He could not have made a worse choice. She’s an ultra progressive. A typical wealthy white chick with more money than brains. Unbelievable.

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I read a mainstream article about this pick. The comments were the craziest bullcrap you every heard in your life. “Millions of kids will be slaughtered by these maniacs- kids need their Vaccines!!!!” I despise our species more each day.

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The RFK Campaign is clearly one of advocacy awareness that will force other candidates to acknowledge and respond.

Good on him.

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In my opinion, she should have put childhood vaccinations in first place. The others have a cumulative effect, but UN-necessary vaxxes in infants are immediately harmful.

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Someone has to set a new agenda for the Americans. It has been so much about the wars and weapons and aliens from the south borders. For the first time someone is introducing a subject that's so pertinent to the well being of Americans, but yet so neglected and a taboo, in my opinion. It may not be a vote winning conversation (because I think many are still in denial about the grip and control of big pharma on the psyche of the Americans ) but it's good for this issue to be raised at the highest level. Shanahan looks nervous but has her facts right!

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RFK Jr just went from longshot / maybe / hopeful to a joke. Worse choice possible.

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That's great. She is still a left coast silicon valley billionaire elite. About as far from working class middle America as possible. RFK Jr just lost me and my family.

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It will hurt Biden and that’s the only good thing about it

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Love that she wants to protect our children! Her priorities are in the right place.✨

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Loved her! She has a little stretch to go on vaccines … but guilt over her daughter’s injury is a hurdle she will overcome. The vaccines are ALL worthless. If the pandemic has a benefit it is the highlight of this generalization.

By comparison to Bobby and Nicole the WH is currently inhabited by chimpanzees.

How about some character and intelligence (the brain kind not the CIA kind) in Constitutional governance.

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What qualities her for being President if something happens to him?

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Her like her focuss here.... simply going on her speech..... it was refreshing to hear this out loud, she seems to know her stuff and is calling out exactly what needs to be dragged out into the light... - chronic disease by poison of citizens.

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She is absolutely correct.

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Dr. Zach Bush set the standard on glysophates (ie roundup) causing autism... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw16LPVnNco

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Is she also a Zionist? Like RFK, Jr?

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She is just like Kamala.......She says she is SO ANGRY, while she grins ear-to-ear like the Cheshire Cat. Oh, brother! "We will use AI.....blah-blah, blah!" As Joe Biden says, "That's a lot of malarkey."

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