It's funny, because traditional vaccines have never been proven safe. Hence the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, where they're declared as "unavoidably unsafe", with the clever solution of simply refusing to acknowledge harms in most cases, and where it is admitted, have the taxpayer foot the bill.

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This is a false and harmful view, because it equivocates between utilitarianism (risks vs benefits) and ethical principles. Vaccine mandates would be just as unethical even if the vaccines were perfectly effective and harmed only a handful of people, or even if they were a placebo: https://michaelkowalik.substack.com/p/why-vaccine-mandates-are-unethical

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

Lol, the masked ear muffin wearing stethoscope slingin' teleprompter reading "doctor" has dr cockRochelle Wolenski's eyes wide . . . shut. ; )

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What a skillfully descriptive string of words you put together there!👍

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Glad you understood them. If I can be of any more help to you let me know. I feel it’s easier to communicate with people like you directly , and succinctly.

That way you’re not so confused.

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Great post. What does it tell us in the end. Don't comply to the killer jab, and nut job doctors.

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Sic Semper Medicus Tyrannis

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Nazis used bad medicine to depopulate & we vowed in America to have Medical Freedom but the evil elite communists in high places are trying to take away our freedoms as fast as they can.

The evil elite NWO WEF, UN & WHO among many others own Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, AMA, Big Tech & MSM & their misinformation/lies that they pump out 24/7 sway the people who won’t do their own homework or are against God.

Truly the REAL battle in America & worldwide is a Spiritual Battle & unfortunately our evil leaders are kicking God out of our countries & inviting satan in?!?

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That was horrifying. The bug eyed woman with a mask that is allegedly a doctor. There are THOUSANDS out there like her "practicing" medicine.

"You need to get this covid shot"

"What's in it?"

"I don't know, but they said it's safe and effective."

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

I guess the mockingly sarcastic "I'm from the government and here to help" is too hard to understand? Observationally, across the board, people seem to prefer lies over truth, fantasy over reality. It's as though we swim through a dark foggy cloud willingly because hitting the light switch is so so so incredibly difficult. Then one might have to deal with reality. Can't do that!

At a point ahead REALITY Comes, aware or not.

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Holy smokes CRAZY EYES!

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SHOCKING! Polio Vaccine 'Hero' was into Eugenics and Depopulation!

The father of mass inoculations suspiciously also wants to engineer death and mass depopulation through various means, including mass cancer and RNA manipulation. Salk describes his Darwinism as a death cult.

Survival of the Wisest by Jonas Salk Analysis (Partial) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s09unra20ZM

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

umm, its never justified. can someone wake the man up fully?

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She is not the only unhinged physician in Canada! There are many more. They also support Trudeau’s totalitarian mandates. This is no longer a happy country.

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How could they have saved any lives since they were useless; or even made people more vulnerable?

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I thought you were smarter than this. No vaccine mandate, of any kind, should be allowed. You accept the false statement “vaccine mandates have always existed” without questioning, at all? One more article like this and I’m unsubscribed from your ongoing disinformation.

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"Until something's proven to be safe, in no way should it be mandated..."


Assuming we still trust any government approvals of drugs or vaccines given recent events along with the collapse of trust in these vaccine and drug company franchises posing as government agencies, nothing which enters the body should ever be mandated. Notwithstanding that conventional vaccines are based upon a fraudulent model of disease(*), no object, liquid, solid, anything, should ever be forced into any human being as a condition of his/her pursuit of happiness no matter the route of administration; whether it be by inhalation, through the skin, by injection/intravenously, orally, anally. Besides our labor, a most sacred property which is already extorted as it is with income tax and inflation, our most scared property is our own bodies and even that doesn't seem to be enough for these money-grubbing, genocidal monsters.

(*)"Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud"


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