People have to understand - Schwab in charge of overall, Gates of medical/PLANdemics/food shortages, Soros of police and judges/corruption implanted/crowd incitement payments/border invasion. It is a coordinated effort.

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And they are all in trouble and very worried. Their time is coming to an end. EGO and manipulation never winds in the end. Truth does. Always.

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I simply cannot believe that this dangerous filthy old scroat still walks .. KARMA will arrive and it will be BRUTAL!

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That demon Cheney still lives and he doesn’t even have a heart. Sulphur keeps him alive.

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Hope very brutal!

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I’m starting to think Soros is the AntiChrist, but he’s got so much competition for the title these days….

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He is one of the many anti-Christ types!

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There, indeed, are many. Hell is waiting for them all.

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Yes indeed, including Emmanuel 'God, is he still with us!' Macron. Macron means mark.


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Watch, SCOTUS will overrule it (unless the constitution and rule of law was finally pulled off life support) and then Dems will try to destroy the SCOTUS for not being biased.

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How is this even allowed without being criminal, does this constitute election interference? We have a government that has gone rogue! If this was happening to any candidate in politics it would be bothersome!

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Under the Demoncrats , America is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

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Soros (and now son) are behind ALL anti-democratic, globalist moves around the World. Bloke should be prosecuted. He's a dead set commie, Marxist, totalitarian.

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Not surprised at all! Typical illegal BS from Georgy Porgy and Democrat judges in Colorado.

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they're trying everything. demonize him, put him in prison, get him off the ballot... which leads to one eventuality... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/are-they-preparing-to-assassinate

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There is nothing they will not do, including murder.

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Is this guy ever NOT involved in some nefarious shit?

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Soros's dirty money is everywhere. And while I'm not saying this in support of Trump, Soros is a pedophile. Soros started MAP > Minor Attracted Persons. Soros is the reason why Fuellmich Mueller is locked up; Mueller knows who they are, and they are at the top! We can see everywhere, how sexualizing children is being normalized! Their money buys silence and curries favors.

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Spiced up with a little Adrenachrome no doubt

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Government is in a corner, back against the wall. Its injured and bleeding and trying to find a way out. If its kept in the corner and starved, it will eventually die.

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“Now, if all this sounds to you like an election somewhere in Russia”

Lost me right there. Russia deposed the International Marxists years ago. Please try to keep up.

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As with ALL other things the demonrats are doing, this too shall turn around and bite them in the arse. Hard!

Colorado judges left an "out" for themselves with "the stay" and appeal process.

California, who jumped on board faster than a fat kid on a smartie, didn't even know what the Constitution says about any of it, up to and including the age of a running candidate, yet went full on stoopid about it.

The whole entire charade of excluding Trump to "save democracy" is failing rapidly, AND it sure is SHOWING The People what [they] are truly all about. No one will be able to 'unsee' this.

Seems almost planned how the dark forces are coming out of the woodwork for "democracy."

*Sips tea

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George Frederick Soros, a.k.a. George Frederick Schwartz, or Mr Black, black as your hat.


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