There were many "Obama holdovers" embedded in gov't during Trump's presidency who actually "Brought the Human mRNA Experiment". They lied to Trump; and to all of us.
It was such an obvious scam from the word go. I have a hard time respecting anyone that swallowed it. Especially the people that became enthusiastic, self-appointed enforcers for the party line.
Yes, there were very few of us who saw what was going on. It was a shock to me, the ones who became enforcers, zealots. It totally changed my view of the world and people in general. was weird and amazing. This whole business spawned a slew of mini-nazis...constantly obsessing about "6' apart" and "pull your mask up"...this non-epidemic became a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" as Dr. Walensky so keenly observed. We were constantly abused and slandered.
But at least the billionaires among made tons of money. And I guess that was always the objective. Some of us still haven't got the memo. Just a few weeks ago a woman who lives near me furiously berated me in public for being "unvaccinated" I realized they still don't get it. These people are the butt of a huge joke. As I watched the fall out...the dead athletes..the thrombosis and people like Oncologist Dr. Makis with his observations on--TURBO CANCER. I am terrified by all my old friends and my relatives who just didn't get it and still don't. My suggestion to you, Candis, buy Ed Dowd's horrifying book CAUSE UNKNOWN...This book has the heartbreaking photos of these young athlete victims as well as the world wide statistics. This truly was/is a holocaust. And now the mRNA platform will be used in all vaccines so the spike protein is going to attack everyone who gets any vaccine. Our government does want us dead. They already spent all our social security and tax revenue. Now we are "useless eaters" and need to be culled.
I know two people who died, first sickened by the jab then finished off by hospital protocol, remdesivir and ventilators. Both were in poor health to begin with so jab and pharmaceutical did what they were supposed to, finished them off. A friends father got jabbed and experienced cluster clots and lost a leg as a result. A friend kept getting jabs because he kept getting sick, he turned into a skeleton and died. All around me people I know and care about are getting shingles years after their last jab, several are having really serious eye problems (think Raging Bull, swollen faces, burning in their feet. Recurring bouts of 19 and with each recurrence getting another jab. It’s dispiriting. Not one willing to face facts.
Trump was in on it as well, he never walked back the push for the death shot, and continued to push it! Let's be honest with ourselves and see things for what they really are rather than what we want them to be!
I Owned and operated a medical practice for 24 years up until December of 2020 and pushing that garbage was not necessary. Dr. Richard Bartlett had the correct treatment for an upper respiratory tract infection which was a Z-Pack and a nebulized steroid!
President Trump was told in early 2020 shutting the economy down and borrowing trillions of dollars from the criminal Federal Reserve was going to destroy the country yet he did it. He was also told the vaccine wasn't safe but he continues to support it to this day. Here's also told about the efficacious treatments and despite mentioning hydroxychloroquine once he crumbled under the scrutiny of the deep state . I'm sick of people carrying water for president Trump. He did what he was told because he does what he is told otherwise he doesn't sit in that seat. That's the elephant in the room.
Successful leadership requires an ego. I cannot understand why people fault T for his ego and ignore the fact that all who seek high office necessarily have large egos.
I too think he is a good man who did his best, and that his best was better than most of the leaders of other nations. Much of what he is blamed for should actually be praised. He did not lock down the US, he left it up to the states to choose on their own, which is precisely how the federalist system is designed to work.
I am not your thinking machine. If you are too stupid to research and understand the basics of money, politics and globalism, nothing I can say will change that.
logic is logic, fact is fact, reason is reason, and beLIEf is bullshit.
The following twitter link is a photo with the evidence you asked for, in the comments. Feel free to try a rebut the proven fact with beLIEf and fantasy.
Money power rules, while every president since Wilson has been a bought and paid for globalist bitch.
Is carrying water for him better than carrying the current president full stop?...because he can barely tie his shoelaces, never mind govern a country....THAT is clear!
No, he is delusional. He cannot admit a massive failure. He spent all night telling us how great he did and how great he is. Zero humility whatsoever. The PHARMA/GOV bio-democide bonanza will continue under Trump and we will continue to die.
They go beyond lying they use deception and theatre, that is why the CIA is entrenched in Hollyweird and has funded a lot of movies! This is the old game of Good Cop vs. Bad Cop!! I was a big fan of Trump in 2017, by 2018 I predicted Trump woul lose in 2020 and in 2022 I predicted that Pedo Joe would be replaced with Gavin Gruesome Newsom as POTUS and he will appoint "Big Mike" Obama as VP!
Oh don't fool yourself the Obamas are power hungry and just playing the act that they are going away in the sunset of retirement and in the meantime they are pulling Bidens strings! We are at the end of Obamas third term in office. Where do you think we will be as a country with four more years of this leadership?
Big Mike Michelle Obama is one big bad dude (as the theme song fron the show Shaft is playing in the background!!) People have not figured it out as to why the DNC is in Chi Town in August!
seriously? you apologize for a puppet ? Truth is lady, no one gets a foot in the door without being a globalist bitch. Obama, Bush A and B, Clinton, all globalist puppets, Trump included. People like you have been apologizing for your choices, for a century, and never learn. "lesser of two evils" , "they made him do it", "this guy is different"
Time to wake up. Voting in an oligarch is a fools game, and that is where we live. That is how lockstep of government and corporations happened during the mass poisonings, because the banker globalists own most corporations , and any government that needs a loan. These globalists think there are too many useless eaters, and that is not a rhetorical statement.
keep voting. Vote for trump. He will phuck us over ( tell us he has no choice, so sorry) and you will wait for the next election that might not even come, to choose the other guy...again.
Einstein called that paradigm as insanity. I agree.
A president who can't see through that as most of us on here could had no place being president in the first place. What is he a five year old that people are still making excuses for his "bad picks" that somehow identically aligned with Clinton's? He is a traitor to the constitution, face it. "We'll take their guns away and sort out the legalities later!" ..... president Trump speaking about unstable people. But you and I are classed as unstable people if we dare stand against LGBGT attacks on our children with parents having children taken from them for trying to protect them. Stop making excuses for a traitor to the constitution.
If there's one thing Trump can be credited with, it is that he's made the illusion plain enough that everyone should see.
1: Elections are rigged
2: The legal system is a fraud.
If a former president and billionaire can't get treated fairly in court then the only solution to the legal system is disposing of it entirely, and starting afresh from the community on up.
Yes, money is after all “debt notes”. When Fort Knox was raided money was no more than a piece of paper, fraud. In fact, I believe one of the reasons JFK was murdered was because he expressed the desire to change monetary policy.
Your first and third sentences are on target but the second one is off base.
Nothing like Germany a century ago.
Back then Germany and Japan were anti Commie when the Red movement was funded by the New York and London money bag crowd, and supported by their agents, the US government; the same types with globalist pretensions that run the swamp today, so it more closely resembles the USSR.
Hmmm. I've heard from other source -- and it made me ponder the possibility -- that one of Trump's goals with Operation Warp Speed was to entice drug companies to bring vaccines to market under false pretenses, which would remove their immunity from liability. (A noble goal, is it not?) Did he attain that goal? Because Kansas is suing Pfizer for knowingly misleading the public about the safety and efficacy of its vaccine. Think about it. I think it's possible.
If he was President in 2021, Trump would have "lost his patience with the unvaxxed" the same as Xiden. Trump would have been all on board with ALL mandates, be assured.
Bingo!! Once again the American Public is being played like a piano! I believe Trump is in on it and they are looking to replace Pedo Joe with Gavin "Gruesome " Newsom!
It is time you doctors admit you were bamboozled and lied to by that medical idiot Fauci and his demonic side kick Birx.
Your seemingly righteousness makes me sick!
If you were honest you would understand exactly what went wrong but you were, and other lie you were, brainwashed in medical School to believe what ever came out of the CDC, FDA, NIH and NIAID.
You pretended Righteous indignation and you proudly flaunted Medical Degree has made you public enemy @! in the eyes of the Nation.
Now for a little truth that you can't disprove:
1. Trump knew that the C-19 so called "vaccines" were patented well before 2019, do the search yourself,
2. Go back and research event 201 and learn that Medicine bowed at the feet of the non-doctor Bill Gates and his demonic foundation,
3. Go back and carefully research what Trump was talking a bout when he pushed a "vaccine."
4. Research into how long the WEF and all the agencies listed in 3rd paragraph of this comment wanted to do to the US. (I'll give you a hint; they wanted the US to experience a hard lock down until the end of 2025, meaning even you and your family would have starved to death!
5. Trump made the hard decision Physicians like you lack the balls to make! He forced the hand of Big Pharma by pushing Operation Warp Speed which cut off the hard lockdown at the knees and saved multitudes more millions than your profession killed by pushing the Death Shot.
Your Hubris makes me sick and the likes of you need to sincerely apologize and make restitution for the sins of the Medical Profession.
It is likely that most doctors, PAs and Advance Practice RNs will nor be able to walk down the streets of America in the future because of your following the prevailing mantra like the sheeple most of you have proven yourselves to be.
Buck it up man, if you can and admit you were wrong! The family you spare might be your own.
This was a setup show for the new "candidate". Today's "show" was called for by the Biden Camp to throw Joe under the bus. It couldn't be any more obvious. Did you see CNN's headline right after? Breaking News "says Democrat Sources..."We have a problem."......I fear the replacement.....HRC?
That was my thought also. It was all too cute the way CNN and MNBC suddenly were saying the opposite of what they have been saying for months. I don't think it would be HRC. More likely Newsom, though that could be a big mistake.
I'd bet HRC is all perked up with the idea of stepping in. But the obvious health issues she was having 8 years bizarrely and poorly covered up by her media fan club...are going to be a problem for her.
This is such a joke. Both of these clowns destroyed the economy through covid money printing, which really isn't government money printing because we borrow it from a private group that does the printing, yes! USA USA
Every covid policy they implemented were the worst possible things they could have done. Donald trump, to this they continues porting operation warp speed and the genocide Jab. USA USA
Julian Assange just played guilty to something journalists do everyday, need to do to be investigative journalists and is supposed to be protected by the First Amendment. Instead, Mike Pompeo, swamp creature, tried to have him murdered and then the Trump justice department indicted him on bullshit. USA USA
There's a foreign government Lobby that has such a Stranglehold over 98% of the politicians that it is an incredible elephant in the room but you're not allowed to say anything or you're deemed hateful. In fact both parties are passing laws criminalizing words that assert this.
Decades of criminality and incompetence is on the verge of causing the United States to lose World Reserve currency status. You think grocery bills are high now, just wait. But crickets in the captured corporate media. USA USA
Pay no attention to any of these inconvenient facts. Vote for one of the members of the uniparty. Don't worry that we're sliding into a technocratic dystopia. Nothing to see here. Go back to sleep.
Biden never celebrated our country's great leaders and beginnings by denying fireworks at Mount Rushmore. And brought in diversity, sold off our oil reserves to China, shoved through men in women's sports, forced vaccinations on military and pilots, which are slow-mo death sentences.
Why? To make you think they work for you so you will vote for them as AI isn't quite ready for full control yet. Trump is a traitor that is MIGA not MAGA.
Biden looked like a deer in the headlights. A drunken deer, with a wound of some sort. Somehow, though he seemed to be basically
catatonic, he did manage to string several
sentences together that were in the neighborhood of coherent. I can’t figure out what they give him for moments like this. Is it cocaine? Is it adderall?
CNN did the debate for CNN. Period. The debate's only goal was to legitimize CNN as a "news source". Trump placed second. Biden is done and the Uniparty State ran media will now seek to remove him.
The worst part about Biden is that long before his cognitive issues became apparent, when he was still in the prime of his life, he was a corrupt, nasty dimwit, as well as a serial liar. Now he is a corrupt, nasty dimwit & liar with cognitive issues. To add insult to injury, he is also responsible for the taxes that you pay on your social security. He's a disaster. He's always been a disaster.
Hard to come to any other conclusion than this was the party's way of kicking Biden out of the race. Let him be himself and then turn the media loose. These people watch Biden every day -- they knew EXACTLY what to expect, even if they tell us differently on the air.
Huge set up. Early debate. CNN ‘haved. Biden was Biden…only person he could be. Why it was an early debate. My guess is Hilary, to continue our destruction.
The reality is Trump was also arming the Ukraine for an attack on Russia while he didn't build the wall, he didn't drop all false charges against Assange, he didn't pardon Snowden, he didn't keep the elections safe, he didn't get US troops out of every country they have no place being including the whole of Europe, he didn't stand up to the LGBTQ attacks on children and in fact he encouraged it, he didn't stop his pharma chums poisoning 70% of the people on the planet etc etc etc ....... It is difficult to find anything he did do except sell the people of the West out. Trump was brought in to kick the can down the road for the deep state until they could get their AI surveillance state fully in place ...... Just as Killary was. Two cheeks of the same arse which is why he didn't prosecute her clear breeches of the law with her server and her "bleached" and smashed phones. Remember Seth Rich? Because I do and Trump did nothing about his murder either.
He wanted & needed a second term to do some of the things that he wanted to do, & if the tried them in his first term, the blow back from the deep state & those whose ox was gored would have made him a 1 term POTUS In a clean election.
He is now free to do what needs to be done & I trust that he will.
I see you ignored my question. When did he say "I'm arming the Ukraine to attack russis."? Where/when was that even implied? There were multiple lawsuits of them stopping him from finishing the wall. Where you been? That was even on CNN. Dropping charges us a DOJ issue - you know, the SAME DOJ that fought Trump the entire time he was in? You discount the fact that he understood govt was corrupt, but you dismiss how absolutely corrupt he found out it was/is. Didn't keep the elections safe? What was he supposed to do - dispatch NG to every polling place? I'm going to ignore the ignorant military question. How (this'll be good) did he encourage fag attacks on children? What pharma chums?Please elaborate on that. Yes, he missed an opportunity to charge Killary. But when you have many other issues to attend to, it makes wastes of air like her, less of an issue. Anyone who watches Killary won't forget Rich, along with all the sexual assaults Bill never got charged with and the cook the Obamas won't get charged with either. Dems are a disease that Trump is trying to cut out. Please do tell what other viable option we have to get this country back on the Republic track that it was founded and ran strongest on.
The Whole thing is fixed; I believe Trump is in on the fix and this is a way of replacing pedo Joe with Gavin "Gruesome" Newsom. The American Public is being played like a piano!
Not dangerous for the rest of the planet with the US having no ability to attack other nations ever again. I'm all for incompetence at the top of the West for many years to come to prevent any more wars and even now the US is no longer at the top of the West and neither are it's owners the occupiers of Palestine.
Let's see...(checks notes)... no new wars under Trump... 2 new wars and BILLIONS going to Iran with Biden's absolutely disastrous withdrawal. That's the reality. Of course with your brainwashing, these words won't sink in. Tell me, where is this Palestine you speak of? Oh, that's right - it's NEVER existed.
I wouldn't vote for either the "Orange Idiot," or "Creepy Genocide Joe."
Of course, nefarious mainstream media news concocted a derogatory term describing those who feel similar as being "double-haters."
Demented mainstream media news commentators attempt to emotionalize a logical reaction to a corrupt political duopoly by characterizing staying home on election day as being "haters."
Hate, is too passionate a word for the despicable mess better known as "election day" where candidates are nurtured by criminals and then installed by the national security state.
What you are witnessing is a planned failure of Biden in the debate. This debate was used to get rid of Biden. Watch now as calls come in to change the candidate. My best guess is Hillary. Why? Because she'll go to war with Russia since the country is being run by bloodthirsty Neocons from both parties. Hillary is a Neocon.
Expect the new candidate at the Democrat's convention.
100% correct. When you want to destroy anything simply put a woman in charge and the US terrorist state needs to be gone from this planet and she is the one to do it.
Listen to RFK jnr. Now there is someone who crushed it. CNN kept him of the stage but he CRUSHED it on his own parallel debate stage. As he said, if you want more of the same, vote for one of those two. You want something completely fresh, vote for him.
I support Trump but I found myself thinking that none of the things he promoted in the debate mattered to me, and his delivery was incoherent, nonlinear. Of course, he is still delusional on COVID. He did not tell America we are living in totalitarian hell under this Democrat who is following the edicts of an unelected elite. He did not or I missed it because I fell asleep, tell us that banks and corporations are running everything to our great detriment. Everyone, including Kennedy, was pro-Zionist of course. It was all very hollow and depressing.
It's never looked good for pederast, Joe Biden. Affiliations with Obama and his HRC crony factions have ensured his lack of credibility. Perhaps Hunter's indictments and charges will finally deliver the final blow.
What can I say about the THEATER of politics? It is all "actors" keeping people distracted from the real problems.
The illusion is that the Red Candidate that Brought the Human mRNA Experiment is somehow better than the Blue Candidate that forced you to take it.
There were many "Obama holdovers" embedded in gov't during Trump's presidency who actually "Brought the Human mRNA Experiment". They lied to Trump; and to all of us.
They lied to all of us but some of us didn’t buy it.
It was such an obvious scam from the word go. I have a hard time respecting anyone that swallowed it. Especially the people that became enthusiastic, self-appointed enforcers for the party line.
Yes, there were very few of us who saw what was going on. It was a shock to me, the ones who became enforcers, zealots. It totally changed my view of the world and people in general. was weird and amazing. This whole business spawned a slew of mini-nazis...constantly obsessing about "6' apart" and "pull your mask up"...this non-epidemic became a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" as Dr. Walensky so keenly observed. We were constantly abused and slandered.
But at least the billionaires among made tons of money. And I guess that was always the objective. Some of us still haven't got the memo. Just a few weeks ago a woman who lives near me furiously berated me in public for being "unvaccinated" I realized they still don't get it. These people are the butt of a huge joke. As I watched the fall out...the dead athletes..the thrombosis and people like Oncologist Dr. Makis with his observations on--TURBO CANCER. I am terrified by all my old friends and my relatives who just didn't get it and still don't. My suggestion to you, Candis, buy Ed Dowd's horrifying book CAUSE UNKNOWN...This book has the heartbreaking photos of these young athlete victims as well as the world wide statistics. This truly was/is a holocaust. And now the mRNA platform will be used in all vaccines so the spike protein is going to attack everyone who gets any vaccine. Our government does want us dead. They already spent all our social security and tax revenue. Now we are "useless eaters" and need to be culled.
I know two people who died, first sickened by the jab then finished off by hospital protocol, remdesivir and ventilators. Both were in poor health to begin with so jab and pharmaceutical did what they were supposed to, finished them off. A friends father got jabbed and experienced cluster clots and lost a leg as a result. A friend kept getting jabs because he kept getting sick, he turned into a skeleton and died. All around me people I know and care about are getting shingles years after their last jab, several are having really serious eye problems (think Raging Bull, swollen faces, burning in their feet. Recurring bouts of 19 and with each recurrence getting another jab. It’s dispiriting. Not one willing to face facts.
My new mantra … God help us. 💕💕💕
Trump was in on it as well, he never walked back the push for the death shot, and continued to push it! Let's be honest with ourselves and see things for what they really are rather than what we want them to be!
Pushing for people to take it is a far cry from mandating it. Unless, of course, you are in Japan.
So you didn’t take the hydrochloriquin or ivermectin huh. Cuz that’s what he suggested in the first place.
I Owned and operated a medical practice for 24 years up until December of 2020 and pushing that garbage was not necessary. Dr. Richard Bartlett had the correct treatment for an upper respiratory tract infection which was a Z-Pack and a nebulized steroid!
“Operation warp speed” trumps legacy.
Nah, Trump always gave people a choice.
President Trump was told in early 2020 shutting the economy down and borrowing trillions of dollars from the criminal Federal Reserve was going to destroy the country yet he did it. He was also told the vaccine wasn't safe but he continues to support it to this day. Here's also told about the efficacious treatments and despite mentioning hydroxychloroquine once he crumbled under the scrutiny of the deep state . I'm sick of people carrying water for president Trump. He did what he was told because he does what he is told otherwise he doesn't sit in that seat. That's the elephant in the room.
I doubt very much that there are many who if put in the situation he was in would have done any better, including you.
The armchair experts can only criticise, but they themselves would have collapsed instantly.
Trump has an ego.
And thank God for that.
He is also, IMHO, a good man who was trying to do the right thing and being undermined on every decision.
Successful leadership requires an ego. I cannot understand why people fault T for his ego and ignore the fact that all who seek high office necessarily have large egos.
I too think he is a good man who did his best, and that his best was better than most of the leaders of other nations. Much of what he is blamed for should actually be praised. He did not lock down the US, he left it up to the states to choose on their own, which is precisely how the federalist system is designed to work.
Anyone without an ego would likely have been broken, by the constant hatred and criticism directed at him for doing his job.
It still troubles me that he doesn't seem able to disavow the jabs.
Or that massive security was not in place for that election.
National guard and impartial police should have been in every single voting place nationwide.
That many of his people picks were traitors can maybe be put down to the toxic selection he could choose them from.
you opinion is based in ignorance and stupidity.
Well then, enjoy the current situation for it is only going to get worse.
It slightly chafes, being insulted by someone so grammatically illiterate.
wtf does that mean ? except absolutely nothing.
You speak of what was in his mind, as if you know, while you ignore a history of bought and paid for presidents.
Stop babbling ignorance as knowledge. Trump is a hard core globalist bitch.,
Evidence please.
I am not your thinking machine. If you are too stupid to research and understand the basics of money, politics and globalism, nothing I can say will change that.
logic is logic, fact is fact, reason is reason, and beLIEf is bullshit.
The following twitter link is a photo with the evidence you asked for, in the comments. Feel free to try a rebut the proven fact with beLIEf and fantasy.
Money power rules, while every president since Wilson has been a bought and paid for globalist bitch.
For anyone to vote for a rich person in an oligarch? Pretty phucking stupid.
now ALL those people who have told us for months, years that Biden is fine look very bad.
Rfk won
Is carrying water for him better than carrying the current president full stop?...because he can barely tie his shoelaces, never mind govern a country....THAT is clear!
No, he is delusional. He cannot admit a massive failure. He spent all night telling us how great he did and how great he is. Zero humility whatsoever. The PHARMA/GOV bio-democide bonanza will continue under Trump and we will continue to die.
Bingo 1000%
That’s like blaming someone else for the decision you made.
They go beyond lying they use deception and theatre, that is why the CIA is entrenched in Hollyweird and has funded a lot of movies! This is the old game of Good Cop vs. Bad Cop!! I was a big fan of Trump in 2017, by 2018 I predicted Trump woul lose in 2020 and in 2022 I predicted that Pedo Joe would be replaced with Gavin Gruesome Newsom as POTUS and he will appoint "Big Mike" Obama as VP!
I've been saying they will put Newsom in. Not sure Michelle Obama wants anything to do with the WH. They already made their muti-millions.
Oh don't fool yourself the Obamas are power hungry and just playing the act that they are going away in the sunset of retirement and in the meantime they are pulling Bidens strings! We are at the end of Obamas third term in office. Where do you think we will be as a country with four more years of this leadership?
The point wouldn't be Michelle being in the OO. It would be about Barack being out front after 4 years behind the scenes.
Big Mike Michelle Obama is one big bad dude (as the theme song fron the show Shaft is playing in the background!!) People have not figured it out as to why the DNC is in Chi Town in August!
seriously? you apologize for a puppet ? Truth is lady, no one gets a foot in the door without being a globalist bitch. Obama, Bush A and B, Clinton, all globalist puppets, Trump included. People like you have been apologizing for your choices, for a century, and never learn. "lesser of two evils" , "they made him do it", "this guy is different"
Time to wake up. Voting in an oligarch is a fools game, and that is where we live. That is how lockstep of government and corporations happened during the mass poisonings, because the banker globalists own most corporations , and any government that needs a loan. These globalists think there are too many useless eaters, and that is not a rhetorical statement.
keep voting. Vote for trump. He will phuck us over ( tell us he has no choice, so sorry) and you will wait for the next election that might not even come, to choose the other guy...again.
Einstein called that paradigm as insanity. I agree.
A president who can't see through that as most of us on here could had no place being president in the first place. What is he a five year old that people are still making excuses for his "bad picks" that somehow identically aligned with Clinton's? He is a traitor to the constitution, face it. "We'll take their guns away and sort out the legalities later!" ..... president Trump speaking about unstable people. But you and I are classed as unstable people if we dare stand against LGBGT attacks on our children with parents having children taken from them for trying to protect them. Stop making excuses for a traitor to the constitution.
You were going fine until this,
"He is a traitor to the constitution, face it. "
That thing enabled the mess the USA has become. It helped centralize power in the hands of scheming scumbags and in fact, co-opted the revolution.
The thing to face is that the "anti-federalists" were nearly 100% correct.
Thanks for spreading this little know truth, Goeff. In other words ...
Best of luck, friend. ~~ j ~~
You are classed as unstable people BY THE LEFT.
Same actors different act... two heads of the same snake.
like Germany 100 years ago.
None of them... no politician... they are all criminals.
If there's one thing Trump can be credited with, it is that he's made the illusion plain enough that everyone should see.
1: Elections are rigged
2: The legal system is a fraud.
If a former president and billionaire can't get treated fairly in court then the only solution to the legal system is disposing of it entirely, and starting afresh from the community on up.
3: Lastly Power always "Trumps" money.
Rip it up.... Tear it up... Start again...
This whole system is based on Money...
Money itself is a System of Fraud.
Fraud that buys politics finances terrorism and wars.
Rip it up... tear it up... start from scratch.
We ow them nothing.
Keep in mind what they have in store for us is worse than your worst nightmare.
That is what I keep saying, the digital dollar and putting people on a robotic block chain to control our freedom!
Yes, money is after all “debt notes”. When Fort Knox was raided money was no more than a piece of paper, fraud. In fact, I believe one of the reasons JFK was murdered was because he expressed the desire to change monetary policy.
It's called Cognitive Dissonance!
Your first and third sentences are on target but the second one is off base.
Nothing like Germany a century ago.
Back then Germany and Japan were anti Commie when the Red movement was funded by the New York and London money bag crowd, and supported by their agents, the US government; the same types with globalist pretensions that run the swamp today, so it more closely resembles the USSR.
A mixture between Communism and Fascism… that is what it is,,,
Hmmm. I've heard from other source -- and it made me ponder the possibility -- that one of Trump's goals with Operation Warp Speed was to entice drug companies to bring vaccines to market under false pretenses, which would remove their immunity from liability. (A noble goal, is it not?) Did he attain that goal? Because Kansas is suing Pfizer for knowingly misleading the public about the safety and efficacy of its vaccine. Think about it. I think it's possible.
It is one thing to make something available for those who want it but an entirely different thing to mandate that all take it.
If he was President in 2021, Trump would have "lost his patience with the unvaxxed" the same as Xiden. Trump would have been all on board with ALL mandates, be assured.
IF? Now you're just making shit up. Trump NEVER suggested that the vax be mandatory. Ever. You are putting words in his mouth.
Bingo!! Once again the American Public is being played like a piano! I believe Trump is in on it and they are looking to replace Pedo Joe with Gavin "Gruesome " Newsom!
Newsom is done. It's not gonna be Newsom.
Hope I'm wrong!
It is time you doctors admit you were bamboozled and lied to by that medical idiot Fauci and his demonic side kick Birx.
Your seemingly righteousness makes me sick!
If you were honest you would understand exactly what went wrong but you were, and other lie you were, brainwashed in medical School to believe what ever came out of the CDC, FDA, NIH and NIAID.
You pretended Righteous indignation and you proudly flaunted Medical Degree has made you public enemy @! in the eyes of the Nation.
Now for a little truth that you can't disprove:
1. Trump knew that the C-19 so called "vaccines" were patented well before 2019, do the search yourself,
2. Go back and research event 201 and learn that Medicine bowed at the feet of the non-doctor Bill Gates and his demonic foundation,
3. Go back and carefully research what Trump was talking a bout when he pushed a "vaccine."
4. Research into how long the WEF and all the agencies listed in 3rd paragraph of this comment wanted to do to the US. (I'll give you a hint; they wanted the US to experience a hard lock down until the end of 2025, meaning even you and your family would have starved to death!
5. Trump made the hard decision Physicians like you lack the balls to make! He forced the hand of Big Pharma by pushing Operation Warp Speed which cut off the hard lockdown at the knees and saved multitudes more millions than your profession killed by pushing the Death Shot.
Your Hubris makes me sick and the likes of you need to sincerely apologize and make restitution for the sins of the Medical Profession.
It is likely that most doctors, PAs and Advance Practice RNs will nor be able to walk down the streets of America in the future because of your following the prevailing mantra like the sheeple most of you have proven yourselves to be.
Buck it up man, if you can and admit you were wrong! The family you spare might be your own.
And stolen elections have consequences. Blue man shouldn’t even be there!
This was a setup show for the new "candidate". Today's "show" was called for by the Biden Camp to throw Joe under the bus. It couldn't be any more obvious. Did you see CNN's headline right after? Breaking News "says Democrat Sources..."We have a problem."......I fear the replacement.....HRC?
Dianne, I could not agree more. The narrative change was already cooked into the recipe. As you say, clear as can be....and SO so obvious.
Earliest debate in history-yep-set up
Hrc. BmO(Michelle). Gruesome etc. all minions of Evil 👿
That was my thought also. It was all too cute the way CNN and MNBC suddenly were saying the opposite of what they have been saying for months. I don't think it would be HRC. More likely Newsom, though that could be a big mistake.
I'd bet HRC is all perked up with the idea of stepping in. But the obvious health issues she was having 8 years bizarrely and poorly covered up by her media fan club...are going to be a problem for her.
This is such a joke. Both of these clowns destroyed the economy through covid money printing, which really isn't government money printing because we borrow it from a private group that does the printing, yes! USA USA
Every covid policy they implemented were the worst possible things they could have done. Donald trump, to this they continues porting operation warp speed and the genocide Jab. USA USA
Julian Assange just played guilty to something journalists do everyday, need to do to be investigative journalists and is supposed to be protected by the First Amendment. Instead, Mike Pompeo, swamp creature, tried to have him murdered and then the Trump justice department indicted him on bullshit. USA USA
There's a foreign government Lobby that has such a Stranglehold over 98% of the politicians that it is an incredible elephant in the room but you're not allowed to say anything or you're deemed hateful. In fact both parties are passing laws criminalizing words that assert this.
Decades of criminality and incompetence is on the verge of causing the United States to lose World Reserve currency status. You think grocery bills are high now, just wait. But crickets in the captured corporate media. USA USA
Pay no attention to any of these inconvenient facts. Vote for one of the members of the uniparty. Don't worry that we're sliding into a technocratic dystopia. Nothing to see here. Go back to sleep.
USA USA USA. This is fucking clown world!
Nobody has chanted USA, USA (except at Trump rallies) since Biden was (s)elected.
That should tell you something right there.
If they are all the same, then why are Trump, his former staff and his legal counsel the only ones who are constantly facing legal attacks?
Not to mention that EVERYTHING was better when Trump was President.
Sorry, I’m not buying what you’re selling….
Biden never celebrated our country's great leaders and beginnings by denying fireworks at Mount Rushmore. And brought in diversity, sold off our oil reserves to China, shoved through men in women's sports, forced vaccinations on military and pilots, which are slow-mo death sentences.
Why? To make you think they work for you so you will vote for them as AI isn't quite ready for full control yet. Trump is a traitor that is MIGA not MAGA.
Delusional; fact free rant from the TDS peanut gallery. All the traitors are in the DNC, FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, HHS.
POTUS DJT worked for free.
And has somehow gotten very very much richer.
Actually that is not true. Donald Trump has LOST money by becoming President, the only modern president to do so.
Biden looked like a deer in the headlights. A drunken deer, with a wound of some sort. Somehow, though he seemed to be basically
catatonic, he did manage to string several
sentences together that were in the neighborhood of coherent. I can’t figure out what they give him for moments like this. Is it cocaine? Is it adderall?
CNN did the debate for CNN. Period. The debate's only goal was to legitimize CNN as a "news source". Trump placed second. Biden is done and the Uniparty State ran media will now seek to remove him.
The worst part about Biden is that long before his cognitive issues became apparent, when he was still in the prime of his life, he was a corrupt, nasty dimwit, as well as a serial liar. Now he is a corrupt, nasty dimwit & liar with cognitive issues. To add insult to injury, he is also responsible for the taxes that you pay on your social security. He's a disaster. He's always been a disaster.
Hard to come to any other conclusion than this was the party's way of kicking Biden out of the race. Let him be himself and then turn the media loose. These people watch Biden every day -- they knew EXACTLY what to expect, even if they tell us differently on the air.
Huge set up. Early debate. CNN ‘haved. Biden was Biden…only person he could be. Why it was an early debate. My guess is Hilary, to continue our destruction.
You took the words right out of my head,
The reality is Trump was also arming the Ukraine for an attack on Russia while he didn't build the wall, he didn't drop all false charges against Assange, he didn't pardon Snowden, he didn't keep the elections safe, he didn't get US troops out of every country they have no place being including the whole of Europe, he didn't stand up to the LGBTQ attacks on children and in fact he encouraged it, he didn't stop his pharma chums poisoning 70% of the people on the planet etc etc etc ....... It is difficult to find anything he did do except sell the people of the West out. Trump was brought in to kick the can down the road for the deep state until they could get their AI surveillance state fully in place ...... Just as Killary was. Two cheeks of the same arse which is why he didn't prosecute her clear breeches of the law with her server and her "bleached" and smashed phones. Remember Seth Rich? Because I do and Trump did nothing about his murder either.
He wanted & needed a second term to do some of the things that he wanted to do, & if the tried them in his first term, the blow back from the deep state & those whose ox was gored would have made him a 1 term POTUS In a clean election.
He is now free to do what needs to be done & I trust that he will.
I see you ignored my question. When did he say "I'm arming the Ukraine to attack russis."? Where/when was that even implied? There were multiple lawsuits of them stopping him from finishing the wall. Where you been? That was even on CNN. Dropping charges us a DOJ issue - you know, the SAME DOJ that fought Trump the entire time he was in? You discount the fact that he understood govt was corrupt, but you dismiss how absolutely corrupt he found out it was/is. Didn't keep the elections safe? What was he supposed to do - dispatch NG to every polling place? I'm going to ignore the ignorant military question. How (this'll be good) did he encourage fag attacks on children? What pharma chums?Please elaborate on that. Yes, he missed an opportunity to charge Killary. But when you have many other issues to attend to, it makes wastes of air like her, less of an issue. Anyone who watches Killary won't forget Rich, along with all the sexual assaults Bill never got charged with and the cook the Obamas won't get charged with either. Dems are a disease that Trump is trying to cut out. Please do tell what other viable option we have to get this country back on the Republic track that it was founded and ran strongest on.
The Whole thing is fixed; I believe Trump is in on the fix and this is a way of replacing pedo Joe with Gavin "Gruesome" Newsom. The American Public is being played like a piano!
No evidence that Trump is in on it. What’s in it for him? TDS wastes the mind, and a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
People, this was 100% planned. Watch for Hillary's return.
Agreed…with Kamala staying on as running mate. Talk about a dangerous cackling demolition team for what’s left of this mess of a nation! 🤦🏼♀️
Not dangerous for the rest of the planet with the US having no ability to attack other nations ever again. I'm all for incompetence at the top of the West for many years to come to prevent any more wars and even now the US is no longer at the top of the West and neither are it's owners the occupiers of Palestine.
Let's see...(checks notes)... no new wars under Trump... 2 new wars and BILLIONS going to Iran with Biden's absolutely disastrous withdrawal. That's the reality. Of course with your brainwashing, these words won't sink in. Tell me, where is this Palestine you speak of? Oh, that's right - it's NEVER existed.
I wouldn't vote for either the "Orange Idiot," or "Creepy Genocide Joe."
Of course, nefarious mainstream media news concocted a derogatory term describing those who feel similar as being "double-haters."
Demented mainstream media news commentators attempt to emotionalize a logical reaction to a corrupt political duopoly by characterizing staying home on election day as being "haters."
Hate, is too passionate a word for the despicable mess better known as "election day" where candidates are nurtured by criminals and then installed by the national security state.
Why would I vote for a Schmuley Zionist.
So then why vote...
What you are witnessing is a planned failure of Biden in the debate. This debate was used to get rid of Biden. Watch now as calls come in to change the candidate. My best guess is Hillary. Why? Because she'll go to war with Russia since the country is being run by bloodthirsty Neocons from both parties. Hillary is a Neocon.
Expect the new candidate at the Democrat's convention.
100% correct. When you want to destroy anything simply put a woman in charge and the US terrorist state needs to be gone from this planet and she is the one to do it.
Listen to RFK jnr. Now there is someone who crushed it. CNN kept him of the stage but he CRUSHED it on his own parallel debate stage. As he said, if you want more of the same, vote for one of those two. You want something completely fresh, vote for him.
I support Trump but I found myself thinking that none of the things he promoted in the debate mattered to me, and his delivery was incoherent, nonlinear. Of course, he is still delusional on COVID. He did not tell America we are living in totalitarian hell under this Democrat who is following the edicts of an unelected elite. He did not or I missed it because I fell asleep, tell us that banks and corporations are running everything to our great detriment. Everyone, including Kennedy, was pro-Zionist of course. It was all very hollow and depressing.
It's never looked good for pederast, Joe Biden. Affiliations with Obama and his HRC crony factions have ensured his lack of credibility. Perhaps Hunter's indictments and charges will finally deliver the final blow.