The most important part of the debate was showing the viewers that JD is a competent stand-up guy who could be President himself if the need arised.

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Vance is a rock-star debater.

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Wonder where all the trolls commenting here came from?? It’s like they were imported from some universe to the “left” of normal. 😎 such TDS being represented. I hope the trolls are of and made it to work this morning after spewing such vitriol in the comments.

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No kidding...they are out in full force.

Vigilant Fox must be over the target.

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Right? Definite attempt to come here and repeat old narratives and lies that no longer hold water, much less my attention.

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Would you go so far to call him a master-debater?

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

You will need to consult with Jeffery on that: https://nypost.com/2021/06/10/jeffrey-toobin-back-on-cnn-after-masturbation-scandal/


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It was especially impressive to see those oily smooth explanations to all his brutal assessments of Trump.

I didn’t think anyone could debase themselves more than Mike Pence-Lindsey Graham gets an Honorable(?) Mention-but Pence did a finally reach bottom, at least temporarily, which is why JD Prance is now in there acolyting in the first place.

JD Dance proved there’s nothing he won’t do in service to his ambition. Sadly he’s sacrificed enormous hard work and potential just to become a run of the mill politician tethered only to the prevailing wind.

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Since you are a father of 3 daughters, this is what will happen when you vote for Harris/Walz:

The draft will be on again to support the forever wars.

Girls will be drafted too.

You will be standing on the tarmac at Dover AFB when their dead bodies come off that Air Force cargo plane in an aluminum transfer case draped in an American flag.

Your choice.

Sorry, not sorry.

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I think it is much more serious. We are poised on the edge of nuclear war.

- Joe is in a vegetative state

- Camoola is clueless. If you want to see the future under her administration you only need to walk down her path to the VP .

- " Assistant" to Willie Brown, California Assembly Speaker and master graftster,, Willie loved cash and his taste in women ran to the lankey and spankey.

-- San Francisco DA - She initiated the downfall from America's most popular and walkable city to the third world trashbin it is today with 40% of its office space vacant, most of its retailers boarded up as they fled the effects of Harris both as local DA and California AG.

-- California AG - Essentially neutered the judicial system with rules and policies that protected criminals and handcuffed the police .

-- VP - Border Czar Destroyed Trump's effective controls on illegal immigration with their declared policy of changing the US by opening the border to criminal elements from around the world.

Other than being committed to destroying America as a beacon of freedom where Citizens have proteced rights and are expected to obey the law she reversed the equation rewarding those who break the law and penalizing law abiding citizens .

The moderators love to talk about Assault Rifles ( rifles of all kinds are used in about 600 homicides per year , including negligent homicide) while Fentanyl flowing from China and across the open border is responsible for around 100,000 deaths annually PLUS plays a significant role in the violence and death so prevalent in Democrat run cities and states .

No group in America has suffered more under Biden than African Americans who have found

- traditional entry level jobs leading to good wages now dominated by

Hispanic immigrants

- neighborhoods changed , rents skyrocketing as the government rents

places for illegals through political friends who are making tens of millions

off the feeding and housing of illegal immigrants.

- Schools overwhelmed by students who do not speak English, have little

education but lots of drugs

- Streets made far more deadly

- American taxpayers burdened by the Democrat "demographics are destiny

strategy of the far left Democrats

- Staggering increase in the nation's debt to support these and other failed

policies and corruption of the Biden / Harris administration

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All true. The list of failing, detrimental, and outright dangerous policies of the Clinton-Obama-Biden-Harris totalitarian regimes is practically endless.

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Apparently the CIA brought crack into the black neighborhoods in the 1980's.

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That may or may not be true; but it was the breakdown in the judicial system initiated by Kamoola, Willie Brown, Gov Brown , Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi (all San Francisco far left, corrupt politicians and, thanks to their fellow demos multi millionaires)

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All of that, plus: the Constitution will be eliminated; the Supreme Court will be stacked with unqualified neo-Libtards; the cultural decline into idiocy will continue unabated; the government will go full-on Communist and take over the entire housing market; the "American Dream" will be fully destroyed and this will become a 3rd world country, with all types of crime and poverty increasing; gang warfare will explode, and urban blight resurfaces to the umpteenth degree. Don't forget about all the "disappearing children" being trafficked by celebrities, rich elites, and politicians. 800,000+ children annually, being kidnapped and trafficked by those claiming progressive moral superiority.

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Having family members intered Arlington I’m well aware of the sacrifices of our men and women serving in our armed forces. If you had lost any of your children in service I would grieve with you and honor their devotion and sacrifice for our nation.

I think it’s disgusting that anyone would stand over a grave of the fallen at Arlington and pose with a $h!t eating grin and thumbs up just to wrap themselves in the flag Someone’s children died to keep flying.

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Songbird McCain did a election advertisement at Arlington Cemetery.

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His father and grandfather are buried there, but does it really offend you or are you just using it to treat your nausea about what ‘Bone Spurs’ did there?

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Right? I just was flushing my morning Pence and thinking how awesome it is to have both Dick Cheney and Taylor Swift on our side!

What we need is a 2nd in command vice president who as Govenor told Popo to let our save-our-democracy Antifa hero-warriors cause billions of dollars of damage and instead had Popo and the national guard drive down quiet residential streets demanding people go inside their homes after the righteous lockdown curfew for the children's safety and lit-up those MAGA scum with paintballs for not obeying their Tim Walz orders. That was awesome - just like Tiananmen Square!


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Grab some extra tampons next you're in the men's room.

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Tampon Tim Walz approved this message.

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You have to agree Tim was right about one thing; MAGA obsession with other people’s sexual and sanitary habits is just WEIRD. You really should consider professional help to sort out your fetishes and hang ups. We’d all be better off.

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I'm sure, given his firm commitment to doing whatever AIPAC tells him to and his connection to major Deep State player Peter 'the CIA is a front for Palantir' Thiel, that Israel and Deep State would prefer dealing w/JD rather than DJT.

Which more than possibly could account for the attempts to preemptively take out Trump.

Is JD intelligent and a good debater? Yes.

Was he smart to hammer economic messaging and Immigration? Definitely.

Do I trust him? No.


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Thank you. You did a great service with this recap.

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. This is BEAUTIFUL, VF !!

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Fantastic summary. Thank you!

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The two “ ladies “ hosting were not very good.

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Those two “ladies” were the role models for ‘mean girls’. The giggles and smirks were so middle school...

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Mean girls in high school grow up to be mean girls in the workplace.

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Both were lightweights.

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Those two minion Warpigs are lefty propagandists…nothing more

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Walz made a comment about how it is inappropriate to try & imprison people in opposition. Interest point to make considering how hard the Democrats have tried to have Trump imprisoned

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And don’t forget JULIAN ASSANGE!!!! The Dems used to at least pretend they were for the greater good. Now they are just whores for Wall Street and the MIC.

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Trump did it to himself. He's fucking stupid:

1. If you're going to pay off a porn star, don't use it as a business expense. 🤦

2. If you're former employer asks for their documents back, just return them. Don't lie to the FBI. Don't get recorded sharing classified documents. 🤦

3. Don't get recorded asking election officials to find you votes. 🤦

4. If all the states certify the election, just step aside. You can run again.🤦

5. If you lose a defamation.case, don't immediately defame the person again.🤦

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I'm the CNN-Fact-Checker Czar and I am awarding your post as CNN Post of The Day. Well Done!

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And he will soon receive his coveted Lenin”Useful Idiot” badge any day

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Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square are far apart.

To say you were in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protest is the equivalent to saying you were in Dallas, Tx on Jan 6.

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He even lied about his lie, saying he misspoke about the date but still he was there during the protests, when he was actually there months after they had been squashed.

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More accurately, in MN when his home was evacuated.

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How about lying that you now have the tallest building in Manhattan on 9/11?

Imagine that, he could only think about himself on 9/11.

Trump is always worse.

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Right? And Vance said his two boys eat like 14 eggs a day! I hate these liars who want to keep me from getting my cheap fentanyl.

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“I could eat a horse” doesn’t mean literally.

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You know who did eat horse? People in Germany as the Third Reich fell and people in Stalin and Mao's communist food collective utopias which caused mass starvation.

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Okay. You completely missed the point there Gary. Are your comments serious? Or is some kind of humor? If humorous, it is I, that missed your point.

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It's no laughing matter. I want my Kamunism/Walz ticket to win so they can take care of me like they are doing with the flood victims in North Carolina and Tennessee. We need a DEI FEMA!


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Not being American with children who are, I am encouraged by this debate! Harris, Walz et al have debased minds, as do those who vote for them.

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Wonderfully put together with the MAIN POINTS OF IMPORTANCE AND INTEREST proving the future will be a better one with DJ Trump back in the position as CIC and take the US INC back to the status of the USA.

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I don’t know what debate you watched but I saw Vance lying through his teeth on a litany of things but he didn’t answer the most important question of whether or not the election was stolen?

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That is what you think the most important question is? How about the ridiculously high price of groceries, rent, poison in our food, chemicals in our skies, dead and injured soldiers coming back from endless, useless wars that enrich the MIC, open borders, and let’s not forget these idiots want to take custody of your kids if you don’t go along with State propaganda. ALL of these things have been a huge issue the past four years.

I mean, it was fine when HRC said the same thing in 2016. Where were you then?

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Richly Ironic isn’t it, when ‘Free Marketeers’ discover themselves being exploited by unrestrained corporate pricing power suddenly expect relief from the government they worked so hard to enfeeble?

Just exactly how will we have clean air, water or for that matter healthcare, retirement or any other public good when business interests always and unsurprisingly lobby AGAINST those and FOR whatever policy maximizes profits?

Isn’t it just remotely possible that the EPA, FDA, FTC etc. (in other words the ‘deep state’) actually perform a public service to keep the free markets operating in a BALANCE between profitability AND common good of society? If that’s the case maybe the party of deregulation and tax cuts might not be the best option. 🤔

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if you believe lying media.... your thoughts have been misformed by misinfo.... so you will see lies that don't exist

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If by lying media, I’m assuming you’re referring to Fox ‘News’ paying out a $787MILLION settlement to avoid a civil judgment for libel?

The courts seemed very cleared eyed going 61 to 1 against Trump, and the one judgment he won was a procedural technicality not a finding of fraud.

Anyone who thinks Trump won simply has an inability to process factual information.

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Mark, you seem to be all over the comments here. If Walz had done well at all, he wouldn’t need you propping him up. Take the loss like a man.

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Harris and Waltz? how can anyone support such idiocy?

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It’s a cult.

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😂😂😂 I don’t remember reading about Freisler or Vyshinsky losing many trials either. The sad mewling of the cognitively dissonant mind that is required to believe any number of impossible things before breakfast.

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Fox is part of it not for that fake settlement... but just a veneer of sense tokeep some good traditional americans watching......

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I’m going to assume that by “lies” you mean the lies that the Trump appointed Judges have accused him of telling and refusing to overturn the election results and the frivolous lawsuits that have “no merit” except for the few cases where they found evidence of fraud in the election results in a handful of Republican votes that were tainted. This is why Rudy Giuliani has to pay for destroying the integrity of the two ladies in Georgia who are still receiving death threats from MAGA extremists and other fringe factions who want the election overturned or they have threatened a bloodbath as a consequence for their minions to get the hostage vote. I call it a not so thinly veiled threat to elect the Orange Man or the White Nationalist cult that is what I think is what MAGA really should be shorthand for the dog whistle 😗 and I can’t see how Latinos and Black people can honestly in good conscience vote for the two of them. Especially after the Springfield rumor that was so ugly and disgusting 🤢 to say that if you have to fabricate things like the lie about Haitian’s eating pets then so be it… but Kamala missed a golden opportunity for a rebuttal to this nonsense when she had Drump in Philly for I know that she had no idea that a few years back an Asian restaurant owner was arrested for killing dogs

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Dana, many already realize that election was a stolen one. Just because you have paid off judges, and people being pressured to turn a blind eye, doesn’t mean the evidence was clearly looked at.

Even the supreme court is questionable, since they wouldn’t even LOOK at the evidence in such an important case. One has to look at the bigger picture of WHY they felt a need to steal it. The world economic forum (look up the website, because many of our govt attend) needs to diminish the US, in order for it to fall in line under this global plan. Trump didnt play along and therefore got in the way. So many illegals will be voting too this time, and many things were not fixed from last election. Dana, the powers that be don’t give a crap about dems or repubs, and anyone that gets in their way is the enemy. Once you see it from that angle, its you can see the bigger picture at play here. Main media are paid handsomely to not reveal that. Americans should come together against this cabal instead of being divided, because THEY are the enemy, not you and I.

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Yes. And, the Dem primaries were "stolen", too. Would Trump have stood a chance against Bernie? (Assuming, of course, that the ballots got counted accurately.) https://tdmsresearch.com/

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harris and Waltz are an extremejoke played on the american people

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Congratulations, you completed your CNN-narrative bingo card on this post!

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Oh. Ok. So this is just a racial. Thing. Good to know we’re being consistent.

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the lies of the prpaganda media such as CNN..... whatkind of fool lets their own mind be perverted with 24/7 lying media

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What kind of foolish person would want to go back in time to see the gains of a people erased from history unless they were threatened by them? The fact that the Supreme Court was stacked by Donald Trump is proof enough that he should not even be allowed back into the race for president. He did not appoint one federal judge of color. But he did appoint several judges who had never tried a case before. Make it make sense. I’m waiting… for the reason that is other than race to be clear and apparent because I assure you I was raised by my parents to ask that question last. Am I qualified for the job? Am I the best person for the job? Am I the right person for the job? I have been in countless situations where I have equal or superior experience and qualifications but the white candidate has gotten the job. I’m not a whiner and have worked hard all of my life and my family is not

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if UR going to be stupid confine yourself to just one short sentence.

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if you are going to be stupid confine yourselftoaone sentence short response.

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Dana, please watch Jimmy Dore’s recent video about African Stream being banned from Meta and other social and media outlets. You might find it interesting, especially since it was the current Administration calling for its censorship, all because they have called out the despicable actions by not one party, but the entire US government. The response to Blinken by African Stream is spot on. Blinken accused them of being Russian agents, just like the company who just won their court case against the government for being targeted in the same way. Here is the YT link:


Have a blessed day.

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My dear Michele I have been interested in the activities in the Motherland for quite a few years and while Russia is not directly involved in the conflicts on the plundered war torn continent, the presence of Russian mercenaries complicate and corrupt every conflict by teaching children to become killing machines against their nature. And Im aware of the plot to terminate any uppity Black that doesnt conform to the powers to be. i personally had an uncle in the Black Panthers out in LA when they marched to the capitol with their guns to show that they would not be denied. We started the free lunch program, ambulance programs, but then came COINTELPRO, OR COUNTER INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM that taped and lured Black leaders into compromising situations. This is like a return to the McCarthy Era but with much higher stakes because now a lie can travel in a nano second but it seems like an apology is on the delay of game reel; if at all. I just dont know what happened to all the "fine people on both sides". Are there any of us left out here?

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You probably also haven't read that even SNOPES has said that Trump never said "fine people on both sides" right?

Did Walz answer the question about being in CHINA oh wait right he wasn't there but said he was... okay. Move along

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Dana: instead of only saying”... lying through his teeth” say exactly what he lied about.

By the way, the Democrats already asserted that the election was not on the up and up due to Pennsylvania illegally altering their election laws but since it is only the state who can prosecute itself, the illegal actions goes untouched.

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Pennsylvania cheats...all the time.

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Yes, they tried to gerrymander the state so that they would have more republican districts. They tried everything possible for it to happen but law prevailed as it should. They know that there are more Blacks in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and other urban areas and they wanted to gerrymander it to reapportion the district to make sure that the republican controlled senate would have more power than they already do to make life miserable for us in the Commonwealth. They are all in on the filing for the overturning of the election results for 2020… November is the only hope for us.

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You are racist.

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How am I racist

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You keep moaning about having it so tough because you are black and disparaging white people.

So tired of your victimhood.

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Seriously you think that’s the most important question to ask?…. SMH

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Ok I’m done with this entire thread 🧵 for today because I have to go contribute to the platform and then I may peep in some other day or another later but I wish you all well. Even if we disagree with each other and I hope you all have an awesome day ahead of you and find some joy in helping others. Stay safe, strong and positive energy always be blessed

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If only Trump could take a loss like a man, after all that’s just about all he’s ever accomplished.

But if bald faced lying with the polish of an Ivy League Lawyer is ‘winning’ to you, I’d completely agree Walz was utterly outclassed.

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The definition of a racist is a person that has a position of authority over others and uses that position to discriminate on them based on their race.

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I’m going to bed now so if you’re awake and I can get a prayer for the nation including you I will pray for you and your families to have the same thoughts and prayers for people who don’t look like you. Love, peace and light

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Wow...you just pulled the race card.

...when no other argument works.

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He really did not want to be president until Obama humiliated him at the White House Correspondents Dinner and he didn’t even know that he was going to win. He is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree…

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I unfortunately have to live in this country every single day for fear of being shot at by the police because they think they have done something wrong 😑 but they are the ones that have been shell shocked by the unending war mongers who started the wars probably before you or I were born but unfortunately I have never seen anything like the benefits of being the daughter of a Veteran of the United States Navy who was unable to take full advantage of the GI bill because of redlining. I have seen the red line drawn from the side of one side of town in my city of Pittsburgh to the other which prohibited the real estate companies from doing business with Black service men who had just come from overseas serving their country and sometimes as heroes. This country has never actually attempted to make any sort of apology for the horrible history and legacy of chattel slavery and the resulting caste system that is the result of generations of “white privilege”. Yeah, I said it! The fact that we can’t wake up in the morning and be judged on the content of our character is criminal and borderline evil and it’s just a sad state of affairs that we have to live in a country where we have built up a country on our backs and we don’t get any credit. Affirmative action is not something that can change centuries of oppression. It’s a fact that the only way to change the way people think is by the truth. Like allowing the book 1619 . I don’t think it’s the time for a historical lesson on what the truth really means in this pseudo universe of a reality tv cult rapist bankruptcy master who’s been in a position of being known for years to be a true believer in the “Blacks” and “Mexicans” to be beneath him and I think it’s a dream and I am going to wake up.

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Wow. White privilege. Let me tell you about mine: I grew up in the middle of nowhere with an alcoholic out of work father and an abusive bat-shit crazy mother, worked since I was 12 yrs old to pay for whatever I wanted/needed. By the grace of God and not the color of my skin I did well in school and got a couple of small scholarships to pay for college. I worked 2 to 3 jobs to pay for EVERYTHING and paid off my student loans and made a life for myself. So fuck off with your racist bullshit. You’re such a fucking victim. Boo-fucking-hoo.

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I have to ask you something because I read your answer to my post. I just want to know if you had to spend one day as a Black person or not, what would you choose? Answer truthfully, if you don’t mind sharing your thoughts and maybe I can get a better understanding on what I did to offend so many people here by stating my opinion and my experiences in life.

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You are a perpetual victim...pulling the race card when no other argument works.

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I wasn’t expecting such vitriolic rhetoric from the keyboard warriors but I guess I should be more cautious about expressing my experience with the truth. My experience comes from being born with a skin color that I can’t remove and fit in. It’s amazing how much that’s what people don’t understand about “white privilege” that is the definition of the term. It’s not like I can just get up and remove my entire skin color from the bottom up without having to explain anything to anyone else and be judged equally. It’s not logical at all. I’m not trying to pull the race card💯 it’s pulled for me each time I try to do something and I am seen as less than or below even though I am doubly qualified for the job so it’s not like I’m a whiner. I have been chased by white people who didn’t want me to go to school with their kids and then I was smarter than all of their kids and they ended up having to hire me as a tutor. But because I am Black I have always had to work twice as hard and be twice as good as the white person… this is a fact that I have to tell my grandkids. I’m ashamed to admit that I am still here to see things going backwards instead of forward. It’s a sad day for me being a grandmother who was raised in the Black Power era when we were raised by my parents to see the good in people who were of all cultures, colors, countries and communities. It’s not too late to make this country great again but it’s got to stop being a simmering pot of hatred

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You sound as if you don't like being black.

Why the self-hate and extreme victimhood?

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I love being Black but I don’t understand why people are suddenly so hateful and hostile towards anyone that is not white. It seems like they use to hide behind white sheets and since Trump came to power. White supremacy has become the new normal and it’s on the rise. I’m literally appalled at how brazen the racism has become since the beginning of the campaign for the Presidency of Trump and his call to violence against black and brown people. I heard the dog whistle 😗 from the orange man himself when he came down the elevator. Oh man was that a night at the party. I don’t think he had a chance in hell. The whole thing is just a matter of getting the Black blood out of the country. The Handmaid’s Tale is a prophetic work by a visionary who saw where the country was headed. But she was not the catalyst to see the truth that was too close to her fictional portrayal of the near perfect picture of the United States in the state of white women unable to conceive and young women are forced into breeding their babies on the knees of their mistresses not unlike Hagar from the Bible who was Sarah’s servant who was given to Abraham when she was unable to conceive a son. She is then forced into the desert and the child was forced out of the house with her because of jealousy by Sarah. It makes sense… Judge Amy Barrett was from a group of women who called themselves the Handmaidens. I’m not saying that is the one who has a very strong eye for the world but it was like she looked at the year 2024 and wrote the book in advance and then made a series about the world that ran on Hulu for two or three seasons at least. If you have not seen it yet I urge you to binge watch. I’m not much of a TV fan but I was fascinated by the way art imitates life in this show so judge me if you want to be careful about that because it’s written in the Bible judge not that ye not be judged…

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Seek help.

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I’m going to pray for you all today because I don’t have any hate in my heart for anyone but I do have an intense dislike for those who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about when it comes to the Black experience. How many of you, would be Black for one day, if you could? Answer truthfully and search your heart

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How do you distinguish between "intense dislike" and "hate"? You do realize that emotions are 100% generated and controlled by the person emoting.

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@Dana Washington It's so farcical to read your rants here. If you are a real Democrat, the chances that you will be murdered by not only black gangsters but also those border-crossing international illegal criminal aliens will increase dramatically if Harris and Walz get in the White House by massive election frauds. Your rants are yet another vivid case of how a human being can be so debased by believing in Democrat lies and propaganda. The United States are facing many challenges and obstacles, evil idiots like you are exacerbating this decline and decadence that the decent citizens must fight against.

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Great Post Bro! I love and agree with all of your BlueAnon facts. Tim Walz will let us beat down the man.

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really the most popular news media should host this..... Alex Jones should host this

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Well he is apparently interested in picking up some extra cash.

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he has a bigger audience than the propaganda media... so they should let the people decide who should host this in the future by audience size..

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Vance was presidential. We all needed to see this. I wasn’t sure Trump picked the right guy but now I feel better.

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It's just not fair. Tim Walz had hoped for a level playing field, but found a difficult up hill battle awaiting him.


Which puts him on the right damned team, no doubt.

Trump/Vance 2024. The majority's choice.

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Wow...the trolls really showed up for this Substack.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

'(This) 'TIS (darn spellcheck) the season.....daze away from the next attempt to steal an election, ya know.

2000 Mules being packed, trolls deployed.

Buckle up !

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It’s pretty clear Sasha’s Substack has been strategically targeted. They sent their lackeys here specifically to spread disinformation and reinforce the narratives they want pushed endlessly. I’ve heard everything that they are sharing here before, but I’ve also seen hard evidence to the contrary and weighing both sides of each story the truth easily rised up. They are lost and cannot be reached, hard as we may try. But then they don’t want to be reached. They aren’t searching for common ground or understanding, they are here for one reason only and it’s to try and destroy the truth and the consensus to get their candidate elected. It won’t work because we aren’t mindless, blind followers - but critical thinkers that have done the homework they refuse to do.

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And, they are wasting their time here.

The "word" must have gone out to comment on Sasha and Vigilant Fox's Substack...along with many others.

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Oops LOL yes Vigilant Fox is what I meant but Sasha’s too. (Sorry reading both this morning)

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Wow the Trolls are bad here. 🤣 It’s so obvious they ONLY look at the “facts” the left feeds them and they have spent no time whatsoever looking at all the opposing evidence to everything, which would sober someone right up. Knowing your own talking points inside and out is not impressive, knowing your opponents and being able to clearly explain and prove why they don’t make a difference is.

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The way this "are you going to send back these kids born to illegals here" has to be answered IS

The children are the responsibility of the parents. The parents are illegal and WILL be deported. It's the PARENT that has the responsibility to make decisions for the child. The parent can take them or abandon them here in the US. Give up the rights to the child. It should be made clear if they give up the rights to the child by LEAVING them here what will happen. ONLY then the government gets into the family business of taking care (yeah foster care is a crappy system but...) of the child at that point.

Vance should have made the point that the parents of one of the shooters was just convicted because THEY were responsible in some way. What makes this immigration issue any different?????

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🐑 Tampon Timmy & 🐪 Kamalatoe - 🤔 kinda fits!

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Walz did a good Don Rickles impression.

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