Getting smashed with chem trails every day in Florida! Sheep don’t look up!

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I’m in Florida too. Always wondered why DeSantis let it happen here

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They destroy the weather, jack up insurance rates! Fckn scam!

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Hey, me too! Our town took another direct hit from a hurricane a few weeks back. Desantis and bride were here passing out supplies. The chemicals stopped for that morning! The skies were clear while they were here.

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He has no control over it. It’s above him politically. It’s military/ energy driven. It’s a scam, and it’s poison. It’s most likely driven by globalists. ( Bill Gates’ money)

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TN governor stopped it so DeSantis can too!

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But did he really stop it? I’d be shocked if there are no geo-engineering chemtrails in all of Tennessee. If it’s true then well done!! 👏🏼

I’m liking TN more all the time.

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So, they just don’t want the governor to see how bad things are?

Idk it could go either way!

Either he knows and approves or he doesn’t know at all but I KNOW for a fact that I wrote letters and sent to his office every single day in September 2023 to let them know. I stopped when I got no responses. A letter EVERY day should spike someone’s eyebrow unless they are corrupt as well!

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I love your spunk! Keep it up. I think they know but can’t stop it. The same with everything being “ a national security threat.” They can use that to blanket any evil action without question. But they can’t force us to comply. Thanks for being a warrior. We will win. Truth wins always! 🏆👍💕

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While it's great that RFK finally put an end to all those dolts claiming it was contrails, I'm afraid it might be too late. Japan's release of self replicating vaccines might be an ecosystem ender. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/japans-plan-to-destroy-the-world

All it takes is 1 person with the self replicating vaccine and one recombination with a common cold virus, and then everyone will be getting the self replicating vaccine whether they like it or not. The Japanese government has already ordered over 4 million "doses"

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Where in Fla. I live Palm Bch county no trails.

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My theory is that there are more elites in palm beach. I’m in north Florida but have friends in Tallahassee where it doesn’t happen. Hm, government officials are in Tallahassee and some very wealthy folks in palm beach, probably another coincidence! lol

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I always wonder what plane pilots would be so low and unscrupulous as to poison the skies or alter them that would endanger themselves and their families too. For money? Maybe as I hear gates is gonna be selling coal company stocks once he gets to hell.

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Honestly, lately the trails have been replaced with fake chemical clouds in my area. Sometimes we get both but mostly the clouds. I have a theory about a naval ship in the Gulf of Mexico producing the clouds. I’ve actually seen some proof lately that my theory is correct. Proof in the form of social media posts

of charter fisherman being ran off by naval ships 25-100 miles off our coast. Posts with pictures of the massive ships.

We truly have been invaded by our own military and the general public doesn’t see it!

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Some of it is military, they do what they are told to do or else.

I had a Reddit conversation with a Chemtrail pilot who said they never spray near their own homes and take supplements to protect them from the chemicals.

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They’re kinda like the allopaths that poison kids for money. The sad thing about humanity is that almost all of us are for sale. That’s how the fiat kings sculpt this hell we inhabit.

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We need more governors banning chemtrails and all things “climate change.” Climate change is literally destroying the planet:



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We did that in Tennessee, passed a bill. However, when the spraying didn't stop we wrote the committee in charge of the bill and was told that the only thing he could tell us was the feds were in complete control of our skies and they could not stop them from spraying.

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This is what I’m talking about. Above the governors, above the FAA, above the EPA. ( or military with the EPA? ) National security can be an excuse for A LOT!

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For real?! Wowww — this is big. Do you have any references by chance? I’ll look it up myself but wanted to know if you already had any

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Much to my consternation I cannot find that email. I have several accounts and I have searched all of them, very strange indeed. When I received that message I was very distraught, I felt as though this was proof that America was done. What happened to our 10th Amendment? I did not bother to write the senator back, I felt it would be futile. The senator sent the links to the statutes giving them complete control of the air national guard and the spraying. You can contact the Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee for the bill: https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB2063&GA=113

The Bill is #2063.

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Can't believe it ! All these years and somebody finally going to address them. All draughts, floods and poison from chemtrails...

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Yessss! At looong last! Been following Dane for at least 15 years and sending his info out to my big wig activist "friends"/the ones who are long known here in the Pacific NW, seemingly knowing and caring so very much about our enviroment here. So disappointed! Their trappings are appropriate, etc to persuade their donors to continue feeding their 501(c)3: large salmon non-profit but their authenticity didn't extend out to complementary factions such as not destroying the weather. It took a while but I finally caught on to why Dane's info was of no interest to them. So disappointing, to say the least, how non-profits and foundations are gaming the system!

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The chemtrails are NOT designed to cool the planet. They are causing the engineered climate change, and I have lived in the same NJ area all my sixty six years, and it is on average ten degrees warmer every day than in my childhood. The purpose is to terraform, in other words, to change the nature of the atmosphere, soil, and water, which is being poisoned by several kinds of tiny toxic metal flakes, but mostly by aluminum. If this continues, the planet will not sustain life as we know it.



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Exactly and with all the clouds they engineered we actually had the coldest summer on record - most people were putting their heating on in June and July but still believed the forecasters who were telling us that it was the warmest. More bullshit lies

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???? That is not my experience. Here in NJ it was in the 90s this past summer. Now in mid-November, typically (back in the 1960s-2000s) was in 42-52 and yesterday it was 65. Never saw that before. All this past year has been far elevated over earlier weather patterns. For almost ten years now there has been far less snow as well. There has been huge changes here in NJ

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Yes well America is not the only Country in the world. England and Ireland have had a really bad summer

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I understand. It seemed to me that you were contradicting my words. I am not denying that everywhere in the world there is not only climate engineering, but also weather warfare. America is not the only nation affected, but is the one nation most responsible for the evil done to us all.

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No I was agreeing with you about Geoengineering and of course that's not all that's happening.

Well most of the evil elite live and work in America - of course not all.

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Climate change is weather modification! Facts! All bs to push garbage science! Sheep don’t care or look up! Gladly pay their upcoming CO2 breathing tax! 😎

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Globalist/ United Nation’s Playbook:

They create a problem, then say “ look we have a problem!” And then swoop in with the big fix. The tax, the fake vaccine, the E.V. & light rail, the 15 min. cities, etc. are the solutions. ( in their alternate reality)

It’s all a scam. They are patient in letting the citizens believe all the wildfires are climate caused. They aren’t. ( especially Lahaina, Texas, & Cali. fires) Fake articles about “ climate change” are everywhere, written by paid off “ scientists” that sold their souls for gold. The real scientists don’t receive most funding because they won’t deliver the approved narrative. There still are morally strong scientists that go against everything the fake scientists say. And prove it!

Oceans are rising? Nope!

Ice thickness at the poles is decreasing? Nope!

Climate Chaos started as another lie to get more taxes & justify the gov. to control more.

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Praise RFK who supports Israel, the big "hero" From my book first published in May 2016


These are the plans to be implemented soon. Global warming. Hmmm. A good word for what has been taught us as being global warming would be geo-engineering. The change in weather, which is happening; is not caused by careless pollution. At least not due to unintentional causes. It is very intentionally and very deliberately planned and executed. Do you remember that twenty-five, thirty years ago or more, that airplanes flying in the sky left a trail after them which lasted a couple of minutes?  

Well, you should recall that for a good ten or fifteen years, until just recently, airplanes left trails (called “chemtrails” in slang) lasting hours. Their paths criss-crossed in every which way, and some planes seemed to have no direction or planned destination. Many of those planes had no passengers, but they did have huge tanks of aluminum dioxide and magnesium oxide which they spewed all over the skies.

I remember that scientists were talking of ways to enable precipitation artificially using chemical means fifty years ago. I believe that these chemicals are related to H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which are in Alaska, Mexico, and China. They are sets of about fifty immensely powerful transmitting radio towers set in a rectangle. They are targeted to a triangular area anywhere in the world. These towers can, and have, caused hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, birds falling from the sky dead, or fish and/or porpoises in the sea dying for no apparent reason.

We are told that pollution has caused global warming, with a major danger being in the “greenhouse effect gases.” While that fits in with what I just stated, their hot air about it being caused by automobiles emissions is what will prevail in the media and in legislation. Instead of developing technology (special oil mogul interest) to alter emissions, (we do already have electric automobiles), auto owners will be taxed according to carbon emissions and miles driven.

This will drain our incomes. I know, I know. Those genius scientists show with their complicated diagrams, complex illustrations, and scientific terminology (science-babble) how harmful all the carbon is to the planet. And no, I don’t pretend to understand it. Because it is all BS.

I was told as a youth (by Lewis Saper, the inventor of the heart defibrillator) that a trademark of a highly intelligent person is the ability to explain complicated matters in such a manner that anyone, even a child, could understand. The complicated explanations fed to you by the “experts” are intended to confuse you, impress you, and deceive you into thinking that they have valid points and highly developed cognitive abilities. Do not be deceived. It is all a “snow job.”

The simple truth is that plants breathe in carbon and breathe out oxygen. Animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon. Plants and animals, using oxygen and carbon, are inter-dependent, they need each other and benefit one another.    


Do you want to save the planet? WE CAN. Plant a lot of organic (untouched in genetic alterations) fruit trees and vegetable farms and gardens. In yards, by the side of highways, in city parks, in empty fields, everywhere. Not only will there be a proper oxygen/carbon balance, but the result will also be that there will be enough food to feed the earth’s entire inhabitants for millenniums.

The same people who are overloading nuclear reactors, spilling oil all over the oceans, destroying our drinking water, destroying our food supply by altering its genetics; are telling us that we are overpopulating the planet. I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that. First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough.

He then gave some solutions to overpopulation. One of the solutions was vaccinations. That confused me at first. Aren’t vaccinations a way to promote more life? The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations. In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations. He also funds abortions. It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire “philanthropist” (he publicly announced his


I later proved that overpopulation is a lie. I credit Dane Wigington for being a steady voice in resistance to chemtrails. I have exposed that it is the US Airforce doing this. RFK is a politician, he is bought by AIPAC and has supposedly fought against vaccines, but has aligned with the one who has brought them to us. Kennedy talked to TRump before TRump Operation Warp Speed and told him of the dangers of vaccines, but Trump didn't listen. I don't trust either one. MY guess is that once tRump takes office, he will dump Kennedy. Trump is a Rothschild puppet.



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I agree with everything except Trump dropping JFK. Trump needs him & knows WE NEED HIM. Trump unapologetically disputes climate change & won’t flip flop on that. He urges citizens to ignore the big E.V. push by Biden.

Gates is big on depopulation, for sure. He’s largest donor to W.H.O. also. I ran across this article today. Another newsworthy event that mainstream media wasn’t allowed to share, I guess.


This entire page is interesting to look at. Especially Hotez cheering for forced vaccinations & lies about deaths caused by the unvaccinated. What an idiot. 🙈

We need Trump & JFK both to dismantle the true misinformation machine. All of it.


Back to chemtrails, we are getting them regularly in Seattle. The planes fly at extremely high altitudes & can begin & stop the spray at will. I have pictures of the trails falling vertically after hours in the sky. I live under the flight path & never see commercial planes, carrying passengers, leaving these trails.

Did you know that in India, they tell their citizens when they will spray? I guess that’s closest to an admission as you can get. Although I’m sure they aren’t transparent on the contents.

Great information Michael. You get it! 🏆👏🏼

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I get it? You don't. You think that Trump is beating the establishment. He IS the establishment.

Trump told us that he defunded the WHO. IT was a ruse. HE is a liar. He sent plenty of taxpayer money to GAVI

In this country, the mass vaccination of children at voluminous levels is nothing short of unmitigated child abuse or worse. In addition, vaccinating the old by introducing toxic viruses through vaccines that also contain poisonous and dangerous brain-altering adjuvants, is certainly criminal, but also borders on the concept of premeditated murder. This is the essence of the vaccine industry that is controlled by world health organizations, eugenic based foundations, and pharmaceutical giants; all tied to government for funding and promotion through propaganda the false efficacy of mass vaccination. This is nothing more that a multi-billion dollar profit generating effort by very unscrupulous and evil corporate and government partnerships that seek to gain power at every turn.

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As an example of these collusions between the controlling classes, Trump recently, and as usual, did a complete reversal, contradicting his phony position at every level in an effort to gain certain political support while doing the exact opposite of what he claimed. Doublespeak in this arena is common, but in this case, it is also deadly. In order to gain favor from tentative supporters, Trump stopped all U.S. funding of the World Health Organization (WHO), pretending to show contempt for its policies and control of this fake pandemic. But at the same time, he gave over a billion dollars to GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a fascist public-private global health organization. GAVI is one of the largest contributors to the WHO, so in essence, Trump’s actions were a total lie, as the new contribution to the WHO funding GAVI was many times more than the past three years, which by backdoor techniques could be used to fund the WHO covertly. It is telling that since the U.S. quit funding the WHO, the largest single contributor to that evil and corrupt organization is the Gates Foundation, and Trump gave the Gates’ created GAVI over a billion dollars of taxpayer money.

There is also much more deceit evident here. GAVI and the WHO work hand in hand, along with The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and are attempting to vaccinate the world in short order by claiming a deadly virus called Covid-19 will devastate the planet. On the WHO website, COVAX is the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, and claims it seeks to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines and end the acute phase of the pandemic by the end of 2021, never mind that the so-called acute phase ended much earlier this year, if it existed at all. They must know the future because they have planned the future. Bill Gates is controlling much of this effort, but Gates has been partnered with Anthony Fauci and Birx in the Trump administration, and is the leading funder of the WHO, is the founder of GAVI, and all, including Trump, are working together in a joint venture that will lead to mass vaccination. Considering this alliance from hell, Trump has stated publically that he has deployed and will use the United States military to distribute and administer the new vaccine that is coming. This too will be a direct collaboration between Trump, Gates, the WHO, GAVI, CEPI, the Pharmaceutical mafia, and many of Trump’s cabinet. So did Trump really defund the WHO, or did he just create a mass mandatory vaccine squad bent on controlling the globe?

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The players involved in this global reset meant to gain total control of all populations, are all working together while pretending to be enemies. It is no different in party politics, as in this country where the democrats and republicans are thought and claim to be mortal enemies; both continually seek the same agendas. They both want power and control, but they also want unlimited government spending, money printing, socialized health care, protectionism, economic control, trade restrictions, war, geopolitical control, and mandatory mass vaccination. This is a global effort run by a top-down ruling system where all in power work together against the people. This is the constant modus operandi of the rulers and the political classes, and each and every division amongst the general population helps the controllers to achieve the power necessary to build a world governing system that allows for total economic and population control by the claimed elites.

This Covid vaccine that is most likely already sitting on the shelf and ready to go, is a very key component of the global takeover and reset. I think it may be the most important aspect of the current plot due to the fact that if it is widely accepted, it will lead to extreme sickness and death around the world, causing renewed and severe fear worldwide. This is exactly what is necessary to fool people into accepting an untested and likely fatal concoction meant to help speed up the advance of a totalitarian and technocratically run system. In addition, there is no way whatsoever to know what could possibly be put into this vaccine to cause the implanting of gene-altering technology into human subjects. Experimentation on unsuspecting citizens has always been a factor in vaccination production and use, but this time considering the advances in technology, it could be life altering for many segments of the global populace, and administered covertly.

It is my opinion that there will be a massive ramp up of isolation, quarantine, tracking and tracing, stricter mask requirements, lockdowns, business closures, and much more aggressive state enforcement practices, as have been telegraphed in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, China, and much of Europe lately. I think the most dangerous time is directly ahead, and will probably begin in earnest as soon as October or November of this year, and escalate continuously throughout the winter months and the rest of 2021.

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The vaccination effort will go forward, but in order for that to be accepted by a majority, much more fear will need to be spread by the propagandists controlling this narrative. The attempt to stoke mass fear will be multi-faceted, and will most likely begin with the useless presidential election, and the extreme violence perpetrated and allowed by the ruling class. Once this planned total chaos ensues, the reporting of mass death due to this hoax called Covid will be let loose on the public, and the turmoil will serve as a distraction and cover for the real agendas being sought.

At this point, the people of this country are thinking that things have improved slightly, and that there is a light ahead, but this is just an illusion. Most are still in a dire position economically or psychologically, and are ripe for abuse by the state. It is just the calm before the storm, as the second phase that has already been implanted in the minds of the people will soon be forthcoming unless large numbers of Americans wake up and say no more. This is just an extension of 9-11 on steroids, and this terrorist attack is no different in that it is not an attack by monsters from afar, it is an attack from within on all citizens by the very U.S. state claiming political authority over all.

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Trump lied about a lot of things, he loves the swamp and hired only swamp rats, took millions from Big Pharma and gave us Warp Speed, which is totally unrepentant for. I think Trump is the snake.

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Tell me what he lied about. Enlighten us all.

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Lunatic4Bizcas6 hours ago (edited)

@Michael Kahn : ¡ Exactly ! Trump is also photographed at having been at one of Jeffrey Epstein's functions, yet when confronted with the issue, Trump claimed that he never knew the guy nor had any sort of friendship with him. Trump is part and parcel of the same machine, but the fact is that he was never directly involved in politics himself and instead hovered around the periphery of the political establishment, had a considerable amount of the populous fooled into thinking that he was for the people. Trump is probably the perfect decoy for the deep state, because while many of his followers are distracted to the detestable deeds of government, Trump's party and allies from across the aisle are up to the same games of interventionism abroad and disenfranchisement of the average citizen domestically. Trump was installed as president to prevent the nation from coming undone at the seams. If Trump had not been elected then there could have been a possibility for a mass uprising against government, and that is the last thing the international cabal of elitists and deep state operatives could want. A polarized and divided nation is much easier to control and manipulate

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AS you wish. Rothschild, as you should know, owns the national bank of every nation, including the federal reserve. He is the richest and second most powerful man in the world, makes wars, does pure evil.


Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.


Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



Epstein's book 4:50 and 7:14


Here is a damning video on Trump. At 5:12 it gives the names of, and the sums paid for hush money, of the half dozen children he raped. At 8:00 you see Trump with his buddy Klaus, who he says is doing a great job. There is more in this great nine minute summation of how you were fooled.


my website where you can sign up for a free newsletter and books attached to it.


Michael Lewis Kahn

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The Covid poison vaccines were 95% ready to go, before Trump was President. There wasn’t Warp Speed anything except the D.O.D. & Pfizer logistics. Trump tried to get huge shipments of Ivermectin & Hydrochloriquine to the U.S. before he left the Presidency. Biden & corrupt elites didn’t allow that shipment. Why?

Because ivermectin would’ve squashed the chance for emergency use approval by FDA.

Biden allowed the media corruption & allowed his presidential puppettry. That’s worse than a “ snake” in my book. He allowed the Covid chaos to continue & opened our borders without apologies. This wasn’t about a single bipartisan bill, that republicans rejected, as Harris suggests. This happened for 4 years!

Biden is guilty of treason & his oath of office proves it.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

We have been invaded by both foreign AND domestic. We are at war now, if you didn’t know. Biden has hurt this country immeasurably. Harris hasn’t done anything to help. I can’t help you if you haven’t seen this.

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“ took millions from Big Pharma”, like stole money? Did you know our own FDA does the same? 1/2 or more politicians in Washington. D.C. do the same. Bill Gates & other corporate elites claim to be philanthropists but makes money on his charity investments. Harris is a communist & she doesn’t deserve to even be in politics. The elites HATE Trump. That, alone, is reason to vote for him. He messes up their plans to take over every nation & enslave all. We worked too hard for our freedom & liberty, to hand it over to a bunch of spoiled rich knuckleheads. Trump isn’t a saint but who will run our country if Harris wins? It won’t be her.

Is the monster behind the curtain going to help or hurt us? If they are the good guys, why are they hiding?

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What total BS. If not then prove Trump is part of the evil. If you think he would give up a wonderful life to be treated like shite and put all his loved ones in danger for this you are very special.

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Trump is a stakeholder of the WEF just as all the others - you just haven’t woken up yet https://www.bitchute.com/embed/0JH8R1aQ8Y7I

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I exposed, and as fully informed president trump knew, there had been absolutely no plandemic. IT was all a hoax. 5G causes respiratory illness. In Wuhan the first deaths people dropped dead. They were not sick in bed, they were healthy, then dropped. Here is the evidence;

Few journalists have mentioned the true character of 5G. IT is too unbelievable for most. 5G will be the method taken to kill most people. Vaccinated people will drop first, the rest of us will take a while longer. Remember the Georgia Guidestones and the world population goal= 500 million, and most will be Chinese, as they have their system already in place.

I have done the research. Look at the evidence. The first link has a mountain of evidence. Watch the videos on that link also. 5G is most certainly a death weapon and will be used on us very soon. A slow kill that they could speed up at any time? Yep.

You need to take heed to this, it is most important, more than world war, and more than Ohio. Remember that they never isolated covid, and that we are learning of the possibility that the whole concept of viruses is being proven faulty, that "viruses" are really exosomes. Do not trust the establishment. The devil is a liar.

I have been getting headaches, which was very rare for me before. Have you?





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While Trump shut down the nation (he called a state of emergency that gave it under FEMA jurisdiction, he lied saying that it was up to the governors) I was exposing that the hospitals were not full, that PCR test kits were not legitimate diagnostic tools, that tens of millions of PCR Test kits were bought in 2018, that the virus had never been isolated (it did not exist), that while usually about 80,000 people die annually from flu, but in 2020 5,000 did (they were said to be dead from covid, but really was the flu), that hospitals were killing people due to deadly protocols, and that vitamin C done IV heals the sickness, Trump meanwhile shut down the nation to allow for coercion to vaccinate. He then gave us OPeration Warp Speed, and everybody knows that the military does not save lives, it kills people, but he got the military involved. THe covid vaccine was created in 2017. There never was a covid disease. Trump knew full well that GAtes would depopulate the planet using vaccines, my parole officer met with him in July 2016. My book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE published i n May 2016 included this:

The same people who are overloading nuclear reactors, spilling oil all over the oceans, destroying our drinking water, destroying our food supply by altering its genetics; are telling us that we are overpopulating the planet. I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that. First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough. He then gave some solutions to overpopulation. One of the solutions was vaccinations. That confused me at first. Aren’t vaccinations a way to promote more life? The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations. In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations. He also funds abortions. It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire “philanthropist” (he publicly announced his generous contribution to abortions and like donations).  Does that not enrage you? If not, there is something seriously wrong with you, as there is with that lovely murderer, Gates. Funny,


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Anybody that still believes this BS after Trump has been investigated by every professional with every rock over turned for over 7 years and they found NOTHING is suffering with TDS or just low IQ. Which is it?

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Read my part on him being a Rothschild puppet. Rothschild is above the government. He orders them. DId you see anybody arrested after Epstein's book and videos were discovered? The CIA, FBI, etc. all work for the powers, as does trump. The CIA, FBI, Police and military all follow orders, and are not serving the public. You learned of fake news. I have uncovered that the CIA dominates the news on all sides, they are over all establishment and most alternative news sources. Fox is just as bad as CNN. From my book:

One more item for this chapter. In “THE PSYCHOLOGICAL COVERT WAR ON HIP HOP” book 2, Professor Griff exposes that the government totally endorses fake news legally. Page 157-“In February 2004, Fox news won a legal appeal that declared that Fox news had no legal obligation to be truthful in its reporting. The court agreed that Fox had indeed been untruthful but ultimately agreed with Fox’s argument that the FCC’s policy against the intentional falsification of the news is not a legal mandate, requirement, or regulation; and that Fox may falsify news reports. Fl. 13th district New World Communications of Tampa Inc. vs. Jane Akre, case no. 2001-529.”


In “Unreliable Sources” I found how media and government are wed. Like the military industrial complex, and like pharmaceuticals, and other corporate capitalistic (do not assume that this is the only form of government that does this) ventures, the media has incorporated itself in the rule of this nation (and others), and vice versa. Let me present you here with a list of some revolving doors within media and government. These are found on pages 110-120.


Read my comments. The media pretended to be against trump, but they only reported softball. They did not report what I have- his being found guilty of felony fraud while campaigning in 2016. They did not report his hush money paid to half a dozen children he raped. THe news media made him look anti-establishment when in reality he is their boy.

LIkewise, the charges recently were softball, easy to prove innocence, and deisgned to make him look like he is anti-establishment. Ditto the assassination attempts. Lame. IF the CIA wanted him dead, he would be. Ear was healed miraculously. No blood on his hand, but he said there was. He is an actor.

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Trump is a stakeholder of the WEF the same as the others - you just haven’t woken up yet https://www.bitchute.com/embed/0JH8R1aQ8Y7I

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He lied about being christian


From my book published in 2020, this part penned in late 2018

Oh, yes, regarding Trump: The president cries about “fake news” and he is absolutely correct. While he was campaigning, Trump was being tried in court for fraud regarding “Trump University” which he owned, and had advertised as having hand-picked teachers who were teaching his methods for gaining wealth via real estate, as its curriculum. These courses were sold at various levels costing from a couple of thousand dollars to thirty five thousand. Some six or seven thousand people forfeited the tuition, some of them their life savings, in the fraudulent endeavor. It was discovered that the teachers knew little of real estate, and did not teach any Trump-based methods. Trump was found guilty, and was required to pay back a portion of what he had stolen; but very few media sources revealed this transpiring. Instead we heard Trump’s rants regarding “crooked Hillary.”

While Trump was being investigated by Mueller, the New York Times investigation uncovered huge tax fraud and deceptions by Trump. Silence from Mueller regarding this. To enable impeachment of a president, all that is needed is to prove that the president violated the public trust. Nixon was impeached for wire-tapping a few opponents and lying about it. Clinton was impeached for lying about his sexual encounters. But now the whole world is wiretapped, and it is the ‘whistleblower” (Snowden) who is wanted for treason, and Trump (whom the NY Times has counted as having lied as president 7500 times by the end of 2018) brags about committing adultery and grabbing women’s vaginas, and will not be impeached.

“Trump University” did not make the news because of “the media’s conspiracy theories against Trump”(sarcasm). Meanwhile, as Trump maligns the media correctly after taking advantage of what I had revealed about the media in EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, and calling it fake news, then masqueraded as being anti-establishment, as the media cooperated with him by attacking his every move, thus corroborating what he said in the public’s eyes. All deliberately misleading a gullible and trusting citizenship, leading them into one wrong mindset after another.


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Can you cite where Trump gave money to GAVI? I know he’s a big talker & “ shutting” down the W.H.O. would never be taken seriously. I know about Gates & Fauci but did Trump in 2020-2021? I don’t know. He trusted Fauci because he had too. Fauci talks a big game but ran NIH like a personal business. The only good thing to come from these 4-5 years is more knowledge & transparency of corrupt agencies & individuals. We, Americans, allowed this unregulated, fake “ safety” agencies to exist without questions.

We need regulators to regulate the regulators. And maybe even more safety nets to deter corruption. It’s like “ Turtles All the Way Down”, but the opposite.

Have you read that book? Ugh! I’m 1/2 way through. Besides “ the real Anthony Fauci” book by Kennedy’s, this one is solid facts against ALL vaccines. Shocking & sad. But again, we let this happen without question. We trusted the system & we never should have.

C.S. Lewis talks about the narcissist evil citizens that make their way to the top of every society. ( “ Mere Christianity”) It gets increasingly bad until civil wars, & revolutions break out & everything implodes to start the process over.

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I looked up the document, I saved it on october 6th 2020, I am not sure where I got the information from, obviously it was from books by the authors mentioned. I have read some Lewis when I was christian= screwtape chronicles, some other fiction. I am no longer Christian, my book soundly debunks the bible and proves it was written by pharisee Josephus. THE debunking involves hundreds of scriptures and common sense proving scores of points. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, bad values, contradicting concepts, spells, and outright lies.

I am fully aware of who Jesus is, and have no more interest in the faith or the people. CHristians scammed me of $12k (millionaire Jonathan Cahn, my pastor), fucked me, deceived me regarding the nature of the faith, stole my royalties (Over a million dollars) and I live in poverty in one room with no stove and no heating vent, with rats and roaches. Don't get me wrong, I Love my life and my advocation, have confidence and pride for who I am and my accomplishments, but have a very healthy distrust of christians.

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You don’t know my Jesus. If you did, He would help you. You probably never gave a chance. The “ church”, and other Christians are not a reliable advocate for God. They are human, selfish, and full of sin. If you read “ Mere Christianity” you’d get it. You’re judging Jesus by a faulty meter. I know there’s more to it for you but I hope you get rid of all the excuses & let him into your life. It will change you. It’s indescribable the love HE has for you. HE knows what hurts you, HE knows your story.

You don’t KNOW HIM, until you’ve given HIM a chance to lead your life. Not “ church”, not with your own understanding, but with an all out surrender & with faith. I think you’re scared. That’s ok, but it’s still an excuse. If you’re not scared then you already know everything & your wisdom has made your heart stone cold stupid. You have a chance to be part of the greatest story ever, but you had money stolen & already KNOW Jesus. So you won’t trust, again. Great plan. I hope you change your mind $ your heart softens. You sound like a good guy. I’m out, but I will pray for you.

The one thing that you’re missing in all your writings & understanding is the spiritual link. This is spiritual warfare & has been for a long time. Good vs. evil. It’s biblical & God will come back, as written, and have the last battle with Satan. HE is angry, I’m sure, about the pain & needless deaths that have occurred the last 4-5 years. HE knows & vengeance is His.

Romans 12: 19

It’s not complicated. Good vs. Evil is the choice. There is no middle ground.

Read “ Mere Christianity”- I would send you a copy. 😇 I love this book.

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keep your book. I know enough about the faith, and I know your character now also. Horus/Jehovah/Jesus/Allah/Satan are all one and the same. Thanks for trying to bring me into the kingdom of God which is hell. Another deceiving evil Christian.

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I was a devout true believer for ten years, believed the bible which I studied independently 10,000 hours, and applied every bit to my life. I know Jesus well, thank you, and don't want them in my life. The kingdom of God is hell, and Christians, with their deep love, want every and anybody in there with them. COME ON IN, THE FIRE IS FINE.

The stolen money is just gravy. I wrote a book on the bible and the faith, burying it deep in its own dirt. CHristians are the biggest lying phonies, and so are you. Yes, it is evil against good. But the question is WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? THE DEVIL IS A LIAR.

And you just tried to bring me into hell using deception

I used many hundreds of scriptures to prove scores of points in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY.

Calling it "making love" does not make it "Love' it is still "fucking" and indeed Jesus has screwed the planet. And you call it love. Devil.


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Never mind about GAVI, I found it. That was stupid of him. I’m not giving him a pass but Biden has spent our money in stupid ways too. They all do. But maybe now Trump knows. He wasn’t a seasoned politician & probably had others overseeing his charitable donations before presidency. We need some hope that if he’s elected he will right some wrongs. I’m an optimist, throw me a HOPE bone, would ya?

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vote for a real man who has brains, courage, integrity, and can take the hits


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REAd and watch my submissions. HE is a freemason, a Rothschild puppet, was on Epstein's island, raped half a dozen children and paid them off to silence them, shut down the nation, gave us OPeration Warp Speed, was involved in a assassination hoax that killed a man, need I go on? come on.

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Trump shut down the nation and gave us Operation Warp Speed. He is a freemason and a Rothschild puppet, and supports Israel. AIPAC and huge donations and he made Jerusalem their capital after some very hefty "Gifts" Trump is bought and was on Epstein's island and at home raped at least half a dozen children.




Really cleaned up the swamp? HE is the chief swamp creature. DId'nt start any new wars, but didn't end any either, in fact under him the US escalated aggression in several nations. Hillary in Jail? HE also (I think) knew full well what was going to happen on January 6th.

Wouldn't help those who are incarcerated for supporting him. A billionaire can't donate something? But he wants campaign contributions. Don't assume I support any politician. No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists. IF you want proof of anything I just stated, ask. I can provide.

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Where the Rothschild & Free Mason proof? I know a lot of Presidents are part of that club, but not all.

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I placed it elsewhere on this comment section. Just a minute.


Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.


Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



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The Tennessee Governor signed a bill that BANS CHEMTRAILING. However, we were still getting sprayed months after so I called the committee chairman who was in charge of implementing the bill. He wrote me back and said all he could tell me was that the Feds completely controlled all spraying in the skies and they could not stop them. What happened to the 10th amendment ? We have been captured and all those voting for Trump have lost their minds,(the shot affects the frontal lobe, which hinders critical thinking) voting for a man who pushed poison on the World and killed and maimed millions of people in the U.S. alone, including many children. Trump is TOTALLY UNREPENTANT. We will all be judged by the Most High God and I don't think voting for Trump is not a good look. Consider all the lies, "Lock Her Up, Drain the Swamp etc...

We must all pray for Discernment.

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As I said in yesterday's newsletter, the people need to be more discerning in who they put in power positions. We are in agreement. I knew of the bill preventing chemtrails there, but did not know it was futile. Thanks for info.

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FFs. It’s also the weather machines !!! He knows this but rarely mentions it!!! That’s why I quit watching his distraction videos.

He finally admitted a few weeks ago in his video that storms are manipulated and can be steered!! The sprayed particulates help their machines also. They are all used together!!

Watch out election day in key areas for storms and power outages to deter red states and rural voters.

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Did you know RFK Jr stopped talking about the covid jabs as soon as he got in with Trump. Paul Alexander was invited to speak at the RNC, he was told he would have 3 minutes, when he got there he was told he wasn't even going on stage, you can imagine how pissed he was after spending his own money to fly there. He believed RFK Jr was going to get Trump to finally admit the truth about the deadly injections, instead it was radio silence. I want to know what the hell is going on. Then Trump did an interview with Mark Levin last night and he praised the jabs. Something sinister is happening with Trump and I want to know what it is. RFK Jr has been a huge advocate for the truth on the jabs so what happened.

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RFK Jr threw his support behind Trump because of Trump's promise to stop the Ukraine war essentially overnight. Bobby will ALSO help with cabinet appointments in the new Trump administration. The jabs may not be resolved by elimination, but won't be mandated. We can't win it all but we CAN make a significant difference from inside the machine instead of hollering & throwing rocks at the machine.

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Trump told us that he would empty the swamp, prosecute Hillary, and many other promises. And of course he told us how safe and effective the vaccine is, to this day he encourages people to take it, his greatest achievement in his own assertion. He is fully aware of its effects. You need to stop being so gullible.

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Show me where Trump has advocated taking the Covid shot, in the last 6 months. I’m not seeing that at all. In fact, there are articles that claim the exact opposite. Trump hasn’t spoke of the Covid shots because he knows it’s divisive. “ to this day.. “ just isn’t true.

You can hate Trump, but you shouldn’t lie. It’s bad form.

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That was no lie, I can't find the video of course, I am sure he has had them deleted, but he did a interview a couple of months ago and he was saying how wonderful the jabs were and they saved millions of lives, when we know the opposite is true. Trump is the snake.

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Trump has always been bought. He shut down the nation, gave us Operation Warp Speed, was on Epstein's island, is a freemason and a Rothschild puppet. He is a liar. Both RFK and Trump support Israel. AIPAC


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Thank you for subscribing. I hope you did so on the website given, not on substack. I have no newsletter on substack, only for those who subscribe on my website, which is done through protonmail. IF you subcribed via truthforce.work you will receive the newsletter every day free, with books and documents attached for free reading. I do not work for monetary reward, but live solely off of my social security check, which is small but sufficient. My goal is lofty. To save humanity, and to introduce and initiate a new and far better civilization. The blueprint is in the conclusion of my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. attached to the newsletter that you will get free.

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It’s not sinister, but he can’t be completely honest until he’s elected. He would lose 1/2 his votes. The reason he is happy about the jabs getting out is because before they were rolled out, the globalists intended to involuntarily quarantine those that were positive with the virus. ( Because the vax wasn’t ready yet, but mostly they wanted an excuse to move forward with their ONE WORLD plans. By getting the shots out faster, they were denied this obvious excuse to take our freedom away.

I think after Trump is elected, he will explain a lot more. They used him to take the blame for everything wrong w/ the vax, and the process to manufacture & distribute. The fact is, the shots were almost 90% ready before the virus came. The globalists & other wealthy -evil individuals have planned this for decades. Fauci was very involved in all of it too. ( using our tax dollars!)

It wouldn’t help anyone for Trump & JFK to reveal anything right now. Trump needs to get elected to go after these criminals & figure out how to do it. The U.S. Department of Justice won’t be too excited to indict all involved, including the D.O.D. It’s very messy & complicated. ( understatement) But don’t panic. In the end, God will also judge all involved.

Roman’s 12: 17-19


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Trump lied to you about so many things, but you still trust him ? His warp speed killed and injured millions. He said he is Christian, yet he said he had done nothing to repent for and could not even pronounce 2 Corinthians, he is using Christians, please pray for discernment.

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There was never any covid pandemic. The so-called virus was never isolated. They used the faulty PCR Test kits to diagnose because they can be cycled to find any disease in anybody, sick or not. There are ordinarily reported 80,000 deaths via flu. In 2020 we were told that there were 5000. Tens of millions of PCR Test kits were bought in 2018. Covid was not the bioweapon, the vaccine was. People in China dropped dead. Not sick in bed for days. Here also. 5G.


Those who follow the establishment news media, including Fox and CHristian alternative news media, which are dominated by the CIA, know very little truth.

sign up for my free newsletter with ebooks attached.


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Not to be a “ know it all” but I already know all that. Trump has only proven to get in the way of the globalists. He doesn’t need their money.

Thanks for the link. I read everything but cautiously believe anything. It’s fluid facts, like science right? Always changing and shifting. Common sense isn’t even useful when it comes to evil plans and dirty poisons.

I KNOW chemtrails are real. I have watched for years & see the manipulated clouds. Big billowy clouds that we have never had in Wa. They stick out to me. I have a great memory & I’ve never seen these in 50 years. I searched “ dark clouds” one day because our clouds are almost always dark on the bottom, and flat. That’s different. I found an article that claims it’s from climate change, of course! 😂.

I also know that spy drones have been watching me for awhile. I may do a note on them sometime. I always thought it was only when I videotaped the trails in the sky. It might be more often. They aren’t seen with the naked eye but by slowing down my videos, literally frame by frame, I’ve managed to get numerous pictures. These things are FAST! They look like birds, but can roll and fly upside down & super fast. UFO’s? Maybe they’re the good guys. I doubt it. It’s hysterical the military, or anyone would watch me or see me as a serious threat. I encourage anyone to try this by videotaping chemtrails & warcjing back super slow. It takes patience. They are a blip of dark on the screens. Then replay & stop until you get the image. It’s fascinating. I also have seen them in white. A lot more difficult to make out the shape. They’re mostly black.

I’ll check out your links.


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Trump was going bankrupt from failed casinos and Ross the Rothschild banker bailed him out. Trump took many loans of billions from Rothschild banks. they "kept him alive" meaning rich. HE owed them


Obviously you are not a danger to the powers. I have been incarcerated repeatedly, threatened with decades in prison, put in an institution for the criminally insane which was instructed to kill me, but they saw my character and refused to, but playing both sides (it was a government institution= TRENTON STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL) they kept me 21 months, put me in a unit of drug users where I learned drugs (before that I didn't know what they were, I am still in the natural realm) then put me in a backward of drug rehab. Was assaulted repeatedly, sustaining fractured jaw, arm, ribs, and a very bloody nose. They taught me survival skills, hope when all hope is gone, overcoming impossible odds, etc.. you get the picture. THis after my first book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE got me into prison and in TPH I finished THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY and researched much of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH ,both far more volatile than the first book. I am not under the radar.



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“ watching back”

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more on trump


Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.


Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



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Things are definitely about to get more interesting in the coming weeks. I am also going to follow what RFK Junior has to say about vaccines. He’s been so outspoken in the past I cannot believe he would back down from that. But we shall see.

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The one who exposed the vaccines who partners with the one who gave them to us. Yes...sounds like real commitment to you? Has he said that he is antivax when they are all obviously dangerous (but not as bad as covid bioweapon)? Come on. RFK supports Israel, the litmus test for integrity and he failed miserably. Don't be deceived.

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Everything happening is because of who?

The “Lunatic Left”! Which now has gone full blown “communist”!

This is happening all over the world! America is not alone. The breathe of these demons, these

“Global Communist’s” has become rooted in all societies.

Unfortunately, it’s going to require something more profound to stop a “New World Order” from happening! I don’t think people realize how “deep & wide” the problem’s are.

Everything from the UK Imprisoning “truthful people” simply for stating facts, truthfully to “X” being banned in Brazil because Musk won’t “censor” a corrupt Justices opponent.

There’s a myriad of similar examples happening all around the world. Monkey Pox, fake pandemics, forced vaccines, men in woman’s sports!

The insanity is astounding. They’re throwing everything at us in order to suppress and

“overthrow by overwhelming” everything in the “Western World Nations.

Religion, ethnicity, gender mutilation, DEI, ESG and on and on! Why? These tactics have been used against society’s to control people through violence and oppression!

Fear mongering, censorship, illegal invasions, depletion of our rights via military, fuels, food, water, transportation and education are the most obvious threats.

Unfortunately, these attacks aren’t threats anymore, they’re being encouraged and enforced by “Useful Idiots”!

There will come a point when people finally say enough! I hope this happens, because if people “line up” as they did en masse for the Covid Bioweapon, we can kiss America’s

“Constitutional Republic” Goodbye!

It is absolutely amazing how many people believe if Trump wins in November all our problems will be solved!

Please wake up America, please?

Americans / America are the primary enemy of the “Globalist”!

Never forget who said:

“Fundamentally Transform America”! Yes for those who forgot, Barack Hussein Obama!

Obamacare, an illegal money grab by undermining the “commerce clause” ushering in the beginning of

“Government Run Healthcare”! Lie after lie were spewed at every turn to pass Obamacare, but at least:

“if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor” right?

Wrong! Since 2008 until today, these “ narcissistic psychopaths”who hate America, literally have been undermining our Country and are in their final phase!

Combine this with “Globalist” entities, unelected bureaucrats who haven’t any rights to tell Americans what to do, are getting away with murder, literally!

At least now we’re beginning to fight back! Yes, but unfortunately

“a day late and a dollar short”!

Although it’s better than

“Rolling Over” without a fight!

I’m not sure where any of this is going. I do know, it’s not what’s being done “for us but to us”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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The Spirit if the Antichrist ! Recently at the Olympics.

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Yes absolutely Male, sadly it’s “everywhere”! Has “infiltrated” everything, from the highest Catholic Churches to the smallest Local Library’s.

Marxist / Marxism Ideologies, which most people who were recently protesting against “Israel” calling for complete annihilation, haven’t a clue about what they’re talking about.

It’s all about “Agitation” and creating fear! Conversational ideas are no longer acceptable.

It’s either my way or the highway and this in and of itself creates a very dangerous environment.

Thank you Male for your input and your insight. The only way to stop this madness is helping others understand what’s happening. I appreciate your help.


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If you are an environmentalist, you know solar panels loose much of their efficiency while generating much smaller amounts of energy from our Sun.

Even the weathermen have named 6-8 “new” cloud formations from the spraying.

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Blocking sunlight blocks vitamin D....

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Also join forces with Reinette Senum's SAVE OUR SKIES: https://www.saveourskies.org

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! Weather warfare: geoengineering/chemtrails are a large component of their anti-life arsenal!

Those WEF monsters need to be depopulated off the planet! Anyone with 2 brain cells would know that 'NET ZERO' is an utterly insane off the charts idiocy, an absolute mathematical, physical, statistical and practical impossibility that can never be achieved or exist in reality!


It's always since the dawn of history, been about using knowledge for power and control by the psycho portion of the human population that learned how to manipulate 'normies' to obey them in their power-mad power trips.

In these modern times, this evil has become TECHNOCRACY, the vilest threat to the existence of all life on earth since forever!

EW! GROSS! HELL NO! https://www.technocracy.news


The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?


I DO NOT COMPLY! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! May more and more wake up and resist and cultivate their health.

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!


Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

I have no fear of 'germs' or 'viruses'. One of the best places to go for reality: https://virustruth.net

I try to live without fear! Fear is the mind-killer!


And these, the criminals behind the NAC and all the other schemes will use hypochondria hysteria and 'climate' hysteria to propagandize the gullible 'sheeple' into complying with TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT which is what this is really about!

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.

AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.

Kudos to Vigilant Fox's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (69) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!

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MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!






Links to reinforce my comments.










Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Z pretends that nobody covered this before. Stop your nonsense. Wigington has been doing this for a long time, I have been since 2016. My newsletter makes these kinds of bland theatrical reporting look lame. And Z's presentation that most people don't know about it? My readership, 100 million reading my newsletter every day internationally, have been knowing it for years.


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Eat bugs to save the weather! Cow farts make the weather hotter! Sheep science!

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I’m in NE Ohio. I swear - ever since Bobby talked about chemtrails, I haven’t seen them.

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Funny you say that. We’re on consecutive days now of crystal clear skies in MS.

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RFK may be sincere. but TRump is bought and would not allow him to do what is necessary. RFK is limited courage as he supports Israel. No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists.




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Military program. Super obvious.

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