Does preparing to separate from them as opposed to paying attention to them help us in the long run?

Democrats exist, and will continue to exist for 3-5 years or however long they have to live after being mostly mRNA injected.

Reasonable people should be focussing on how to survive without being dragged into a Democrat inspired WWIII or faction instigated civil war.

Proclaiming independence from the CDC, WHO, and America`s hand in WWIII at the county by county level should be people`s first priority.

After that, establishing supply chains to bypass Blue counties and their unreasonable inhabitants.

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Yes, Absolutely. A strategy to survive them.

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Well Daniel if they win (and its likely the way they cheat with all those illegals getting driver's licenses and being registered - not legally but yah know, who's complaining? def. not the Rhinos who let it happen or our Congress and overlords!) then its Kumalisim Price Controls, and political payback, and oh yes.. jab mandates and so forth up the Wazoo, good by to Amerika... heloooo to Communism. All according to plans laid long ago.

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People need to be realistic.

Trump gave 18 billion to Pharma with Warp Speed.

If pharma took 10% of that 18 billion and reinvested into paying politicians that`s 1.8 Billion.

That`s enough for 3 million dollars for every member of the house of representatives, with 500 million left over for "bonuses".

Until people realize that power overrules money, and apply that in their personal lives, a better future will be challenging.


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People need to be realistic.

The Deep State aka the Swamp and its Mockingbird Media FORCED COERCED BLACKMAILED President Trump into participating in the CONvid19 HOAX.

There is NO EVIDENCE that President Trump is a scientist , a medical doctor nor a career bureaucrat,


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QueMala Cameleon and Tampon Tim have set up a super secured three miles fenced-in perimeter around the DNC


Meanwhile our Southern Border is wide opened and unprotected

15,000,000 + unvetted illegals have waltzed in thus far


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The height of cringyness was watching Blacks at the DNC Convention excitedly applaud Hillary a pyscho whose policies under Obama turned Libya a once prosperous African country into a dystopian slave market.

In fact, Obama turned two wars into seven, I can only imagine the heightened militarism that'll occur under Kamala. The agony of joy. 🤨

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Not to mention the true War on Women by the Democrat Party

Allow men in women's sports. Check

Allow men in women's and girl's restrooms and locker rooms. Check

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The Dems had 50 years to codify Roe v Wade, but they used the issue every two and four years for political expediency.

Btw, how does the slaughter of thousands of innocent women and children in Gaza represent the Dems view on women's rights.

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100%. If they cared about abortion rights they would have done something in the past half century. But they knew they had a wedge issue they could run on without even trying, and a constitutional amendment would ruin that.

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The Communist Demon Rats have failed or refused to acnowledge that Mifepristone has voided all anti-abortion Laws.

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Don't forget feminism; the original war on women.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

Feminists and liberal men are the two most natural forms of birth control. This is why they want control of other people's children.


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That is IF any female survives & thrives in the womb.

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I lived in Libya for a decade while Gaddafi was in power and I can attest to the prosperity he brought. Yes, he was brutal in many ways but he improved infrastructure in the cities and he was under control as long as we had a strong president here in the US. As soon as Obama took office, Gaddafi realized he had free rein. What Obama left in his wake in Libya was far worse than what was there previously!

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I think you understated. Obama and HRC turned a prosperous and functional Libya into a dystopian sh*thole, filled with the worst of humanity.

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Oh, including (for our African Americans education) a real honest to god live slave market where men and women are sold into slavery in ... the Arabic Muslim countries where it never went out of style...

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0bama left a well funded Iran and enabled them to Nuclear develop . This may well play out any day .

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Joy only refers to select Americans. Dems don’t care about other country’s joy, or Republican joy, or even Democrat joy if they don’t embrace the party line wholeheartedly.

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Actually I don’t think they know the definition of joy or what true joy feels like. Seems to me their joy is as fake as much else about them, their beliefs, & policies.

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Thank you for watching and reporting on the Democratic Party’s convention so we didn’t have to. You have a stronger stomach than I, that’s for sure. The saddest thing is how many of America’s low information voters will swallow this whole — without questioning any of it.

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My sentiments exactly!!! I can’t watch these communist, American hating, demonic people spew their evil!! But thanks for the report Vigilant Fox!

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A bunch of morons pushing evil onto ignorant Americans, they’ll get theirs in hell you Nazi twats.

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What a dangerous farce.

Reminds me of a Mark Twain Liar’s Contest gone wrong.

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Oh, but there was truth in the marches outside. Hate of Police. Hate of Jews.

My favorite was those that dressed as abortion pills. It made me wonder if Democrats in 1860 paraded as whips and chains. It also reminded me of the Democrat marchers who wore all-white robes with pointy hats in the 20th Century.

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Thank you for your keen digestion of events that the sensible would otherwise not indulge in.

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Probably has keen indigestion as well.

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"Oh the horror…”

A masquerade of liars and fools.

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The Guardian, of course, is desperately trying to create a very different impression. " Beating Big Pharma" is another big giveaway from the liability known as the current POTUS.

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Kamala Harris

Makes Women Look Inferior.

‘To Ten Year Old Boys.


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In the famous words of Maxine Waters: "You push back. You create a crowd".

Something tells me we're going to be seeing A LOT of "crowd creation" over the next few months.


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This whole fucking thing is so shameful to life in general. It’s a complete mockery to the importance of life to have such an ignorant argument even taking place. Biden and this dumb bitch that’s eating his ass are clearly the wrong choice, it’s embarrassing that we are even put in the position to have to make this choice. Hopefully Trump or RFK wins, but the truth is there reputations don’t make either of them the perfect candidate either. The person that gets that position should be flawless, perfectly moral, perfectly honest, perfectly educated, never committed a crime, so perfectly dependable and trustworthy that no one could vote against them if they wanted to. If that person isn’t available to fill the seat then maybe no one should and we the people should stand the fuck up and do something to save our children and there future. How about we stop making excuses????????????

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The only person who could fill your qualifications is Jesus Christ! Trump had been demonized since 2016, so few who haven’t bothered to get the truth about all that he has done that is good during his life really don’t care to know it! We the People still need to stand up even if Trump gets elected, he can’t do it alone! Plus we need to go after the rhinos and communist dems in congress and many of them our up for re-election. Again, few people will bother themselves! It disgusting because this is for America. RFK has many hidden agendas that would align with the dems! Plus he doesn’t stand a chance!

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Trump is scary because he seems to good to be true. At the end of the day he’s still incredibly rich, the odds that he has been approached by the real evil in this world are ( 99 to 1 !!! ) , so why is he still here? I know what he’s done, he’s signed some very important bill into existence that biden ( no caps for that cunt ) wiped his ass with. The truth is that it keeps getting worse ( not just for us )every year, shit every day. Is it going’s to get better with trump or will it continue to get worse let’s put honesty over optimism here. This is where I am, it doesn’t take an intelligent person to the math here just person who’s tired of lying to himself to his family, and hoping that trend catches on in serious numbers in a serious hurry!!! I believe whole heartedly in Jesus Christ, that why I know where we stand. Jesus says to hope it’s not winter, but winter is vastly approaching.

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Thank you for a measured response.

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The only a Person who fits your description would be Jesus Himself. We need to stop making judgments about personalities and look at facts. What has their leadership done for us? Do we have the govt the Founders envisioned - “of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, FOR the PEOPLE”? If not, we’re off track and this is what we get!

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You lost me in your 1st sentences…..can’t get past your crassness.

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Great so we can all be worry free that better days are coming. All we have to do is take no lessons from history and stay on the steady path of doing the same thing over and over and over. Being polite doesn’t seem to work. Maybe gross vulgarity is what it takes to accumulate the needed attention on the truth of the situation

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Believe it or not I hold every door open for my wife. when there is heavy work to be done I’ll work myself into the ground before asking her for help. I am a very honest person, but I’ve come to a conclusion about honesty, It is more important than feelings. I’ve done my research here, this evil we are up against is connected. It’s connected in every country, the foot print is easy enough to find but hard enough to believe because it’s so dark. These people believe the lives of our families are not only expendable, but expendable in a way that there suffering is applauded. I am angry, we are being lied to on an unbelievable level. It goes way past voting for the next muppet, although maybe trump will do some good, he doesn’t hold a candle to the big picture. Our government is guilty of the most In fathomable evils, yet here we are taking our hats off and holding the door open for them to continue. Thinking about that, and knowing where it leads makes me upset, my children are not going to have good lives under this kind of a system. The cost is never going to go down, the war is going to continue to be used against them, and the surveillance is going to continue to grow to prevent them from doing anything about it. I’m reading proverbs right now, Jesus holds knowledge very high, he also holds hard work very high, he also holds strength very high. I’m starting to think he wants us to stand against this thing rather than voting it in!!!! I apologise if my crassness offended you, I’m just trying to get through to people who maybe on the fence!!! God bless

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I just believe vulgarity & crassness is not conducive to winning others to one’s position or beliefs. It’s a turnoff for many.

I cringe at how coarse our language (& even behavior) has become. Okay maybe I’m old school but I recall gentlemen removing hats when entering a building or room, opening doors for ladies, & leaving crass talk amongst the men’s locker room. There was a civility I don’t see much today. Tho we in the South still retain it for the most part. Thankfully.

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Is the "crassness" not a testament to the deep frustration -Debatable!- is feeling? Allow people the freedom to chose how they express their perspective. It is not our place to shame another for expressing their thoughts passionately. The beauty of this country is we are extremely diverse, we're all different blends of a vast variety of upbringings and experiences. Let others speak, take from it what you will, censoring the verbiage used is unnecessary.

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Somebody has to say it, "A bunch of grifters."

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“We finally beat big Pharma.” That’s a laugh and a half. Every other commercial I see these days is for some niche drug to knock out this or that component of your immune system to treat autoimmunities caused by vaccinations, the worst of which being the spike bioweapon. You’ll have clearer skin, until you get an infection you can’t beat because you nuked your immune system. But don’t worry, just go back to the allopath. He’s got something for that as well. If by “beat,” he means that he beat his meat while the cannibals continued eating our children, then maybe.

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God help us!🙏

The seer of Our Lady of Akita passed away on the Assumption of the BVM. All of this mess is predicted. Pray everyone please because this is the cusp of Communism. We won’t win without God on our side.

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Honorary mention for "Joe Biden is the OG girl dad" from Ashley. :/

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Riiiiiiight. Cuz showers with dad is on every girls dream list. NOT. How many Xanax she take while writing/reading THAT garbage. Poor thing.

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Snake lady has a hard time keeping her lying long tong in her mouth.

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