At this point it is time to start naming names….

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Yes, and the names likely go all the way to the top of DoJ and the WH! But there's slim chance justice will be served!

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Three words, Secret Service Barbie. 🫡

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Wait, no, hey, well then, We're gonna allow men who say they are women to compete against women in order to prove that women are just a strong as men so more women can become Firefighter Barbie, Policewoman Barbie, Secret Service Barbie, and GI Barbie - so there!

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And what about all the Secret Service Kens who should have done the jobs they were paid to do, but somehow ... didn't?

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lesbo!! dyke!! worthless pos

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Ya'll have been played hahahaha suckers

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


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Trump would have had the BEST surgeons who could easily repair a bullet wound and graft tissue where needed.

There are many surgeons who've practiced on war wounds only to become the best at doing what they do.

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Yes of course he healed and had the best cosmetic surgeon do all that in time for the meeting two weeks after the 'shooting'

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


Ya'll are so dumb... ya'll deserve to be boosted to death... cuz that's the only cure for what ails ya'll https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/there-is-no-cure-for-stupidity

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It was a setup. I am a ‘from the cradle to the grave’, female . And I am NOT surprised it was a female in charge (or was it? ….. this could be a beta male ‘identifying as a female)…..

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They took away the A-Team to be replaced by F-Troop.

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And holding them accountable.

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When is anyone in the Biden Administration going to be held accountable for all the wrong doings they have done?? Now nothing is being done or said about the way Kamala Harris is suddenly the Democratic nominee for president! This is blatantly unconstitutional, yet they get away with it. This Administration hates America, and all that it stands for. They will do whatever it takes to bring American down.

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When Yeshua return, ALL will be held to account!

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are you shitting me? we have been waiting for over 2000 years, through all sorts of calamities, evil govts, etc, so how much longer?

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Yhwh God doesn't measure time, as we do; neither is He constrained by it as we are. He gave us "signs" to alert us to when His return is near, and those signs have been appearing over the past 75+ yrs, precisely as foretold. Just because He hasn't come in your time doesn't mean His word is not true; that He's not coming. We do not know the day or hour, but the season is here!

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Nicely said. There's talk now about the next and last war. Russia and China are now aligned, with their muslim partners. We're closer than we were last year. I thank God every day for letting us know what's coming in His words.

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It's always been the end of the world for some. I remember a neighbor i had about 40 yrs ago who belonged to a certain religious sect which is built around "End Times"....Anyway....every week they publish a newspaper that showed "proof" the end is near. Here we all are...no one has been lifted up through the clouds as far as I know....Governments are evil and corrupt-- as horrible as always and the little guys suffer. Nothing much has changed. One of these days they will be right I am sure. There will be a new heaven and a new earth--the bad guys will go into the eternally burning hell and the rest of us will be lifted up....sure would be nice....I try to be a "good person"....but am I saved? probably not....

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You know the answer A Hunter is living in the White House and all his criminal cases are being neglected B RFKjr is denied security C Top FBI and DOJ officials were working with former FBI head Louie Freeh who was in turn on Hunter's team. That probably explains why the FBI pretended that they could not verify the laptop when they had in fact verified its authenticity with Apple and there were hundreds of hours of Hunter's selfie porn videos, thousands of text messages including many with Joe Biden and 125 THOUSAND emails that could be verified.

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Was she from the Pittsburgh office?

She needs to be named and shamed.

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Have we had enough of women running essential things? No doubt there are competent women, but are they in government agencies? Now we may have the incompetent of the incompetent in a woman president who tells us she's African American and her best qualifications for the job are good blows given to high-ranking men.

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Josh Hawley is my senator. No one is running against him in the primary tomorrow. Smart 😊

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Criminal Negligence OR worse

Interesting that they probably sent the A team to Jill Biden's function

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Clown Show Continues 🤡 Total Disgrace & EMBARASSMENT

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I smell a rat. When cheating gets this dangerous, it becomes attempted murder. All this and they didn't fire her. Are they saving her for another round? So much evil in every sphere of this government...

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And the fact that the SS leader who deliberately botched this job was a woman does NOT mean that all women are either idiots or traitors. Most idiots and traitors are male.

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There are only 2 republican women who aren't "idiots or traitors." ALL demcrats are.

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AND then there's Tulsi Gabbard, who for the moment is independent ....

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Trump had 6 debates. Harris had none. Nobody wants a president who can't even debate the issues! Only a tyrant doesn't "debate."

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Oh, Vigilant. Did you leave your BS-detector - your "vigilance" in all things - in the off position today? The Trumpster crew was trying to gin up support for the Pub ticket by following up w/the Trump shooting predictive programming we've been hearing about for years by STAGING one.

> Trump Shooting Psyop - The Lack of Discernment is Frightening - mirrored here by "Beardy" -

2 weeks ago - Trump, MAGA, PSYOP - https://www.bitchute.com/video/q1tRtkC9NmWr -

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/2jnS6TzXI3yh

Fake Assassination Attempt on Trump: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ipk5tXCYJbvO

Lots of great videos w/detailed analysis/info on the rally's anomalies & crazy happenings that day so the irrefutable conclusion is that, yes, it was a Trump psyop to garner campaign support. Ready-made T-shirts & "ear bandages" in a couple days of the event to buy immediately at the GOP convention?? How did that timeline include the time needed to print them, package them & ship them from China, er...India or where-ever to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Really, Fox? Your naevite' or something is showing. ;-)

You bought all of that "miracle shot" story-line hook, line & sinker? "Prayers for Trump"? "Wait...get my shoe" (well-known illuminati symbol) >No fear< FIGHT - FIGHT- FIGHT. Oh, really? HAH Really? Nahh.

You don't stand up afterwards, like Trump did, if the shooting is real & then shuffle off in a ludicrous SS cartoon huddle (or stay seated in the spectator stand behind Trump) unless you KNOW it's FAKE. The entire play should win one of those RAZZIE (Golden Raspberry Award) awards for insanely bad acting & bad plotting.

> ScreenRANT -15 Actors Who Have Won The Most Razzie Awards - Published Feb 26, 2017


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Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


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Responsibility is NOT in the Dem dictionary nor are Ethics, Patriotism and Pro-America. Can anyone imagine what theseDEI and green folks would have done during the 1930s….sunk America for sure. These folks either are totally clueless and devoid of brain mass OR have been indoctrinated by our enemies as inside agents. …there have been so many screw-up with this one rally it could not have been by accident. There should have been an agent or so who knew better and said something or were they all brain dead to what is their job of Secret Service…. just need to lie detector all to find out where the fault is before another death. No doubt the current Regime would love to see Iranian agents be responsible for something they can drop a bomb on and deflect from their own incompetence…. oh I forgot our tax dollars likely paid for it all.

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Execute them all, boss to cleaners.

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