It's all a balancing act - Hit Trump with the tough questions, treat him rudely; save the softball questions for Biden, delivered with kid gloves and ice cream cones.
But Trump STILL has not acknowledged the danger that the Warp Speed fake vaccine has created or the damage it has snowballed into. For this reason I will not support him any longer. I support no one.
He CAN'T BACK AWAY FROM IT. You MUST go to a Substack of Matthew Ehret; a tremendous Historian with multitudes of 'Hidden History' requiring decades to acrue. You simply MUST allow yourself to comprehend the very dangerous forces at play. His Substack is well worth the time required to read and understand. Although, I don't agree with his assessments often as we approach our World Views differently...His facts are supurb and right on target. THINGS ARE FAR DIFFERENT THAN THEY APPEAR. Here is a Link:
WE WOULD HAVE BEEN LOVKED DOWN FOR YEARS! HE HAD TO DO SOMETHING AND he always said it was your choice. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine or an unapproved shot. Simple choice for most
I wish people would stop idolizing Trump like he's a god or something. I have lost respect for him because of his pushing of the bioweapon injections and staying silent while people die and are maimed. I know he has the information but he refuses to speak up and tell the people to stop injecting themselves. He was great in 2016- 2020 but when "covid" hit he changed, he listened to liars like Fauci and the rest of the "experts" on his team, then he did no research to see if shutting down the entire country was a good idea. When he announced his "warp speed" that's when evil took over, he got money from big Pharma to sell the jabs which were clearly harming people but he did nothing about it, he now today still claims he saved 100 million lives with the bioweapon injections when he knows that's a bald faced lie. Many doctors and scientists have given him the proof but he won't listen, so I will not sit here and praise him. If people want to idolize a man who doesn't have the balls to tell the truth on something this important then what the hell good is he.
You said it yourself, he listened to liars like Fauci. The list is endless. Research what? Never in our lifetime has a country shut down for long periods of time, so what do you research? So sure, let’s blame Trump for everything. Why not? The Wuhan virus showed up at such a convenient time! In steps Fauci, Birx, the CDC, etc. THEY made the calls, not Trump. The “vaccine” had been worked on for years prior. So, virus hits, people get sick, Fauci’s long awaited kill shot enters the scene, people are desperate to have their “normal” back. My own daughter included. “We just want to travel mom”. The the frosting on the cake, Trump mentions HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and boom! It along with the Ivermectin are soon no longer allowed to be used. Why? Because they work! So instead, financially incentivize the medical establishment to poison everyone with Remdesivir, starve them,(especially the unvaxed), and shove a ventilator in them. Keep their loved ones as far away as possible. Families had no rights, any Dr with a differing treatment protocol was black listed, some even lost their licenses. People died while families fought out of desperation to try ANYTHING that would help their loved ones live. Now we have athletes dropping dead in their 30’s, people dying in their sleep, myocarditis(my own brother), blood clots, aneurysms, heart attacks, still births, miscarriages, etc. All because FAUCI, BIRX, many doctors, nurses, CDC, Pfizer, LIED! They LIED! They lied to then President Trump, and the rest of the world! Canada is still forcing that crap on their citizens! Look what Trudeau accomplished in 3 years! His regime can now take anyone’s money at any time, digital ID’s, and much more. It’s coming here if we don’t stop it. Wake up and realize this was a planned operation for the globalists to get what they’ve wanted for years. Power, total control, and lots and lots of $$$$!
You make great points but Trump said he's proud of warp speed which is insane because he has been told its a bioweapon, if he doesn't come out sooner than later people are going to turn against him. I just hope someone has the balls to bring it up in a debate, then we'll see what he does.
Yes, Warp Speed was a process to get it done, much like during WWII, many manufacturing plants retooled to make things for the war. Ford stopped making as many cars and made bombers, for example. It was a directed effort.
Very sadly, it appears that much of Washington is infiltrated with "globalists" who are bent on destroying the USA. Trump isn't the only President to be misinformed.
He's also not the first to be DISOBEYED and the TREASONOUS NO LONGER HANG or are even charged with treason. They've CHANGED DEFINITIONS TO REMOVE THE CRIMINAL FROM THE DEFINITION BY MAKING IT 'Pay to Play Scheme'. CLEVER, HUH? And, we wonder at the reasons we are so wrapped within CORRUPTION, INCOMPETENCE AND CONFUSION DELIBERATELY CREATED BY THE Colonial/Fascist Mafia out of The City of London/Basel, Switzerland's Rothschilds and their Central Banker Family Cartel actually running the whole world with their Minions like' Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, the CIA and almost the whole UNIPARTY OF THE U.S. GOVT. OFFICIALS.
Not a fan of Warp Speed either but the vaxx was coming with or without Trump.
His current vaxx stance is politically expedient and a good example of his ability for 4D chess. While it might be refreshing for him to adopt an RFK Jr. vaxx position, politically Trumps position is better overall.
Absolutely. Remember now, that both Biden and Harris (and here in California, Newsom) said to NOT take the vaccine. That they didn't "trust" it because it was made during Trump.
Then Biden gets into the WH...where it's magically AVAILABLE! No jab, no job, no traveling, no going to a restaurant, etc. People are judging now without remembering all of the past.
Then you need to also bash George H.W.Bush who was President when Fauci "led" the AIDS crisis. Another disaster of Fauci's. Bush Sr. was also for the New World Order. These globalists don't give a crap about American citizens. I'm saying this as a conservative, not necessarily a Republican.
But if Trump winds up the choice of the GOP, I’m voting for him. NOT voting at all is the same as voting liberal. And Trump’s left nutsack is more articulate than Biden. I can’t take another 4 years of Build Back Bingo and utter cognitive impairment which is brushed off as if
it’s no biggie that the #1 guy in the free world can’t string 3 sentences together.
Obviously that CNN woman had an agenda, and it was to further the false perception of what actually happened on J6, and the 2020 election. She asked leading questions, MIS-leading questions, that already presupposed the truth of her basic premise.
She was furthering the BIG LIE that there was no election fraud, that the 2020 election was clean and the will of the people, and that is simply not true.
Did Trump ask her if she'd seen the actual videos of J6 released by Tucker Carlson, that showed the lies of the sham Cheney committee? She continues the smear of millions of patriotic Americans who were in DC peacefully protesting that day.
She exposed to America the fact that CNN and other legacy media is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the deep state cabal that overthrew our country and is running the Biden criminal regime.
She did her job, which was to keep lying. "Repeat the lie often enough, it becomes "truth." The Nazis in Germany used to very well - and now, so are the Democrats and RINOs.
Add the amount of tweets last night and today from other lefties in "news" and you can see the total meltdown. They're scared their low IQ sheep will learn the facts.
Many of the Trump supporters are RINOS. They just don't understand that it is the medical cartel that outplayed him. He was holding a royal flush before "Covid," threw out his hand and came up with a pair of deuces! These RINOS are little better than the liberal Democrat sycophants. They still believe there actually was a "pandemic." Until people realize that the "pandemic" is a self-delusion then we will remain beholden to these tyrants as they tout their killer jabs as a cure for the phony "emergency."
RINOs and Dems may be better described as "globalists." ? They're in it for themselves and don't care about those who "voted" them in.
Plenty of Presidents had "wrong" decisions and were misled by insiders in D.C. Clearly a massive mistake was Kissinger getting anywhere near foreign policy - he's a decades-long BFF of WEF leader, Klaus Schwab.
Of course one of the ultimate "RINO" families is the Bush. Read about the "Scherff" family - and their goal. Julian Assange exposed that.
Do you not question the timing of the “Wuhan virus”? Do a little digging. It’s been in the works for YEARS! The deep state couldn’t stop Trump. They tried everything. Why is that? Obviously because Trump knows something that could take them down. Look at the world. We weren’t involved in a war, Trump had no intention of getting us into WW3! But here we are, sitting on the edge of nuclear war. All of those that said they didn’t want “Trumps finger on THE button”, well you asked for the shitshow and you got it. Your Biden admin. The world has been flipped upside down all in 3 years. How convenient for the globalists.
wants to hear another word abt and failed to ask things we DO want to hear abt. She spent like 5 minutes on the economy and what he’s do to fix it. (Talk abt Build Back Better!) We have already gone to EPOCH NEWS and seen the REAL video
if what REALLY occurred J6. We’ve already seen that he DEF tweeted well
before 3 hours, a DAY before J6, to honor the cops and be peaceful. We know the media
is a lying sack of liars. We want to hear abt the economy, more abt the war, more
Good job and thanks VF for this with the unedited clips. There's no way the TDS crowd can handle this. Mark Dice showed his video with the Lincoln Pedo Project going bananas because they know one thing: trying to get a W is really hard against 45.
While the "one day" for peace line is hyperbole I don't prefer, I also wish President Trump would handle both Putin's illegal invasion and the ChiCom virus Big Pharma shots better. But this is early in the 2024 election. Don't think President Trump can afford to let the damage of the clot shot to go on unimpeded nor Putin and the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance.
He kept Putin and Xi in check while in office but it will be harder now.
But optics are important. I also wish Trump handled certain topics better, but - optics. Trump certainly knew that Ukraine was the seat of the Deep State Department, after the Obama-led coup of 2014, and he knew the involvement of Biden and other corrupt politicians in Ukraine.
I believe there is much more going on than we know, and it is highly likely Trump is working behind the scenes with Putin. Putin is not our enemy. And Trump could prevent a nuclear conflict in one day, if he were President, I'm sure.
There is no such thing as Ukraine being any "seat of the Deep State Department." There was no 2014 coup. You need to learn what an actual coup is and what actually happened in 2014 when the people of Ukraine stood up for a second time over a decade against corruption and election fraud. That's not a coup when the corrupt Putin puppet flees in the dead of night looting billions from the country to .... wait for it... into the arms of Putin and Russia.
Biden extorted Ukraine. Biden also is accused of shaking down Burisma in another whistleblower pointing to a document showing same with the Feds under subpoena.
Putin is the enemy of civilization and the world again voted against his aggression in the UN last week. Even China with others like Brazil and Armenia joined the vote against Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine.
President Trump kept Putin in check. He decimated Putin by using American energy resources, driving down the price and making Putin weakened and kept him from taking any nation's land, not even a single inch.
That's what President Trump did to Putin. Some wacky alliance speculation is too bizzare and not worth commenting about.
He didn't build the wall, he himself said he had threatened to nuke Moscow if they dared to intervene in the Ukraine to prevent the US puppet government there using US weapons to murder tens of thousands of innocent civilians in the Donbass and he bowed down to the terrorist regime in Jerusalem. I don't want him anywhere near power ever again.
He's another cog on the wheel. It's disheartening that so many people people are bamboozled by his act. He's full of shit. Hes the head population reducer and sickness salesman. He put us in the emergency taking away the constitutions powers.
How many Republicans would have taken that death shot if Hilary was president. Unmm??? Not even 50%, he's a plant. And hey, you freedom loving Americans??!!. It's all about the money, follow it. The national debt of the USA was 10T in 2008. Took 97 years to get there. In 8 years Obama added 10T. In 4 years Trump added 10T. Who are they? Two of the most hated in history. It's a show, you're the audience but you have no idea, you think you're a player and you're not even in the game. Wake up people.
Yeah OK> You're not different than the Biden people. You partisan people are total morons that need a leader. THere is no damn leader and go ahead and ignore the facts or maybe you don't understand them. 10T in debt. Someone elses fault? Vax salesman? Someone elses fault? Drained nothing put hiliary no where? Someone elses fault? He brought those who loved him to the Cap jan 6th and they are still in jail. What's he said or done? HE IS FULL OF SHIT AND YOU'RE HANGING ON TO HOPE THAT DOESN'T EXIST.
You sound angry. Apparently you don't understand the bigger picture. Trump is the only one who has told the American people the truth since 2015, and he was right about everything.
This CNN woman is further proof of the deep state's agenda to silence the American people, by silencing Trump and stop him from running.
Moral equivalence? Anyone that believes a US politcan is working for the people is a complete fucking idiot, not just a moron. That's the whole point, they've got you fooled. Trump is on his 3rd marriage, he's not a Christian. They're all bought and paid for, the system is complete and utterly rigged. YOU=HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. The elections have been rigged for 30 years plus. And YOU use the word moral with politicans??? Fauci??? OH, you mean the guy who worked UNDER Trump who Trump didn't fire? The guy Trump listened to and shut down the country OVER A COMPLETE SCAM? HOW DID I KNOW IT WAS A SCAM? I knew it was a scam completely in March but Trump didn't? I know more?? BULLSHIT.
How about the bioweapon? You took it of course because Trump told you too right? If you didn't take it go ahead and try to explain why you didn't take after Trump told you too. If you did take it I rest my case, no way you would have followed Clinton down that path. Trump said it was the best, most wonderful, and fantastic shot ever. It was a medical miracle and you're going to tell me the guy is for real? The guy can't be threatened to do what they want? Or he's told one of his kids or grandkids will disapear if he won't tow the line? SO, the cabal can have the whole world fall in line but they can't do anything to Trump or his family? This goes for anyone else going against the Deep State. I had some moron yesterday tell me Trump made sure the MRNA wasn't in the shot. OMG. You people are an unbelieveable laugh. You don't see they put that empty vessel Biden up as President so you could think exactly what you're thinking?? The whole thing is a fucking charade and you're caught in the middle of it. No shit.
PS> He will pardon the Jan 6th people? Where from his throne at Mar Lago? So the he's getting elected again? What? In this FAIR AND FREE election system? So you believe it was rigged in 2020 but it won't be in 2024??? OR are you really really dumb thinking he will be reinstalled? Are you a Q moron STILL???
President Trump built the war and they stopped him from finishing with Election Theft 2020. He did threaten Putin. He told Putin if he invaded Ukraine, he'd bomb Moscow. He didn't say he'd nuke it. Maybe just the Kremlin, which would be nice, in the springtime.
Ukraine suffered the massive deaths in Donbass BECAUSE PUTIN SENT HIS GOONS LIKE GIRKIN THERE and - then Putin sent in his LITTLE GREEN MAN ARMY!
Did you mean "built the wall"? Yes, he did, and yes, was stopped finishing it by the stolen election.
But surely you know that Russia had an absolute right to take the military action they did in Ukraine. Ukraine was overthrown by our own State Dept. in 2014, under Obama, and was the seat of the deep state money laundering and bio-weapons labs.
The Ukraine Azov nazi regime had murdered thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Putin's concerns were ignored by NATO. Putin acted properly.
Our own government immediately stole billions of taxpayer money to prop up the Zelensky nazi regime and line the pockets of corrupt politicians, Lindsey Graham included.
Then they lied to us about every single thing regarding the happenings in Ukraine. Russia had this won from day one. The US government and WEF want war, they want nuclear war, and they are poking the bear to start it.
No, Putin has no right to invade any sovereign country. That's in the UN charter and part of international law.
You are insistent on pushing KGB thug propaganda. I'm not a Qtard on Rumble so none of this BS works here. This Putinoid litany of lies won't work as I've studied and been to the region.
Most of the deaths in the Donbas are due to Putin sending his thug and KGB pals like Girkin there. Girkin bragged nothing was happening there until he went. Then Putin sent in his Little Green Man army there.
President Zelensky like President Trump was elected by the people of Ukraine and overwhelmingly in support. He is Jewish and your Putinoid Nazi BS is both insane and insulting.
Why don't you go enlist for Putin's illegal invasion. He needs you. No one poked Russia. Putin wants empire in a "borderless Russia." Tell your pal Putin to GTFO out of Ukraine. The war is immediately over when he does.
Good lord. I don’t know what you studied there, but you once again are so wrong it’s ridiculous. Listen to what Putin said about how it was legal for Russia to go into to Ukraine to not only protect the people in the Donbas, but to protect Russia itself from NATO aggression. And if you think he was wrong it’s the same reason NATO went into Yugoslavia. Except that Russia isn’t destroying Ukraine like NATO did Yugoslavia and hasn’t killed hundreds of thousands Ukrainians.
Putin has no plans to conquer all of Ukraine let alone Europe. Stop listening to the propaganda.
Sam: Except that Russia isn’t destroying Ukraine like NATO did Yugoslavia and hasn’t killed hundreds of thousands Ukrainians.
Yugoslavia disintegrated on it's own. Way before any move NATO may have done. Disintegration was completed in 1995. NATO intervention occurred in 1999 and it was related to genocide Serbia committed in Kosovo way past dissolution of Yugoslavia 4 years prior.
And those "hundreds of thousands Ukrainians" actually committed suicide, they were not NATO or Putin's victims.
Haha, you really believe that? Russia never was on the defensive. They certainly are not on the run back home. They months ago regained their territory, and the local people approved.
Russia has presented the evidence of Ukraine war crimes that they gathered to the UN Security Council, which has ignored it.
Rest assured, Russia will finish the job, and the corrupt Ukraine regime will be ended, and the Ukrainian people liberated.
Russia is a slave state. Putin turned it into a colony of the ChiComs.
Rest assured, the failure with Putin's invasion is continuing.
Fck your Putinoid liberation. They said that same BS with the Soviet invasion of numerous countries like the Baltic countries. They liberate with oppression, aggression, rape, torture and gulags.
According to Putin's own words back in February 2022, Ukrainian people will cease to exist just like their homeland Ukraine. It's all RuSSia. Thank you on such a "liberation".
You need to understand there is a difference between liberation ad extermination.
I would call it more of a fence. I believe his initial plan was a $12B, 30’ concrete wall with all the surveillance bells and whistles. Trump also had a Republican majority in the House and Senate but Paul Ryan blocked it and Trump had to compromise for the fence. Trumps hands were tied.
So why did the R’s not fund the wall? $12B is a bargain when you consider the downstream costs of illegal immigration. The R’s blocked the funding because they want illegal immigration. Always have.
It's all a balancing act - Hit Trump with the tough questions, treat him rudely; save the softball questions for Biden, delivered with kid gloves and ice cream cones.
questions on mRNAs
he was cowed into that situation by the media, medical experts and politicians.
What ever Trump decided would have been bad. He had no advocates. This is what happens when you are sent out to fight.
Trump is courageous as hell
But Trump STILL has not acknowledged the danger that the Warp Speed fake vaccine has created or the damage it has snowballed into. For this reason I will not support him any longer. I support no one.
Renee, NOT supporting anyone def supports someone.
I hear you & I am beyond disappointed that Trump chose to listen to that evil
elf, Fauci BUT if you don’t vote conservative, you are helping liberals. If Trump
is the lesser of 2 evils, then Trump it is. I’d vote for Trump’s left nut sack
before I’d vote for Biden AND before I’d not cast a vote at all.
I hear ya! I used to be like you! The whole system is FUBAR. Voting is FUBAR. I want no part of it anymore. Let the chips fall where they will.
He CAN'T BACK AWAY FROM IT. You MUST go to a Substack of Matthew Ehret; a tremendous Historian with multitudes of 'Hidden History' requiring decades to acrue. You simply MUST allow yourself to comprehend the very dangerous forces at play. His Substack is well worth the time required to read and understand. Although, I don't agree with his assessments often as we approach our World Views differently...His facts are supurb and right on target. THINGS ARE FAR DIFFERENT THAN THEY APPEAR. Here is a Link:
You are correct. And the man made the mistake of listening to some very bad advice from people he did not choose to advise him.
Which is not to say he would not have made the same decisions without the poor advice.....
WE WOULD HAVE BEEN LOVKED DOWN FOR YEARS! HE HAD TO DO SOMETHING AND he always said it was your choice. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine or an unapproved shot. Simple choice for most
he appointed all the wrong people everywhere ... judge them by their deeds
Pandelis Trump put the thieves and crooks front and center. That’s how you expose them. It was far from the wrong people 😂
Here's to hoping a better candidate presents him/herself.
Left, Right, Black, White, Male, Female - does not matter to me.....
"Politics is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex." Frank Zappa.
I wish people would stop idolizing Trump like he's a god or something. I have lost respect for him because of his pushing of the bioweapon injections and staying silent while people die and are maimed. I know he has the information but he refuses to speak up and tell the people to stop injecting themselves. He was great in 2016- 2020 but when "covid" hit he changed, he listened to liars like Fauci and the rest of the "experts" on his team, then he did no research to see if shutting down the entire country was a good idea. When he announced his "warp speed" that's when evil took over, he got money from big Pharma to sell the jabs which were clearly harming people but he did nothing about it, he now today still claims he saved 100 million lives with the bioweapon injections when he knows that's a bald faced lie. Many doctors and scientists have given him the proof but he won't listen, so I will not sit here and praise him. If people want to idolize a man who doesn't have the balls to tell the truth on something this important then what the hell good is he.
You said it yourself, he listened to liars like Fauci. The list is endless. Research what? Never in our lifetime has a country shut down for long periods of time, so what do you research? So sure, let’s blame Trump for everything. Why not? The Wuhan virus showed up at such a convenient time! In steps Fauci, Birx, the CDC, etc. THEY made the calls, not Trump. The “vaccine” had been worked on for years prior. So, virus hits, people get sick, Fauci’s long awaited kill shot enters the scene, people are desperate to have their “normal” back. My own daughter included. “We just want to travel mom”. The the frosting on the cake, Trump mentions HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and boom! It along with the Ivermectin are soon no longer allowed to be used. Why? Because they work! So instead, financially incentivize the medical establishment to poison everyone with Remdesivir, starve them,(especially the unvaxed), and shove a ventilator in them. Keep their loved ones as far away as possible. Families had no rights, any Dr with a differing treatment protocol was black listed, some even lost their licenses. People died while families fought out of desperation to try ANYTHING that would help their loved ones live. Now we have athletes dropping dead in their 30’s, people dying in their sleep, myocarditis(my own brother), blood clots, aneurysms, heart attacks, still births, miscarriages, etc. All because FAUCI, BIRX, many doctors, nurses, CDC, Pfizer, LIED! They LIED! They lied to then President Trump, and the rest of the world! Canada is still forcing that crap on their citizens! Look what Trudeau accomplished in 3 years! His regime can now take anyone’s money at any time, digital ID’s, and much more. It’s coming here if we don’t stop it. Wake up and realize this was a planned operation for the globalists to get what they’ve wanted for years. Power, total control, and lots and lots of $$$$!
You make great points but Trump said he's proud of warp speed which is insane because he has been told its a bioweapon, if he doesn't come out sooner than later people are going to turn against him. I just hope someone has the balls to bring it up in a debate, then we'll see what he does.
Warp Speed is NOT about the vaccines 😂😂
Yes, Warp Speed was a process to get it done, much like during WWII, many manufacturing plants retooled to make things for the war. Ford stopped making as many cars and made bombers, for example. It was a directed effort.
Very sadly, it appears that much of Washington is infiltrated with "globalists" who are bent on destroying the USA. Trump isn't the only President to be misinformed.
He's also not the first to be DISOBEYED and the TREASONOUS NO LONGER HANG or are even charged with treason. They've CHANGED DEFINITIONS TO REMOVE THE CRIMINAL FROM THE DEFINITION BY MAKING IT 'Pay to Play Scheme'. CLEVER, HUH? And, we wonder at the reasons we are so wrapped within CORRUPTION, INCOMPETENCE AND CONFUSION DELIBERATELY CREATED BY THE Colonial/Fascist Mafia out of The City of London/Basel, Switzerland's Rothschilds and their Central Banker Family Cartel actually running the whole world with their Minions like' Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, the CIA and almost the whole UNIPARTY OF THE U.S. GOVT. OFFICIALS.
Warp speed is NOT what you think it is.
What CK said....100%
Sage Hana is a Fed.
Trump also tried to save the economy. Wanted to open by Easter Weekend to stop the bleeding.
1984 IS HERE. The famous novel becomes a metaphor for the current dilemma we find ourselves in.
Read Scott Atlas's book, "A Plague Upon Our House" and then tell me you still feel the same way about Trump.
He doesn't push the jabs any more Hannah. He can't come out and oppose them outright yet or he'll never get re-elected.
Never forced anyone to take the clot shot. He even took it himself because they LIED to him and the American people.
Not a fan of Warp Speed either but the vaxx was coming with or without Trump.
His current vaxx stance is politically expedient and a good example of his ability for 4D chess. While it might be refreshing for him to adopt an RFK Jr. vaxx position, politically Trumps position is better overall.
Absolutely. Remember now, that both Biden and Harris (and here in California, Newsom) said to NOT take the vaccine. That they didn't "trust" it because it was made during Trump.
Then Biden gets into the WH...where it's magically AVAILABLE! No jab, no job, no traveling, no going to a restaurant, etc. People are judging now without remembering all of the past.
Then you need to also bash George H.W.Bush who was President when Fauci "led" the AIDS crisis. Another disaster of Fauci's. Bush Sr. was also for the New World Order. These globalists don't give a crap about American citizens. I'm saying this as a conservative, not necessarily a Republican.
Bush isn't running to be president, Trump is.
The Bush I talked about is dead. This tyranny and deceit has been coming a long time.
But if Trump winds up the choice of the GOP, I’m voting for him. NOT voting at all is the same as voting liberal. And Trump’s left nutsack is more articulate than Biden. I can’t take another 4 years of Build Back Bingo and utter cognitive impairment which is brushed off as if
it’s no biggie that the #1 guy in the free world can’t string 3 sentences together.
We would have been locked down for YEARS! What would your choice have been??
Obviously that CNN woman had an agenda, and it was to further the false perception of what actually happened on J6, and the 2020 election. She asked leading questions, MIS-leading questions, that already presupposed the truth of her basic premise.
She was furthering the BIG LIE that there was no election fraud, that the 2020 election was clean and the will of the people, and that is simply not true.
Did Trump ask her if she'd seen the actual videos of J6 released by Tucker Carlson, that showed the lies of the sham Cheney committee? She continues the smear of millions of patriotic Americans who were in DC peacefully protesting that day.
She exposed to America the fact that CNN and other legacy media is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the deep state cabal that overthrew our country and is running the Biden criminal regime.
Trump is a giant and Collins is the bug beneath his shoe.
Has she always been a woman? Looks like a man to me.
My first thought upon laying eyes on "her".
And she’s done 😂😂
The banks and corporations are running the show, not the people
I don’t think they scared any politician to push death shot. They paid them.
Not a doubt. Of you didn't comply, then.
Thank you - and:
“Trump went into the lion’s den tonight and he ate a lion” -- Kim Dotcom on Trump at CNN
She did her job, which was to keep lying. "Repeat the lie often enough, it becomes "truth." The Nazis in Germany used to very well - and now, so are the Democrats and RINOs.
Add the amount of tweets last night and today from other lefties in "news" and you can see the total meltdown. They're scared their low IQ sheep will learn the facts.
Many of the Trump supporters are RINOS. They just don't understand that it is the medical cartel that outplayed him. He was holding a royal flush before "Covid," threw out his hand and came up with a pair of deuces! These RINOS are little better than the liberal Democrat sycophants. They still believe there actually was a "pandemic." Until people realize that the "pandemic" is a self-delusion then we will remain beholden to these tyrants as they tout their killer jabs as a cure for the phony "emergency."
Read Jon Rappoport's seminal blog: The Pandemic Pattern--How the Illusion is Built.
RINOs and Dems may be better described as "globalists." ? They're in it for themselves and don't care about those who "voted" them in.
Plenty of Presidents had "wrong" decisions and were misled by insiders in D.C. Clearly a massive mistake was Kissinger getting anywhere near foreign policy - he's a decades-long BFF of WEF leader, Klaus Schwab.
Of course one of the ultimate "RINO" families is the Bush. Read about the "Scherff" family - and their goal. Julian Assange exposed that.
Good article - thank you for sharing it.
poor trump ... such a victim ...
Do you not question the timing of the “Wuhan virus”? Do a little digging. It’s been in the works for YEARS! The deep state couldn’t stop Trump. They tried everything. Why is that? Obviously because Trump knows something that could take them down. Look at the world. We weren’t involved in a war, Trump had no intention of getting us into WW3! But here we are, sitting on the edge of nuclear war. All of those that said they didn’t want “Trumps finger on THE button”, well you asked for the shitshow and you got it. Your Biden admin. The world has been flipped upside down all in 3 years. How convenient for the globalists.
It wasn't a town hall, it was a debate.
She asked things no conservative really
wants to hear another word abt and failed to ask things we DO want to hear abt. She spent like 5 minutes on the economy and what he’s do to fix it. (Talk abt Build Back Better!) We have already gone to EPOCH NEWS and seen the REAL video
if what REALLY occurred J6. We’ve already seen that he DEF tweeted well
before 3 hours, a DAY before J6, to honor the cops and be peaceful. We know the media
is a lying sack of liars. We want to hear abt the economy, more abt the war, more
abt stuoid vaxxine mandates.
Does anyone have a link to the entire town hall, I can not find it on the youtube
I got you, fam.
That was truly difficult to watch. Trump handled himself very well in the face of pure unprofessionalism, but man, cable news has found new depths.
Da man
Trump won that one..... CNN is guilty now of undeclared contributions to the Trump campaign... he won alot of voters that ight
CNN is the CIA fucking your eyes and ears.
Good job and thanks VF for this with the unedited clips. There's no way the TDS crowd can handle this. Mark Dice showed his video with the Lincoln Pedo Project going bananas because they know one thing: trying to get a W is really hard against 45.
While the "one day" for peace line is hyperbole I don't prefer, I also wish President Trump would handle both Putin's illegal invasion and the ChiCom virus Big Pharma shots better. But this is early in the 2024 election. Don't think President Trump can afford to let the damage of the clot shot to go on unimpeded nor Putin and the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance.
He kept Putin and Xi in check while in office but it will be harder now.
I like the first part of your comment.
But optics are important. I also wish Trump handled certain topics better, but - optics. Trump certainly knew that Ukraine was the seat of the Deep State Department, after the Obama-led coup of 2014, and he knew the involvement of Biden and other corrupt politicians in Ukraine.
I believe there is much more going on than we know, and it is highly likely Trump is working behind the scenes with Putin. Putin is not our enemy. And Trump could prevent a nuclear conflict in one day, if he were President, I'm sure.
There is no such thing as Ukraine being any "seat of the Deep State Department." There was no 2014 coup. You need to learn what an actual coup is and what actually happened in 2014 when the people of Ukraine stood up for a second time over a decade against corruption and election fraud. That's not a coup when the corrupt Putin puppet flees in the dead of night looting billions from the country to .... wait for it... into the arms of Putin and Russia.
Biden extorted Ukraine. Biden also is accused of shaking down Burisma in another whistleblower pointing to a document showing same with the Feds under subpoena.
Putin is the enemy of civilization and the world again voted against his aggression in the UN last week. Even China with others like Brazil and Armenia joined the vote against Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine.
President Trump kept Putin in check. He decimated Putin by using American energy resources, driving down the price and making Putin weakened and kept him from taking any nation's land, not even a single inch.
That's what President Trump did to Putin. Some wacky alliance speculation is too bizzare and not worth commenting about.
He didn't build the wall, he himself said he had threatened to nuke Moscow if they dared to intervene in the Ukraine to prevent the US puppet government there using US weapons to murder tens of thousands of innocent civilians in the Donbass and he bowed down to the terrorist regime in Jerusalem. I don't want him anywhere near power ever again.
Are you actually living under a rock?
He's another cog on the wheel. It's disheartening that so many people people are bamboozled by his act. He's full of shit. Hes the head population reducer and sickness salesman. He put us in the emergency taking away the constitutions powers.
How many Republicans would have taken that death shot if Hilary was president. Unmm??? Not even 50%, he's a plant. And hey, you freedom loving Americans??!!. It's all about the money, follow it. The national debt of the USA was 10T in 2008. Took 97 years to get there. In 8 years Obama added 10T. In 4 years Trump added 10T. Who are they? Two of the most hated in history. It's a show, you're the audience but you have no idea, you think you're a player and you're not even in the game. Wake up people.
No, President Trump didn't do it. Fauci, and his funding of The Bat Lady and the Wuhan Lab with the Dems and Big Pharma did.
Please make a note of it.
Yeah OK> You're not different than the Biden people. You partisan people are total morons that need a leader. THere is no damn leader and go ahead and ignore the facts or maybe you don't understand them. 10T in debt. Someone elses fault? Vax salesman? Someone elses fault? Drained nothing put hiliary no where? Someone elses fault? He brought those who loved him to the Cap jan 6th and they are still in jail. What's he said or done? HE IS FULL OF SHIT AND YOU'RE HANGING ON TO HOPE THAT DOESN'T EXIST.
You sound angry. Apparently you don't understand the bigger picture. Trump is the only one who has told the American people the truth since 2015, and he was right about everything.
This CNN woman is further proof of the deep state's agenda to silence the American people, by silencing Trump and stop him from running.
Anyone who puts moral equivalence between Biden and his Obama handlers with Americans is a moron. Sorry, not sorry.
Do you see the Dems doing anything but spending the US into the dirt? They refuse to even slow down their massive overspending.
Fauci, Big Pharma and the Dems lied about the clot shot and mandated it.
He's said most of Jan 6th people should be pardoned and he will.
If you think the alternative with Traitor Joe and the Rats destroying the country is better, you're just lost.
Moral equivalence? Anyone that believes a US politcan is working for the people is a complete fucking idiot, not just a moron. That's the whole point, they've got you fooled. Trump is on his 3rd marriage, he's not a Christian. They're all bought and paid for, the system is complete and utterly rigged. YOU=HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. The elections have been rigged for 30 years plus. And YOU use the word moral with politicans??? Fauci??? OH, you mean the guy who worked UNDER Trump who Trump didn't fire? The guy Trump listened to and shut down the country OVER A COMPLETE SCAM? HOW DID I KNOW IT WAS A SCAM? I knew it was a scam completely in March but Trump didn't? I know more?? BULLSHIT.
How about the bioweapon? You took it of course because Trump told you too right? If you didn't take it go ahead and try to explain why you didn't take after Trump told you too. If you did take it I rest my case, no way you would have followed Clinton down that path. Trump said it was the best, most wonderful, and fantastic shot ever. It was a medical miracle and you're going to tell me the guy is for real? The guy can't be threatened to do what they want? Or he's told one of his kids or grandkids will disapear if he won't tow the line? SO, the cabal can have the whole world fall in line but they can't do anything to Trump or his family? This goes for anyone else going against the Deep State. I had some moron yesterday tell me Trump made sure the MRNA wasn't in the shot. OMG. You people are an unbelieveable laugh. You don't see they put that empty vessel Biden up as President so you could think exactly what you're thinking?? The whole thing is a fucking charade and you're caught in the middle of it. No shit.
PS> He will pardon the Jan 6th people? Where from his throne at Mar Lago? So the he's getting elected again? What? In this FAIR AND FREE election system? So you believe it was rigged in 2020 but it won't be in 2024??? OR are you really really dumb thinking he will be reinstalled? Are you a Q moron STILL???
Nope, never took the clot shot.
Qtardia was always a grift. I've stated this for quite some time.
DNC will not have the capability of repeating Election Theft 2020 without the free abuse of VBM. So, not comparable.
Why would President Trump run if he thought he couldn't win?
So, you're wrong on many counts and I will accept your apology.
Sure thing, Putinoid.
President Trump built the war and they stopped him from finishing with Election Theft 2020. He did threaten Putin. He told Putin if he invaded Ukraine, he'd bomb Moscow. He didn't say he'd nuke it. Maybe just the Kremlin, which would be nice, in the springtime.
Ukraine suffered the massive deaths in Donbass BECAUSE PUTIN SENT HIS GOONS LIKE GIRKIN THERE and - then Putin sent in his LITTLE GREEN MAN ARMY!
Tell your pal Putin to GTFO of Ukraine!
Did you mean "built the wall"? Yes, he did, and yes, was stopped finishing it by the stolen election.
But surely you know that Russia had an absolute right to take the military action they did in Ukraine. Ukraine was overthrown by our own State Dept. in 2014, under Obama, and was the seat of the deep state money laundering and bio-weapons labs.
The Ukraine Azov nazi regime had murdered thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Putin's concerns were ignored by NATO. Putin acted properly.
Our own government immediately stole billions of taxpayer money to prop up the Zelensky nazi regime and line the pockets of corrupt politicians, Lindsey Graham included.
Then they lied to us about every single thing regarding the happenings in Ukraine. Russia had this won from day one. The US government and WEF want war, they want nuclear war, and they are poking the bear to start it.
No, Putin has no right to invade any sovereign country. That's in the UN charter and part of international law.
You are insistent on pushing KGB thug propaganda. I'm not a Qtard on Rumble so none of this BS works here. This Putinoid litany of lies won't work as I've studied and been to the region.
Most of the deaths in the Donbas are due to Putin sending his thug and KGB pals like Girkin there. Girkin bragged nothing was happening there until he went. Then Putin sent in his Little Green Man army there.
President Zelensky like President Trump was elected by the people of Ukraine and overwhelmingly in support. He is Jewish and your Putinoid Nazi BS is both insane and insulting.
Why don't you go enlist for Putin's illegal invasion. He needs you. No one poked Russia. Putin wants empire in a "borderless Russia." Tell your pal Putin to GTFO out of Ukraine. The war is immediately over when he does.
Good lord. I don’t know what you studied there, but you once again are so wrong it’s ridiculous. Listen to what Putin said about how it was legal for Russia to go into to Ukraine to not only protect the people in the Donbas, but to protect Russia itself from NATO aggression. And if you think he was wrong it’s the same reason NATO went into Yugoslavia. Except that Russia isn’t destroying Ukraine like NATO did Yugoslavia and hasn’t killed hundreds of thousands Ukrainians.
Putin has no plans to conquer all of Ukraine let alone Europe. Stop listening to the propaganda.
Sam: Except that Russia isn’t destroying Ukraine like NATO did Yugoslavia and hasn’t killed hundreds of thousands Ukrainians.
Yugoslavia disintegrated on it's own. Way before any move NATO may have done. Disintegration was completed in 1995. NATO intervention occurred in 1999 and it was related to genocide Serbia committed in Kosovo way past dissolution of Yugoslavia 4 years prior.
And those "hundreds of thousands Ukrainians" actually committed suicide, they were not NATO or Putin's victims.
Russia had won this war from day one?
Now - past day 400 - Russia is on the run back home.
What a wonderful win.
Haha, you really believe that? Russia never was on the defensive. They certainly are not on the run back home. They months ago regained their territory, and the local people approved.
Russia has presented the evidence of Ukraine war crimes that they gathered to the UN Security Council, which has ignored it.
Rest assured, Russia will finish the job, and the corrupt Ukraine regime will be ended, and the Ukrainian people liberated.
Russia is a slave state. Putin turned it into a colony of the ChiComs.
Rest assured, the failure with Putin's invasion is continuing.
Fck your Putinoid liberation. They said that same BS with the Soviet invasion of numerous countries like the Baltic countries. They liberate with oppression, aggression, rape, torture and gulags.
Putin needs to be on trial for war crimes.
According to Putin's own words back in February 2022, Ukrainian people will cease to exist just like their homeland Ukraine. It's all RuSSia. Thank you on such a "liberation".
You need to understand there is a difference between liberation ad extermination.
Russians are and will soon be on the run:
Why didn’t he build the wall? Because RINOS would not fund it...not Trump’s fault, he was not a dictator.
Agree that he was just another ZOGbot. MIGA more than MAGA.
President Trump found a way around all the DC garbage and built the wall. He was almost finished but Election Theft 2020 got in the way.
I would call it more of a fence. I believe his initial plan was a $12B, 30’ concrete wall with all the surveillance bells and whistles. Trump also had a Republican majority in the House and Senate but Paul Ryan blocked it and Trump had to compromise for the fence. Trumps hands were tied.
So why did the R’s not fund the wall? $12B is a bargain when you consider the downstream costs of illegal immigration. The R’s blocked the funding because they want illegal immigration. Always have.
He build the wall, stopped from finishing it. A border is only as good as the will to utilize it. As we see now, they intend to see it overrun.
Doesn't matter why DC wouldn't fund the wall. President Trump actually led and found the way to get it done.