Christine Anderson has become a leader in our domestic/worldwide push against those seeking to globalize government with the communist corrupted cult of death. 🚚🚚🚜🚜🇨🇦❤️🌎🙏🏽

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lWe will find none in the usa

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I think there is one on Dec 1 in New York....and other US locations are to be announced....hang in there....

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I Want Names! Lol

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If you click on the Canada posters, it says that US dates are TBA.... :)

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They are not the "Globalist Elites". They are the Globalist Luciferian Death Cultists. It is them against the rest of the world. Yes, good versus evil.

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I’m not understanding the Zionist part...

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Listen to Clif High

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..............EXACTLY CORRECT.............

This bankster cabal + paid entitys are fully opposed to "WE the People" & the God whom made us + Redeemed us

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Great to see the great Tess Lawrie joining her as well. Travel with cash, ladies! Trudeau will probably freeze your bank accounts when you arrive in Ottawa.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

I'm beginning to believe this whole Israel/Gaza thing is a total setup.

Another resource: https://stopworldcontrol.com

. . . . and get ready for a mind blow . . . .

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it is and more countries will ne involved to implement martial laws.

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Don't you know how to handle martial law? It's all optics. Let them think that you are complying, when really it's the opposite. And have stockpiles, never trust their food.

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Get heirloom seeds;

grow + raise everything...!

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More like barfed a little and wish I could unread---didn't even watch the video. The 2030 Agenda and all who are pushing for it must be stopped, full stop. I love how straight-forward and eloquent Ms. Anderson speaks while displaying the very appropriate anger and confidence needed to wake people up. More people should be angry and vocal everywhere, RISE up!

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Ty for link

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He almost gets it right.

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And for that, she’s walking around with a target on her back! Pray for her safety….

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What a lady! It is a shame that the vast majority of EU MPs are corrupt, coward or just plain idiots that will not stand against the power grab and enslavement of their peoples.

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Vast majority of parasites(politicians) worldwide...

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Is she ever a fighter, going after Mr Trudeau on his home ground! She can certainly talk so everybody listens. I am proud of her and looking forward to the 3rd International Covid Summit soon to be held in Europe.

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Not "Mr Trudeau", he is Castro TURDeau. A marxist installed puppet of the global regime.

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He's a Warlock & Satanic to the core...!

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Brick by brick.

The globalist are falling.

The little sliver spoon Murdock boy is on his way out at FoX News

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She is a mighty warrior, and I want to be like her!

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She is AWESOME!!!!

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Tremendous respect for Christine Anderson’s message and her convicted delivery.

Press on great lady and flush the cowards out of the shadows! Hundreds of millions of us are with you.

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Thank you Vigilant Fox!

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She is an incredibly powerful voice. This issue of the WHO treaty is where we all need to focus.

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We the people will win this fight!

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Allright , this is great news , let’s make sure those tickets sell out!

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The issue is akin to what sparked the Revolutionary War...people making decisions and determinations about others who have NO say in who is governing them. THAT lesson should well have been learned 250 years ago. It appears that Biden, numerous US politicians, and numerous world leaders have forgotten it.

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