This is beyond disgraceful.

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In Brooklyn we would have called these people SHPOS's. Subhuman pieces of shit.

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No words. RIP this poor child. Heart goes out to his family. Just heard of a dead jabbed ex-high-school schoolmate of one of my kids. 22 years old. Sudden and aggressive cancer. Burn in hell, MFs who did this.

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These people, on all levels of the Covid con, are the dregs of humanity.

There's an album called "Triage" by a guy named David Baerwald. In the liner notes he dedicates the album to a certain set of politicians with the closer, "In the hopes there is a God and He is vengeful beyond all comprehension."

Suits these times perfectly.

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There is a God and his word mentions his wrath upon the wicked….Zephaniah 3:8 NWT

‘So keep yourselves in expectation of* me,’+ declares Jehovah,

‘Until the day when I rise up to take plunder,*

For my judicial decision is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms,

To pour out on them my indignation, all my burning anger;+

For by the fire of my zeal the whole earth will be consumed.+

The right hearted will be saved but the wicked will be destroyed on judgement day.

Almighty God does not want anyone to die but his justice is perfect and so he must act.

Psalms 145:20 ASV

20 Jehovah preserveth all them that love him; But all the wicked will he destroy.

Proverbs 2:22 Byington.

21 For the upright shall abide on the earth,—And the men of integrity shall remain therein;

22 But the lawless out of the earth shall be cut off, And traitors shall they tear away therefrom. 🙏🏻

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Rare that someone uses God's name. Kudos to you!

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Thank you, I find it is the only way to seperate him from the false gods, I believe that there is only one true God and Jehovah is his name (YHWH, Yahweh in Hebrew) he tells us in the book of Ezekiel that all will know who he is soon….chap 38: 23

“And I shall certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself+ and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’+

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Exactly as well as Ps. 83:18. Actually his name is in the Bible over 7000 times but some wise guys took it out in place of Lord or God...titles if you will.

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Yes sadly that is what they chose to do, I sometimes wonder if it was partly because of the false trinity because using Gods name distinguishes him from Jesus too, so along with all the many verses that prove Jesus is not God his Father, by using Gods name it proves it further.

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Well you gotta remember that, I think it was apostle Paul that said that after his death, apostasy would creep in the the congregation and mislead many. Here we are years later with sooooooo many different religions and sects. Now people have their choice to choose which one they like so as to suit their preference(s), not God's but theirs. Jesus c learly told his disciple what to do, to go and make disciples and preach about the Good News of God's Kingdom. Matt. 28: 19, 20 and Matt. 24:14

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Sue them bastards !😡

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Covid’s been a scam since day one. Is anyone really surprised?

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I cry every time I hear him speak. This happened early - there’s no excuse for this to be happening today. They have done a great job in silencing everyone. Thank you for showing the deception and manipulation. This is evil.

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Unbelievable. Baal worshipper demons.

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I remember learning this. Vile.

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That, “Make an illegal offer twice” reminds me of how they did Randy Weaver before they shot his son in the back and his wife in her head while she was holding a newborn.

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Oh my goodness that is just terrible 😢

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What exactly was FEMA asking the father to do? I'd like to see the correspondence between FEMA and the Dad. I'm not saying FEMA didn't contact him but how would the father have a say in what the coroner put on the death certificate? When my father died no one in the family had any opportunity to contribute information that would have been added to the death certificate. A physician examined the body, determined the cause of death, fills out the death certificate, signs it and that is that.

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I think you will find it was a private autopsy requested by his father, over the past 30 months, they stopped autopsies because they didn’t want the truth getting out, here in the uk people have been paying privately to get one, this poor man was offered money to cover funeral costs if he would get the coroner to alter the death certificate, why would he want to do that? FEMA just like all other government bodies are evil.

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Disgraceful! Just mind blowing

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I think it was after the death of John, it also says that the man of lawlessness would get revealed when that which is acting as a restraint was out of the way 2 Thess 2:3-8

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I don't understand how you change a death certificate...

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Infuriating, disgusting, illegal. Who regulates/oversees FEMA?

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Not that I don't believe Mr. Ramirez story, because I do, but is there any way you can provide the emails that was sent to Mr. Ramirez?

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