Another steal should not be a surprised. When they stole the 2020 election I knew then we would never have an honest election again. They have been perfecting the steal since 2008 and by 2020 it was perfected. The only thing that can save this election is divine intervention. But America has become a country of sinners so not so sure we deserve divine intervention. When a nation turns its back on God his judgement will be harsh. The worst is yet to come. Chronicles 7:14

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2024 Elections: bought or stolen? Both!


It's important that people share, not the article, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

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I believe,I MUST believe,that there are “White hats”working on this. That,more,and more people are realizing they can use their God givin power,to create a true,and honest outcome…That,if we take a moment to visualize/ pray,we create the best possible outcome,for all! Namaste…

.And,YES,bust the frikin’ bad guys for cheating!

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Karen, then why did God spare Trumps' life?

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Who's trying to kill him, the most incompetent assassins in the world? Or are we to believe the oompa loompa security detail whoncan't holster a firearm being provided to him is foiling these attempts? There are many false flags in these attempts.

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You sure have your definition of false-flag twisted..

Instead those TWO incompetent assassins are simply ne'er do wells desperately TRYING TO CoLLECT THE IRANIAN MILLIONS put on Trump's head because he succeeded in knocking off some Iranian terror-honchos... and the oompa loompa Biden MOB can't afford to out-and-out murder Trump themselves so they're stuck with feigning ineptness worse than the incompetent assassins.... Both assassins had foreign dealings with middle eastern contacts, accounts and the 2nd one got into crazy stuff after he hooked up with some honeypot, othrwise he was broke.


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Trump will win.

Dems will steal it.

We fight, fight, fight and eventually get him in WH in July or so...

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...and we are under judgement though not in the Tribulation yet.

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But I keep thinking about Abram bargaining with God over Sodom. Are there enough righteous people in this country to make it worth saving? Please God, let it be so. Heavenly Father, you are a gracious God and I ask for your grace to consider our country worth saving. Empower your disciples to root out the evil in our nation to help bring it back to you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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Surveil the drop boxes…..”protect” them at all costs

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Yep the election will be stolen again. And just like last time nothing will be done about it.

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OTC, the group UNITED SOVEREIGN AMERICANS have established a foothold in NINE STATES, including GA, MI, OH and PA, in the courts so they are prepared to COMPARE THE SOURCES of ''inaccuracy'' lol in each state's methods in 2024 to THEIR DOCUMENTED ''inaccuracies'' in 2022...

By THIS ADVANCE WoRK they will HAVE STANDING to DEMAND PROSECUTION of any authority attempting to CERTIFY ''inaccuracies'' that EXCEED THE ''civil rights'' LAW's against stuffing the ballot box...

And TRUE-the VOTE has a central REPORTING SERVICE WEBSITE set up to receive and document voters' observations of irregularities ... check out VoteAlert.org

So yeah they already have reports accumulating... I haven't looked in a couple days, but they are up and running with an app for you to use....

So stay sharp and get prepared, our troops are locked and loaded


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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

They won't be able to do it due to losing so thoroughly, but that doesn't mean they won't pull whatever they can to keep Trump out, including fueling riots and declaring martial law and arresting and even killing citizens.

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It’s also important to put a substantial majority of Republicans in the new Congress, even if that means voting for RINOs because Raskin and his fellow Demonrats have vowed to not certify the election if Trump wins. The new Congress takes their oath of office on Jan 3 before the date that the 2024 election is to be certified.

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At this point,that’s not the world/ outcome I’m going to visualize/ pray for…what else can we do?

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Trump will lead the removal of the anarchists and godhaters this time.

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The Marxist paradigm includes the end justifies the means. If this election is demonstrably stolen all Hell will break loose. If it isn’t close they can’t steal it. If Trump wins payback will be a bitch LOTS of jobs, careers, Global agenda on the line

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The polls are designed to make the election to appear to be extremely close, making it easier for people to believe the results of the steal.

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Trump via the military has this election theft covered

He warned them. Repeatedly. Cheat. You will get caught. You will go to jail.

Does Trump look like a man that is worried??

The cheat will happen.

The military then steps in.

10 days of lockdown darkness as the final arrests are carried out.


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Oh man, are you still peddling this type of Q b.s.? The DoD just enabled military troops to use lethal force against U.S. citizens and you think that's FOR Trump? What in the world are you smoking? The military is the top of the pyramid in this country with regard to serving globalist multinationals and subverting what this country was originally based on. The best of the military was forced out due to the shots-- the leadership is the enemy and they have a compliant force now.

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Yeah Bradley BUT THIS TIME we've got a DIFFERENT SET of TROOPERS..

No dependence on lethal anything......

OTC, the group UNITED SOVEREIGN AMERICANS have established a foothold in NINE STATES, including GA, MI, OH and PA, in the courts so they are prepared to COMPARE THE SOURCES of ''inaccuracy'' lol in each state's methods in 2024 to THEIR DOCUMENTED ''inaccuracies'' in 2022...

By THIS ADVANCE WoRK they will HAVE STANDING to DEMAND PROSECUTION of any authority attempting to CERTIFY ''inaccuracies'' that EXCEED THE ''civil rights'' LAW's against stuffing the ballot box... https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

And also TRUE-the VOTE has a central REPORTING SERVICE WEBSITE set up to receive and document voters' observations of ''irregularities'' ... check out VoteAlert.org

So yeah they already have reports accumulating... I haven't looked in a couple days, but they are up and running with an app for you to use....

So stay sharp and get prepared, our DATA and COURT troops are locked and loaded WITH STANDING and with cases ready in BLACKLETTER CIVIL RIGHTS VOTING LAW on inaccuracies...


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That’s Exactly what I figured!! We have to do Something! They will steal this election right under our noses if we Don’t!! What can we as citizens do to keep this election from being stolen from President Trump???

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THIS is what we can work with......

No objection to 2A or militias... BUT WE'RE NOT GOING IN THERE BLIND..

OTC, the group UNITED SOVEREIGN AMERICANS have established a foothold in NINE STATES, including GA, MI, OH and PA, in the courts so they are prepared to COMPARE THE SOURCES of ''inaccuracy'' lol in each state's methods in 2024 to THEIR DOCUMENTED ''inaccuracies'' in 2022...

By THIS ADVANCE WoRK they will HAVE STANDING to DEMAND PROSECUTION of any authority attempting to CERTIFY ''inaccuracies'' that EXCEED THE ''civil rights'' LAW's against stuffing the ballot box... https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

And also TRUE-the VOTE has a central REPORTING SERVICE WEBSITE set up to receive and document voters' observations of ''irregularities'' ... check out VoteAlert.org

So yeah they already have reports accumulating... I haven't looked in a couple days, but they are up and running with an app for you to use....

So stay sharp and get prepared, our DATA and COURT troops are locked and loaded WITH STANDING and with cases ready in BLACKLETTER CIVIL RIGHTS VOTING LAW on inaccuracies...


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Be a poll watcher and watch them do it. Record it.

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I'm torn on optimism vs pessimism. The conditions for fraud aren't as ideal as they were with all the covid nonsense and massive mail in vote. Some small improvements in law have been passes in a few key states.

On the other hand, we all learned, especially the left, that they can actually steal an election and have no legal or investigative consequences despite more than enough evidence. Why wouldn't they inject even more fraud?

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More fraud the merrier... and our resources are built around ADVANCE WORK in COURTS and DATA TOOLS to document the ''inaccuracies''..


the group UNITED SOVEREIGN AMERICANS have established a foothold in NINE STATES, including GA, MI, OH and PA, in the courts so they are prepared to COMPARE THE SOURCES of ''inaccuracy'' lol in each state's methods in 2024 to THEIR DOCUMENTED ''inaccuracies'' in 2022...

By THIS ADVANCE WoRK they will HAVE STANDING to DEMAND PROSECUTION of any authority attempting to CERTIFY ''inaccuracies'' that EXCEED THE ''civil rights'' LAW's against stuffing the ballot box... https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

And also TRUE-the VOTE has a central REPORTING SERVICE WEBSITE set up to receive and document voters' observations of ''irregularities'' ... check out VoteAlert.org

So yeah they already have reports accumulating... I haven't looked in a couple days, but they are up and running with an app for you to use....

So stay sharp and get prepared, our DATA and COURT troops are locked and loaded WITH STANDING and with cases ready in BLACKLETTER CIVIL RIGHTS VOTING LAW on inaccuracies...


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2nd amendment... are you armed? Do you have a local militia at each voting place? Do you have verification for the machines with dirty algorithms? Is there a plan in place ready for the mail in ballots to verify? Let's do something together now, not bitch cry and complain. What are we democrats? Get a few thousand Karen's, Karen's get it done! Do you have militia in place by the electoral colleges to enforce and protect honest voting? Or are we getting obese sitting on our butts crying and whining like the last 2 decades!? 🤔🧐🤨😐 look in the mirror. We are a part of this problem. Now is when. Do. Go.

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No objection to 2A or militias... BUT WE'RE NOT GOING IN THERE BLIND..

OTC, the group UNITED SOVEREIGN AMERICANS have established a foothold in NINE STATES, including GA, MI, OH and PA, in the courts so they are prepared to COMPARE THE SOURCES of ''inaccuracy'' lol in each state's methods in 2024 to THEIR DOCUMENTED ''inaccuracies'' in 2022...

By THIS ADVANCE WoRK they will HAVE STANDING to DEMAND PROSECUTION of any authority attempting to CERTIFY ''inaccuracies'' that EXCEED THE ''civil rights'' LAW's against stuffing the ballot box... https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

And also TRUE-the VOTE has a central REPORTING SERVICE WEBSITE set up to receive and document voters' observations of ''irregularities'' ... check out VoteAlert.org

So yeah they already have reports accumulating... I haven't looked in a couple days, but they are up and running with an app for you to use....

So stay sharp and get prepared, our DATA and COURT troops are locked and loaded WITH STANDING and with cases ready in BLACKLETTER CIVIL RIGHTS VOTING LAW on inaccuracies...


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He would know. Faux news and it's hosts certainly helped with announcing the wins for pedo joe with millions left to vote. As well in aiding in the plandemic pushing kill shots, etc.

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Anyone with a brain can smell it.

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So sad as the USA could have been great again but poll stealing is impossible to argue against because like last time when people complained they said that was being a bad loser, end of story!!!

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NOT THIS TIME b/c we've got the advance prep done..

OTC, the group UNITED SOVEREIGN AMERICANS have established a foothold in NINE STATES, including GA, MI, OH and PA, in the courts so they are prepared to COMPARE THE SOURCES of ''inaccuracy'' lol in each state's methods in 2024 to THEIR DOCUMENTED ''inaccuracies'' in 2022...

By THIS ADVANCE WoRK they will HAVE STANDING to DEMAND PROSECUTION of any authority attempting to CERTIFY ''inaccuracies'' that EXCEED THE ''civil rights'' LAW's against stuffing the ballot box... https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

And also TRUE-the VOTE has a central REPORTING SERVICE WEBSITE set up to receive and document voters' observations of ''irregularities'' ... check out VoteAlert.org

So yeah they already have reports accumulating... I haven't looked in a couple days, but they are up and running with an app for you to use....

So stay sharp and get prepared, our DATA and COURT troops are locked and loaded WITH STANDING and with cases ready in BLACKLETTER CIVIL RIGHTS VOTING LAW on inaccuracies...


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We will see. The Dems seem to be getting more unhinged as the election approaches. It may not be as easy to cheat this time.

BUT, the possibility/probability of the Democrats cheating should NOT be used as an excuse to not bother voting.

That’s EXACTLY what the Democrats want.

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I think all people just want accurate, legally compliant elections. United Sovereign American volunteers have been working towards that end. See the progress USA has made. https://unite4freedom.com/progress/ The Vigilant Fox should interview USA's CEO @MarlyHornik from @UnitedSAmerican to understand the legal strategy USA is using. So far USA has filed lawsuits in 9 states.

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How freaking many stunning moments do we have to go through before they have total permanent control like California?!

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Pennsylvania will cheat...again.

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