Someone had better start worrying about Nukes flying soon from the War escalation and wiping out the entire planet.

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I believe it and why is it still being manufactured and SOLD?!?!?!

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Because it can cause harm

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The hype over Glyphosate is way over blown. It's to damage farming, as it's primarily used to kill weeds in the weeks before planting crops. I follow several very large farmers on YT from around the country, and they never spray it on crops. If you believe these liars, then just look at how the EU is treating their farmers over there. Kill farming, reduce population. For those of you who warn about the "One World Agenda" & the "Church of Climatology", think about it. Why would you think anyone, especially California, would tell you the truth??? Did you learn nothing from COVID??? SMDH

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Glyphosate IS (rarely) sprayed on wheat in small amounts according to at least 2 sources. Still, I would not go shopping for wheat treated that way especially with all the other poisons we're exposed to on a daily basis.



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Here in the UK councils go around residential areas spraying the stuff. We shouldn't - anywhere - be put at risk in order to make very rich people even richer. And as someone said, Bayer-Monsanto is the marriage made in hell - between the kind of consenting non-humans who love to patent seeds.

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Again, scare mongering about this product is over blown. When applied correctly, it's perfectly safe. Ask yourself, why aren't farmers dropping dead all over the world? They are by far, the largest customers of this product.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

No glyphosate isn't safe at any concentration level. It can seriously disrupt your gut's microbiome which in turn disables your immune system. The level this has been proven to happen at is parts per billion (not a typo, with a "B.") Life expectancy is now dropping and chronic disease incidences are always rising.

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Well that was a lot to take in, thank you!

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Please keep spreading this story, it corrects itself eventually! Thanks MWD!!!

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Bullsh*t ...

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The only product known to denature this poison ☠️ in the human body is CL02 yes it’s for human consumption….. it turns the poison into a digestible protein… Stephane senff published paper is available

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A small minority controlling Money politics and Media exposing themselves.



Simply they are Evil.

How Evil?

Evil squared by infinity!


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Thanks for the overview of so many important issues!!

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I did laugh at number 3. Poor Kamala is getting mixed up between jobs created and fake votes created.

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