Everybody knows the FBI was involved with 1/6 except our 'leaders.'


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I’m sure they know. Because they planned for them to be there.

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Maybe they do but, don’t care?

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10 Prescincts in Madison Wisconsin have mailed out two sets of Mail In Ballots. Gee how could that happen, must have been a clerical mistake. I’m sure someone will lose their job over this…Or Most Likely get PROMOTED. Rinse & Repeat Madison Wisconsin Election Fraud Lives On

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shenanigans going on in every state. Theres no one to do anything about any of it.

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The ONLY thing that has ever mattered is who counts the vote.

It's the illusion of a legitimate voting process that must be maintained at all costs... by both political parties.

More importantly, its the fake voting polls that provide the necessary means (cover story) for the vote counting ends (vote manipulation).


Person #1: "Wow, the token RNC candidate barely won this year.

Person #2 "Well, you know the polls said it would be close so I guess the vote counters were legitimate".

Its been done this way for quite some time.

Wash, rinse and repeat.

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100% and that is not to say how easy it is to access compromised voting machines in both the hardware and software with a simple computer program code/script variable that flips the vote for the "chosen" candidate! A high school kid with a computer degree can manipulate this.

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Prepare yourselves.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF6XZJ-i4Ww

Heard in a committee meeting yesterday.

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Voting machines are like slot machines … you know what you’re putting in but you don’t know what will come out

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Raposa vigilante vocês são ótimos.

Tem semelhente trabalho da Revista Timeline dos brasileiros exilados nos EUA.

À propósito, Brasil já é um arremedo de ditatura sendo vilipendiada pelos globalistas imundos: podem divulgar, por favor.


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How to Check Your Vote. Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. https://sleazeexpo.wordpress.com/questions-to-put-to-usa-federal-election-commission-inspector-general-ms-lynne-a-mcfarland-dl/

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Not shocking to me...

The only thing you need to know is this Patent!


And because no one believes me I decided to publish the complete patent here on my Blog for all to see.


How the Jews and Soros steal your vote.

Because it is the Jews who do this.


Read my Minority report.

It is the Jews dominating politics because the Jews want a world enslaved.

Under their foot... just like George Orwell warned us about.


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I viewed.

I'm nauseated...

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