I’m telling you right now. Any institution pushing for boosters are at this point filled with the spirit of evil ones!

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Nauseates me when I still hear it pushed at FOX News and even in the grocery stores

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Who on FOX is pushing the vaccine?

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Their employees had to get vaxxed or be fired.

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The station runs the ads. Haven’t heard Hannity state any mea culpas either.

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Same here!

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Unfortunately, many are still mandating it.

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Demon infested bodies.

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Depopulation via Mass Vaccination: Tetanus Vaccine May Be Laced With Anti-Fertility Drug

Wake up! They've been doing it for years ...


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"I'm not taking any more of those CoVID boosters!"

..and in the next sentence, I get, "I've booked my flu shot for next Wednesday."

This was Mike, a family friend.

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I have watched with wonder the increasing number of commercials for senior life insurance..."If you're between 50 and 85, you can get coverage for less than a dollar a day." I know that quote gets you about $1000 coverage, but seriously, how do these companies expect they won't hit bottom and crater? It bothers me. Aren't all insurance companies aware of the increased mortality? I heard Catherine Austin Fitts advise people to check with their broker or write to their insurer. Will there be solvency issues in the future? Solari.com has a form letter one can use.

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Fed bailout. Too big to fail was started by AIG, to the tune of 180 billion in the early 2000s.

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When you print an infinite amount of money, you can bail out whomever you please.

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Uh boy, sharing this one will be no fun

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I wonder what the results would be if we scaled this to our own observations. How many people you know, and who died after vaccination. What’s the percentage of mortality in your own life?

Mines higher than 15%.

Much…MUCH higher is we count severe injuries.

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So it looks like the vaccine is working as intended.

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So much data of corruption and crimes....will anyone ever be held accountable..? Or will the machine just keep churning...I’m not hopeful about our republic surviving ..if it’s not this grifting it’s the big lie of the FED..

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Nobody will ever be held accountable. We have tons of evidence already of malfeasance--media ignores it and nothing happens, nobody is held accountable. More evidence wont change this.

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And yet in the Tri-State area - NY, NJ, CT - we are inundated with ads to get kids and adults vaxxed and boosted, and the ads are also nonstop during any sporting event.

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I can forgive the authorities that promoted the first two shots. However, here in Canada they are promoting boosters heavily, including for children, and as a response to an uptake in seasonal respiratory infections. In view of all the alarms bells going off now, these people can no longer be forgiven. They must at a minimum be removed from their positions and not be replaced by people touting more of the same. And in many cases, if there is no mea culpa these authorities should be charged with criminal offenses, and tried publicly.

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You're being very kind.

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2,4,500 per person? Typo? 🤔

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It’s per 100 persons.

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That’s what I wanted to know, too.

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Word to Mr. Stirling: Tell me you don't understand the ecological fallacy in epidemiology without telling me you don't understand the ecological fallacy in epidemiology.🤦🏻‍♂️

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I see the same thing when I look at European or other Western countries. Low-vaxxed countries (mainly the former Soviet bloc) with more deaths in 2021 than in 2022, high-vaxxed countries with more deaths in 2022 than 2021.

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you may be right, but i see that the chart is not corrected by age. for example, 80 year old are more likely to get the shots and boosters. they are also more likely to die. so there is a correlation. not causation. the fact that you did not correct for each age group is telling.

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It is telling that you misrepresented the dependent variable, the response, in the analysis. It was not death itself. It was a relative increase in the death rate from pre-vaccine levels.

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Are there not some other possible explanations? For example, delayed screenings for cancer, delayed physician visits, rapid spread of omicron resulting in more deaths (but lower death rate per mm infected)? Seems like not black and white?

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You don’t suddenly die of cancer. People are dropping dead or dying in their sleep. Unvaxxed people didn’t get screenings in 2020 either and aren’t dropping dead

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If it was those other things why did excess deaths start right after vaccines started.. The timing is too perfect. Same with drop in fertility. Started 9 months after the jabs came out.

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It seems to amuse Kirsch, doesn't it? Not just him, of course, many of these bigger audience people are laughing and joking whilst informing of deaths and maimings. Could it be just nervous laughter?

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Steve is covid vaxxed, got vaxx injured, now has started a campaign against the vaxx. Seems like gallows humor to me.

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it's amusing to many of us who warned everyone before the jabs came out!!! amusement can take many forms...this is all terrifying but truly it was always preventable. i'm not sure if i even feel sorry for people who ignored my warnings almost daily back in 2021. this is something you never wanted to be right about but now that we know...it is a bit amusing. it can be amusing and terrifying at once...

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According to Dr Ana, seems irrelevant as bloods altered in both cases.

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