Our 19-year-old son will NOT join the military until they stop all of these mandates. He's gifted, made 96 on the test, speaks 3 languages and has over 3.7 gpa in college. He saw himself as being a military person for his career - but no longer. Sad that they will put everyone at risk instead of doing right by the world. If people haven't figured out that this is not about covid yet, they have their heads in the sand with their arses sticking out for the lions. All of this and I won't even address the crt that they are pushing. When did our military get so weak? The "leaders" of the military certainly do NOT set a good example of strength.

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Good for your son!! I'm a veteran of the Gulf War and I tell EVERYONE who is considering joining the military (or have kids that are), NOT to do it.

As you have pointed out, the mandates are the biggest immediate issue, that I see. However, even if the mandates fade, you WILL have to deal with the woke issues, not just CRT, but every one of the lgbtFU activist BS agendas out there.

Part of that is the demoralization of the military, both locally (base and unit levels) and as a whole institution.

Having tranny and drag shows on base...marching next to a dude in makeup, mascara and a skirt breaks down the discipline and pride in a fighting force. The same would go for women, forced share latrines, sleeping quarters and serve, with guys claiming to be women.

They have effectively injected sexual deviance, into a military structure, where it used to be punishable...not out of discrimination, but because it is a toxin for that fighting force.

It won't change anytime soon. These woke military members are now advancing in the ranks. They will be the new unit commanders, team officers and NCOs grooming the new recruits coming in.

Anyone one who is normal...yup I used that word...as in, not a deviant SOB...will have to deal with this dysfunction day in and day out. They will have no recourse, for issues they encounter. If they raise concerns, they will be the one in the wrong, labeled a bigot, racist, trump terrorist, demoted and sent to a re-education program...and that will be a good outcome.

Until you see an administration in power, that flushes this crap out of the military, stay out and tell your kids to do the same.

I do have a suggestion...all these smart, sharp kids, who have a conservative, patriotic streak in them...have them get into local politics. That is where the real battle is being fought. Have them join the campaigns of true conservative candidates, learn what it takes to run for and hold office and then run for office themselves. Just as we needed our nations best during each previous war, we need them now...in this war.

Lastly, thanks for raising a son, who recognizes when something is wrong, because he has common sense and self respect. He is a rare breed these days.

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Spot on!

Exactly what we are dealing with everyday for the last two years!!

Our “leaders” have become spineless cowards who only care about themselves. Even if we got all of the right people in the right places tomorrow, it would still take 10-20 years to fix what these loonies have done to our military.

Just about every flag officer and CO needs to be held accountable for forcing this bioweapon death serum on everyone. At a minimum, their uniform, rank, pay and ALL potential benefits need to be stripped from them. That needs to be step number one if we are going to fix anything.

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Very Well said!!

You don't wash the shit out of those skivvies over night.

The same is true of the civilian world/societies. I keep telling people we have lost this country, in that, if it ever swings back to the middle much less the right, it will take decades, to nullify the numbers of indoctrinated kids, that have been poured into the mix. We wont be alive to see it, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight those bastard while we ARE here.

Couldn't tell if you served or are active duty. If either apply, thanks for choosing to step up and stand on the line. If not, thanks for seeing the rot in this country and her military...we need more like you!!

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I’m still active coming up on 23 years. Been fighting the COVID madness since 2020 and it’s basically been my only job since I was fired from everything.

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I feel for you buddy.

I got out before the whole time out card BS started. Not sure I could have taken it and not been court martialed.

I hope you have set a exit date and are close. Not to tell you what to do, but I knew allot of guys that stayed past what their original plans were and looked back, to see that they had given away good years...that could have been spent on their terms.

I wish you the best of luck and health, with gratitude and brotherhood!

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Obviously this is the plan being put in place by those who hold the marionette strings of out leaders. A weak, incapable US military is the goal.

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You are correct, when it comes to fighting other country's. But they (woke regime) don't mind having a strong capable military, so long as it aligns with their agenda and goals.

It's the same premise that they (leftist/globalists) work from, with all the societal splinter groups.

Ever notice how groups (that would normally have nothing to do with one another) showed up in mass, to protest Trump? BLM and femenists, along with lgbtqFU pushing trans-everyone, with environmentalists, and pro-choice with civil rights and liberal clergy, groups advocating open borders, moms proud of their trans kids and those pushing the pedophile MAPs sickness, teachers....the list goes on. What the left does so well, is united all these groups under one umbrella of resist, wokism, globalism, anti-conservatism, and anti-God.

That's how they have gotten to this point of societal take over, The military will be one more group under that umbrella...a very strong and capable arm...for the agenda.

You are correct Maria, this is definitely a plan.

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So very well said! A true voice of reason.👍

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Thank you Kelly. I seem to make more sense when I'm a bit pissed off 😁

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It is quite effective. Intense passion can do that. Kudos!

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They are losing their best candidates like your son, and causing other superior service members to flee. It’s a bleed we can’t survive.

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When the CJCS GEN Milley was kept after assuring our greatest geopolitical foe that he would "warn them" if POTUS acted-up ... f#%*ing traitor at best

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Thank you for this.

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SecDef Austin and Gen. Milley have blood on their hands.

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The anger - where were they two years ago?? Why now? Too little too late - hell no one is left not vaxxed and the others been discharged, shamed, careers ruined - shame on you bunch of spineless RINOs now speaking up! (Sans poor Ron Johnson who has been the lone wolf standing). What is wrong with you congress people???? 🔥

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I started reaching out McCarthy last year and they wouldn’t do a damn thing. Then I switched over to Darrel Issa and they would keep telling me is “wait until November”. It didn’t matter how whistleblowers reports we gave them, legal crosswalks and testimonies from the “vax” injured. Yes, Ron Johnson has been the only one attempting to call out the insanity, deaths and injuries associated with this bioweapon, but when your dealing with a rogue government, it’s hard to get anything done. Johnson has sent several letters to the secdef about the dangerous and illegal policies. The secdef never responded!!! These people are the domestic terrorists that we swore an oath to defend against, yet our “leaders” have somehow forgot that part.

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The 20% of unvaxxed Canadians who've resisted since Day 1 will NEVER submit.

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️


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Agree. The damage is already done. this is just for show to make ppl think something is actually being done.

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There are still thousands of us that are in, holding the line. I’m one.

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Thank you for covering this kill shot non-vaccine so well!

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Thank you 🙏🏻

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Why so late though? Where were they when this happened immediately and the “science” was still the same then as it is now? I’m growing tired of our political class failing us, but yes, it is better late then never. Now figure out how to get it repealed for our healthcare providers that are in servitude to hospitals that take medicare or gov funding. Enough is enough. Even the Supreme Court won’t rule on that while the merits of the it are laughable. Even if the disease was as deadly as the many on the left liked to suggest, it would kill all of its hosts before it could spread at a fast clip and you still wouldn’t need a vax mandate. In that case, people even might get an experimental vaccine. Dayum I’m tired of this.

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The putz in the White House needs to be kicked to the curb for how he has chosen (and he did choose) to treat our military members. Brandon is one pathetic dude.

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They did the same to Canadian military, students, healthcare workers, pilots, federal workers, ME, and the list goes on and ON!

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️


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Fact is the PEDO Joe has already been even better than kicked to the curb. But the actor now needs to be dealt with!

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ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!! They’ve been way too slow on this. How many of our brave men and woman have already taken the shot?!

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I think there are too many stupid people in government for anything to change. The fact that the Republicans haven't shut down the government with all the lunacy that Biden and his handlers have unleashed on our country shows that they are all in it together. No, they have done pretty much nothing to stop the nonsense and in some cases even helped him. The Republicans are spineless.

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Thankful we still have some in our Govt that really do have “CS” ... COMMON SENSE ... Not “commie sense” - wicked mandates that violate 1st Amendment for personal choices for life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness

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It’s a start, but I still don’t have any faith that this will happen anytime soon. Theres still a ton of political rhetoric within his statements. How about the fact the FDA pulled a massive bait and switch with the fraudulent approval process? The supposed approved injections were never available for anyone in the United States? The injection has murdered and maimed millions? Our military is being decimated by a bioweapon in which the genetic code was received from the Chinese government? Or the fact that this entire scamdemic was planned for decades!!!

I say this as an active duty Sailor with 22 years of service who has exhausted all means available several times over. Our so-called leaders are lost, weak and spineless!

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Great post!!!

Write all those Senators and tell them you are proud of them. If you want a behavior repeated, you need to reward it, with at the very least praise. Let them know they have our support.

I have little faith or confidence in the uniparty, but will give credit when and where it is due.

I've said this a lot in the past 3 years..."The enemy of my enemy is NOT necessarily my friend...They are just the enemy of my enemy. As such, I will not turn my back on them (especially politicians), but I will assist them in fighting my enemies, as long as they are doing so.

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I have to just be honest. Every person in the senate and Congress are aware of the effects and the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines. They all are and were aware of the fact that the only trials were and are being held in real time on the general public with no warnings, no list of ingredients, no real factual list of side effects besides soreness of injection site. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government not being required to take the shot, strangely neither is the US postal services employees. That in it of itself is all I need to hear, when it comes to deciding whether this is something I’m going to put into my body, or have put into my family. They know it doesn’t keep you from getting sick, so do we. It is a dangerous substance and our government is requiring it for us. THEY NO LONGER WORK FOR WE THE PEOPLE. NONE OF THEM. If there is one that you think is saying the right things, well yes some still have a conscience, but they should be throwing themselves in front of the needle to keep the poison from getting to us! This is one of the many reasons we, WE HAVE ELECTED PEOPLE TO MAKE DECISIONS IN OUR BEST INTERESTS! We have to wake up there is something so damn sinister going on here and I am willing to bet in the next year we all will be battling the fight of our lives on our own soil! We will be saying “if only we had acted sooner before they fired off the first round!” Mark my words this is headed for the most horrific blood bath we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes! This is our country still but this is not our government! Our country has been taken hostage by foreign entities and interests. We are being exploited for every resource and being used to give comfort to our enemies and others while being bled dry! The time is ticking away, while we wring our hands and sit idly in consternation, conflicted about what they are going to do, we know damn well what they aren’t going to do! They are not going to save us! They are all complicit!

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Active Duty O here who is holding fast (due to religious convictions and moral conscionability), and there are thousands of us...it’s about time. Stand up for us, America. We stand up for you.

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Most certainly, It isn’t very often I have heard from a hold out, mostly just ones who’ve had to give in by now. Good , glad you are still holding to your convictions!

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There are still thousands of us. The media would rather you not be aware of this, but rest assured there are plenty (even Os)! Thank you.

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Thank you for highlighting this. I had actually written my two Senators today about this. Now I will write my retiring Senator also.

First the military, and then provide protection and justice for the civilians similarly impacted by the gross violation of religious denials amd the refusal to recognize the right to informed consent.

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