“The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK”
Watch as Dr. Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the damning audio evidence.
The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and now brilliant minds are using their heads to uncover what really happened that day. In a thoroughly detailed 32-minute exposé, Dr. Chris Martenson has presented “rock solid audio proof that there were at least two shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”
This is no longer a fringe “conspiracy theory” because even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”
Watch as Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the audio evidence.
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The following is a summary of Dr. Martenson’s findings:
• There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.
• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.
• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).
• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.
As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”
“These are the questions that need to be asked. I fear for my safety and everybody else's safety for coming out with this stuff because one thing we know is they don't like loose ends in these stories. But man, they bollocksed this operation up really badly. Whoever was in charge of it is probably already floating in a river. I don't know what's going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up.”
Once you understand why Lee Harvey Oswald and Thomas Matthews Crooks are "second-verse-same-as-the-first patsies", the rest of the dots are easy to connect. Oswald's book suppository sniper position and Crooks's rooftop sniper position were both ideal elevated positions and neither were obtainable without advance knowledge of the secret service security measures at the time...and lots of insider assistance. The secret service agents were pulled off the rear of JFK's vehicle in Dallas allowing for Oswald to have an unobstructed view. Likewise, the Secret Service director's denial of the rooftop counter-sniper over watch position in Butler allowed for Crook's to have an unobstructed view of Trump. Thus allowing for Crooks and Oswald to be ultimately identified as the purported "assassins". Oswald captured and Crooks was killed. There was a redundant sniper assassin for JFK (shot from front) to ensure the compartmentalized kill mission was successful. My guess is that Crooks's sniper shot was such a "chip shot" at 150 meters that they were unprepared when he missed and the secondary "back-up" sniper did not have a clear shot once Trump ducked behind podium and secret service assumed a human shield.
I will keep saying it until there is an adequate answer. Why did the current Secret Service Director deny placement of sniper over watch on the building complex used by Crooks? And why is she not being interrogated?????????!!!!!!
To me, it would seem to reason that the first 3 shots were fired by a pro. Three controlled shots....the second volley, I'd speculate cam from Crook (if he did any shooting at all....he's clearly a patsy and distraction) as making precise shots at that faster trigger pull is not only more difficult, but, for lack of better verbiage, seems 'unprofessional'. Very plausible to presume the last shot is the terminal shot to Crook. 150yds or so for pro sniper is nothing...a chip shot...a walk in the park.