If you are looking to homeschool there is help out there. There is curriculum online that you can access for free that is aligned to state standards (just in case your state requires homeschool kids to take standardized tests). If you can't find tutors in person to help with those tricky math problems there are websites that help connect you with tutors of varying level of qualifications. Some are fully credentialed teachers who left the classroom due to mandates and wokeism, such as myself. Others are college students who could be a good fit for your student as well, and they tend to charge less than those of us with credentials and classroom experience. There is help out there, you just have to look for it.

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These people of the CDC are NOT elected. They do NOT represent the American people. Who DO they represent? They represent the criminal enterprise of Big Pharma, and the corrupt medical establishment that has colluded with them. We must demand that Congress override this tyrannical decision. We do this when we have taken back Congress on Nov 8.

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Members of both parties get huge donations from Big Pharma.. good luck with that. We need to vote out those who accept any Big Pharma donations and vote for wonderful public servants such as Ron Johnson and Thomas Massie who aren't afraid to stand up for the citizens of this country against big Corporate interests.

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This on the heels, even if you believe in all of the Covid fraud, of Ioannidis/Axfors just publishing their most recent update paper of Covid IFR rates which for kids 0-19 was, drum roll please, a big fat ZERO.

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The response to this should be much much more than homeschooling. That is tacit acceptance.

When the CDC accepts ACIP’s recommendation (and they will), it is *open season* on the entire childhood vaccine schedule. In many states, you cannot opt out of a selection of shots, it’s all or nothing (if an exemption exists). The ridiculous mouse data underpinning FDA approval is a gaping hole you could drive a truck through—easily understood by nearly everyone.

There must be droves of angry parents taking it to departments of health across the country: “8 mice for Pfizer, 10 mice for Moderna—are you fucking kidding me?!” Imagine the sweating face wiggling to defend it.

It’s not about the CDC and those 15 bobble heads. We always knew what they were there for.

The CDC doesn’t have the power to mandate. They recommend. The recommendation only flies if it gets implemented and enforced. Your local government mandates and enforces. Those local faces are subject to leverage and accountability. Governors, Departments of Health, Departments of Education, Mayors, School Boards, every level.

They all need to hear it—loudly.

Do not run from this. Do not go quietly in acquiescence.

It isn’t hard to illustrate how inane and ridiculous this is. But it takes the *will* to act.

You cannot run from this. Moving to another state will not change the trajectory we are on. Elected officials aren’t going to save anyone, and neither are the courts (if they do, it will be a long shot and take too long). Homeschooling, while useful, is really an individual bandaid applied to a societal wound.

Whatever one chooses to do, do not go quietly.

It takes the *will* to act, and we are less alone than we may think we are.

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Stand up and speak your truth everyone. You now have legal support.

Aaron Siri is stepping up to the plate ✊🏾🔥


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Parents will take their kids out of school full stop. States will enact legislation that removes fda cdc authority over their people.

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And then states will ban homeschooling. Germany already does.

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And it looks like we are at the burning books stage of the regime https://youtube.com/shorts/bpjry8z7v6M?feature=share

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Bet if their home addresses had been published they wouldn't have been so hasty in their decision.

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They never had any intention of listening to Americans. They represent Big Pharma. They proved that.

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The corruption is... I mean... What do you say?

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And I'm happy to say.. almost all mailboxes are full! Way to go folks!

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Watch this new movie just out about Dr. Anthony Fauci. Watch it on your PC. TheRealAnthonyFauciMovie.com

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It is free for viewing for the next 9 days! It is based on the book written by Robert Kennedy Jr. which has sold 1 million copies so far. The Marxist Left is going bananas trying to keep this information from getting out.

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Withdraw/Refuse all Voluntary Association w/ the individuals of 2.) above. NO SALES / NO SERVICE / NO SEEKING THEIR SERVICES /NO FRIENDSHIP, esp the last. Treat them as PARIAHS, as they deserve!! Encourage others to do the same!

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The CDC does what Big Pharma and Bill Gates tells them to do. That is who funds them. I pray they pay the price for this death shot containing metals, toxins, parasites, baby fetuses and other poisons.

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I know one of these 15 pediatricians-a fine person and professional whose opinion in the COVID vaccine is grossly misguided. I’m a retired neurologist; the human brain is not really fully developed until well into the 20s. I simply don’t understand why people would want to vaccinate young children with this experimental drug given all the unknowns about it. The knowns are concerning enough, but the reason it takes a long time to approve a vaccination is the unknowns. We should not be subjecting children to the unknown risks of this drug. Yes, I am considering giving the pediatrician a call but on the other hand, the proverbial “horses out of the barn“ and at this point, it might be wiser to wait for the battles in the states that are surely to follow.

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I knew a Nazi back in Germany in the 30s. He was a "fine person" except his "views" on the Jews were grossly misguided.

Nope. There are some views that preclude you from being a "fine person". Forcing a dangerous injection into children in order to protect Pfizer and Moderna is one of those things. You need to reevaluate your opinion of this "fine person."

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As an old Med/Peds sawbones, I feel strongly that the individuals on this committee are influenced to the maximum extent possible and peer pressure is only part of that. The intelligent people can weigh risk benefit ratio and see the truth. That’s how I can assure all that influence and peer pressure play a huge role in this 15-0 vote. Most certainly these individuals have been selected because they are agreeable and not prone to question the group’s consensus. Here’s another one. Francis Collins is another fine person and yet we can clearly see from emails released in September how he prostituted himself for reputation and for Anthony Fauci. I am hopeful that states and public health systems will see the risks and not mandate the CV19 jab.

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Good timing in order to lose in coming election.

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CDC has no authority in my life nor should they in yours. I've absolutely no confidence in anything they have to say. Liars and charlatans every damn one of them especially that diminutive fool stool Faucie. Phuckem all.

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Hmm “their” Next move - stop federal funding unless jabbed - before they make their move start homeschooling and taking your children out of college (better alive than dead) and if rates reach 10% and above (which will break the back of public education) “they” won’t play the stoppage of the federal funding. Protect your babies!

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Thank you, vigilant Fox, for all the great easy- to-use top line arguments. I filed comments and got three others to do so on that basis. 

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Someb district attorney is going to classify this as murder 1. A. They are getting money for this decision B. The data is Stong enough for them to know death will occur C. They were and are in a position of trust authority and power. D. There is a corruption and collusion. E. Just start it where they aren't released on bail. If ever there was a flight risk.. Some district attorney is going to seek the death penalty and get it. This is murder for hire. It's all how you frame it. Prosecutors this is the case of the century. That the victim is not known in terms of identity shouldn't matter.

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