpayer funds going to NGOs and non-profits that act "as" government and bypass our Constitutional rights, stopping the 100% weaponization of the alphabet agencies. Racism is a weapon, sorry, used by Democrats. That's a fact. Republicans ended slavery, Republicans integrated schools. Conservatives don't care if you have a beard AND a dress on - just stay away from children. Restore ONE day voting, paper ballots, hand counting - NO machines. End the loopholes allowing hundreds of millions of dollars being spent to buy activists who stuff ballot boxes with preprinted ballots. Call out the phonies in your former party, like Pelosi, Schumer, and especially Schiff. If all of this doesn't happen, we're done.

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Beautifully said…he’s 100% correct….but it’s going to take more than one man - be it RFKJr, Trump, whomever, to bring this runaway train to a stop - all those with similar sentiments must band together and agree to HOLD ACCOUNTABLE those who have profited from this trajectory of destruction - and get us back on track. We literally need more than just “Superman’s” help - we need the whole League of Justice - we need all the good guys to stand up and say the same thing: enough is enough.

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Do Americans over there think he has a chance?

I like most everything he has to say and feel he would represent positive change not only for the US but for the world. Over here in the UK he gets no mention whatsoever in the press as a candidate. If it wasn’t for independent media I would have no idea that he is running.

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He’s brilliant and has been so right. Unfortunately for us all RFK’s hollow promise: I won’t take your guns; belies an agenda of a lifetime trumpeting restrictions that he does not apply to his family as he demands Secret Service protection 24/7. What about my family, Mr Kennedy? You know there are now 8million illegals and an entire generation of single mother raised out looting, killing, raping, car jacking, home invading recidivists that are forced on the rest of us. Look the American people in the eye and admit your lifetime of hypocrisy with regards the 2nd Amendment was wrong.

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He missed #1, ending Zionist control of the United States. Guess he has a hard time looking in the mirror.

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There is NO question that RFK Jr's assessments are correct, across the board.

The problem is that every single truly pitiable aspect of society he references is either amplified by or directly the result of government actions, many of which are directly attributable, at least in nascent form, to his father's, both uncles', and his paternal grandfather's (and their ilk/cronies) actions.

Now in my mid-70s, I well remember what this country was like before so-called liberals started "fixing" things which were not only not broken but which were the envy of the rest of the world!

The facts are accurate and the pathos is real but the responsibility for the creation and exacerbation of the problems is not addressed.

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It's solutions I was hoping for. We know the desolation, so many live it. It's why I'm behind Trump, he offers solutions. It would be a slam dunk election if RFK Jr ran as his VP.

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To get ballot access, he NEEDS the libertarian party.

The libertarian is the ONLY third party with 50 state ballot access.

Stand for freedom, become Libertarian

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RFKjr is a Zionist.

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He has my vote.

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Funny how Pro-Active healthcare has caused more disease and less Health huh.

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If people think the Deep State would allow RFK JR. to have a position of power (POTUS), I’ll sell you some waterfront property in the Sahara.

There is years of dismantling the last 100+ years. This is bigger than ALL of us, but it can begin.

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Thank you for standing for lots of good issues. What about defending precious innocent defenseless babies, how about faith in Jesus Christ who is Lord Savior and God government and politicians are the problem not trustworthy and don't care about it's citizens,life liberty freedom and the Constitution,do you support the constitution including the right to defend your life with a firearm,too much government is tyrannical the founders new this,God bless you and your family.

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RFK, Jr. in 2024 or bust!!!!

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He's correct. But, the trend is set: everything is being weaponized politically. This means only one outcome. A crash and burn, then a do-over. This is a lesson from the past.

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The Powers-That-Be Aren't Happy!

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