The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally 🤫

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Now that we are aware of the scam, perhaps you can change the wording from "will" to "did". As long as we believe this to be the case, that we are powerless, the charade will continue. We are the majority, we can say no--not this time, not on my watch.

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And So It Is 🙏

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Follow the Word, not the world.

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The so-called 'bible' writings are NOT 'the word of' the Creative Power that created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life. The so-called 'bible' writings were written by humans. And anyone who thinks otherwise is immensely brainwashed. Totally duped/gullible.

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The Bible is GOD’S inspired WORD

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No, it's actually NOT! That's merely what you 'christians' are 'told', but it is not the truth. You are all SO gullible, SO brainwashed. You've all been lied to, in order to control the gullible masses. And don't they just succeed, huh.

I've been a PROPERLY-informed Spiritualist for 30 years, and am very proud to be so. There are literally countless millions of we Spiritualists around the world, and Spiritualism is the one and only 'religion' that is able to absolutely PROVE what it states (and I am NOT using the word 'prove' either loosely or wrongly).

There are things in the so-called 'bible' writings that are provably FALSE statements. Which is one of many demonstrations that the so-called 'bible' writings were written by ordinary humans. And the absolute knowledge which we Spiritualists have re. the very real Afterlife also proves that the 'bible' BS was written by ordinary humans. (And anyway, who would want to read such BS as is in the so-called 'bible'?? I have a large personal library, and the so-called 'bible' would never feature in it. I was given a 'bible' when aged 12 or 13, and immediately threw it away. For, at that tender age I knew that it, 'christianity', was BS, and did not want the 'bible' in my book collection. I read PROPER writing, which straightaway eliminates the so-called 'bible'!!)

I'm in the UK, and am so thankful that I never fell for the BS of 'christianity'. All those who have fallen for it are in a cult. You're all being controlled. By false dogmas and false doctrines. And sadly, due to your gullibility, you all think it's real. You all fall for it. My brother's wife is from the Caribbean, and she's a foolish blindly-believing 'christian'. She knows just what I think of her for her gullibility.

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Atheism is a temporary delusion. When you take your last breath and die in your sin for not trusting Christ, the eternal conscious torment ends it immediately.

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I will NEVER be a 'christian'. We people around the world who are intelligent enough to have NOT fallen for the BS of 'christianity' will NOT fall for such nonsense. 'They see you all coming', as the saying goes.

On the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed 'die', you will discover the unpalatable (to all you 'christians' on the planet) that the 'christian church' well and truly DUPED you all. 'Christianity' being a control system hoax. To control the gullible, brainwashable masses. And doesn't it just succeed, huh...

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so you want to go to hell?

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Haha! You will get a very big shock, on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed 'die'. I (along with literally countless millions of others around the world) am very proud to have been a PROPERLY-informed Spiritualist for the past 30 years. Spiritualism being the one and only 'religion' that is able to absolutely prove what it states (and I do NOT use the word 'prove' either loosely or wrongly).

You 'christians' around the world have been duped, big-time. None of you know anything re. the history of the ACTUAL origins of the so-called 'bible' writings. If you carried out some scholarly research (which no 'christian' ever does), you'd realise how much you've all been duped.

From a properly-informed Englishwoman, here in the UK, who never fell for the BS of 'christianity'.


You can't even write grammatically... (ie, your post to me, above...).

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A given.

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Jah does not speak.

She is quite busy creating multi-verses ...

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Maybe change that "will" to "want to"? As in, "the government wants to ensure all of this is done legally." We're all working to make sure that doesn't happen.

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That is profound. I have never heard someone say it like that.

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Boston Tea Party time, kids!

Repeal the ability for Big pHARMa to advertise or we’ll never hear another truth from them regarding meds and vaccines.

The people with the ability to send us to war MUST have skin in the game— somehow.

Main Stream Media MUST either be held to the truth OR widely made fun of for the extension of the democr party

that it is.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

Thanks for your beautifully crafted reply. I agree, especially with this statement. "Not someday… but this day. It begins by helping the more challenged realize how capable they were meant to be, and give those folks a hand up to achieve, and step into their greatness. IMO … it’s one of the only ways this insanity will end. " Humanity has lost their sense of innate worthiness and creativity and until this is realized, we remain stuck in the mud, spinning and spinning. As we look through comments on social media such as this post, we find arguing, pointing of fingers, the I'm right and you are wrong correspondence. This continues the spin in that muddy pit that we find ourselves in. This is one of the reasons that we find ourselves in this position at this moment in time. Yes we all have differences of opinions and that is natural for we are human. However, we also have commonalities, things that we all desire and want to create for our future world, our new paradigm. It is best to focus on the commonalities, rather than the differences of opinions for we are the ones that we have been waiting for! It is all up to us. That "savior" on the white horse is staring at each of us in the mirror when we brush our teeth. On we go! I am quite optimistic that humanity will indeed move forward, break the chains of slavery, and create a beautiful world.

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And they are all run by the same set of individuals!

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Yep, follow the money. (And most Americans don’t have any anymore)

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Giving up on your children.

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Um….. credible journalists proudly attach their name to any and all publications.

So, no. Just, NO.

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Only with our consent. Get a grip. You suck at this Adulting thing

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Thank you Vigilant Fox 😊. Thank you to all truth sayers and sharers. We must know truth, and open the eyes of the hypnotized people. Many are blind and deaf to truth.

Kennedy knows what he is talking about, and so does Trump. If you can’t understand what is really going on, you need help, brain help!! Please pay attention folks and let’s turn this country around heading in the right direction toward freedom and God.

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“The Vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind" Donald Trump


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Ahhh leftist land, a place we’re Trump derangement syndrome runs rampant, and it’s simply illegal(punishment by screaming Karen) to learn & change.

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Stupidity is infinite... this proves it:

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


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Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Vax Safety Claims, Says He Saved 100 Million Lives

Published Jan 16, 2023 at 7:51 PM EST

Updated Jan 19, 2023 at 8:49 AM EST


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Take your lame ass, third grade junior varsity agitprop, Putin fellation tool bullshit, and keep walking, bish.

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Still waiting on Trump to 'Drain the Swamp' and MAGA...

Hahaha... you clowns will never get it.... doesn't matter which side you are on ... you are suckers... you believe anything.


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Careful …. You may be eating your words very very soon. ☮️

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Ya think so?


Take another booster shot... that's the only cure for what you have

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I feel it only right to remind you, attempts at reasoning with the equivalent of a recent head trauma suffering toddler, rarely achieve the desired results. Please do not be disappointed if that is the case.....

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We must never forget this; so few can be trusted to speak their truth, and actually follow through with their convictions. I understand, it may be a matter of staying alive...so we see broken promises. It's dangerous to not play the game.

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Sue your lobotomist!

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You're not gonna get it here. These people live in the alt fact universe

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A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


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We have neither. Take that rhetorical bullshit elsewhere. Nothing but if semantical football relevant to not a goddamn thing. Pathetic. Do better

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Please enlighten us with your relevant solutions to this global mess:

The full plan exposed and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


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I have them. So do many others. Mostly people not in a position of power. I'm not going to bother. I don't play pearls and pigs.

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You’ve got nothing to offer, ever in these threads.

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So what have you got, wise guy? Nothing but your cynicism, it appears, so a waste of space.

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Ad hominem bullshit much?

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When I first started listening to Trump, I began to realize how twisted my view of the world had become. The things he was attacked for as radical, I realized were only what used to be normal: a secure border, trade deals that benefited Americans first, military allies that paid for their own defense, stopping the U.S. from meddling in other countries' affairs, and the list goes on. My eyes were opened: the "common wisdom" had gone crazy, and Trump was the sane one. Now it's the same with Kennedy. We've come to accept as "normal" the incredible levels of disease, obesity, autism, allergies, etc. This is not the world I grew up in. Something has happened, and we need to recognize it and reverse it. We need Trump to handle trade, crime, and foreign policy, and Kennedy to get us back on track to health. Once again my eyes have been opened. This Dynamic Duo, Trump and Kennedy, could be our last chance.

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Many down under praying for Trump to redeem your once amazing country. 🙏🙏

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Thank you so much. 🙏🇺🇸 Please keep those prayers going. America without prayer to God will be dead. The demon regime trying to take over America knows nothing about the blessings of Almighty God, our creator, nor do they love Him. Without God there is tyranny.

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Please keep praying. Satan has warped the minds of so many in this country.

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Yes Kennedy needs real power in Washington. I believe he should be assistant attorney general.

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The joke is on you. He hasn't or never did intend to furnish any of that.

The worst part? Both of you are wrong.

Everything you mention is either completely disconnected from reality or simply and intentionally disingenuous narrative. A.k.a. a lie.

Most of them are a pathetic political football that you jump to like an attachment psychosis puppy.

Immigration is not on the list of things contributing to our Third World shit hole. We need to be building bridges not walls. The only wall we should be building is between the church and the state. If we could accurately filter them, we should build one around the ballot booth but nobody is advocating for a voter IQ mandate. Fuck the ID.

Just exactly what trade deals near the GOP of Trump and his fellow grifters in place that helped Americans. He fucked off the entire soybean market to China and cost the taxpayer 35 billion that he had to pass out to farmers maintain their vote. Jesus, obviously our body politic is pathetic but it just got more so with the consent to the fat orange treasonweasel participating.

He's a puppet in a lifetime criminal. Get a grip I cannot imagine the amount of hard work it took to achieve that level of intentional ignorance.

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Thank you, Dave, for your wise words😊

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He's not a radical. He's a mentally unstable narcissistic lifelong criminal. Get a grip.

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I like RFK Jr. and admire his work on health and the environment. Male sperm counts are down 50% last 50 years in industrialized countries. Well, my son was looking for a poison free rat control method and he came across a new invention, meat impregnated with cottonseed oil. Apparently this seed oil is able to reduce rat fertility rates to the point of exterminating them. It works by reducing the sperm count of male rats. You can buy this on Amazon. Cottonseed oil is, of course, the first industrial seed oil marketed to humans as a "heart healthy" food source (Crisco). Cottonseed oil is used in restaurant deep fryers and all kinds of baked goods in grocery stores. RFK Jr. and Trump are on the right track for sure.

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Trump has a chance if the election is fair. I hope and pray he does because it’s going to be ugly for all of us if he loses. I think there will be a fight even if Trump gets elected. The powers that be won’t give up easily.

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Christians must vote.

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Genuine Christians WILL vote, the trouble comes (like me in SoCal) when our votes are hijacked by the machines. I’m praying God will use Space Force to short circuit their biased programming algorithms.

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They are demons and they will never give up. The DC demons have sold their souls to Satan. All they care about is money and power. They are blinded. I feel sure one or two of them were nice kids many years ago, but greed and Satan captured them- all of them. When they come face to face with God, it will be horrific for them. God’s wrath will throw them into the “Eternal Lake of Fire.” At least I know I’m not going there for eternity, and the rest of you who love God, also. There is some peace in that knowledge. Pray every day for God to send His War Angels to protect us from demons, and to protect Trump and Kennedy. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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I am afraid that you are right Diane

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Evil is relentless.. but good wins in the end, albeit, it will be a fight to the death. 🙏

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This guy is good, please win Trump.

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Excellent! RFK Jr is smart and truthful! Trump, like Churchill, will step up like a true leader and hopefully save Western Civilization. Unlike the Woke clown here in Canada.

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Pray for Trump and God’s protection for America against tyranny. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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Its the old glassmakers trick, higher thugs to break windows to create business! There are dollar signs dripping from thirsty needles

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Vigilant Fox produces some great clips. The whole interview is available on Dr. Phil's website.

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Here's how Bobby Kennedy is asking us to vote:

In battleground states, a vote for Trump is needed to keep RFK on the path to achieving his vitally important goals regarding children's health, war and censorship. In all-blue or all-red states, where your vote won't make a difference in the outcome, VOTE KENNEDY. This will help achieve many things if Kennedy gets 5% of the vote nationwide, including a viable third party in the next election and much-needed funding, recognition, visibility, debate access, etc.

And keep in mind that RFK hasn't pulled out of the election, he has just suspended his campaigning and will still be on most state ballots. If Harris or Trump fail to get 270 electoral votes, Kennedy could still be in the running and end up in the White House.

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Please don’t. The only chance for his platform to succeed is for Trump to win the WH. Blue states have the fewest ‘irregularities’ and in this crazy cycle, all bets are off. Additionally, if no one wins 270 ev’s outright (entirely possible!), the House may well use the popular vote to swing the election left.

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I (and many others) are totally sick of the two-party status quo, and therefore will not vote for either Trump or Harris.

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That means you may be helping the demons bring tyranny to America and there will never ever ever be another election. There will be the ruling elites that are running things now and you, me and the rest will be the slave labor. Those are the facts. You need to catch up on your political knowledge. We are not talking about a high school election here. We are talking an election of good vs evil. Many are in jail who are not accused of a real crime. That is tyranny. You may be next. And that is real truth. Wake up. Trump and Vance and Kennedy need to be at the helm or you can kiss your car, your air conditioner and heat good bye. No more free speech. Look up the rules of Hitler. Low life , uneducated bullies ran the people with baseball bats. That is real Evil., It is on the way here, if people don’t see reality and truth. Good life today and cruel life tomorrow, if we each don’t step up to the plate and vote for freedom. Pray every day for God to return to America.🙏🇺🇸

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Trump needs to be president. He has the right skills for the position. Kennedy will be by his side in his area’s of expertise but those area’s are not in the President realm dealing with Xi and Putin etc.

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Really Steve???

You believed two lying, Deep State scum sucking POLITICIANS telling Americans exactly what they want to hear?

Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.

35 million vaxxed are dead.

And in the years that RFK Jr has been PORTRAYED to us as the 'Champion Of Anti Vaxx' the lobotomizing childrens vaxxine protocols have nearly TRIPLED.

So are these two Deep State glad-handing pharmaceutical reps REALLY your hope for our future?

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While I don't exactly agree with the extremes in Proberta's post, what are you really trying to say? Are you saying the mRNA vaccines are safe after all and didn't kill millions worldwide, just because your love of Trump supersedes everything? It seems that everyone EITHER blindly hates Trump OR blindly loves Trump, and very few are capable or willing to make a rational, unbiased, and honest assessment of Trump.

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No SEF, Trump was just as conned about mRNA vaccines as were the MILLIONS of people who gladly accepted them. Trump doesn't know any science. Which is why Fauci et al could gaslight him. But RFK Jr DOES know some science. So now that he and Trump are aligned, you may be sure that a govt led by Trump will NOT BE GASLIGHTED AGAIN in that regard. Judging by her post, Proberta is either Democrat to the soles of her flippers (and thus unwilling to hear anything against her views) -- or she's an AI bot controlled by the Deep State. The Deep State are terrified of a Trump-RFK presidency. Trump always wanted to Drain the Washington Swamp but didn't know how. RFK knows how.

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I believed that for a while, until this:


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Maybe he did say that during the period when he was gaslit (although I tend to doubt anything appearing in Newsweek). But that was then. This is now. The joining of RFK with Trump changes everything -- greatly for the better, in my view.

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OMG People WAKE UP!!!


Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


35million vaxxed are dead, millions are sick and dying, and even more are permanently vaxxine damaged for life.

Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more INFANT-CHILD size coffins, up from the 20% increase last year.



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I agree with you that the alliance with RFK should greatly change Trump for the better, but I still have an extremely hard time putting any trust in Trump_ I think that even RFK is likely being deceived by Trump because it's election time. I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

You sound very intelligent and convincing. BTW, I am NOT a Democrat. And many of us who don't trust Trump are NOT Democrats.

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Really? You say "Trump always wanted to drain the Washington swamp but didn't know how" If this were remotely true, then why is he filling his cabinet with the swamp, with one exception. Or, perhaps our definitions of "swamp" differ.

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No, and I agree with you 100%. Trump is NOT a good judge of character. Plus there's the gemuine difficulty of FINDING any non-swamp-creatures. If you honestly think Harris is any better, by all means vote for her. She seems to be parroting all Trump's policies now, although she has DONE the opposite for the last 4 years. So as far as I can see ithis is a lesser-of-two-evils situation. In which I (as a non-American) don't even get to choose which evil to pick. Which is a shame really, since what happens to Amerika does affect all the rest of us out here more, than you might like to think. I just hope y'all have the good sense to pick what I would if I could.

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I used to be a democrat, but thats ancient history. The way they treated RFK Jr was the final nail in the coffin. Politics today is a disgrace except for a very few that still have integrity.

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Does that matter to the millions dead and their families?

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No blindness; just narcissism to a fault, preventing him from acknowledging the excess mortality before now. But the shots may well have been developed before warp speed was even a thing. And he didn’t mandate them, nor is he a scientist. You can like his policies without liking the man. BTW, if you look at the H/W positions now, they strangely mimic Trumps. NOW they’re for the border wall, that when they stopped it on day 1, absolutely wasting millions (b? I DK) of dollars because contracts still needed to be paid out (for zero work) and unused panels left to rust.

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Yes about Trumps role. But no about Kennedy. His record of resistance is clear. He is finally breaking through. Will Trump have the balls to fight the death machine? Remains to be seen.

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Sorry PTW, but I worked for years against the aut!sm-causing children's vaxxines and I believed RFK Jr when he told us how together we could stop the poisoning of our children.

But that never happened.

What did happen is that in the years that RFK Jr has been presented to us as 'The Champion Of Anti-Vaxx' the number of children's vaxxines has almost TRIPLED.

And RFK Jr talks about how sick and sickly American children are with a list of causes and reasons, except the vaxxines.

Sadly PTW, I lost faith in RFK Jr years ago.

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What should he have done?

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"What should he have done?"

Its what he COULD have done, like getting the clinical research showing the link between the vaxxines and autism, called for investigation into the link between autism and the vaxxines, organized a class-action lawsuit, spoken before Congress, etc, etc, etc.

None of which he did.

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Roberta I do hope that you are wrong but what you say is telling.

It comes down to God. No that is wrong. There is only God

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I’m sorry for you. Your information is not complete and it is misguided. Do more research. These two men with GOD’s help are America’s only hope. The Dems bring tyranny and slavery.

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Susan, just show where anything I've said is inaccurate.

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Proberta TROLL

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This is what real "Hope, Change" and "Joy" looks like. A platform of unity we can trust and believe in.

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I honestly worry about RFK Jr. and Trump. They are kicking the hornets’ nest, and instead of getting stung they can get ki**ed. 😬👊🏾🙏🏾

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Call out to God every day. 🙏

They are risking their lives for you, me and others trying to save our freedom. God wants us to stand up for Him and goodness and fight against Evil. Please vote for Trump, Vance and Kennedy. These are men who do love God.,Not perfect men because there aren’t any perfect men— but men who love America, our Constitution, our freedom and our way of life. Trump for president🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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There’s much truth in what you say.

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I wish that were not the case, though.😢

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Do yourselves a big favor and read the book Nobody Wants You Healthy by Dr Mark Richards! You can thank me later.

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I will read it.. Thank you now😊

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There is a huge misperception that the military industrial complex (MIC) is the most significant threat to us. Nope. The MIC doesnt hold a candle to the biopharma medical industrial complex (BMIC) that is administered via extra-Congressional ("oversight") public private partnerships (PPP). If you think I am wrong then you obviously were asleep during the PPP Plandemic. The plandemic is prima fascie evidence how much more impactful is the BMIC relative to the MIC. Billions in ROI without one bomb dropped or one soldier killed.

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They’re all one and the same.

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DARPA is just one of many

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