ABOLISH THE CDC and then arrest them for their crimes against children!

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And the NIH ... and the CIA and even the FBI. Local cops can investigate bank robberies and kidnappings.

We also need to leave the WHO and the UN. This would be a good political plank for Trump or RFK, Jr.

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monsters like those who created it. . .

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RemovedJun 1
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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

I returned to what was once Oregon in '91 and immediately noted things had changed

but from there it was downhill.

Now I no longer recognize it nor do I recognize west of the Cascades

They are already working on destroying Eastern Oregon too in what they have

done to create wealthy enclaves in Bend, Sisters, Black Butte etc.

Soon it will be like what happened to Aspen

Individuals who worked there, to keep the moneyed entertained,

could no longer afford to live there

I understand now the elites have moved on to contaminate other areas e.g. Montana

which has become almost unlivable unless a lot of $$$$$. . .

The elites remind me of locust which destroy an area entirely and then move on

The Oregon beach area is similar.

It was once affordable to buy or even spend a weekend

The only way it is now affordable is if the property has been in families for decades, ie before

THEY contaminated it all. . .

A friend came to visit and I told her we would do day trips in Eastern Oregon and

the beach because the room rates were appalling when she was here both areas

I am not against wealth but THEY destroy with it.

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Liars, thieves, pure evil.

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Thank you for this. RFK, Jr. was right all along. He was cancelled for being right, but he was right nonetheless. Actually, the parents who kept hounding him to investigate this were right. To his credit, he did.

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We parents know the truth! We need to rise up and scream it so others will listen!

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When physicians speak out and offer an informed consent discussion with parents and patients all hell breaks loose and they can, and have lost their jobs.

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My Dr lost his job prescribing ivermectin and HCQ.

He can't get a job in our city/suburban area and has to leave the state to find a job.

Its all corrupt

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Tell your DR. To Move to TN.

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well he's looking everywhere! The challenge is his wife has a thriving practice and at this point is working out of state 3 days a week to maintain employment

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here in what was once Oregon physicians are STILL forbidden to RX Ivermectin for treatment

and God forbid as a prophylactic

Little girl governor Katie (degreed in environment conservation) declared just too

dangerous, as she planted + COVID cases in assisted living and nursing homes killing and

maiming the most fragile

One of the biggest hoots was when she

threatened Thanksgiving '20 to send OSP house to house to check that there were

not more than 6 gathered or was it 5? I forget as it was total nonsense

OSP cannot cover the freeways adequately due to loss of so many troopers by a ballot

measure. . . and yet she

thinks they can cover every home in Orygun? ROFL

That is the LUNACY of what Oregon has become

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I'm an Oregonian, in Multnomah County, and almost everyone I know are stalwart Democrats and dimwits of politics and civic Law that voted for all of the Democrats scum that have ruined Oregon as a bastion of Freedom/Liberty. That's Boomers, Gen X, Y, and Z. The problem in Oregon is all the Alphabet Mafia freaks and homeless drug addicts and their enablers vote for idiots that cater to the freaks and uneducated street vermin.

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My condolences to you

I have not been to downtown in years (nearest are appts at VAMC in West Hills)

I not only no longer recognize the Oregon I once knew, but what has become putrid Portland, once a lovely city

Oregon was not only my father's home of record when he served but mine as well

I currently live in Washington Co but am surrounded by the same drones as those who

inhabit Multnomah.

I am glad my mother and dear grandmother are no longer alive to see what has become of their beloved city. Mom's family arrived late 19th Century from Switzerland and her mother age 17 for a new life. They dearly loved Portland as I once did

There is still some hope when one leaves the Willamette Valley area ie crosses the

Cascades but what destroyed Portland is already at work in Bend etc.

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THEY not only scammed the world into believing masks, distancing and lockdowns would save humanity but when they rolled out the jab, it was even worse

THEY murdered, maimed and destroyed livelihoods and for some so severe they took their own lives

ALL for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and an insatiable need for CONTROL

The sad part is NONE of the monsters who created it all will ever be held accountable in this life

However, there will be

an accounting far worse than they can imagine for God is NOT mocked for they

destroyed lives of human beings, HIS creation.

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As they say, "follow the money." The amount of bribes paid out by the federal government are mind-boggling.

Of course, the "watchdog" press never "follows the money." But this lady from Tennessee did.


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I'man educator in and out of classrooms FULL of severely impacted children everyday. Majority male. They are targeting our boys.

Hanging isn't good enough

for Big Pharma...

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Lets gather all the vaccine data from 1950 onward. Won't matter...the public will still trust big pharma even if they are murdered in plain site by their drugs. Even after 4 1/2 years, most still trust big pharma and the medical system. They are far too indoctrinated to ever change.

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DOCTORS nowadays have no Calling. Their parents made them study Medicine TO MAKE MONEY. No other reason. Money making, money grubbing, greedy, complicit in a VaXX Schedule that is KILLING HUMANITY. BigSick rules through an awful bio-medical Fascism. The Plandemic proves it unequivocally.

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I'm tired of the so called Drs and Nurse Practitioners who are lying to us. Just trying to make another buck on us being sick, doing tests, and telling us lies. None would ever talk about HEALTH and WELLNESS!!!

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Safe and effective jabs is ALL the CDC wants you to see!

To see other things only creates noise...

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what is a real hoot is for the most part THEY never took the jab

nor did most of the others waving it around. In fact, members of Congress were

scarfing down Ivermectin (an internal medicine physician who is a member of the House

reported it)

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Well I NEVER want to see or hear from the CDC ever again...

So there!

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Let's think about the difficult life you would have to lead if you or your children or grandchildren were to develop ASD, ADHD, etc.

This is something I want the CDC, FDA, pharmaceutical executives and MD's to think about. All so-called vaccines contain preservative disinfectants, toxic metal compounds, and more. In terms of atoms and molecules, even 1 µg amounts to trillions of them. It is abnormal to inject this into infants whose brain barriers are not yet fully developed.

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I know how difficult it is. I have a 32 year old little boy with autism. Would not wish it on my worst enemy!

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I'm sure it's been even harder by the denial through all those years ! ....only slowly now is there any recognition of the possible cause.

Mother of 4 boys here who managed to survive whatever they administered in the early 80's when I didn't know any better and trusted my pediatrician.

Feeling sad for you and your son.

Merciless monsters carrying on now despite the evidence of harm !

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Money really is the root of all evil!

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Vigilant news. This comment seems self evident. However, it needs to be said again. Journalism which starts with “they don’t want you to see this” is sensationalism. You are eroding your credibility.

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Millions of dollars at the very least, but more likely, billions of dollars - is spent every decade to hide this data. It's hardly sensational. What's sensational is the deliberate, ongoing censorship of the proven association between vaccines and autism. In fact, it's criminal.

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I don’t disagree with you. My only point is typically the way in which the article is titled is equivalent to sensationalist writings. In my opinion it devalues the integrity of the work. That’s all

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I don't think it's sensationalism if ... it's true.

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It’s a titled as a National Enquirer type of piece. It’s a trashy, baiting type of way too hook people to read. You have to know that. Seriously. Again I am talking about the title not the content. And yes, it devalues the credibility.

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Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The World Health Organisation declared COVID‑19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well for their "Covid-19 virus".

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG-coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

Moderna wins Covid-19 shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM Pfizer-BioNTech who used Moderna Virus 2013: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG to make their vaccine from. That "virus" you got "a vaccine" for: Thank Bill Gates.

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I think someone should pay for billboards to advertise these numbers all across the US! They’re all so damn evil!

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Safe and effective. The science is settled. Once everyone is safe than that's when we are safe. Paperclips and mocking birds oh my.

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I would love to see the numbers in CFS and FM vaxxed and unvaxxed, but again it probably wouldn't be appreciated by main stream med establishment.

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