My mom watched everything on YouTube. There’s information out there on best practices. It might be worth paying Midwestern doctor for a while and perhaps cancel later. I’m not a doctor so please do your research to make a decision. My mom is 78. She remembers old timers using dmso. It’s used on horses for inflammation. She was amazed at the results.
Hi, the substack The Forgotten Side of Medicine covers DMSO and my mom learned about it from watching YouTube videos after I mentioned DMSO to her. I haven’t checked lately but Amazon sells it. I know my mom wants more. She was very pleased with the results. Again, the Midwestern Doctor is a good source of information to educate oneself on it.
Thank you for your comment. I'm done with doctors. I had lesions on my forearm after trimming trees. I had open lesions for over two years ... My gp, dermatologists and infectious disease Dr from Poland dismissed my comments. I had every test in the book... No results. The point I'm getting to is that I believed I contracted parasites and every Dr I met with would not listen. I'm not a doctor, did my own research and I bruised everyone's ego. Also post herpatic neuralgia I believe is from a parsite. They say if you acquire shingles, the pain can last for months... Try 30 plus years... and they promote the shingles vaccine... Never mind the shingles vaccine I say... It's just another bioweapon in my book.
Just one more thing ... They changed the term parasite to virus... Yeah ok.
In any event, I'm going to look into this because my daily pain is literally killing me. Just like ivermectin during covid, pennies on the dollar, and the govt was confiscating mail during covid if they knew you were receiving ivermectin.
The Truth Will Prevail... How stupid do they think people are? I guess there are many who are brainwashed with all the lies and deceit to their detriment.
Interesting,... I got some pharmaceutical 99.9% dmso from Amazon after I found the FaceBook Group for DMSO users... So then I have to dilute it and mix it with whichever vitamin or whatever that I want to deliver TRANSDERMALLY...
It sure will be on my to-do list to talk to our veterinarian as well... Thanks for the lead... ttyl
Like THIS.. .................. check this out .................
PTSD and Depression and Anxiety are all successfully treated by Orthomolecular Psychiatry with VITAMIN B3 [Niacin] IN HIGH DOSES that are HUNDREDS of TIMES the treasonous FDA's RDA....
AND B3 is good for your heart as well as joints .... not a hazard...... like the drug..
and YES ZERO PTSD was left for the POWs and SURVIVIORS of concentration camps at those high morning/noon/night dosing levels.......
What is wrong with our Foolish Drug Addicts (FDA)? If something works TOO well, then its use is made illegal or almost impossible. Comparison: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin during the Chinese Flu "emergency". It seems they would rather inflict people with many long and tortuous "treatments" that don't work as well as the simple solutions.
The US would be better off if the Foolish Drug Addicts were put to pasture, and the World "Health" Organization were banished to that blossoming nation of Haiti. Then those world-improvers can get back to doing what they know best, which isn't much.
And they can take Kill Gates and der Fauscista with them!
Either way; get them as far away from the US as possible.
The Haiti suggestion came years ago from Steve Forbes, who suggested getting the US out of the UN, converting their New York building to a homeless shelter, and sending the UN to the miracle nation of Haiti that they were entirely responsible for ruining. But the Pacific atolls are in another hemisphere entirely, which might make a good location.
The FDA is a corporation funded and "owned" by Big Pharma. They do Big Pharma's bidding and that is making lifetime customers and huge profits. It is not about cures--never was.
Nah we need to chain them to the bottom of a swimming pool in front of the national monument. Then people can come by and spit (or fluids of your choice) on them.
S'funny, I was reading this as I was applying DMSO clear gel to a concrete scrape on my clumsy foot. DMSO is ANOTHER MIRACLE PRODUCT hidden by BigSick. Just like Ivermectin! S.E.A.R.C.H. using Brave, NOT Goolag 😉
I second that. I made incredible and previously impossible emotional and mental breakthroughs while using it. The fact that it's not widely and openly available is a purposeful crime.
We’ve known this at least as far back as the 80s. I should know. I went to an underground site myself circa 88-89.
Then they phased out any ops in this country when you could just go to Mexico. It is not as much of a magic bullet as this article makes it sound like. Neuroplasticity means the brain resets to its default settings unless you learn how to live healthily, which no drug can make you do, natural or otherwise. But the potential is real and I am biased for natural based and especially psychedelic medicines so I believe they should be the first line of medicine we reach for. And, of course, the Medical Industrial Complex doesn’t want any “healing” or competitors.
Late 80's/early 90's I read about Ibogaine in a now defunct magazine. Don't recall the name. The article stated that doctors in Australia were CURING PTSD100%! With 1 session. Occasionally, 2-3 sessions. I remember this because I so very much wished I could afford to go to Australia for this treatment.
I'm recalling more about this article.... It was ptsd and addictions. It was high dose that kept patient under its influence 24hrs straight with a psychological doctor in the room. Ibogaine gave patient ability to be "outside of their body" while working through issues with doctor without retriggering. They then slept and awoke a new person. They remembered, but were no longer triggered. Awesome!
If something grows out of the ground, it is meant to be here. Nature has given us everything we need naturally (except maybe antibiotics) The fact that we aren't allowed to grow certain things that God put here on this earth is absolutely insane. And criminal in my opinion.
Antibiotics are natural and are produced by fungi during cheese making for example. People in cheese making areas knew that if you cut yourself and it looked infected wrapping it in cheese rags covered in fungus would usually get rid of the infection.
100 percent. God gave us what we need. They strip us if our God Given Rights and also the nature God has provided. They think they are God when in fact they are lucifer's tools.
You wonder what our health officials, charged with protecting and supporting our health, have been doing for the past 70 years. Rather than helping, they've actually impeded our wellbeing in a big way. Powerful financial interests have taken over all our institutions. We now have a God-given opportunity to change things. Hang on, it won't be long now.
2025 is going to be glorious with all this sunlight coming in to disinfect us from the parasitic controllers who have taken over our minds with their drugs.
Tv, music, books, and movies.
I feel the need for a full-mind & body parasite cleanse.
Big Pharma will do anything to quash a naturopathic drug! They only want the bucks!
It'll be supressed by the FDA just like DMSO was/is
DMSO. I purchased some for my mother and she’s pain free.
It’s $5 or $6 a month. The info that he gives is worth way more than that. Not just for DMSO.
I agree.
I have some I’m not quite sure how to use it. Midwestern doctor put it behind the pay wall.
My mom watched everything on YouTube. There’s information out there on best practices. It might be worth paying Midwestern doctor for a while and perhaps cancel later. I’m not a doctor so please do your research to make a decision. My mom is 78. She remembers old timers using dmso. It’s used on horses for inflammation. She was amazed at the results.
If you follow Dr Mercola, he posts lots of articles from A Midwestern Doctor
There used to be a Facebook group sharing experience... ttyl
It is worth paying to read it.
I have some coming to try on my arthritis. Will post the results, if it turns out as we hope.
Keep us posted either way Mr Keith. I hope for the best. I have a fellow bowler who stopped bowling due arthritis and wonder if DMSO would help.
What is DMSO and how did you acquire it, if you don't mind me asking.
Hi, the substack The Forgotten Side of Medicine covers DMSO and my mom learned about it from watching YouTube videos after I mentioned DMSO to her. I haven’t checked lately but Amazon sells it. I know my mom wants more. She was very pleased with the results. Again, the Midwestern Doctor is a good source of information to educate oneself on it.
Thank you for your comment. I'm done with doctors. I had lesions on my forearm after trimming trees. I had open lesions for over two years ... My gp, dermatologists and infectious disease Dr from Poland dismissed my comments. I had every test in the book... No results. The point I'm getting to is that I believed I contracted parasites and every Dr I met with would not listen. I'm not a doctor, did my own research and I bruised everyone's ego. Also post herpatic neuralgia I believe is from a parsite. They say if you acquire shingles, the pain can last for months... Try 30 plus years... and they promote the shingles vaccine... Never mind the shingles vaccine I say... It's just another bioweapon in my book.
Just one more thing ... They changed the term parasite to virus... Yeah ok.
In any event, I'm going to look into this because my daily pain is literally killing me. Just like ivermectin during covid, pennies on the dollar, and the govt was confiscating mail during covid if they knew you were receiving ivermectin.
The Truth Will Prevail... How stupid do they think people are? I guess there are many who are brainwashed with all the lies and deceit to their detriment.
You’re welcome, and best to you.
You can still buy it, the best buy is getting it from a veterinarian store as it is topical, I got DMSO gel and liquid.
Interesting,... I got some pharmaceutical 99.9% dmso from Amazon after I found the FaceBook Group for DMSO users... So then I have to dilute it and mix it with whichever vitamin or whatever that I want to deliver TRANSDERMALLY...
It sure will be on my to-do list to talk to our veterinarian as well... Thanks for the lead... ttyl
It's not about health.
It is about a lifetime "customer."
Like THIS.. .................. check this out .................
PTSD and Depression and Anxiety are all successfully treated by Orthomolecular Psychiatry with VITAMIN B3 [Niacin] IN HIGH DOSES that are HUNDREDS of TIMES the treasonous FDA's RDA....
AND B3 is good for your heart as well as joints .... not a hazard...... like the drug..
and YES ZERO PTSD was left for the POWs and SURVIVIORS of concentration camps at those high morning/noon/night dosing levels.......
the B3 results were known IN the 1970s !!
Here's the history and links to the research... Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, Saskatchewan...
for addiction there's this with HIGH DOSING with VITAMIN C.... You and our veterans being deluded if you/they swallow this PSYCHO HYPE....
I just read your links. Ty for these. Really ty my mind is blown.
And big government puts Pharma before people's health. Diabolical. This week they will pull out the stops to keep it that way. Sickening.
Thanks for this info
Nature has the solution. Pride and the need for control is the problem. Ibogaine means we have to let go of control.
Cricky I do t see PTSD as having a single thing to do with having too much pride-far more to do with ego WEAKENING through the effects of trauma
I think he was referring to the Pharma industry’s pride and need for control. Also greed.
What is wrong with our Foolish Drug Addicts (FDA)? If something works TOO well, then its use is made illegal or almost impossible. Comparison: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin during the Chinese Flu "emergency". It seems they would rather inflict people with many long and tortuous "treatments" that don't work as well as the simple solutions.
The US would be better off if the Foolish Drug Addicts were put to pasture, and the World "Health" Organization were banished to that blossoming nation of Haiti. Then those world-improvers can get back to doing what they know best, which isn't much.
And they can take Kill Gates and der Fauscista with them!
Haiti is too nice a place for them. Maybe one of the atolls in the Pacific that was used for nuclear weapons testing
Either way; get them as far away from the US as possible.
The Haiti suggestion came years ago from Steve Forbes, who suggested getting the US out of the UN, converting their New York building to a homeless shelter, and sending the UN to the miracle nation of Haiti that they were entirely responsible for ruining. But the Pacific atolls are in another hemisphere entirely, which might make a good location.
I suggested them because once there they wouldn't last long. It actually places them far closer to where I am in Australia.
The FDA is a corporation funded and "owned" by Big Pharma. They do Big Pharma's bidding and that is making lifetime customers and huge profits. It is not about cures--never was.
Nah we need to chain them to the bottom of a swimming pool in front of the national monument. Then people can come by and spit (or fluids of your choice) on them.
S'funny, I was reading this as I was applying DMSO clear gel to a concrete scrape on my clumsy foot. DMSO is ANOTHER MIRACLE PRODUCT hidden by BigSick. Just like Ivermectin! S.E.A.R.C.H. using Brave, NOT Goolag 😉
I love your nickname for Google... Stealing 😘
Me TOO... we could all Trade Mark that abd make a mint!
MDMA will do the same thing, but the DEA (which should be abolished) won't move if from schedule 1 to schedule 3, as it should have, long ago.
A Midwestern Doctor has written about MDMA. Here is a search for those articles:
I second that. I made incredible and previously impossible emotional and mental breakthroughs while using it. The fact that it's not widely and openly available is a purposeful crime.
I made these breakthroughs while suffering from PTSD from my childhood.
It shouldn't be a scheduled 3--it should be a schedule 6, meaning the same as every other run of the mill medications that are not opioids.
Along with LSD.
Maybe RFK can make this available. Just 18 more days till Trump and DOGE.
Oh this is incredible-meanibg incredibly encouraging ( if it CAN be used / abd also further trialed !)
It is. My hubby has been "diagnosed" (ha ha) with both a TBI and PTSD, of course this has allowed the medication floodgates to open...
As long as Pig Pharma isn't going to get to overprice it by 10,000%.
Ivermectin apparently helps Parkinson's Disease too. Another drug that will never be approved for standard of care because there's no profit.
We’ve known this at least as far back as the 80s. I should know. I went to an underground site myself circa 88-89.
Then they phased out any ops in this country when you could just go to Mexico. It is not as much of a magic bullet as this article makes it sound like. Neuroplasticity means the brain resets to its default settings unless you learn how to live healthily, which no drug can make you do, natural or otherwise. But the potential is real and I am biased for natural based and especially psychedelic medicines so I believe they should be the first line of medicine we reach for. And, of course, the Medical Industrial Complex doesn’t want any “healing” or competitors.
Late 80's/early 90's I read about Ibogaine in a now defunct magazine. Don't recall the name. The article stated that doctors in Australia were CURING PTSD100%! With 1 session. Occasionally, 2-3 sessions. I remember this because I so very much wished I could afford to go to Australia for this treatment.
I'm recalling more about this article.... It was ptsd and addictions. It was high dose that kept patient under its influence 24hrs straight with a psychological doctor in the room. Ibogaine gave patient ability to be "outside of their body" while working through issues with doctor without retriggering. They then slept and awoke a new person. They remembered, but were no longer triggered. Awesome!
If something grows out of the ground, it is meant to be here. Nature has given us everything we need naturally (except maybe antibiotics) The fact that we aren't allowed to grow certain things that God put here on this earth is absolutely insane. And criminal in my opinion.
Antibiotics are natural and are produced by fungi during cheese making for example. People in cheese making areas knew that if you cut yourself and it looked infected wrapping it in cheese rags covered in fungus would usually get rid of the infection.
Wow. Really? I'd never heard this. So, nature does have all the answers.
100 percent. God gave us what we need. They strip us if our God Given Rights and also the nature God has provided. They think they are God when in fact they are lucifer's tools.
You wonder what our health officials, charged with protecting and supporting our health, have been doing for the past 70 years. Rather than helping, they've actually impeded our wellbeing in a big way. Powerful financial interests have taken over all our institutions. We now have a God-given opportunity to change things. Hang on, it won't be long now.
We'll soon see but don't count on it.
Well, ibogain it’s giving the drug companies fits. They can’t make a synthetic form of it.
There you go.
Because it was made by God, not Mere humans who believe they are God.
2025 is going to be glorious with all this sunlight coming in to disinfect us from the parasitic controllers who have taken over our minds with their drugs.
Tv, music, books, and movies.
I feel the need for a full-mind & body parasite cleanse.
Ibogaine isn’t the only beneficial psychedelic. There are many. Here is a write-up on their proper uses:
Yes, I used psychedelics mushroom golf Coast cap to be exact and it worked for a particular issue that was plaguing me for 15 years
The funny thing about the issue it was caused by synthetic LSD