Yeah well.. "Welcome to Justin Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan"...

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the good old soviet way, with the good old free soviet press

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Kryᛋᛋtia Freeloader is lucky it was David Menzies interviewing her, instead of me... I just have to think about these bastards and I'm instantly reduced to a shivering, incandescant rage...

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Make it simple: it's just another masonic controlled government among hundreds!


1. Pray

2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with false money: listed corporations, media, medicine, parties, politicians!

3. Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


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You can check out any time you like but you can never leave 😂

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Great name “Canuckistan” 😂

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Wow, Turdeau must go!

It's gotten to the point where the crimes of the regimes in Canada and the US are so flagrant and undeniable that no one with eyes can fail to see them.

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You'd be amazed how many dolts still don't see it, can't be made to see it. Probably even now, 95% of the country.

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The most important question for the future of humanity is exactly why they don't see what is right in front of them.

I think it's because the truth is too painful. It would sear their brains, such as they have, to see and know the truth that their own resentments were and still are the engine behind the destruction of everything good and true, and that they went along with that evil for the short-term masturbatory pleasure of getting revenge on people who made them feel bad simply by being more competent than they are. Cain and Abel.

The people running the circus know this very well and in great detail, and so they try to inflame the resentments of the incompetent every chance they get.

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“You take The Blue Pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe... whatever you want to.

You take The Red Pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep The Rabbit Hole Goes.”

— Morpheus

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We are now approaching the Black Pill. Unless people stand up and fight.

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High tech brainwashing:

• Ultrasonic hypnosis (download ultrasound detector by Gudkov on your phone): beware of phones, streaming and non-live media.

• Blue light from LCD screens and street-lights

• Infra-red pulses

• Stroboscopy (nb LED street lights)

• Subliminal messages by high refresh rate (higher than the conscious mind can perceive, but still under the eye’s and the subconscious’ range)

• Electric field pulses when watching/hearing something with emotions (streamed stadium games), etc.


1. Pray

2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with false money: listed corporations, media, medicine, parties, politicians!

3. Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


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Nothing will change even if we get rid of Trudeau.

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True, you have over 3,000 WEF minions in your govt, in both elected and appointed positions. Schwab chuckled about it in a WEF chat with Trudeau. You can get rid of them but it will be tough.

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that wont change much in the long run.

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Wow. Canada IS a police state.

David Menzies did NOT assault anyone. The police were lying in wait to arrest him on false charges. So glad it was caught on video and that Menzies maintained a clear head throughout the false arrest. Wow.

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It's a common tactic among fascists: have their cronies bump into you and then arrest you. Overt oppression.

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This is Trudeau's Canada. Freeland could have acted like a normal politician and took some responsibility by stopping and answering a few questions. Instead the gestapo agents entrap the pressman. These people are disgusting.

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They're beyond disgusting. And don't insult The Gestapo: These people are The Cheka.

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I agree. JT's whole shtick reeks of Soviet Style "communism."

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Run first 10 seconds of this video. Clearly setup/entrapment. Chrystia performed a well rehearsed move by changing her trajectory. At 9 sec her lady companion observes if David really runs into bald headed thug or if maneuver has accomplished its objective. It's obvious such move has been rehearsed. David did not deserve this despite him and Rebel news being fully biased in Israeli -Hamas conflict

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A common tactic among fascists: have their cronies bump into you and then arrest you. Obvious injustice!

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I don’t like Rebel News, but what happened to David Menzies is unacceptable. That being said, as a Canadian I expect nothing to change.

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au Contraire, Ignatius of Maidstone!

It's going to get worse from here.

Much worse.

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seems to me like either you stand up against this, or the boot will suffocate you

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I am resigned to the reality Ingrid, that I may not be alive this time next year, the way things are going..

Oh well, fuck it: I'm 64, it wasn't much of a life anyway. 🙄💩

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enjoy every day as if it was your last is what I do. Started drinking wine again, and eating whatever I like. Giving my animals the best I can find. Tomorrow we might indeed not be here. No one knows when the final breath comes. Certainly not now ! I hope you make the best of it Capt. Roy !

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Trying to...

"Ah make the most of what we yet may spend

Before we too, into the dust descend...

Dust into dust, and under dust to lie,

Sans wine, sans song, sans singer and — sans end!"

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And the boot will crush you if you stand up. Either way you are screwed. The only way to survive is to get out of the boot’s path.

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looking at possible places, but not much in sight. Two small European countries, Hungary and Croatia, come to mind. But both close to Russia. I don't want to live on a small uninhabited island either LOL. And Antarctica is too cold. A few Middle American countries, Ecuador, one of them. Lots of snakes and enormous spiders. And how safe are these countries? Another president, another turn in govt. LIke Mexico this year. Had a good one. What is next?

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There's nowhere on Earth to escape to. There is no magick wardrobe to walk into Narnia. The ships of the Grey Havens are long departed. I don't have a communicator to beam up to the USS Enterprise, and I suspect, neither do you, nor is there a friendly Weeping Angel to tap us on the shoulder and zap us back to.. Oh.. I donno.. 1960? 1970? In my case, 1980 at the latest?

You will have to make your stand Ingrid, where you are standing, with what you have. St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, 6:12-13.

On the other hand? They have no more power than what we lend them.

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There are of course places better to live in than Canada. Your ancestors once fled Europe (I assume) for better opportunities here.

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that is what I will do. And I hope and pray you will, too.

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You can’t marry a country. You have to be prepared to leave. Having said that, I’m still here. 😔

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I was born in Belgium and came to the US in 2003. First to AZ and then to GA. So I already did a bit of moving LOL. If need be I will pack up and go again, but I got animals now, which makes it a bit harder.

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You offered the most positive comment thus far as at least it is solution oriented, but also kinda sad as u r looking for the where can we go. Full disclosure- I am a U.S. citizen but I am outraged to what happened to that reporter. What composure and integrity he showed which allowed us to see the pure one sided scary evil that is here.

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Perfection is the enemy of the good. All you need to do is find somewhere better than Canada. And what is wrong with being close to Russia?

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the language mostly LOL. Hungarian is extremely difficult. Croatian might be in the possibilites. I am in the Southern US now and won't come to canada at all! In fact, if Putin had not pushed the jabs, I might consider Russia, it is an enormous country with enormously different landscapes and lots of seemingly very friendly people.

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It’s going to get much worse everywhere unless there’s a miracle.

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Yeah, but the Crown countries are pretty much the worst, and the more these psychos push ahead they're going to go too far and keep waking people up and slowly continue to turn the tides against them. Even the covid psyop was a clumsy rush job because they've become desperate to rush and push too hard too fast. Not saying it won't get worse because they are reckless and all they're capable of is destruction so they will destroy much more prior to effectively destroying their own plans.

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I believe in miracles- I am old enough to have seen a number of them!

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I'm 64. I wish I was 84.

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Don't wish your life away. Things will look a little brighter in the Spring. Thank God, the thugs aren't in control of the seasons. Human nature minus God is quite mean & ugly, but God wins!

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What's your beef with Rebel News? Don't know much about them but have seen good reporting around Covid.

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Rolling over & accepting?

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Never said that.

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No you didn't. That is pretty clear! Your comment was right on. Thank you!

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RCMP low wattage thugs seemingly living out their Gestapo dreams abetted by invertebrate politicians. Sickening, but a dawning reality across the Anglosphere.

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Please. "The Cheka." -- Don't besmirth the Gestapo's sterling reputation this way.

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these cops should be debadged and fired

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And to think left-leaning voters and celebrities threatened to move to Canada if Trump won the presidency because he would become tyrannical. HA-HA. The projections and hypocrisy are everywhere.

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They'll fit right in up there. They love tyranny as long as it's against their adversaries.

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I wish they would post where this happened- I’m in the USA but I’ll call the Canadian Fascists at that PD ( so called) and give them a piece of my mind- as well as the townhall admins ordering the agenda pushing pd to do this - letting my groups of 2000 plus social media buddies know- they have no problems shaming and calling out the fascists into stopping the crimes and censoring against humanity!

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Either in Ottawa or Toronto.

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An officer's badge reads "York Regional Police"

The York Regional Police is the police service of the Regional Municipality of York, Ontario, Canada.

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I searched their number- about 10 different police stations came up. I’ll keep digging

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I was a cop for 23 years. I’d NEVER be a part of this sheet! It’s disgusting! And I lost my job as an Oathkeeper of 23 years because I didn’t comply with the illegal mandates. It’s disgusting what men will do against humanity…God forgive us all, in Jesus Christ’s name.

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When people ask “how were we duped” show them this video. Just wow.

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Too bad the police, military and politicians put morality, ethics and democracy third, right after power and a paycheck. They know what they’re doing is wrong yet they do it anyway. This is not a good sign for the future.

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That's my main beef with the cops - they'll follow unlawful, unconstitutional orders unquestioningly, at the behest of the establishment.

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These police officers are no better than the Gestapo in Nazi Germany.

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