Thank you and happy Thanksgiving. Give thanks in all things. Thank you to all of you who have been so vocal in the fight to freedom. My fight has been more silent. I am unvaccinated. If you know me, you know that. I lost my job. I was denied Severance and (former employer's word) forfeited significant deferred comp. I have stayed anonymous. I will be publicly unveiled soon when my lawsuit is filed. God gave me direction, I did my research, I understood His direction, I never wavered in my decision to rely on the immunity He gave me, I never once allowed the financial coercion to make me consider a medical choice that was against His direction and against the advice of my doctor. You all have become my community. You all have given me strength. Most of all, though, God has given me courage and strength and direction. Thank you community. Thank you God for the blessings you have shared in this year of challenge. Thank you God for the career doors you opened. Thank you Vigilant Fox. God bless.

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God bless you, Jennifer, and thank you for sharing what you’ve been through. We’re all together in this with you🙏. A very blessed and joyful Thanksgiving Day to all🌟

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Good luck in court!

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Thank you! I have given the battle to God. Only He knows whether I, whether any of us, will find justice. I wrote off the money a long time ago. I want justice, but I am not a slave to the outcome of the battle.

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Happy Thanksgiving from a non-vaccinated follower.

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Hooray, hooray how wonderful to see a positive comment, an inspiring comment - then as we know from our own “friendly fox” we can trust you to remain vigilant at all times! THOSE OF US WHO HAVE SUFFERED and most of us have in some way, understand the power of POSITIVITY and we will carry this forward until the battle is won. Sending you a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING from over the puddle!

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Thank you so much Vigilant Fox for researching and watching out for all of us!🌟🌟🌟🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕

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Happy Thansgiving from a follower.

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There is a lot to be thankful for in spite of the efforts of the maniacs who are running the asylum. I thank God that my family is for the most part well. I thank God that I still have my faculties and that I can still do for myself. I thank God for the clarity of mind that led me to reject the vaccines from the get-go and for the tenacity that he gave me to dig for the truth behind this evil enterprise and to see it for what it really is - the culling of the world's population thru the use of vaccines. Like the road not taken, two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I chose the one less traveled and that has made all the difference. Happy Thanksgiving to all and may God continue to bless all of you where ever you call home. Hoping that the new year will bring joy and peace to the world that is in such need of it.

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Where can I buy my 'Unvaccinated Award Certificate' so I can hang it in my office?

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Happy Thanksgiving! Joe Biden will never be President and I will never be vaccinated!

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I miss the times when not getting the vax was badass. Now, it is mainstream :(

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Their religion of hate for humanity insists that they get humanity's buy-in to kill humanity but that clearly hasn't worked and so they are about to ditch that religious precept. This is far from over for us but the minute they ditch that precept it is over for them

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I almost lost my job as well. I never took the poison juice.

Sending you love and light for a positive outcome of the lawsuit.

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Vigilant Fox, I can't begin to express my thanks for all that you do on our behalf, and for sharing knowledge that you find that helps us help ourselves, and share with others. THANK YOU!

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We are all pilgrims and we must always remember to love and help each other, like Vigilant Fox has done. And our great God and Father and Jesus Christ’s love never fails.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Fox! 🦊

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I did survive, but without my health.

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Praying for a full restoration of your health!!💕

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Sorry to hear that. Hopefully your health will improve.

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