Folks. Stop watching this crap.

Stop thinking that Corporate Media is anything other than a Pharm Sales Rep. Fascism Minder controlled by your Overlords.

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It couldn't be more obvious that this is the case or and not surprising the massively brain washed don't know this.

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Disgusted, Disgraced & Embarrassed by this uneducated group of the female species. Hope in time the show will be cancelled.

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Canceled? Yeah sure. Soon they'll be 3 shows like this.

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who the heck watches the view anyway?

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Who are the 10 people who watch this pathetic program. Shut down The View = misinformation

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i was going to suggest if the 10 or so substackers who frequently report what the view says stopped watching it, it might close down :)

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Mixed feelings, given the crap kids are learning in public school these days. Pure indoctrination.

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Exactly. One silver lining of this whole thing is that parents finally had a fly-on-the-wall view of what was really happening in their schools. Home education has jumped astronomically.

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This is astounding. Goldberg and the audience clapping like seals should be ashamed of themselves. We're two and a half years on from knowing that kids have a miniscule death rate. How has this STILL not registered?

Mindbogglingly stupid people.

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Stupid or Intentional? It's not stupidity. It's all scripted and planned. This destruction were seeing isn't here by mistake.

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Seriously, the ‘View’ and credible discussions?? An Oxymoron!

As bad as Rachel Madcow & the rest of bought media cabal with lies & misinformation. CNN, CBS, CNBC, PBS etc. They are all ‘bought to You by Pfizer’ 🤮! 🛑 watching & listening to these washed up old hags spewing nonsense! Their sorry a^^ livelihoods depend on it! Tune them out for your sanity!

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I can't figure out if....

1. Whoopie is totally possessed by the devil and nothing that comes out of her mouth is her own its Satan's.

2. Actually knowing what she's doing, lying through her teeth to suit her handlers


3. Is literally dumb as fuck and has no idea what she's saying, she's just following the storyline they give her.

Which is it.

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It's #3

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Why not both?

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Very possibly

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Ted Danson tapped Whoopi years ago.

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Why do you even care what these dumb broads say? We shouldn’t even watch or acknowledge them thereby reducing their influence to zero.

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Just "wow" why do they have a platform anyways?

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If you wanted to torture prisoners in Gitmo, just play "The View" 24 hours a day.

They would confess to being on the grassy knoll just to make it stop.

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The dumbest libtard idiots on TV NOW !

I can’t believe anybody watches their garbage. Come on America ! Wake up !

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While the amount of misinformation being spread by these women is scary, the fact that so many gullible watchers gobble it up and treat it as gospel is far more concerning. Re-educating people to reality is going to be a a long, slow process. Especially when we not only have morons like the women of The View continuing to spread their lies, but many politicians and the media in general are still insisting on pushing the Narrative™ of Covid fear. It shows how important the efforts of people like Fox are, and that every one of us needs to do our part to help stop the lies and spread the truth.

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Does anyone actually watch this garbage?

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Masks don’t work

Lockdowns don’t work

Shot don’t work

Keep spreading the 💩

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Perfect example of the blind leading the blank...

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These women are idiotic morons. Who would even waste their time watching these bobble heads!

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