Dec 1, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

My wife and kids are unvaxxed from the Covid jab. Our youngest is totally unvaxxed from everything. We stopped with our daughter at age two right before the big ones that they give. We live very healthy. Eat 100 percent organic. I don’t drink. Non of us smoke. My wife has maybe two glasses of wine a week. That’s it. We are very active. We spend a lot of time outdoors getting natural sunlight. This past month has been hell on earth. My wife has been dealing with a attack on her reproductive organs bladder and kidneys. I’ve been dealing with gut virus after gut virus which now finally leaked into my brain and I have a chronic virus I’m dealing with. This is absolutely unequivocally from the vaccine shedding. It’s the only explanation. Our holistic clinic we go to just informed me today, that I’m the 6th brain virus they have seen this month. Thank you as always Vigilant Fox for putting out the truth and fighting for the truth always. God bless you!

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Mr. Mills throughout history it is the same MORONS who blindly follow EVERY government dictate without critical thought or question that allow the powers-that-be to dominate mankind! The mainstream media is a MASS MURDERER as are the people who have implemented this "pandemic" and subsequent "vaccine"! PERIOD!!! We are all brainwashed from an early age to not question authority or those who have been given "authority" BY authorities. The knee-jerk reaction of most people to anyone who tries to warn them about ANYTHING contrary to the "official narrative" is to assign the vigilant person to the scrap heap of "conspiracy theorists".

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So let’s make up a negative name for those ignorant people...shall we? Tit for tat. If name calling is their game to shame honest dissent or contra-narratives with factual data/evidence then it’s about time WE NAME THEM!! Maybe 🤔 something along the lines of “brainwashed bootlickers?” Two can play that little nasty, kindergarten game. Realizing one’s honesty should never have to stoop to that level, it’s these trying times we are faced with that call for retribution towards any nonsensical condescension. These people are off-the-wall crazy 🥴, so if there’s anything they understand...it’s slanderous rhetoric. If they can dish it, they must be forced to take it!! 😉

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Shall we call them Cooperative Suicidists?

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Cult Crazed Jab Junkies

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Good one!! 🤭

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Sheeple works for me. Or, plain old conformists.

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If anyone’s interested, Bailiwick News here on Substack is full of good research on the history of how all this got implemented.

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It was ever thus. Only a small percentage will ever wake up or not be as susceptible in the first place to the relentless and murderous narrative of the death injection and everything else the evil people keep doing.

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Same for my friends. Cycling Ivermectin has been extremely beneficial for them reportedly

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Here are some other things to look into:

Nattokinase Degrades the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein


13 ways that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes damage


Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2


Bromelain inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection via targeting ACE-2, TMPRSS2, and spike protein


The Combination of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc) Synergistically Inactivates SARS-CoV-2


COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 2,743 studies


Resolving "Long-Haul COVID" and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein


Canceling the Spike Protein: Striking Visual Evidence


Be aware of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: There is more than meets the eye


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I am truly sorry for what you are going through and I can only imagine the stress you are under. I am praying for your speedy and full recovery.

I appreciate you may not have time to pick up this message but when you do, I hope you will be able to see that saying shedding is "the only explanation" and therefore the vaccinated are the cause of all the trouble is the same trick that's been played since the beginning.

It's very important to establish the true cause or you will not fully heal (and stay healed). I think a better question to ask is what is the outcome of believing the vaccinated are causing disease? And who benefits from people believing that? One result is that the un-vaccinated will fall into the same trap that the vaccinated did - blame the other group for doing (or in this case not doing) the thing that would have stopped them from becoming as good as radioactive.

If you wanted to cause people to kill each other for you, this would be a good way to go about it... if you wanted people divided and therefore weak, this story would help you achieve that. It's cookie cutter the same story we've been given over and over - black v white, men against women, gay against straight, rich against poor... it's time to call out this cheap stunt and stop letting it be used against us.

What if we are simply just being poisoned? Poisoned through the jabs, in the water, in what they're spraying in the skies, in our industrial frankenfoods... How easy, just poison people and let their imaginations trap them into fear of an invisible, never found virus or, if they don't buy that, into a fear of an invisible, never found "shedding".

Viruses do not make people sick. Victims of poisoning do not make other people sick. If you believe that you are falling into the trap that has been set for you into "othering" people who've been deceived in different ways to you. Now, more than ever, is the time for solidarity.

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My daughter had the same issues as my wife, she just fought them off which because she is so young. But she’s only 8.

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Under age ten has better T-cell count. Your wife probably needs some zinc support but she will never be under ten again. There is just a big difference and that is why kids were not found to be a risk, or at risk for the viral version of spike. The mRNA version is literally not the same gene sequence, and is far worse actually.

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My understanding is NO ONE in your house has taken ANY COVID vaccines? Yet you said your youngest is TOTALLY unvaxed. Has some one in your house taken a vax?

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My apologies. Let me clarify. I wrote this in a hurry. My son who is our youngest has never had any vaccines in his whole life including the Covid shot. He has handled this the best. We have a house keeper who is vaccinated and boosted and and we believe she got the latest booster around August. Because her daughter who lives in Florida who is not vaccinated got the exact same symptoms and infections my wife had. The common denominator was the house keeper going to Florida to visit her a lot in August and September. We have to let go of the house keeper. She lied to us and said she stopped getting them in July but then two months later it came out that she just got another booster.

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I’m a housekeeper and Unvaxxed. Every single one of my customers is vaxxed and boosted 😭 haven’t had a normal cycle in a long time and also had a miscarriage.

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I’m so very sorry to hear this. Breaks my heart. I wish you lived in MN I would hire you full time.

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Do you need a full-time housekeeper?

I haven’t been vaxxed with anything in over 15 years.

I’m looking for a new position. My email is laffingdukk@protonmail dot com. Idk if we can message on substack, I haven’t used it long.

In any case, I hope you and your wife heal

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Thank you.

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Here is some information you may find helpful, linked in this post. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/autistic-and-exosomes-spike-shedding Sadly, to start getting better you may really need to stop working for jabbed people, in their truly toxic to you air and surfaces, or at least any who are still getting boosters, and or any that you do notice you react to. This seems a little bit like an allergy sensitization that keeps getting stronger, more rapid, worse symptoms faster, longer.

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I watched the first one. Flip flopping weather extremes are also part of the magnetosphere changes. The Earth is a wobbling top now, spinning with periodic tilts which include rapid temperature shifts.

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Thank you! I am believing she fighting to get better.

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Thank you for the info!

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Very welcome! *and thank you for caring and replying. I am surprised at how many people are so upset at how bad this is, but are not interested in solutions.

Being sick is not fun, I prefer to get better. So that is what I did, and try to share how to do it too. The government CoV protocols are kill protocols and a lot of standard medication isn't much better. Hope you feel better and good luck!

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I’ve just recently come to the conclusion that”shedding” knowledge mid-January 2024 after getting sick again. I am an unvaxxed housekeeper whose clients are vaxxed. Constant exposure! The number one rule for CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) which I have, says you must remove yourself from exposure to properly heal. So what kind of work can I do when so many are vaxxed??

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Online course instruction or health coaching? I did have to avoid the reexposure before I started healing.

I am working on that but it is a lot of work. I could use some help.

First Draft, has subsections that should be in a different video:

No Virus? What then? Exploring Exosomes, Liposomes, and “Virus”. (Overview presentation - comprehensive though - a webinar, link for viewing https://www.canva.com/design/DAF_Mzx-Npo/9Py4hVrNtsB5NVF8kXVZTQ/view?utm_content=DAF_Mzx-Npo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=recording_view

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Were your cycles regular before vax came out?

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I came speak for Jess above, but my wife’s were until the Vax came out

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My mother In law is vaxxed, and lives with us. I know that’s adding to our issues as well. But It’s been over a year now she lives in the downstairs and she is refusing any boosters because after getting her first dose she battled shingles for a year! This poison is unbelievable!

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Yes! My daughters were normal too. Now coming more frequently, heavier and lasting longer! All of us.

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Jess, for what it's worth....Condolences. 😒

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Andrew Mills, that’s a serious lie. Some people really don’t understand the serious danger these bioweapons present. They just blindly trust the medical institutions & the government. I wouldn’t hesitate to dismiss her, unfortunately. Hopefully, she’ll learn from this & also start learning about these bioweapons. Lord help us all.

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THANK YOU! Keep up the fight! That is really sad scary news first hand for all of us! I started the "spermidine" just as a health incentive being 65 & recommended by FLCCC. Not vaxed but now it may not matter if the vax sheds it will attack all humanities immune systems in a couple of generations.

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Please read my post, or the exosome part (the second half was the original post, about autism). https://denutrients.substack.com/p/autistic-and-exosomes-spike-shedding

There is hope but - we aware humans really need to ACT because the government isn't and the legal system is compromised so all the work trying to "prove" there is harm is just a long delay tactic before actually protecting ourselves. Allegedly we are 'winning' the war in Ukraine, but Biden wants Putin to talk peace - suggesting we are "losing" - Lying liars are going to keep lying as long as they are allowed by people going along with it. /// Negative air ionizers, nasal rinse or spray, and preventive supplements and better lifestyle - it can help, it is needed.

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Yes, McCullough shows studies that Xylitol nasal spray stops Covid astounding!

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And it's all over the counter so they can't block it plus it's cheap and easy to make.

Similar to Xlear Nasal Spray

1 cup of water (8 ounces) (Filtered Water)

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp of xylitol crystals

1/2 tsp baking soda

4 drops of grapefruit seed extract (optional for infection)

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Yeah, and we’re still on the fence about the Covid thing, since it was a man-made virus, but it stops viruses, especially for kids that are in daycare all day.

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There are many ways to detox naturally. Ie: root brand (Trinity pkg). Therealdrjudy.com. Dr Mccullough suggests Nattokinase and there’s also a protocol if anyone wants to message me. I liaison for these doctors. Sifrinoatprotonmaildotcom.

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Carolyn...that Natto combined with Serrapeptase really helped to kick the 'virus' out of my system. THAT particular combo was the exclamation point my particular body needed to rid me of this physical upset. Was under the weather since last OCTOBER...never did this 'thing' seem to erupt into a full blown 'sickness' due to using "Food as Medicine" and following Jennifer's suggested Protocols, H2O2 Nebulization via Mercola and MASSIVE probiotic and vitamin Supplementation. This "thing" may be some form of bacteria...it hung out in the intestines for the most part, but could feel the creep moving about in the body...one day sore throat another day, stomach, another sinus. It seemed to be searching for a place to stay and set up it's nasty shop. For my ills: Diacmatacious Earth, Serrapeptase 80,000 and the Natto... finally squelced this thing...now taking these as daily theraputics.

Thank you Jennifer and all other substack contributors and commenters. You all have helped me to help some Vaxxed friends overcome debilitating issues...

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Interesting. All my co-workers are boosted. The RN has 2 young children. She and they are constantly sick with RSV or what ever is 'going around' she breast feeds the baby. Baby recently very ill vomiting and so on, needed an IV to rehydrate. Young guy I worked all the time with says he got 2 jabs plus booster a while back, but will not get more. We share a space, at work. I'm sure he sheds some. And I had quit my old job and moved and been pretty socially reclusive before starting this job. They never asked about the jab when they hired me. I didn't tell I was non jabbed. I have had other vaxs in the past in my life, but relatively few as I never took the flu jabs. My last two were (Dtap) for tetnus 14 or so years ago, and 2 years ago I had to have the full IgG and rabies series for rabies exposure. I always said if I was going to get flu I would, and if I was going to die of it I would. It wasn't in my control. Healthy living, caring for my body soul and mind were. After that, it is in God's hands. You go home, when you get called. How you go? Not in your hands. And now, I have gut issues this week unlike my usual self. So, probably I DO have something. OTH taking that IVM, NAC and Zeolite is probably helping me from getting super sick.

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What’s the point of firing her at this point? According to this video, you already have the mRNA and spike proteins in your system and apparently the mRNA never leaves your system once there. So, no point in firing her now. It’s a little too late for all of us.

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Dr Pierre Koury seems to think autophagy gets rid of the spike protein. Intermittent fasting is easy and free. I would look into that. I believe there is always a solution.

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There is a big point - If you have a peanut allergy, then you don't crush peanuts into dust and put it into your air circulation system. Entire schools are peanut free because some children are that allergic to peanuts. The spike seems similar, except a far worse toxin on its own too - so like sensitized to something that is also physically directly damaging.

My parents got boosters in Oct 2021 without telling me, after I had already suffered passive exposure illness off and on since May 2021, busy medical office air, and/or there first or second injections. The Oct left me extremely ill again and I moved into the basement and then left for six weeks. By three months post jabs they weren't making me sick anymore. Thankfully, because they needed my help. My dad said something about getting fourth boosters, from his paralyzed, cancer ridden Hospice bed.... and I said I would leave if he did that and he dropped it. My mom in her Alzheimer's recognized that they had harmed her and she didn't want another. /// It is too late to turn back time, it is not too late to change what we do today and tomorrow and into the future.

Please read this for more info. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/autistic-and-exosomes-spike-shedding

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Peanut allergies from vaccines also. So sad. It’s crazy because when somebody has had a reaction to peanut butter the first thing we do is stop giving them peanut butter when someone has a reaction to a vaccine like every single baby, we keep giving them vaccines. There should be no side effects, and some children suffer a fever for three days, that should’ve been our eye-opener there but because we are good people, we trusted, but no more

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RED, this could be a life or death situation...it could take years off of a person’s life or it could leave them disabled. Yes, it’s looking like they’re getting us all even if we’ve tried so hard to not take their poison. But I’m sorry, I think that lady needs to be held accountable for lying & putting others in jeopardy.

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Then there is the fluoridated water, and who knows what they are spraying from the airplanes flying over our heads.

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I provided a lot of resource and info in a post that I linked the VigilantFox post in. The original topic of the post was autism, but the too topics mesh somewhat. It is time to stop being a sheeple and start protecting yourself from very real risks of exosomes. The media has made the 'snake venom toxin' into a joke but it is a real, bad joke, on the public. // anyway, it is real, treat yourselves, You have been "passively vaccinated" with the mRNA spike genetics - making your body produce spike. It causes real harm. Treat yourselves and I recommend negative ionizers for air sterilization and use intranasal rinse or spray after being in risky settings. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/autistic-and-exosomes-spike-shedding Just because the topic of nutrition and preventive health has been deemed a myth by the powers that be, doesn't mean that is true.

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Jennifer you speak volumes and have helped many on this end. Thank you.

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Yes, it's excellent! Thank you🙏🙏

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Possibly it's not the only explanation... They garbage could be being dumped on the heads of all of us, v-ed or not!

Know about this?


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I agree, but it's a definite contributor. I have friends who've tested their own sensitivity in close to double blind ways, and it's real.

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2 remedies might deal with this phenomenon (with which our healthy largely PB family is dealing--but remember how every November/December pre-2018 everyone got colds and flus?)

1. Dr Jennifer Daniels' pure gum turpentine protocol. Pure essential pine oil has been used for health care for millenia until the oil cartel bought all the medical schools and convinced us it was poison. Its anti-parasite properties may put it in the same basket as Ivermectin, IDK. You can also make your own HCQ.

2. There are homeopathic bloodclot medicines available in Europe (Boiron's Climaxol, Dr Richter' drops, hammemelis) that may become widely used as we weather this storm.

Luckily they are incompetent murderous fools so we're going to pull through. Then we are going to make them pay to the last piece of gilded porcelain. Just. Watch.

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Andrew Mills, I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. No doubt, you feel betrayed and frustrated, not to mention afraid for your family. Your story brought to mind the rhetoric that was used, such as, "The vaccines protects you and those around you." So many fell for it because the psychological manipulation was so strong and pervasive. Your family's experience reveals the reality that "they", no doubt, designed these injections to spread. I suspect these evil beings also developed some sort of reversal agent in case "one of their own" should get exposed. I wish you all a full recovery.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

Lets find the reversal in the dust cloud of noise. We need to pray or meditate to find the answer, to detect it when it hovers in front of us like a snitch. So far I only found remedies.

As I see it, we need something working insides every cell that discrimintates between mitochondria and the expression vector containing the mRNA sequence. Boost the mitochondria without feeding the beast.

(I now get interested in Russion Information Therapy, where the idea manisfests as reality, and the concept of information is essiential;

I now see, converging, a shift in viral research to perceiving natural viruses as information exchange vehicles, in our body, between my body and the world surrounding me, in one species as well as between species. Gaia comes in play.

So far the absolute evil narcissistic psychopaths produce evil messengers, having bad outcomes. But maybe we can wish to be immune to certain messengers, so let's out-create them.)

Link to plasmides, the expression vectors for producing the mRNA in bacteria.


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Hi Andi. I agree. Prayer/meditation is important and under-rated in this current culture. Many people seem to have forgotten that they are both body and spirit. And, yes, it is extremely noisy out there! I have cut back on what I expose myself to in recent months. Are you familiar wiith the theoretical work of Jonathan (JJ) Couey of Gigaohm Biomedical concerning the plandemic? It is very interesting. I have literally just been coming across some of this information you've pointed me to, so I appreciate the link. The visuals in the article are very helpful since I am no scientist! Your paragraph on viruses reminds me of what I have been learning about the microbiome (in the human gut) and the microbiome reminds me of the microbiome that exists in the soil among plant and soil organisms. It is a beautifully designed system of interconnectedness and symbiosis. These psychopaths are not gods, nor will they ever be gods. Yet, they attempt to play god with humanity. As difficult as times are, we are witnessing a profound moment in world history and, IMHO, we were chosen to live in these times to bear witness.

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Since a friend hinted me on scarce information about Russian information therapy, Intranslated from a DE book by Häusermann the literature hint.



Häusermann, Russische Informations-Therapie:

Susan Erk: Discovering the Power of Your Subconscious: How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious to Achieve ANYTHING CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013

Susan Erk: Shock Your Doctor - Get Well. Russian healing secrets. Books on Demand, 2011

Grigori Grabovoi: Joy of Eternal Development. Jelezky Publishing, 2012 (Seminars held personally by Grigori Grabovoi)

Grigori Grabovoi: Concentration Exercises - wall book to hang up. 2012

Grigori Grabovoi: Concentration exercises for 31 days (picture book). Yeletsky Publishing, 2012

Grigory Grabovoi: Concentration exercises for 31 days: To further develop consciousness, to harmonize events. RARE WARE Medienverlag, 20 1 0

Grigori Grabovoi: Restoring Man's Matter by Concentrating on Numbers. Yeletsky Publishing, 2012

Recommended reading 279

Grigori Grabovoi: Restoring the human organism by focusing on numbers. Rare Ware Medienverlag, 2010

Grigori Grabovoi: Numbers for a successful business. Yeletsky Publishing, 2013

Monika Herz: Heal with numbers. The practice book. Nymphenburger Verlag, 2013

Herbert Hoffmann: Ways of healing. Basics and practice of holistic methods. Schirner Verlag, 2009

Olga Jeliseeva, Jevgenia Alexeeva and Felix Eder: The driving force of health: The microworld of blood as the key to healing. Goldman Verlag, 2014

Wladimir Kron: Biological healing energies of some people: theory and practice - revelations of a healer. Books on Demand, 2007

Layena Bassols Rheinfelder / Klaus Jürgen Becker: Healing with signs. Goldman Verlag, 2012

Lumira: Renew Your Cells: A Russian healer reveals her energetic rejuvenation program. With exercise CD. Scorpio Publishing House, 2012

Karine Markarian: Russian Healing Secrets. The Big Book of Natural Medicine. Bastei Lübbe, 1999

Petra Ncumayer: Healing with Numbers. From number mysticism to the spiritual code system: With a large practical part. Mankau Verlag, 201 1

Petra Neumayer, Tom Peter Rietdorf: Russian healing methods: activate the self-healing powers with spiritual technologies - with exercise CD. Arkana Verlag, 2013

Petra Neumayer, Roswitha Stark: Healing with symbols. The 64 most important healing signs: 8 bar codes from the New Homeopathy, 18 symbols from Sacred Geometry,

28 healing symbols from all over the world. Mankau Verlag, 2012

p. 280 recommended reading

Natalya Aleksandrowna Novikova, Bernd Butzke: The

healthy and beautiful woman. Healing knowledge from Russian folk medicine. Nymphenburger Verlag, 2012

Mirsakarim Norbekov, Felix Eder: My Russian Energy Shower. Exercises to activate your own healing powers. Goldman Verlag, 2011

Natalya Aleksandrowna Nowikova, Bernd Butzke: Russian folk medicine: Healing everyday ailments from A to Z naturally and gently. Nymphenburger Verlag, 2011

Arcady Petrov: Tree of Life (New Earth Part 2). Kanda Zentrum Verlag, 2013

Arcady Petrov: The Formula of the Universe. cosmopsychobiology. Yeletsky Publishing Ug, 2013

Arcady Petrov: Cosmo-Psychobiology. Rare Ware Medienverlag, 2010

Arkady Petrov: Navigator. The mental associative technologies. Canada Center Neuss GmbH, 2010

Arcady Petrov: Save Yourself (Creation of the World). Yeletsky Publishing Ug, 2013

Arcady Petrov: Save the World Within (Creation of the World). Yeletsky Publishing Ug, 2011

Arcady Petrov: Save the World Around You (Creation of the World). Rare Ware Medienverlag, 2011

Arcady Petrov: Who are you, human? (Tree of Life). Kanda Zentrum Verlag, 2013

Vladimir Serkin, Yelena Beljaeva-Petersenn: The gratitude of the wolf: healing secrets of Siberian shamanism. Goldmann Verlag, 2013

Svetlana Smirnova, Sergey Jelezky: Introduction to the methods according to the teachings of Grigori Grabovoi. Yeletsky Publishing, 2011

Svetlana Smirnova, Sergey Jelezky: Methods of healing with the help of consciousness. According to the teachings of Grigori Gra bovoi. Rare goods, 2010

Alla Svirinskaya: Your secret power. Use life energy to heal yourself. Allegria Publishing House, 2006

Vitali Tichoplav, Tatiana Tichoplav: Our meeting with Grabovoi. Yeletsky Publishing, 2013

Vadim Tschenze: Old Russian Knowledge. The best for soul and health. Silvercord Publishers, 2009

Vadim Tschenze: Vadim Tschenze's Russian healing dictionary. Silvercord Publishers, 2011

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

Please, add I-RECOVER (whatever parts you like and do improve your situation), and

- the COMUSAV AI protocol, see links below, CDS is very helpful, eg. in inactivating spike, and

- a herbal cure using many different principles of action against viruses.

Herbs having different priciples of actions are multiplying to real good effectiveness: all do to some extent, but the first group has mainly amentoflavone, a 3CL protease inhibitor, as effective component, which you can intesify by moringa.

- kitchen herbs: thyme, oregano, sage, black cumine, one yeared mugwort, birch tree bark, (also torreya nucifera): choose one or some...

- walnut leafs (dried, ie inactivated tolerable juglan; fresh: dosing is critical, anti-parasitical)

- rock rose

- ??? please add more; I suspect horseradish as all mustard oils have diffusing small-molecular antiseptics

Also, add in the evening, when you do not mind to get a bit tired before bed, a 1st Generation anti-allergic tablet, as they show good antiviral activity and immune system stabilisation in the brain. Yes, they cross the blood-brain barrier, which is quite a problem for many medications.

In future, we should bet promoting micellarly encapsuled safe remedies off-patent, which is safe, if you use the bodies own membrane aka phospholipides (by sun flower) very pure as emulsifier. You can DIY phospholipidic solved remedies with bigger sized lipdic bubbles "liposomally solved" is 0.1µm, by ultrasound mixer and LipoSolve or similar phospholipide.

Also, good bio oil based glycerine is prebiotic and helps enhancing the resorption which we should measure.


https://www.comusav.com/protocolo-ai/ EN, ES.

COMUSAV for Infection:


My perception is, that Prof. Geert vanden Bossche's predictions come true and we have a multitude of pathogens "not behaving" any more, as 80% of population, the injected, have a reprogrammed epigenetics and thus reduced nK, CD4/8/34+.

Since the CDC spreads totally perverted "hygiene protocols" that rather "help the viruses spread", we help the pathogens get ever more infectious AND pathological.

If we would correct the hygiene, we could end this in no time:

- do not spread in waves or if symtpoms are severe, so apply topically inorganic antiseptics, diffusing, resetting incubation time.

- A) IF you have severe symtpoms, subjectively, call all contacts and cry STOP: consider yoirself infected and treat ASAP, so you do not spread it on. We do not like misbehaving pathogens.

- B) IF you have mild symptoms, tell you surrounding: do you mind a cold? and agree upon the grade of prevention one likes, and PROTECT the vulnerable: by "VIRTUAL MASKS" not preventing shedding of INACTIVATED pathogens, so the vulnerable still can train their mucosal immunity.

A+B => up-selction of "well behaving" ie more mild variants in NO TIME, as ALL variants are existing simultaneously in waves.

NO ??? 3-letter institution is proposing USEFUL, humanistic interventions, and self-initiated would be carried by people as sustainably and over long times effective remedies... on the contrary, ALL measures "help the virus spread".

Especially the distorted lie of "hygiene rules".

1.5m: lie. better: 3m for 40sec. hovering, and 1 droplet is infectious.

masks: 1 droplet easily slips through any part not pressed on face with some minimum force, so NO infection prevention, but 99% REDUCTION of sub-infectious TRAINING of mucosal immunity. So 1:100 benefit:costs. Quite the heftiest ratio, even injections do not "perform" so well for expanding pandemics to inifinity...

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Andi What?

In laypersons terms what are you trying to tell us here?

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Detox, protect, ride the waves.

I read the family of Andrew Mills is suffering from shedding. So I tried to contribute additional multi-modal therapy options both working for illness as well as for post-vax (LHVS?). So also for Post-shedding.

If you do not like the picture of the virus, replace by toxin or bad signal. De-toxifying is ALWAYS making us less vulnerable. Also curing LHCS or post-vax.

I added that the vaccination of 80% of population AND distorted hygiene rules, rather we should call them “CDC un-hygiene rules” is leading to ever more severe illness. And told a way out by “letting mild infections run a bit” AND doing post-exposition prophylaxis if someone ill feels this is necessary as he suffers from more severe symptoms. This is subjectively, but will work in average.

I also explained why masks are so detrimental, 1/100 benefit/costs. To be replaced by virtual masks in personal or city-wide crises like a big wave of a fierce illness.

Protection and nasal hygiene:

Also, we at home DIY nasal sprays as hybride containing CIO2 (0.3%, add 1-6ml to reach 24ml, ie 120-750ppm CIO2), and add dead sea or stone salt, and 0.15% iota carrageenan and 9% xylitol.

Very caring. CIO2 stays insides for ca. 2 weeks, then we re-fill or top-up. Place on LED of smartphone flash to see yellowish color proportional to concentration of CIO2.

You can vary the content to your liking. If you leave out CIO2, add something with conserving effect, like 10-20drops GSE Grape Seed Extract (in glycerine).

Use COMUSAV air disinfection: 10ml CIO2 0.3% ( ChIorine Dioxide Solution = CDS) in a little open glass per 10m² room area is enough to prevent bad things floating around. You can DIY a water-sealing gas-diffusing lid, put holes in lid and place a piece of an okd rain jacket under it)

=> It is self-distributing. But there are automatic dispensers of course. Ideal range is 0.01-0.1ppm(volumetric).

Also shedding spike is inactivated.

It reduces absenteism in school classes by _factor_ 2.4 !!! (See https://academicjournals.org/journal/IJMMS/article-abstract/FDB503B428 )

In school, or in any other official building like kindergarten, call it air quality enhancing, and dilute to (legally) drinking water : up to 20ppm CIO2 by using 10ml CDS per 1.5L PET bottle. Again, do not tightly close the lid or make it gas-permeable like above.

20ppm in DE at least are allowed in municipal water supplies, and used after heavy rainfalls for surface water eg..

Post-Shedding = Post-Vaccine: so please :

See the post-vaccine therapy protocol I-RECOVER by FLCCC.net/protocols

Or more precisely https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

As for COMUSAV, 3k physicians in South America are using CDS, also as anti-vaccine protocol so also for shedding.

All inorganic antiseptics

- detox, inactivate spike

- dissolve blood knots even knitted by the spike and often inaccessible to our enzymes for that task

- soothe the immune system (very softly albeit for CIO2=CDS).

Sisnce cpvid is another word for MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) like overreactive immune system, this property is very useful but needs patience.

Choose a treatment protocol to stay below the dose able to produce any side effects (NOAEL, No Observable Adverse Events Level of dosing).

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OMG! Andrew Mills…thank you! It makes more sense to me now why all of a sudden I started having horrible pains in my ovary/kidney/liver/gallbladder on my right side. Doctors were not able to find anything wrong!! I too have been sick with some viral upper respiratory issues cyclically. I’m a housekeeper and ALL my clients are vaxxed!

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The mental fog is because the BioWeapon Death Shots are attacking the brain, eating holes in the brain and building up plaque in the brain, hence 'Vaxxidents, Adult and Juvenile Alzheimer's Disease.'

Watch out for Vaxxidents while driving especially in the cities.

CV19 Vax DESTROYS HEART AND BRAIN of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-destroys-hearts-brains-of-billions-of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakdi/ 1 hour

By Greg Hunter On October 29, 2022 In Political Analysis

Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline?


How Cat's Claw Works

Currently, the reason for these effects isn't fully understood. There are 7-10 components in cat's claw, including some new ones that had never been seen before these recent studies. There are several known alkaloids present. These are naturally occurring compounds found most often in plants and consisting mostly of nitrogen atoms. They have a pronounced effect on the human body and can be found in a variety of medications such as morphine and opium.

However, several specific polyphenols were also found in cat's claw, including some which were unfamiliar to the researchers. This includes proanthocyanidins, which are chemical compounds that give many types of fruit, their blue, red, or purple colors. They may help in the fight against cancer, have anti-aging properties, and are found in red wine and grape seed extract. These substances are also Epicatechin dimers. Epicatechin is a polyphenol which is found in green tea. Both of these substances may be what give these foods their incredible health benefits. What this means is that cat's claw contains two essential types of polyphenols or phytochemicals that are usually only found separately. And these particular phytochemicals both help with the inhibition of plaque formation and growth.

There may also be even more important constituents within this vine, and some of them were the focus of the study on cat's claw and the brain. One of the new polyphenols found in cat's claw, known as H2, could also reduce brain plaque in older and younger mice. This is important because it means that older animals may benefit from this treatment even if they have marked memory loss and cognitive decline because of plaque.

The study showed that older mice who had 20.35 plaques per square millimeter in the brain experience a decrease of plaque numbers by 52 percent. This means that this extract could be beneficial for the millions of people with extensive plaque formations caused by dementia and Alzheimer's.

This means that, if it works, then this extract has the potential to help a lot of people across the world when it becomes accepted for human use. It may also help when you have AFS and need to improve the overall health of your brain as well as specific problems related to imbalances of the Neuroaffect circuit.

Chemical Imbalance, Neurotransmitter Balance, and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome


By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH; Carrie Lam, MD; Dorine Lam, RDN, MS, MPH

Buy some Cat's Claw, (CC) and make a Medicinal Hot Tea out of it. Drink your tea 3 times per day. No blood pressure medications while taking CC and Ivermectin as both regulate blood pressure naturally. If you feel you need more CC tea, then have more tea, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.


Cat's Claw Bark

Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa

Origin: Peru

$ 4. 45 for 1/4 lbs of Cat's Claw Bark

$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark

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Plant medicine is inexpensive. Don't wait until you are sick. The Spike Proteins attack all your internal organs, especially the brain, kidneys and heart causing them to swell up. When you lay on your side, do you see your internal organs protruding out a little? You need an antiinflammatory. Cat's Claw is an AntiInflammatory. Cat's Claw does the most against the BioWeapon of the herbs I looked at. Ivermctin binds to the Spike Proteins and removes them from the body. Cat's Claw stops the cell mutations with it's Powers of AntiMutagenics.

by: Cleveland College Heart Lab

Top Herbs for Your Heart: https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/top-herbs-for-your-heart/

Plant medicine is inexpensive.

by: Cleveland College Heart Lab

Top Herbs for Your Heart: https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/top-herbs-for-your-heart/

Curcumin is found in turmeric. To turn turmeric in to curcumin, you must take your turmeric with coconut oil or black pepper or both.

👉 Please Take Your Turmeric This Way to Get Full Absorption & Correct Results - Dr Mandell, D.C.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2SQr-26-0g&t=417s

👉 5 Hawthorn Berry Health Benefits that May Surprise You


👉 Everything You Need to Know About Ginkgo Biloba: https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/everything-you-need-to-know-about-ginkgo-biloba/

Ginko biloba and Heart Disease

Some research suggests that gingko may have a positive impact on cardiovascular disease. A study published in December 2017 in the journal Stroke and Vascular Neurology looked at 348 people in China with onset of acute ischemic stroke. Around half of the participants adhered to a treatment plan of daily ginkgo and aspirin, while those in the other group were given aspirin alone. After six months, the researchers found that the group taking aspirin in combination with ginkgo fared better, with lessened cognitive and neurological impairment without increasing the incidence of vascular events. Another study found that taking ginkgo was linked to improved blood circulation in people with coronary artery disease.Curcumin is found in turmeric. To turn turmeric in to curcumin, you must take your turmeric with coconut oil or black pepper or both.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Paul Marik and Dr Been on flccc.net have programs on Autophagy, intermittent fasting, keto diet with spermidine or resveratrol which allow the body to remove the nefarious spike protein successfully.

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But they're selling a supplement to detox the spike protein when the article says it's here to stay along w/ possibly the Vax?

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Yeah, that contradiction needs some extended explanation.

I am not ready yet to declare it as outright profiteering - it may just be a difference of professional opinion between the FLCC camp and the McCullough/Banoun camp - as to whether there's really a way to get rid of spike proteins out of the body or not. We have seen a fair bit of internecine bickering (and backstabbing in some cases, lawsuits in others) going on across the spectrum of the "Covid Medical Truther/Researcher" community over the last couple years.

Some of it I chalk up to this still being somewhat unknown territory (outside of Pfizer & Moderna) and everyone's got their own lines of research & ego's / professional reps. on the line. Some of it I suspect may be controlled opposition trying to muddy the waters (but I'm not claiming that either the FLCC camp or the McCullough/Banoun camp are doing that).

We're still in the thick of the "initial aftermath" (which may go on for 5 more years before the vaxxed all expire), and it's probably going to be a while yet (if ever) before we get a really clear picture of exactly what all this crap is really doing to people - unless we put Facui, Baric, the Wuhan gang, Bourla & Bancel to some Spanish Inquisition type interrogations....

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Good assessment.

I heard either Kory or Marik—I’ve forgotten which—say that the FLCCC protocol for detoxing from the shots is a work in progress, they are still learning, and it’s just the best they know based on their current understanding.

I’m sure that’s true for all the sincere docs trying to help. Differences in background, specialty, experience is bound to affect how they treat.

My own thoughts are if a remedy doesn’t harm, and there’s evidence it might help, why not try it ?

They’re all in somewhat uncharted territory. Especially since the full list of ingredients of the shots given is not known.

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That was a very good summation!

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Please check out the info there in webinars and lessons. No point in repeating. It is a conjunction of healthy habits which undo the effects of spike protein’s unique capacity to turn off Autophagy thus rendering the cells helpless. A lifelong inexpensive fix. They are not selling themselves in case you mean that literally 😌. Big Food/Ag is right up there with Big Tech and Big Pharma in creating illness and carb addiction for profit from expensive treatments. As with all their early treatment efforts, all the selfless patient-centered docs recommend the least expensive healthy remedies. Worth studying and considering if you wish!

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maybe here to stay unless you aggressively counter it?

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Exactly. Everyone’s got their remedies, but if it’s in your system to stay the no point of any of these.

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You don't know that. I'd suggest not giving people that advice. The body is complex. McCullough is saying, 'it LOOKS like...' meaning it's not certain. Also, if you get some shedding, quick action may prevent it from taking root in your cell structure. This is complicated biology and many things can affect it.

The attittude that it is hopeless turns people away from our side. Why try? Then they have a disincentive to the truth of the vaccines. We need to give them hope so they will look at the truth.

Otherwise, we cannot win.

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But there’s no way to know how long it stays or doesn’t.

The body naturally tries to heal itself. It may do so in these cases. Maybe some remedies will help. Maybe hope is one ingredient to healing. Certainly can’t hurt.

My mom had a rare aggressive cancer. No long term studies exist on it because all subjects die.

Her mainstream doctors, at Stanford and other places, told her don’t bother with treatment. No chemo, radiation, etc. Why? Because she’s going to die anyway and they’ll just make her sick.

Well guess what?. She did do treatment. Combination of different complementary therapies. After 5 years Stanford said she’s cancer free. It’s now been 10 years since diagnosis. She’s still cancer free. (And mRNA free :-)

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I don't trust anything anymore. Thank GOD for your mom. Make your best decisions & beware of humans. Doctors, lawyers, police you name it can not be trust they're just humans. Good ones & the bad ones do so much damage.

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What therapies? Chemo or natural?

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Maybe the fighting back can slow the infection of our body system. From nerves, immune the brain & on & on.

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The mRNA attaches to one’s cells. I think this is beyond positive thinking, and a good immune system. I hope I’m wrong.

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This caught me by surprise - seeing they were selling this supplement at the same time as basically saying we're all doomed. I really trust Dr. McCullough but I'm disappointed by this. I wish he would have said what he said but then explain the supplement. How does it work? Is there hope then? Etc..

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McCullough said this. Vigilant Fox just reposted it. Ad is on Vigilant Fox page, Not MucCullough. And he didn't say we're all doomed. Over the top statements aren't helping. Just saying.

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I heard that too but will do as ENCmd said & chechk out the webinars.

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I am not surprised...and neither is anyone who formulated, produced and mandated it.

Please don't forget this is just ONE of the 1001 things we as humans and societies are being simultaneously hit with, to destroy our systems and structures...so they can install their versions.

It's happening everyday, right before your eyes.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Double effectiveness for their de-population plan? So this will discourage people from sexual contact ie procreating?

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My unvaxxed daughter got optic neuritis (everyone in her office approx 10 vaxxed). Never tested positive for Covid either and doesn’t have MS - shedding, no question and have been saying unscientifically for a year now. Maybe the vaccinated need to be interned to save humanity - upside down world.

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I think a lot of what's going on is soft-kill poisons everywhere by the usury suspects. We are attributing it to what we think, but there are all kinds of new things being introduced in our foods on a daily, and the state of our food supply and our animals is horrendous. Plus we are being sprayed with chemtrails, 5G radiation, and flouridated water. We are under a deliberate attack in so many ways most of which imperceivable but there.

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Spot on, Charly, yes.

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One of the shedding effects I always experience is eye pain. A very strange eye pain, not like tired, irritated, dry eyes. Interesting about optic neuritis. I hope she heals

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God bless you all who are sharing information to help the vaccinated & unvaccinated.

We truly appreciate you all for your bravery to speak the truth & share it to help keep us informed.

You are modern day heroes to us all during this time when we cannot trust our government run medical information or Big Pharma or CDC or WHO.


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But they're selling a supplement to detox the spike protein when the article says it's here to stay?

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Was just saying the same thing out loud. Thank you for echoing my thoughts!

Too many " it looks like". Better to say "we don't know". There's a difference between shedding and get vaxxed and a difference between mRNA and spike protein. I don't like how this article just seems to lump it all together like it's all equal for everyone now. State what's known or needs to be looked into. I refuse to believe people who are unvaxxed should be consider the same as vaxxed because of shedding. That's like calling a person who takes one vape the same as a chainsmoker. Isn't and never will be the same. And besides, if we only provide a hopeless situation, people will not listen!

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Or.. it's like you're called a smoker because of second hand smoke. It's really hard for me to believe we are considered "the same" as a vaccinated person, too. Wouldn't it at least be "watered down"? I thought they needed the lipid nanoparticles to penetrate it into the cells. Are ALL of the puzzle pieces flying over to us - the liquid nanparticles and mRNA?

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I think part of the problem is thinking that all of the ideas of how things could be implemented have been and moreover have been successful. I don't know that. We have conflicting information from different sources, plus each shot, each person, each situation is different. Each time we get in our car to run an errand, there is a risk we are taking, we weigh the risks over the benefits, as best as we can with the current knowledge we have. Warning people of the risks of the experimental shots comes first or else this will never stop. Then, safe diagnostic (hopefully affordable to free) tests or assessments to know if any other action is needed, what are the risks, and what are the alternatives. I just know I won't turn my life topsy turvy thinking I need to be wary of everyone. That's how we got in this mess.

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I think the supplement is for the spike but the article mentioned it’s the mRNA can’t be removed. I could be wrong but for the vaxxed if they have mrna continually producing spike even if they get rid of some they’ll always be making more. Then for each shot they take the mrna just keeps building up and that is what never goes away so the spikes will never go away either even if some are eliminated because more will just be made? That was my take on it so maybe the supplements could help if they eliminate more spike over what your body does?

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I don’t see how you can deliver naked mRNA between people without the LNP delivery system in the jab. Even if so, how does it get into the cell? I would apply the same detox protocols for spike as for that, IMHO.

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Ivermectin is the only thing in my extensive research that truly gets the spike proteins out of one’s body, and NAC gets the metal graphene oxide out of your body. But if this article is truly saying that the mRNA spreads from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, and it never leaves your body, Then we’re all fucked. Save your money and don’t buy supplements.

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I think we all are f-ed, & I’m pretty pissed about it! So many people don’t know. Watch the latest video with Maria Zeee, Dr Ana Milhacea, & Karen Kingston. Unbelievable.

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Do you have a link?

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From the link you provide; "Dr. Zelenko has saved thousands of lives through his Z-Stack protocol". Then the Chabad Lubavitcher Dr. Zelenko made a video interview where he said all demons should be killed. These demons may not be what many people think. He meant all Christians and other Gentiles. His purported anti-COVID-vaxx stance was just a cruel deception, and how could it be anything else when he openly states how people who are termed 'idolaters' under the Chabad Lubavitcher Noahide Laws should rightly be killed. The Noahide Laws which are already officially approved by the US under POTUS Bush and then the UN for eventual worldwide imposition, can of course only be enforced under worldwide military dictatorship to enforce the mass killing of billions of Gentiles. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated elsewhere how NATO armies controlled by Israel will go from city to city around the world under the coming NWO one world government and carry out this genocidal Stalinist program of mass extermination.

One of the Jewish laws states that all idolaters must be executed, and that of course will authorize for 6 billion members of religions around the world that are not Jewish to be liquidated. Think of Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin and the liquidation of 66 million Christians in the USSR between 1917 up till 1953 (obviously, Jewish Stalin was no real ally throughout WWII either, nor were the Jewish Churchill and Jewish Roosevelt, who were all essentially doing what we are still seeing similar infiltrated hostile foreign power military occupation government leaders doing today with COVID, while genociding Christians in the USSR, I am sure most Allied soldiers would have switched sides had they known. Dr. Zelenko, now deceased, was a psy-op trickster, he gave his protocol to Trump, both of whose parents died in a Jewish nursing home by the way, make of that what you will, and then Trump prevented American people getting Dr Zelenko's hydroxychloroquine protocol (according to Chabad Lubavitcher plans of course) and instead mandated for only the poisonous, completely useless and massively expensive Israeli Gilead company drug remdesivir to be given instead, along with Operation Warp Speed death jabs designed by other Jews like Al Bourla and Tal Zaks of Pfizer and Moderna, and the deadly ventilators.

The essential damage intended to be done was already long done by the time Dr. Zelenko played the hero, people need to see what Chabad Lubavitchers really are in the Jewish religion, Jewish 'scripture' teachings specifically state that even the best of Gentiles should all be killed, and that it is forbidden for a Jew to save the life of a Gentile, but in 1492 when Queen Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain, just as the Jews have done in other countries, senior rabbis then told the Jews to pretend to become Christians, and to go back into Spain and then take up positions as fake politicians 'to meddle in affairs of state', fake doctors, fake medical manufacturers and suppliers (apothecaries), and fake Christian clerics, and instead of doing good, to actually do evil, to 'work to shorten the lives of the goyim' so that they would have 'revenge' (The Jewish Zohar states that all Gentiles in the entire world will be exterminated by their lord in his wrath, and that at the end of the world, all Gentiles, all of whom are classed by the Zohar and Chabad Lubavitchers as eternally evil demons, will all be sent back to hell, where Jewish teachings say all Gentiles come from).

Jewish teachings of course hold that every Jew is god walking upon this Earth, so guess who is really intended to do all the killing, no blue fairy in the sky, but themselves.

See Deuteronomy 20:16 and see what Rabbi Yisrael Ariel in the video links below craftily dodges saying. Dr. Zelenko played the role of placing in people's minds that the Jews are actually helping people everywhere against a purportedly common foe that they would have us believe is someone else, the 'fascists' for example, playing it to the hilt by saying manufacturers of the COVID vaccines should be hung for their crimes against humanity. What most do not realize is that that was a facade intended to be used by the Jews to deny that they themselves have entirely instigated and organized the deployment of what is in truth an Israeli military bioweapon used as part of their own genocidal Bolshevik genocidal program against humanity.

Read 'Why Is The US Honoring a Racist Rabbi? by Alison Weir, Counterpunch, https://www.counterpunch.org/2014/04/07/why-is-the-us-honoring-a-racist-rabbi/

See the video 'Zelenko Never Was Your Friend' by Elizabeth Glass.


Read 'Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts' From Acharya S https://rense.com/general86/talmd.htm

See also https://mothman777.substack.com/p/jewish-dominion-mars-attacks

Proof is in the following video that Jews are completely behind this bioweapon program and that it is really only intended to affect just Gentiles. Remember, the Jews have always been very clever with maths and dishing out fake news through their owned and controlled media, so Israeli reports of Jews there actually having real COVID jabs and real 'side-effects' will of course be a mere fiction;



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"Proof is in the following video that Jews are completely behind this bioweapon program and that it is really only intended to affect just Gentiles. Remember, the Jews have always been very clever with maths and dishing out fake news through their owned and controlled media, so Israeli reports of Jews there actually having real COVID jabs and real 'side-effects' will of course be a mere fiction"

It's no Psy-Op, the Secular Gov. in Israel experiments on Jews, and have done so in the past!

Movie about the "Ringworm Children" who were given huge doses of Radiation:





( 1000 would be the very low, low #)

As many as 5,000 children were taken from Families, some form DP camps in Europe, most from Eastern Jewish Families from 1948-1960:


Vaxxed effects Covered Up in Israel:


I personally know someone who turned into a zombie, and just stopped eating ( "forgot to eat") after the Pfizer shot in Israel and had to be hospitalized. Funny thing is the same thing happened to my grandmother in Miami after one shot of J&J ( Jansen). While she was 99, I am sure she would have made it to 100 if not for the shot.





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It is clear in Talmud Avoda Zara 26a-26b that one may NOT just go out and kill an Idol Worshiper ( Avodat Kochavim).

R. Shimon Bar Yochai was quoted in the Mechilta talking in context of the idol worshiping Egyptians who feared God to some extent and saved their horses from the hail, then later came after the children of Israel to rape and re-enslave them ( eg In a Time of WAR /Battle):

Mechilta, Beshalach 2 (on Exodus 14:7)

[Exodus 14:5-7 "It was told to the king of Egypt that the people had fled; and the heart of Pharoah and his servants became transformed regarding the people, and they said, 'What is this that we have done that we have sent away Israel from serving us?' He harnessed his chariot and attracted his people with him.] He took six hundred elite chariots [and all the chariots of Egypt, with officers on them all."]

"From whom were the animals that drove the chariots? If you say they were from Egypt, doesn't it say (Exodus 9:6) "and all the livestock of Egypt died [from the fifth plague]"? If you say they were from Pharoah, doesn't it say (Exodus 9:3) "[Moses said to Pharoah]: Behold, the hand of G-d is on your livestock that are in the field"? If you say they were from the Jews, doesn't it say (Exodus 10:26) "And our livestock, as well, will go with us- not a hoof will be left"? Rather from whom were they, from the Egyptians who feared G-d [and were not affected by the plagues]. We now see that the livestock of the G-d-fearers that escaped the plague caused great hardship for the Jews [by being used for chariots to pursue them]. From here R. Shimon [ben Yochai] said: Kill [even] the good among the gentiles."

As for the Zohar, quite a bit of truth that the Zohar goes against the Talmud in many areas ( gentiles are just one area), and IS NOT Authentic, being made up in the 12th century by Moses of Leon.

It used to be OK to question the Zohar, but since the "enlightenment" it has become more difficult in religious circles to do so...that is how you end up with Dolts like "rabbi" Yisrael Ariel, who knows very little about the real Location of the Temple mount ( the Gichon/ Shiloach / Silwan area NOT the Dome of the Rock). Ariel, who blabbers on about building building an Alter when it took a prophet to find the exact location the last two times...but this time he would like to do so ad hoc.

I don't have a google account, but for those who do:


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A) Fact are facts...only if you know how to learn the Talmud...often opinions of Single Rabbis are quoted, only to be refuted by the Majority of Rabbis....

Taking off beat quotes that are not accepted as Halacha ( Jewish Law), or not in context of the discussion is a favourite pastime of those who slander the Talmud. Often the discussion go on for many pages, and One Rabbis Opinion is not the final Law /Halacha, not by a long shot.

For Example: R. Shimon Ben Yochoi against all the Other Rabbis in Yevamos 61a. ( Subject matter: whether non Jews confer ritual impurity of death, are they called "Adam" ( Man)??? The vast majority say YES, and that is how we hold!

Fast forward to Yevamos 63a and R. Elazer says any man who is not married is not an "Adam" ( Man), Further he says one should own land to be called an "Adam" ( Man). This applies to Jews and Gentiles...but it is CLEAR this does not apply to Jews nor Gentiles to dehumanize them. Rather Rabbi Elazer's Opinion is coming to teach if you want to be a "real man", one must Emulate the First man Adam. ( "Adam Harishon") by having a wife and having land to work.

A more authentic look at the Talmud:


B) Chabad / Lubavitch is not my Preferred Group of Jews, but they were persecuted by the Bolsheviks as well. In fact ANY religion other than the communist religion was persecuted in the USSR, churches, synagogues and Mosques were often bulldozed, etc.

IN terms of Bolsheviks, while there was Trotsky and a few others at the top, a 1922 party census says only about 5% were "ivrestsky" ( Hebrew), and about 6% of the party leadership itself. While some played an "outsized" role, the vast majority were not Jewish.

Still. Jews have been killing other Jews for a long long time, read Josephus, Judges, Kings I, II, etc.. Currently it is a struggle between Religious Jews and Non religious Jews ( apostates), complicated by "Zionism".

If only wayward Jews Like Yuval Noah Harari would study and apply the Talmud, they would find the world is mean to be FULL of people...like what the Talmud in Gittin 41b ( quoting the Mishna Gittin, and Isaiah) says:

"...but isn’t it true that the world was created only for procreation, as it is stated: “He did not create it to be a waste; He formed it to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45:18)"

C) The Adoption of the Seven Laws of Noah never Happened, it was a House resolution to establish "Education Day" ( House Joint Resolution 173), not LAW.

If the Seven Laws Of Noah were to have been actually adopted AS LAW in the U.S.A., Homosexuality and Abortion would have been illegal. Clearly that is not the case. It was political pandering, nothing more.


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He died because he was taking ivermectin wrong. Long story short.

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What NAC?

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N-acetyl-cystine. You can get it in the supplement department at health food stores. Or vitacost.com and other Vitamin places

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The shedding is probably just the spike protein not the mRNA. People who get the jabs produce huge quantities of the spike protein and it is in all their bodily fluids and in their breath too.

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Huh? the spike protein IS the mRNA, I'm pretty sure.

Correct my error if I'm mistaken, because it sounds quite important.

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No. The mRNA are the instructions to make the SP.

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Thanks for clarifying that for m...kel--

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I appreciate you pointing this out. Thank you.

I don't think all shots are the same. If I was experimenting and trying this out, I would try different things with different amounts of ingredients, that's how we learn from experiments. Some may have saRNA, some may not. We don't know which have synthetic LNPs and which do not, if any. We don't know which have mRNA for certain.

Moreover, people can barely afford gas and eggs these days. What is the test to say you need to detox, from what, and/or when you can stop?

For those that have the money to spend on supplements, I really worry about overcorrecting or knowing how it might conflict with other things. I suggest adding one thing at time to know the effect, rather than everything for everything.

We really could use a control group that just says, I'm living my life basically the same as I always have (without the shots, without expensive supplements) and see what happens.

Just my perspective. I pray for all to do the best they can for themselves. I'm not discounting shedding, just saying it's not equivalent.

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thumbs up.

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Neither of us is vax'd. We have a similar supplement regimen in our home, with the addition of NAC and daily turmeric/ginger/black pepper. Hubby and I have both had COVID twice. Once was with an early variant and the second time Omicron last Christmas. Neither of us was terribly ill - like an atypical cold. I comfortably took in a 5-mile hike halfway through my first bout with COVID. We have otherwise been healthy at age 66. We both find ourselves reacting to recently vax'd people in our presence. He gets eye irritation for about a day. Eye irritation was a prominent symptom of his first COVID bout. I get some coughing. We don't remain ill; it feels more like an allergic reaction. My 97-year old mom resisted the shots too. She caught Omicron in late winter. She said it wasn't too bad but she was tired. She didn't like the supplements I got her, saying they made her nauseaus. Her preferred remedy was chicken soup, sleep, and tea. I suspect she also slipped in a bit of her favorite sherry.

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Love this. Chicken soup. Who knew?

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You're probably right. I misread it. Thanks.

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I would say it's here to stay if you do nothing. The detox protocols may be effective.

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Too bad the detox formula can’t be given out free just like the government gave the jab free! That would be a nice gift of health! Course now EVERYONE is paying one way or another!!

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

Your Google fu is weak. :)


It’s not free but it is priceless.

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Has FLCCC got an update saying the Spike Protein can not be removed? FLCCC was saying through Autophage Spike was exiting the body.

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As far as I know, their detox protocols work.

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McCullough is saying the MRNA (not SP) is not going away because the body doesn’t appear to be able to break down the pseudouridine modified RNA. There are methods to break down SP, including autophagy and proteolytic enzymes like nattokinase. But if the body can’t clear the MRNA, SP will continue to be produced.

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Is this true? Vaccinated will continue to produce spike proteins indefinitely?

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As long as the mRNA can NOT be removed & is reproducing it will continue to create Spike Protein. Hope Autophage can keep ahead of it. Humanity could be heading for a diseased apocalypse.

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That was my impression also, then I replayed it & maybe he just misspoke. Showed a pic of the mRNA reproducing & something about it makes DNA out of an RNA sequence. This will be in humanity for all time.

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In the presence of reverse transcriptase, the vax mRNA could potentially lead to production of DNA through a sort of reverse patterning. That's one of the concerns, although I've not seen much written in support of this happening to a significant extent. Normally mRNA breaks down in the body pretty quickly, but this stuff is engineered with a modified nucleic acid, so there is a lot of uncertainty about its breakdown in the body.

Maybe I'm just a nutty optimist, but I tend to think both the mRNA and spike protein will slowy be broken down, with individual variation in the speed and attendant damage to the body before the spike proteins are eliminated. Biological molecules go through ongoing processes of breakdown with component structures re-used or eliminated by the body. Although this particular mRNA is artificially created, it's hard for me to believe that either the mRNA or the spike protein have been engineered for molecular immortality. We just don't have the full picture yet. While there is an artificial component to the mRNA - the pseudouracil - there should be other parts of the molecule that are subject to typical enzymatic processes. Likewise, the spikes are made up of the body's own amino acids, which are familiar targets for enzymes.

As to being in humanity forever, you'd have to see the mRNA used as a pattern to created modified DNA within the eggs, sperm or maternal mitochondria. Ordinary cellular DNA isn't passed to the next generation. If DNA that gets transferred between generations is affected, then we have a whole different picture.

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Thanks for the explanation.

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Where is the line between "shedding" and "self spreading vaccine"? The latter developed for livestock. Doesnt get mentioned much but Dr Bourla is veterinarian not an MD.

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They’ve been talking about creating universal vaccines. Only the highest risk get vaxxed and then it passes on to everyone else. Informed consent goes out the window. In some of Pfizer’s documents it states that pregnant women should not come into contact with recently vaxxed people, or breathe the same air because the spike protein was detected in respiratory droplets, sweat, and skin cells.

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As they see us!

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This theory of the mRNA being transferred to the unvaxxed was first floated some time ago, and I was quite concerned then since I am clean while my wife and daughter (who lives with us) are both double jabbed and boosted. That this transfer now seems to be confirmed is truly depressing. I started on NAC long ago when I read it helped get rid of the spike protein, I just hope that it's working. At least I didn't take the full dose through a shot.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

I have not and will not ever take the covid injections. I've had a sore arm for over 3 months, it also feels warm. I will never set foot in a hospital ever again because of the horror stories I've heard. An online search of my malady describes it as symptomatic of neuropathy. [likely from vaxxers' shedding] Nerve damage is one common side effect of the jabs. After a little research, according to the recommendations I started taking high potency vitamin B12, Zinc, and Alpha Lipoic Acid. The inflammation has gone down slightly but not enough, it's been only about a week. Yesterday I added Vitamin C and Vitamin E. I've heard NAC is recommended too, but I can't find it anywhere at local pharmacies, even under alternative names.

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You can get NAC from online vitamin sites pretty easily. I just ordered some from a site called "Life Extension" - along with a bunch of other stuff like Vitamin D, C and Black Cumin seed oil.

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I said that too. Life Extension is very good. Got mine there!!

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Ivermectin is the only thing in my extensive research that truly gets the spike proteins out of one’s body, and NAC gets the metal graphene oxide out of your body. But if this article is truly saying that the mRNA spreads from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, and it never leaves your body, Then we’re all fucked. Save your money and don’t buy supplements.

For god sake‘s if you want vitamin D sit in the sun for 20 minutes a day. Do you want vitamin C? Eat a damn orange. 90% of supplements don’t have what you think it is in them. You’re wasting your money.

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Thank you very much. I would try Ivermectin if I knew where to find it in Canada. Someone sent me this article. I believe it indicates that vaccinated are shedding spike proteins, not lipid nanoparticles.


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You can find ivermectin in Canada at large animal vet and farm supply stores. You can order it online. Valleyvet.com is one source.

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Your a complete idiot.

Off yourself.

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Moron. Can’t handle the truth.

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Thank you, but I won't trust online transactions until I find a more secure way since my credit card info got hacked. I'll have to search for brick and mortar stores in Toronto.

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I also live in Ontario and I get all of my supplements via National Nutrition in Orillia, Ontario, which is close to where I live. They have NAC, as well as everything else you need and their prices are great. I have never had any issues ordering online with them. If you are weary about ordering online, you can drive up to Orillia!! https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/

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Try a Health food store for the Nac. If not, see below suggestions. That's where I got mine. Good Luck.

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Thank you, but I won't trust online transactions until I find a more secure way since my credit card info got hacked. I'll have to search for brick and mortar stores in Toronto.

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try making 1-time use, or amount-limited virtual cards with privacy.com I do that all the time when I want to buy something from an online seller I'm not that familiar with. create a 1-time use virtual card for an amount a few cents over what the total price w/ S&H will be, and then pay for your purchase with that virtual card. once it pays out, that card number dies forever and even if someone hacked into the merchant's data and got it, they couldn't ever use it again...

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Ivermectin is the only thing in my extensive research that truly gets the spike proteins out of one’s body, and NAC gets the metal graphene oxide out of your body. But if this article is truly saying that the mRNA spreads from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, and it never leaves your body, Then we’re all doomed.

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Thank you for mentioning NAC. I wasn’t aware that it helped with detoxing. It actually makes sense though when we’ve heard that at least the virus messes with the production of glutathione. Dr. McCullough has also stated that if we are suffering from post covid fatigue that we can take 500mg of Quercetin 600mg of NAC twice a day.

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Yes! We have to keep our immune systems up! I’ve been taking ivermectin 2 times a day for 4.5 months for a full parasitic detox as well as flushing out spike proteins.

What to do about the mRNA? I have no clue. that’s a new one for me. I thought it just attached to the vaccinated’s cells.

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Ivermectin is wonderful! I’m pretty sure that I had covid last fall. After I recovered I continued to get “colds” about once a month, which is abnormal for me. I was taking everything except IVM. I have a Dr. friend who prescribed it for me this past January. After 2 days my symptoms subsided and it never came back.

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It’s great to take her to get rid of Covid, but you should stay on it, and detox completely have all the parasites that you have inside of you. We are all mammals, and we all have parasites follow. This guy is channel for more information on ivermectin. He has a voice chat every Wednesday and Sunday at 7 PM. It will be life-changing for you. I’ve been on ivermectin for 4 1/2 months twice a day.


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A good site to buy herbs that kill parasites is: humaworm.com

I used one of their parasite killing protocols for a month and I had a physical

feeling of being a little lighter and a calmness throughout my body.

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Someone connected me to Danny’s channel on Telegram a couple weeks ago. So fascinating including his story and protocol. Parasites in our mammal bodies make sense to cause much inflammation and then disease. Root cause right there!! I have been going slow with being aware of changes needed in my diet, no sugar for one, and hydrating with the lemon water for an alkaline environment. Will start on other things after holidays as herxing can be tough I am reading. Slow but sure and keep healing simple! So grateful to have found him.

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This guy, Danny has a live chat 2 times a week on Ivermectin. Testimonies, Q&A, etc. it’s amazing and I highly recommend it.

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It seems more likely that the spike protein is transferred via shedding but not the mRNA. It is unlikely that mRNA can be transferred via body fluids or breathing but the spike almost certainly can be shed that way.

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POSTED Elsewhere: Anecdotal, but an instance I believe adds credence to the shedding hypothesis: I have friend that is 26yo, extremely fit and healthy rock climber that is unvaxxed but spends A LOT of time climbing with vaccinated friends. Last summer he got very ill and thought he had COVID but test was negative. He ended up in the hospital for a week with Guillan Barre. He couldn’t even walk. Did a full body MRI scan. He’s actually mostly recovered now, with some slight residual weakness in the left side of his face. In my mind shedding is the only explanation for this. His whole family is also very fit and healthy and not vaxxed.

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Could be the spike protein that he got from jabbed friends that caused his body to react?

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If your friend drinks beer, do you get drunk?

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All vaccines can be considered "bioweapons" no vaccine is safe.none.the lies about vaccines being helpful are to profit big pharma. Infants do not need vaccinations.millennia of evolution of the immune system proves that.vaccines destroy the immune system,creating customers for life for the corrupt unhealth system.

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"Effective mRNA that can actually do something" shedding onto the unvaxxed doesn't sound likely since the mRNA is highly unstable at room temperature. The mRNA in the vaccines does almost nothing much of the time (because it breaks down before injection) and it's the spike protein (which we know DOES spread to the unvaxxed) which does even more damage, the more shots you get.

Sources: Hackers stole COVID-19 vaccine documents from European Medicines Agency. The vials are all different. The mRNA is not intact. It's not even an effective vaccine. Read for details. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/documents-leaked-from-the-ema-confirms?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2 See this video. https://www.brighteon.com/f038068d-862b-41ae-81fe-96bcd52c4cb7 From video: RNA integrity problems, visible particles in vaccine. EMA does damage control and claims the docs were manipulated but gave no details on the manipulation. Pfizer vaccine must be frozen at -70C as "it is sensitive to movement", and movement can damage the RNA. RNA integrity varied a lot, from 50-86%. Unstable spike protein implications: The protein can collapse or malform. Differences in RNA integrity between clinical and commercial batches. Commercial shots had lower RNA integrity.

The mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna need very low temperatures for storage. Here's a study: Schoenmaker L, Witzigmann D, Kulkarni JA, et al. *mRNA-lipid nanoparticle COVID-19 vaccines: Structure and stability.* Int J Pharm. 2021;601:120586. doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120586 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8032477/

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These are important points. Although they've been tweaking their LNP formulation for a while...

they've never shown what percent of LNP is intact from their 25 subcontractor producers

they've never documented what percent of mRNA gets transfected - no quantitative assay of amount of spike produced -- from production batches.

This is not even approaching science. It's fraud. You can't legitamitely administer a drug with completely unknown quantity, and call that medically sound.

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Does anyone know if there’s evidence the mRNA spreads through inhalation (I.e. working in the same office where everyone else is vaccinated😭)? I believe there’s evidence the spike protein does shed and that how the unvaxxed suffer some adverse events. But could mRNA and/or lipid nanoparticles also be shared like that? This post mentioned closer contact such as kissing/sexual etc. so seems like sharing the same space could still be ok? I know they’ve been working on inhaled vaccines and wouldn’t put it past them to have included this mechanism.

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My mother and her sister both came down with shingles in 2021. Both had had frequent close contact with health workers (doctors, nurses, etc.) following the COVID "vaccine" rollouts. Neither had ever had shingles before. My dad, as well, had frequent close contact with health workers following the MRNA shots rollouts. He died from sudden unexpected heart failure in March 2021. My mother began having a series of strokes in early 2021 and died in October of that year. My aunt died of sepsis in March 2021. None of the three had ever had any of the COVID shots. This convinces me more than ever that my parents, and possibly my aunt, were killed by shedding of the MRNA injections by medical personnel.

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I am so sorry for your losses.

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To those thinking nicotine is useless.. I refer you to the Incelldx folks. Cause they use it along with Statins, and Ivermectin to help the 'long covid' people get rid of the covid spikes... just sayin. If you don't want to believe this, be my guest. I am taking up nicotine patches ... to get my 'fix' along with my IVM, Nicotine is a very interesting drug. Go and research IF YOU DARE. Dr. Bruce Patterson, Incelldx.com

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