Strange that he did not explicitly call out the childhood vaccine schedule for causing autism, and instead blamed "environmental insults." This is all a setup for PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE.

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Also not surprising is his admiration and trust in sidekick Malone, and we all know the story there. God knows what these two are up to, but I ain’t rejoicing in any of these theatrics.

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Thanks Sandra. I recently read the Breggins Substack detailing several disturbing facts about Malone. Not to mention his absurd $25 million dollar lawsuit against them. The Kennedy-Malone affairs is to be observed with wisdom and discernment. I will give Diana West’s article, with thanks again.

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In what way do you think Malone is a sidekick to RFK, Jr.?

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Malone just wants his finger in all the pies. Bobby is most likely embracing support from whoevere he can get at this stage. Time will tell.

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Apr 25, 2023
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Well, definitely read though Diana West's posts--she make some very important points, like watch out for defectors who don't tell you anything you don't already know, and that the govt destroys movements by having operatives infiltrate them and sabotage them from within, by slowly steering the narrative back toward the establishment. She then asks isn't this what we are observing in real time? I say yes, definitely looks like the MFM is being sabotaged--I no longer recognize it, since with RFK Jr. much of what he says is the establishment narrative (e.g. there was a deadly pandemic, never talks about the bogus PCR test that drove the entire thing, and promotes the gain of function/lab leak nonsense).

Also, I posted on an interesting video by J.J. Couey, where he went back and watched an analyzed the video with Brett Weinstein, Malone and Kirsch:


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The "gain of function lab leak nonsense?" They were investigating combining HIV with SARS and it was all focusing on the role of the spike protein. I don't care what you think of virology. The spike protein could have been dumped from planes. But the research was certainly real. We have the papers. And the spike protein is an obvious bioweapon.

AND, at the end of the day -- there IS more evidence FOR virology than against it. Maybe it isn't 100% proven like we all thought it was. But maybe it is. Maybe the idea you can find a virus in a direct biological sample is way more crazy than it sounds. But I DO know what DOES sound crazy -- and that's the no-virus theory. Which is fine. It might be true. But what's also true is the people that told us this wasn't from a lab were working on what can only be described as, well, this. They did this. It came from a lab.

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The spike protein has never been found in any people. Cite a paper if I'm wrong? All the studies either look at lab-created ("recombinant") protein that was not found in anyone, or they are based on indirect nonspecific tests, bogus like the "virus" tests.

There is zero evidence for virology, because virologists never applied scientific method or basic logic and achieved their goal of showing the existence of a replicating, infectious particle that causes a contagious disease. Virologists always relied in circular reasoning and ridiculous methodologies. And contagion hasn't even been demonstrated.

"Maybes" don't cut it.

There is zero science showing any natural or manmade virus. Lab stories are designed to keep people in fear and stuck on germ theory, as a means of distraction and control.

The onus is on those claiming that a "virus" does exist to prove it.

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Absolutely the spike protein is found in the shotted dead. But you have to look for it, ie you have to use the kinds of stains that will find it -- and no one's doing that. Prof. Arne Burkhardt autopsied several dozen shotted dead and his group found the spike proteins all over the affected tissue -- whatever the affected tissue was. Burkhardt presented a slide showing the spike protein had replaced all the sperm in some dude's testes.

So, certainly the spike is real. And the rest of virology -- I understand some bars haven't been crossed and others have. Virology DOES explain the viral sicknesses that we see very well, and even avoiding the rock-hard proof the no-virus crowd is looking for, the alternative explanations fall far shorter than virology. That is a fact. So, maybe nothing's buttoned up, but virology actually makes sense, and you get to avoid things like "it's all in the mind" explanations and real out-there stuff like that. I'm down with out-there stuff, too. It's up to me, not out. Buuuut -- if the two sides present all evidence and argue right now, then virology wins. The no-virus crowd is simply left saying "it's not proven," but their own theories of sickness vectors are found even more wanting.

That's my take.


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Essentially, they are liars. I’m on a mission to demonstrate the power of prayer for the liars. They’ve been exposed, we just need to respectfully ask God for their plans to implode and explode into full collapse.

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Whatever is in the vaccines it ain't good.

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Yes. Destroying from within is going on right now everywhere.

Tucker ousted. Maybe spurred on by another honeypot/liberal activist/CIA bringing on another lawsuit against fox/ tucker. Fox has lost a few hosts this way. Sounds like Fox is destroying themselves.

Look at what they did in Project Veritas and getting rid of OKeefe. Malone trying to silence the Breggins. Alex Jones taken out from activists, etc. There is more.

They are driving conservatives to be active on the internet vs television. Funny. WEF said there will be a large internet outage within 2 years. So they will basically silence all conservatives and people who think outside of the box.

This seems all planned for years as it takes time to get their puppets inside institutions to disrupt the groups.

Ps. Thanks for the video. It’s fantastic!!!!! Omg. I’ll watch it on and off all day.

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That’s the Substack I referred to earlier. Excellent read!

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Oh. Which video? Do u have a link?

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If you go to the link I posted (at gingerbreggin), that's my comment on the JJ Couey video, and there's a link to the video there (plus summary comments in case you don't have time for the whole thing--6hrs!!! I actually did watch the whole thing)

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Found it. Thanks!!!!!

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I think by environmental he means it isnt innate or genetic. Vaccines, food, etc would all fall into that category. You disagree??

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Hi did not want to give the narrative-makers any sound-bites. It wa a clever move. The corporatocracy gives us all sorts of environmental insults in medicines, foods, and building materials. Republicans and Democrats take corporate cash to allow corporations to poison us. Kennedy has fought historical polluters his entire career. I believe he will be able to educate Trump on this and it will be a unifying populist issue.

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I think we have to be on the watch for the merger between weaponized "public health" and the climate change hoax--apparently, they are going to start claiming that climate change (hoax) is a public health issue. Good comment here that addresses this and more:


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Or the curious coincidence of an increase in asthma and other allergic condition with the decades of childhood vaccinations.

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Chemicals in the air, look at Geoengineering, cloud seeding, chemtrails etc.

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No, I don't think so. He's been in these health topics for so long he's using "environmental" to mean things you're exposed to in your environment -- endocrine-disrupting pthalates, endocrine-disrupting pthalates, more endocrine-disrupting pthalates, and yet still more endocrine-disrupting pthalates. And etc.

The word "environmental" is used like that in health science research. Fluoride that is added to water (which is actually, of course, industrial toxic waste from fertilizer and other industries -- full of all contaminants they came out of the air filters with. You can find the list of contaminants online -- it is long -- and the government doesn't even produce it -- they send you to a 3rd party website for the analyses. Why? Because they don't want to be responsible for it).

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I don't think it is strange, I would say he is smart because he will not get far if he starts talking about vaccines. He knows the harsh reality of speaking out against vaccines. He is already been called the anti-vaccine candidate.

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It is a combination of many inputs, including the vaccine schedule. Here is my thought process (with my wife) for our son with Autism:


"Meanwhile, my wife was learning more and more about the biology of Autism and the chronic and systemic inflammation that characterizes it. After years of research, reading, and really deep and complicated scientific discussions with Autism doctors and parents, she came to the conclusion that the root of Dusty’s autism was a combination of a genetic pre-disposition plus egregious environmental assaults. I will not get into the science behind this here as while she understands it on a surface level, I grasp probably half of what she comprehends. The biochemistry behind all of this is extremely complicated. But as this learning progressed, she became convinced that the ‘culprit’ – those environmental assaults -- in Dusty’s case was the heavily overloaded childhood vaccine schedule. Not any one vaccine, but the cumulative effect of the series of vaccines he had as an infant and toddler."

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I have heard from doctors online that children are now getting vaccines for over 60 "diseases" compared to less than 10 that my children got 40 years ago.

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It is more than just vaccines, you might be interested to read Anthony William the medical medium book Brain Saver, he talks a lot about the causes and what can be done to help.

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They KNOW what the problem is. Their problem is the solution is free and they cannot make any money with it. Better to treat symptoms, create jobs, and destroy lives in order for corporation wins.

Recently, a year ago [in two days], I had an accident in Lima, Peru. The doctors there wanted to perform immediate surgery. I said no. I spent five days researching on the internet and discovered that Peru uses Mayo as their go to source for what to do and what to believe. Mayo does 100% surgery on my injury. Johns Hopkins is still evaluating and 50% surgery and 50% allow the body to repair itself. Cleveland Clinic, 100% NO SURGERY. I found a doctor with ties to Cleveland Clinic.

In 1986 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and by April 88, given one last option and a 4–5-year life expectancy. I spent many hours at a local library. The head librarian was my God Mother and I had access to the world before there was an internet. Oct 88, my no cause, no cure [the medical world still says this is true] autoimmune was gone and it has never returned. Deep Remission. Bunk.

There are countries that did not allow western medicine to enter until the 90's. Once they did, all of western medicines diseases appeared. What you see is always a function of what you believe NOT the other way round. If you change a belief, you will see something new. Once you learn how to change your belief, you may always change them back, but the kaleidoscope of possibilities will have you shaking the instrument, you, to discover what is really there.

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I remind my family often, that our grandparents and great grand parents didn’t have big pharmacies. Nature’s gifts of roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish have potent degrees of cures and remedies. And there’s a bonus for those who have access to the ocean, rivers, sandy beaches, the sun and fresh air.

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Your grandparents and theirs had a variety of every vegetable to choose from. A quick search you'll discover how few are left. You get one or two in the USA. I believe the food nearly everywhere else is better.

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I live in the country in an agriculturally productive area. There’s a great variety at local farmers markets. Like “big medicine”, “big food” destroys choice. A trip up and down the supermarket aisle is a journey of revulsion. Very much of it, at least to me, is entirely inedible -- hyper-processed and over-packaged, I can’t imagine how people could consider it food.

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Well, no. I mean, the local varieties, yes. But the imports. You gotta remember the imports.

Anyway, I think the real issue -- one real issue, lol -- food-wise is the mineral depletion in the soil.

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People go to a corrupted and sickness-inducing industry for their "food", and a corrupted and sickness-inducing industry for their "medicine". Until and unless people stop pumping their dollars into these two industries, the chronic disease cycle will continue. Those industries exist because of near universal public demand. No president has the power to stop that. You will never stop chronic disease until that switch flips in the public mind.

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Ending chronic diseases won't help much if he is continuing the war against cheap fuels becasue of his mate Gore 's massive climate hysteria fraud.

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RFK Junior also said “climate deniers” should be jailed.

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Is that right? Then he's unelectable.

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He can start by getting the 1986 vaccine laws abolished. Then decimate the FDA and CDC, both infected so bad with parasites that no toxic vaccine bombs could ever cleanse them. Then clean out the AMA...just to get the ball rolling.

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RFK Jr will make a great HHS in the Trump 2024 administration. He is not the warrior, fighter, take no prisoners that we will have in Trump. He is still the old dem party and pushes climate change. I like his message on vaccines and Big Pharm. Great! But that is the extent of my support.

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Is Trump really a warrior though? He gave into Fauci and Birx pretty easily in 2020 and allowed them to run roughshod over the American people. He also began this cycle of snowballing debt that's given us the lovely inflation/recession we're dealing with now. He's also the father of the vaccine and refuses to say a bad thing about it to this day.

If you haven't read RFK's The Real Anthony Fauci, I'd really recommend you do. That's what a real warrior does. They don't stand around patting themselves on the back and throwing childish insults at people they deem threats. Nor do they act like giving people pizza and Mickey D's makes them the true hero of the story. A real fighter methodically breaks down the enemy's tactics in order to dismantle them.

Trump is a showman. RFK Jr, so far, has shown himself to be a true advocate and fighter for humanity, especially our children.

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There are others out there that realize that Trump failed his one test and failed it spectacularly. This one fact is why Trump isn’t the way forward if you truly want to fix what the Democrats have done to this country since 2020

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Omg. People need to stop bashing Trump and the vax! You all have Trump confused with Biden!!!

People were crying for a vax and Trump helped coax getting a Delta vax going for the elderly/vulnerable only!!! Trump said the vax has pros and cons and is not for the young in Newsweek! And it’s a choice!!

Other countries switched to only giving it to seniors which was its main intention to begin with.

Blue states were playing games with data so Governor shutdowns were a good idea in the beginning. Even RFK Jr tweeted support for lockdowns.

Biden abused a Delta vax for Omicron!! He opened it up for all ages and mandated it!! He’s the real criminal with Fauci.

Trump did nothing wrong under the circumstances. The data still supports vaxes for seniors and that’s why it’s still given.

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But why were people crying for a vaxx? Because they’d been misled to believe that ivermectin was dangerous. And before that, that the toxic remdesivir and ventilator combo was life saving. Trump and his policymakers allowed that fear to run rampant so that a vaxx could be pushed out. A deadly and harmful vaxx which was never needed in the first place.

I don’t care if Trump was ignorant to all this or just got played. He spent his first 3 years treating the White House like a season of The Apprentice. He fired everyone. Then Fauci comes along and he not only gave him the power to destroy our lives and livelihoods but then gave him an award before his term ended. He could’ve fired him if he wanted to.

Face it. Trump fucked us. Biden fucked us too. But this isn’t about who fucked us less. This is about moving forward with someone who is smart and strong enough to run this country and prioritize its citizens.

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? Poor reading comprehension? You ignored that Trump vax was for the elderly, it was a choice, and it had pros and cons, Governors shut states down, etc. You are using emotions to make decisions.

You can’t be a one issue voter. Another liberal/climate change president is suicide in the White House. China is already making power moves against the petro dollar.

It’s fine to be anti war but then you have to rule with strength is power mantra. Kennedy is weak and had no strength in his personal life. He won’t scare any communist dictator. Actually China will like his climate change policies as it benefits them. That is not thinking of the American people first.

So. I’ll leave you with that to rant about emotionally. Goodbye.

(Emotional decision maker = liberal. Lol. )

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Trump and RFK team up and they win.

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fwiw, most Presidential nominees have to get approval through the corrupt Senate, so that's where the problem lies. I actually did a lot of reading over at the conservativetreehouse during the Trump years to get a better understanding of what was really going on. "Sundance" who operates that site, basically explained that although we are taught that the President gets to select his cabinet, that's really not the case- most nominees have to get Senate approval. For Trump, his nominations had to go through Mitch McConnell (corrupt swamp rat)--McConnell has much more power than people realize. So, if Trump had someone good (e.g. say he wanted Catherine Austin Fitts has his Secretary of Treasury), McConnell would simply say, nope, I can't get her approved, but here's a list of people I can get approved (all swamp rats). So that's how it worked--McConnell controlled the process, and that's why Trump was almost completely surrounded by deep state snakes.

I just don't think the corrupt Senate would ever allow and non-pharma controlled person to be in charge of HHS, just like I don't think the corrupt whores in the Senate would ever allow someone who is anti-war to be Secretary of Defense.

So, all of this is to say that I think its wishful thinking that we can just put one person in there (even if he's the best person in the world, pro-humanity, pro-America) and everything is going to get fixed. The oligarchs control most of the key positions in the federal govt.


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His core message is to disrupt the government-corporate plutocracy thatenriches a few by killing many. This is beyond PHARMA and vaccines of course.

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His stance on the "vaccine" issue has dazzled many people. They are only looking at that one issue when they consider him as their choice for POTUS.

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Exactly! I guess they've never seen the clip of him saying climate change "deniers" should be jailed. I mean if that doesn't disqualify him then I don’t know what would. Or the fact Mr against the mandate made guests at his wife's Christmas party show proof of vax.. Or his staunch defense and advocacy to get his cousin off on the murder conviction of Martha Moxley in the 70's. I could go on and on about his past and piss poor judgment but people only want to hear what they want to hear.

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At the Freedon Alliance conference in Torrence this weekend an audience member asked Steve Bannon about Kennedy. Bannon said he likes a Trump-Kennedy ticket.

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This is a tall order for him to say that he can end childhood epidemic. There is way too much involved that will get him killed. It is threefold. Our children are being poisoned by 27+mandatory vaxxes(we as children had 7!), our environment is poisoned and getting worse with the planned train derailments and our food is full of toxins!!

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Did you mean to write 72+ vaccines?

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I think you're right on the number of doses, and MDrake is closer to right on the number of vaccines.

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OK...that makes sense. I am thinking of doses.

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Sorry, a climate nut/authoritarian is the new pandemic nut/authoritarian

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Fauci and Gates have done more to harm and destroy the health of the world than anyone else. For their PROFIT. We need to reverse course from their ‘science’ and stop letting Gates control health around the globe with his money. At least RFK Jr knows that. Unfortunately, Trump listened and was swayed by the wrong people. He was going to have RFK Jr on a vaccine commission and Gates convinced him to shut it down.

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it's the food Bobby...the food, start there.

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Nope, no thank you. The guy is radical and has poor judgment. He has done some good here and there but I will never vote for him under any circumstances. A liberal Kennedy is still a liberal Kennedy no matter how you dress him up and put a bow on it. And his stance on putting climate "deniers" in prison, sending ExxonMobil employees to the Hague and other fanatical and fascist comments should disqualify him for any rational human being.


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Yes!!! You are so right! Keep spreading the news so everyone knows.

When you read about his life and how he handled situations it really sounds like he is a nut job.

The second wife situation is brutal.

Edit. Proofread and kinda fixed my mistake. Lol.

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Climate change nutcase. No thanks, rfk.

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I do not believe that RFK Jr. is in the category of of "climate change nutcase" as every member of the corrupt Marxist Biden administration must be in order to work the regime that occupies the White House. If RFK Jr. was in this category, he would have been offered a high level position in the Obama/Biden regime. I view RFK Jr. as an outsider to the DC establishment deep state cartel as he has demonstrated over many decades of fighting legal battles to protect our environment from corporations that pollute rivers with toxic waste and to stop the use of carcinogenic chemicals (i.e.Round-UP) from being used as weed-killer on crops and other toxic chemicals used for pest control in agriculture. RFK Jr. was successful in bringing the class action law suits against Monsanto for the proven connection between the exposure to Round-up and the development of leukemia and lymphoma cancers. RFK Jr. has demonstrated that he is against big Pharma's dominating influence on our health care system and he attempted to warn Trump about appointing Fauci to direct the Pandemic Task Force but Trump listened to the RINOS advising him (including traitor Pence). Is there a video link posted where RFK Jr. is actually calling for "climate change deniers to be jailed"? I have not seen it but I would want to seen the entire context of any speech if he made that remark. I would want to know if RFK Jr. was referring to corporations that dump toxic wastes in our waterways and pollute the air with toxic fumes should be held criminally liable if they violate environmental standards to maintaining clean water and air. I have not heard RFK Jr. state that he is in favor of eliminating the use of fossil fuel and natural gas. I believe that he is more rational in his position that we cannot eliminate fossil fuel and natural gas as our primary source of energy as the alternative sources are not developed to a level where they are reliable sources of energy. I commend RFK Jr. for his work with the Children's Defense Fund as an advocate for children and adults who are vaccine-injured and to continue working to raise awareness of the dangerous risks involved with over-vaccinated our children and for warning of the dangerous risks of the experimental COVID injections early -on. He has been advocating for promoting good health through organic farming, eliminating harmful GMOs and toxic pesticides in agriculture, maintaining good health through nutrition and holding Pharma accountable for contributing to chronic illness with unnecessary vaccines and medications that do more harm than good for maintaining good health.

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I don’t believe that he attributed the health of children to unnecessary vaccines. And he’s only better than Biden but that doesn’t take much doing and he isn’t pro-life.

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He should run as Trump's VP and then be put in charge of all the health-related matters at that level. If he ran as Trump's VP, then Trump would win. And the possibilities in governance at that time would be phenomenal -- left plus right, all against the old order, all for health, all for this country. It would be great.

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This is a great idea and to hear Kennedy tell it Trump had him all set to take on the Big Pharma in 2017. Instead Trump got with Alex Azar and Scott Gottlieb and kicked Kennedy to the curb. Then Trump got 1 million from Pfizer.

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And he is pro-abortion. Non-starter for many.

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Be careful of this one. He may be the Trojan Horse for the Democratic party. He has Kennedy name recognition and has taken money from big Pharma. Something not right here. And again, he's a Democrat.

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Good for Robert! Grab DeSantis for your VP. Start a new party. I’m all in!

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