That "widespread skepticism about various subjects" I imagine has gone all the way up from 5% ... to 6%...

I just got off 12 days overtime work because a co-worker booked off sick "with covid"; asked her how many Lethal Injections, she told me "No idea, but I've had all of them" and another coworker when she came too close to him, went off and got the "Covid Test", then booked off sick as well.. 6 injections and counting... 🙄

Truly, you can't fix "Stupid" no matter how you try...

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incredible....now I'm curious what industry you might work in, any hints? we're not seeing anything like this in construction or farming.

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interesting, thanks capt

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You're welcome.

Throughout the 4 years of The Fraudemic, not one person called in sick, not one plausible case of "covid" did I encounter. With one exception, no-one I knew, knew of any cases of "covid" – and that one person? Said he knew of four.. but then again, evidently had drunk a gallon of the kool-aid all on his own.

But with the release of the Lethal Injections? I'm aware of 6 deaths – 7 counting my ex-landlady's cat (she had 4 injections); poor creature had to be put down after an inoperable blood clot developed in the artery to his legs – and 34 permanent debilitating injuries. People are constantly booking off sick and there's no-one to cover for them. As a Pureblood I'm constantly called to fill in..


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Yes I know several people who died after the first "vaccine" and now know a few turbo cancers and auto immune dysfunctions happening as I speak. Very tragic. These were good people who thought they were "protecting" their friends and neighbors. Their naive good hearts were used against them. I tried to warn and was roundly ignored. People wanted to be "saved" from the hyped up fake "pandemic" and they wanted to be "good" friends and neighbors. I remembered how the public was tricked with 9-11 and so stood back from the "fauci-ouchie" ...

"Dr." Anthony Fauci needs to be treated just like he treated those poor beagles....heh. Eaten alive by fleas with a cone around their necks.

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Being a "pure blood" gives me very little satisfaction because my entire family got these shots. My husband is constantly feeling unwell and has Guillaine Barre syndrome. This is a very awful condition which became a known side effect from the "jabs"...

Everyone, please remember--there was never a pandemic. The numbers show that there were no excess deaths until the "roll out"...we were slaughtered by Pharma and their death jab campaign. Bring on the criminal trials. Justice must be served. Bourla and the rest must face nuremberg 2.0 event.

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Kathleen my jabbed sister coming for a visit for next few weeks...she is getting sicker and sicker every year,..and I worry The entire time during her annual visit that we will have to go to ER....or I'll find her dead one morning. It is a tough way to live....always worried about what's left 9f your family...

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Hopefully The Lake of Fire is waiting for him...

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We were "mandated." Totally illegal; in direct violation of "The War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act" amongst other things... but the Federal Gov't in Canada "mandated" them anyway. Thus I was out of work from November 14, 2021, till July 22, 2022: I walked away from my job, rather thank take an unlicensed, experimental drug I knew to be deadly dangerous by February 2021. (Google "Jummai Nache", see what happened to her.😱) The Provincial Government assisted the Feds by making it pretty much illegal to work, without the Lethal Injection. They've turned over my health care account to a collection agency for non-payment of premiums, never mind if I'd had an accident over that time, Emergency care without The Lethal Injection would have been denied me!..

I'm planning on writing the Minister of Health a polite little letter asking to be compensated the $7,500 in savings I had to liquidate to survive, and about $30,000 for lost wages over that time, and then I'll think about paying those premiums...

Want to wish me luck? 😘

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excellent idea, Capt.

Also be sure to mention your "attorney"....nothing like legalize to get a point across....and strike terror into the hearts of the burorats.

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Would I could afford such luxuries.. 🤔

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And just think, this is the pasty pathetic sort of idiot that not only gobbled all that up, but wanted you do be dragged into the same pit with the. They are gobbling up all this "Narcissism, Narcissism EVERYWHERE" to the point that at least 25% of the population is suddenly narcissistic, when it is probably about 5% at the top of it and they'd never touch one of these untouchable idiots with someone else's injected elbow.

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My wife has repeatedly observed during this ordeal that so much of our civilization and culture is based on "Trust"... It has to be.. Meanwhile via Celia Farber I learned of this conversation between David Martin PhD and Alex Jones. It's worth the hour and forty minutes and all of Alex's commercials to watch:


“We have a commercially interested group of sociopaths, who want to make money killing people. That’s the bottom line.”

I'd guess it would be almost impossible to make the average well-meaning bluepilled individual understand that Covid 19 and The Lethal Injections are, hands down, the most heinous crime in human history. The monsters responsible ARE AIMING TO MURDER 6.5 BILLION PEOPLE!

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It is indeed almost impossible to wrap ones mind around what has happened. The monsters consciously planned -- in cold blood--to inject 6.5 billion or so people with a toxic/lethal poison in the hopes we would die. And die in such a way so as not to connect the deaths with the injection. I wonder what their "planning" discussions/sessions sounded like.... this would make a most startling "movie"

And how do they view themselves now that everyone "knows"...or at least many do-- and more are seeing it every day. It is biblical really...remember Cain and Abel?....first we learned to lie...then to murder. How will we ever "trust our doctor" again? This can't be 'undone'....

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I have lost all faith in all our institutions, Government, The Law, the Judiciary, Healthcare, Physicians, The Academy, our Lying Whore Media.. although one should not cast such aspersions on prostitutes, these good women after all provide an essential service under often degrading and occasionally very dangerous circumstances; journalists serve no purpose I can think of beyond spreading lies...

The real horror Kathleen, is the majority of humanity still trusts all these things, thinks nothing is seriously wrong; still believes that with some sort of remediation, they can all be brought to proper function – when the truth is, they're all utterly beyond redemption.

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Trudeau ordered 400 million ‘vaccines”. That’s 10 per each Canadian.

Why would he have done it?

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One of my co-workers has no idea how many doses she's taken... 🙄 I have others up to 6-7 of them.. Possibly Castreau may have thought most Canadians are as stupid as he is? Not to mention that financial stake he has in The Lethal Injections via of Acuitas Therapeutics and Arbutus Biopharma (Got that factoid from David Martin, PhD)

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Global Leaders Initiative. "We have infiltrated all the governments".

But this was done in the open. The Bilderberger events were probably leaked to see how people reacted to a de facto takeover of their culture and civilization. This has been going on covertly since the first Pope. Europe was made Christian by force and intimidation, there is no other way to look at the history of it. Codex Theodisianus for details of how all this insanity began. It will not end until the White Western world looks like Mesopotamia. Don't let it happen anymore, or it will continue.

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It is understandable that people who were either tricked or coerced into accepting the Covid brainwashing and toxic injections would be resistant to acknowledging the potential damage that they allowed done to themselves. Even worse, if they also coerced their children, family members and friends into getting the toxic injections, it might be impossible to accept the damage that has been done. Denial is a natural defense mechanism, especially given what the truth implies about our governments and those in power.

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"Stupid" is fixed when one closes their eyes for the last time. Understand we all have choices and some choose to move in the direction of self destruction. This is their choice, just as we choose not to move in that direction.

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Kind of scary as these are the people that will be leading the charge for a birdy flew injection or several. Probably one for every different kind of bird in existence.

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What's more scary is the majority of the population are so stupid and brainwashed they'll believe it, and take those injections. Via Celia Farber I learned of this conversation between David Martin PhD and Alex Jones. It's worth the hour and forty minutes and all of Alex's commercials to watch:


“We have a commercially interested group of sociopaths, who want to make money killing people. That’s the bottom line.”

Also have a look at this article from "Lioness of Judah": https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-mike-yeadon-everything-was-propaganda?publication_id=581065&post_id=145870571&isFreemail=true&r=o7w81&triedRedirect=true ... Which I just noticed you already commented on... 🙄

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I can’t believe there are companies still allowing this free time if for however long you need because of reported “Covid”. Wow.

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You can't fix broken-beyond-repair. These people scare me more than the experts, government, and NGOs. Total denialists...

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It's why I love my job so much, EmilyTVProducer: I relieve the guy before me, I see and talk to no-one, until the guy after me comes to relieve me... After the last 4 years? I live like a hermit, shunning human contact as much as possible.

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Unfortunately, too many people have NOT seen it. Its stunning how blind to this agenda the masses are. Truly stunning.

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I'm married to someone like that.

It truly is infuriating.

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Amen! And my whole family too! They think I’m nuts but at least I know Who my Savior is 🙌🏽👑✝️❤️‍🔥💯‼️👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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Oh wow, how is it possible when the evidence is literally now right in front of us? There are no opinions or theories anymore.

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Stay positive I see more people slowly waking or at least realising things are not as they were told. The states especially Kansas suing Pfizer is getting airplay and its not shot down with anti-vax ridicule. It's hard for people to admit their error and I do think they are scared. I do not get attacked as much these days although that's partly down to me giving up mostly on trying to have a discussion.

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Exactly if they are that fkg stupid let them go.

Can't wait for hubs to go. Nasty man who is way worse than I can tolerate

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There is no sign of them ever stopping, nor a single person being held accountable in any form or fashion, nor any of the fundamental paradigms that brought this outcome about being disrupted in the slightest. All this "we're winning!" rhetoric while all these agendas continue being implemented is more than a little suspicious.

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Sock puppet this guy, most of them are.

Globalist control narrative and counter narrative.

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Exactly. Nice to see some people realize this.

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True...and they're weeding themselves out. Unfortunately, many dragged their children to get the DeathJAB and they're being weeded out, too.

This has been a genocide on a massive scale...

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Remember 9-11....THREE Huge steel and concrete structures simply crumpled into dust with all the steel girders running in molten streams? And they told us arabs did this with TWO stolen aluminum planes and that Jet fuel melted the thick steel girders? Oh really? Jet fuel?

Infinite jest...infinite stupidity. What can I say? What goes through their minds? anything? Anything at all? Building 7 fell down after not being hit at all. It simply abruptly crumpled into dust.....

And now we watch our friends and neighbors "dieing suddenly"....Hopeless...just hopeless stupidity. The masses sleep on.

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Dustified live on tv, the government is still withholding thousands of documents and evidence because of 'national security.' The technology was there to make it all happen, Silverstein had just signed the paperwork a couple months prior to be the new owner leaseholder, taking out insurance in the billions in case of a terrorist attacks on the towers. No conflicts of interest there! It's quite something to step away from all of it and be on the outside looking in. Even I needed to be jolted away from the truther movement and shaken up. It's a real eye opener when you realize just how much technology and patents are there and have been there for decades, it all starts making sense as to the how and why

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Yes...similar stuff in the Maui "event"....DEW of course.

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I have been in many social settings lately. I’ve carefully tried to ask people questions to see if they have come around, and is starting to get that they were fooled. But no, they are totally oblivious and worse, totally unable to reach even with hard facts. I feel like I’m living in a parallell reality. It is truly frightening.

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I'll thank the WEF and Georgia Guide stones for inspiration. I've got a kid on the way and have started eating as much meat as possible. I'll also never buy an electric car. I'll never trust another injection long as I live.

They've really been helpful.

Hopefully I'll have a few more kids to up the carbon footprint much as possible.

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Congratulations and God bless you! Keep up the good work.

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Thank you! If you're able, please pray. Pray for everyone to raise warriors and good mothers. Got a rough century ahead.

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I’m with you! Good work! God bless.

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Sen...here is a link to brighten your day--https://x.com/AMAZlNGNATURE

Our God is powerful and all seeing. The God who created our beautiful blue planet and filled it with wonder. A child is God's messenger. I have three grandsons now. after 50 years of marriage. Dark times always come...but so does the morning!

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Thank you Neil Oliver and Tucker Carlson.

I’m standing and speaking everyday. I will not comply.

Thank you two for STANDING TALL FOR US.

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I can listen to Neil Oliver for hours...

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With you there James Bryson " FREEDOM IS CHOICE "

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hola, vf.

yes. i've thought that for about 18 months, that the so-called ptb did indeed expose themselves with hubristic overreach. my own thought is that they actually fell victim to their own rhetoric. this 'they' is the 2nd and 3rd generation of the world as one cabal and aren't up to the snuff of the old bushes, rockefellers and kissingers. these ones were looking at a (bill gates's) microsoft project chart with dates and began like all 'good' mbas to mistake the chart for reality.

and oliver's point is a good one: it is a relatively small percentage of the population that can and do create change. and that percentage is growing everyday as the jabbed continue to die at what appears to be still an accelerating rate of excess deaths.

amazing times. truly, the great apocalypse.

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"These ones were looking at a (bill gates's) microsoft project chart with dates and began like all 'good' mbas to mistake the chart for reality."

Well sincere scientists and doctors are creating "protocols" to get rid of the "spike protein" and other poisons. Even if you did take an injection...there is hope. Fasting...detox....and the use of stuff recommended by people like Dr. Peter McCullough....

So if you did have to take these poison shots...DO NOT GIVE UP. Healing yourself and your loved ones would be a win for truth, health and freedom. For every problem ...there is an answer. Keep praying and keep trying. That is the way to win the war for humanity.

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yes, kathleen, great point. like all toxins, natural or human made, nature and nature through the human creative imagination, will find a better way to detoxify. the life-force of life is so strong that the great resetters are stunned that more haven't died, i'm sure. and i mean from the beginning of the toxic injections with the sobriquet 'vaccines.'

"For every problem ...there is an answer". yes! even without taken the injection — a combination of seeing that a panic had been deliberately created and with obvious pre-planning i knew it was fake. later, under mandated injection in canada, knowing nothing of its (or other vaccine's as toxid) i did an intuitive muscle test that clearly signalled me to reject injection. my partner's body was the same. after some stuff happened, it became clear it was important to leave canada ahead of the curve and so we are covid refugees, currently in mexico. fascinating. and part of that was the discovery of the alternative medical practices to deal with the spike and most (all?) of the other toxins in the jab. i myself explored tobacco to great effect.

and i've not given up! just the opposite. the more i see the more i know that the great reset was another deluded mba-like plan that will totally fail. what it succeeded to do was to wake people up, especially people like me who were a little awake to the this or that part of the propaganda campaign while remaining ignorant of its extent or that it is very well organised from a relatively small group of sociopathic narcissistic self-serving deluded 'do gooders'. the life force energy of life, which most forcefully expresses itself with the joy of curiousity, is way way way stronger than any cabal grounded in the delusion of mind and evil as powerful. nope. uncomfortable and when given room to grown very nasty and difficult. and yet, in the end, life doesn't support anti-life energies and we can see them scrambling to cover their gaff's all the while pretending that their well thought out project is being mirrored by life. nope.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes. peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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They did more than lie they are all treasonous P O SH!T💯‼️


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They need to be publicly executed. I personally favour "The Guillotine": No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it. Those executions must in addition be televised: Nothing less is adequate.

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And quick cause they pull an epstein on us!! He is not dead. He blackmailed enough to get hauled out.

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Agreed. Plus the heads will be ready to go - mount them on pikes 😆

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Back in the day they used to dip them in tar first... as an update of the practice, soak the heads in fibre-glass resin: They'll still be recognisable, AND! Even BETTER! They'll last indefinitely!! 🤣

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Oliver is so on to them > so is Reiner Fuellmich, who is sitting in jail being 'silenced'.

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FREE REINER FUELLMICH....truly a fantastic attorney on two continents and also a giant among us as a human being--if we finally bury the whole rotten bunch of "elites"--we will have him and others such as Dr. Mike Yeadon to thank! But there are a thousand K. Schwabs and B. Gates for every one of them. All of us must do whatever possible to expose this criminal agenda seeking to enslave humanity.

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Trump won, Brexit happened and they panicked. They are also the greediest MFs on the planet and they COULD NOT resist the Covid cash grab. They went too hard too early but I think it’s not over by a long shot. We need to hold many accountable for what was done to us.

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Agree..can't you feel they are doubling down now?

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Add Zionism to the list of exposed evils.


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What a gigantic load of garbage.

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People are waking up

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I agree with Mr. Oliver, and the only criticism I have is that the Tipping Point (critical mass) runs from 10% (mathematical models) up to a maximum of about 30% (game theory research). This means that it is almost never the case that you'd need as high as 31% of the people to sign onto a societal change in order to tip society toward that change.

30% will be enough to get the job done.

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I have a theory that a certain percentage of humans are born with the inclination to question authority and it doesn't matter how much programming that they encounter, they continue to be skeptical. If this were not so, humanity would have collapsed years ago. It is a "built-in" method for humanity's survival.

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These behaviors you speak of are LEARNED. Teach the young critical thinking skills and teach these skills to yourself. Human beings are not robots. When they see their friends and family dropping dead...they will reconsider the various medical injunctions forced on populations....And they will learn not to trust the AMA or NIH or the CDC or any of these lying scumbags. I never got one shot. I just got some A-hole to forge a document when I needed one. There is always a loophole if you look hard enough. What we need now is some lengths of rope and a public gallows. Cold blooded murder is the charge.

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Not particularly in my case, born in a very disciplinarian family whose motto was because I said so. I got disciplined at home for questioning, and the same at school, but that has not stopped me in my six decades of life.

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Valora, there is even evidence of nature selecting for that outcome -- with small-government advocates having a more developed threat-warning system in their brain than others do (the kind of thing which would keep them alive while they criticize government).

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They woke up the masses with the plandemic and clot shot 💉.

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Problem is there are still too many mASSes among the masses. The advantage is that the libtards and jab junkies are not long for this world; but that also plays into the hands of the agenda of the cartel babylon demons running the sh!t show. Depopulation is accelerating, but replacement migration of psychotic misfits, unfit to function in civilized society, is also accelerating exponentially. When you replace the (dying and damaged) mASSes with 45 million illegal scum, you have an even bigger mess watering down the "awakened" 5% to 10%.

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Yes...they certainly did. We watched the star athletes like Damar Hamlin collapse right on camera and saw the sly old athlete Aaron Rogers stubbornly refuse the injections. Matt le Tessier also turned it down. Regular little middle school soccer players got INJECTED WITH A BIOWEAPON. Criminal and inexcusable.

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And Djokovic.

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He’s so right! When the Americans fought the British, it was only 10% of Americans 🇺🇸 that fought!

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It isn't finished. They will start a nuclear war or release a truly genocidal bug to create the chaos needed for the reset. Pandemic treaty and cbdc will show us what's what.

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Neil makes a good point but ignores the elephant in the room, the covid jabbed and Deagel predictions. https://nobulart.com/deagel-2025-forecast/ If these are correct, and I'm sure Deagel didn't make these predictions for shits and giggles, then by 2025, there is going to be massive demographic change, that has no predictable outcome. 2025 is next year after all.

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The Deagel report isn't just taking into account the injections but also includes kinetic war. I think that is what we are going to see by the end of the year. On our soil.

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Indeed! That is becoming more likely by the day. Makes me glad we live in the boonies and are largely self sufficient and off grid for power.

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We're in the exact same position. Best choice we ever made was 5years ago fleeing the liberal shithole better known as Toronto.

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Absolutely! Being in the city now is a death post, between the libtards, immigrants and potential for war.

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Always in back of my head.

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oh God. I do hope we are enough.I saw it form the first moment .I have fought hard. But are we enough to to stop the end of empathy and compassion. The end of what it is to be human? to be kind? I am trying. I love what you do .Thank you so very much for your courage and vision.

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