Jul 23, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Thanks for sharing this important info. I’m praying for the truth tellers. It’s terrifying what Adams has discovered but we need to know.

I have serious shedding problems and am helping my elderly family member.

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& I’m sure morgellons is tied into the vax clots . It was research & experiments done on us . A heavy metal detox really helped my morgellons symptoms about 5 years ago.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Keep digging, archiving, and posting.

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Are these ever seen in patients who had covid and no vaccine?

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In the interview Hirschmann did on Maria Zeee, Hirschmann suggested the only unvaxxed people this was found in had had blood transfusions. Also he's not finding it in everyone who was vaxxed, which gives some hope if your loved ones have been vaxxed. We need answers on what might lessen the risks for those who took these poisons thinking they were doing the right thing.

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Maria is to be watched. She is a force to be recognized and she must be prayed for. Extremely impressive and important to our cause.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

So that means that the corona virus doesn't cause this in people? Only the ingredients in the jab are doing this?

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From what Hirshmann has said (if I'm remembering his interviews correctly) he has only been noticing these weird, white stringy clots since the vaccine rollout. He was seeing an increase in clotting in 2020 but only normal blood clots. And thanks to people like Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough, we've known about Covid causing blood clots for 2 years now & the recommended treatments.

It does seem like only the vaxxed are at risk for this, but there is still way too much that's unknown to be 100% certain of anything.

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Update: The wonderful Dr Ryan Cole (pathologist) is doing work in this area. See his talk to the World Council for Health at: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/ryan-cole-health-wellness-spiked

Hopefully understanding what these things are will lead towards treatment for those who need it.

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Ugh why do people forget that moderna, pre convid, had issues with people getting sick due to the lipids.

The lipids are what cause the clots, not fking "spike" or nano bullshit.

Seriously, read Whitney Webb's article about moderna's past crap and you'll see that they had similar issues before this crap.

It's just like how MMR and HPV vaccines damage by the adjuvants and preservatives...

The toxicity builds up and in the case of con-vid shots, this is due to the LIPID NANOPARTICLES which are designed to not break down, as they hold the magical "mRNA" which we don't even have proof for actually working... But most of these medical morons, like McCullough etc, are claiming it's the spike... Ok whatever, believe what you want to believe, because y'all thought past vaccines were relatively safe.

Injecting chemicals and foreign material is inducing toxicity..

Here's a good article on polio and how it was caused by toxicity... It also goes into how doctors and scientists got brainwashed with shitty science that focused on viruses while ignoring the elephants in the room.


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This makes sense to me. I am hesitant to go along with the new theories simply because they go against what we also know is false. Seems to me a lot of people are making a name for themselves and money off of these new theories that are no more proved than any other fad that comes along. I always believe in looking back and reminding ourselves of the history of how we got here. William Engdahl does a good job of that. Hmm, I might have to write something about that.

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This all started long ago when the rockefellers and rothschilds took over education and medicine. Petroleum products to make medicines. Hmm.. what could possibly go wrong.

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If embalmers are truly finding this material in a high percentage of cadavers, pulling long strings of this material from the bodies of dead people, they have never been seen before covid, and they are solely found in people who took the jab, this needs to EXPLODE across media and be made known world wide. Is our media so utterly bought and compromised that they pass on what may be the biggest news story of our lifetimes? This needs to be vetted - if not a hoax, then the world needs to know and the shots everywhere stopped immediately. Doctors need to figure out what this is, how to detect it in living people, and how to remove it.

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There are too many of them that are paid or threatened with imminent violence if they speak out. It's up to us to continue this fight and get the info out as much as we can. We are called digital warriors for that reason.

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Are you aware of the work done on Amyloid proteins as blood clots (think I have that correct) by Walter M. Chestnut? It is very technical and way beyond my pay grade, but Dr. Jessica Rose gave him a thumbs up.

I have some skepticism about Mike Adams, but it seems worth keeping an eye of this. He seems out there on his lonesome; not getting acknowledgement or support for others in the scientific dissident community. Could be wrong of course.

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Listen to this. Spartacast has been discussing the amyloid connection.

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You must be a Bot casting shade on Mike Adams who is highly respected in his field, but what would you know about about anything, let's see your credentials! Oh me, I am Master's Prepared in nursing for the past 50-years until covid. Won't take the JAB & refuse to give it & out of work for 19 mos. on ethical grounds, but then, what could you possibly know about ethics, your too busy besemerching credible scientists!

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Scarcely a bot. That would be news to my friends.

Not very sure about Mike Adams though. A lot more sure about most of the Substackers I follow. I particularly like Jessica Rose, Igor Chudov, Mathew Aldred, Sheldon Yakiwchcuk, oh about 140 of them. I have not seen anybody confirm Mike Adams work, and I have read his stuff for decades. Does not mean he is wrong. He certainly will tell you he is a credible scientist. He certainly seems to lie outside the mainstream.

Why would you assume I am pro-jab? On Twitter and GETTR, I am GreatResistAggregator

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Does anyone know what happens with donated blood? If I needed a blood transfusion and I receive blood from a vaccinated person does that mean I will have the products of this vaccine in my system? It seems that I would, does anyone know?

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The embalmer said he saw it in an unvaxed person who had had a blood tranfusion.

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Kinda as if it had electrical micro components and they were burning up.

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