The Democrat mantra: if we didn’t have double standards, we wouldn’t have standards at all.

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DimWits constantly bray:

'we be all about protecting 'america Dim-ok-racy'

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"Cooking the books" - ya mean, what Michael Cohen did? Anybody who thinks Donald Trump does his own bookkeeping is seriously mentally deficient. Nor was it ever proved at any time that Trump directed how any payments were recorded, and in fact it was quite clear he thought the money was for legal services from Cohen.

But hey, Democrats live on pithy sound bites to their moronic supporters, who will use their hate for Trump to justify any leaps of illogic.

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Truly behind the scenes all the parasitic MarXist's are "mouth-breathing raving loonatics"...lol

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It is still my contention that 2020 was a Color Revolution. The final outcome of this Show Trial remains to be seen. But for the "Big Picture", as my UAW Friends would say, I'm going with Orwell: One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship. George Orwell We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

George Orwell

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These parasites directly had their foot in OUR-Door 111+yrs ago to infiltrate America as truly Evil enemy's from within OUR-Gates(1913), all as they slowly built unConstitutional controlling infastructures thru 432(esp w/FDR) & unelected DC Federal Agency DeepState who are in line with "their" UN/EU-Agenda 21+2030 Globalist-[WEF/WHO/CCP] take down of America and all Western 'Christian' Civ, exp infiltrated Education = into their several Century's long goal of a NWO under a O.W.Gov


Atheist MarXist was their chosen tool of choice well before installing Woodrow Wilson to give them illegal control of the U.S. Constitutional monetary system to implement it all AND finance ALL the Wars,takeovers,mass starvations, dis-ease's and horrors of the 20th Century...

Henry Ford stated in 1933 ~

"If the American people awoke tomorrow knowing what the bank(ster's) were doing to them there'd be blood in the streets"

"They" killed Gen. Patton in '45 and JFK 17yrs later for exposing them and what's "COVERTLY" going down...


I've been on this one level one way or another for 55yrs since @15 questioning the lies at Skrool as well as my family immigrated here having been in firefights with Communist terrorists during a 15yrs long BOLSHEVIK-II


Only what I have to say goes over their heads OR is too strong to bear for most I've ever tried to talk to, except now on line some have "ears to hear" so they might gain eyes that see....

HOWEVER -> the enemy within has turned the hearts on Americans into mere Humanistic Materialistic & Heddonistic creatures, now letting it all happen in this final hard push over the brink = its their MO -> only there remain "Those who won't bow the knee to Baal" and still ~

Constitutionally -"cling to their Bibles and guns" which truly is all OUR Founding Peoples had in the "First Great Awakening" leading us thruout the 1700's;

I should stop here before writing a book...lol

Thanks for reading my work...

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There’s none so blind as those who refuse to see.

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". . . . .Fiorentini berated Trump for his “crimes” but wasn’t able to identify what those said “crimes” were in his 34-count felony conviction."

The jury was not able either but the judge assured them if they could find him guilty on one count, then he was guilty of all

Once more America IS an embarrassment to me

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They are blinded by hate.

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That is my husband to a "T".

Florentini is a stupid LITTLE GIRL.

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Actually it's ~ "Blind Stupidity"

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Oh, she is dumb. Keep her away from shallow puddles, she might end up drowning.

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Are they really this unaware? She IS young, so maybe her head is in the phone. Has she seen the picture of Bill in his blue dress with the red heels??? What about his name appearing NUMEROUS times on the Lolita Express? Why isn't this being emphasized?? WHERE ARE THE PROSECUTIONS???

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I highly doubt it. They only engage in group think. I was watching her the entire time Morgan was asking the question. I really don't think she knew what he was talking about.

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I agree.

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I am appalled by the 'intellect' of some young people now, if one wishes to refer to it

as 'intellect'

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Trust me (a recovering libtard) they would have no idea what red shoes represent; and if you told them outright, there'd be some response to the effect of "tin foil hat" or "gullible Republicans."

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This is why I avoid ALL msm news and other gobbledygook. Even moronic A/I is smarter than these goons.

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LOL and that's saying a LOT.

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Sucks to be wrong in front of everybody and even worse is to defend it.

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These are people that lied their entire lives = learned it at home so are at home with living a lie...!

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CNN and MSNBC wave it about daily and never show any shame

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I utterly loathe Piers Morgan.

But occasionally, when he isn't being his usual "obnoxious dickhead", he actually does some good.

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Who is this Francesca? And why is it that she is seemingly so important that she is allowed to make statements on TV? She does not make sense in her arguments.

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AWFL.NPC.PMC.DEI.AI short circuited with copy pasta word salad

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Add the Juanita Broderick story, who claimed Hillary threatened her for accusing Bill Clinton of raping her and ripping her lip open. Bill also flew to Epstien's Island 21 times, and they stole money from Haiti.

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Why didn't Ken Starr present anything like that against Bill Clinton? Do you suppose it was a ruse to distract people from his more serious offenses?

Starr went on later to defend Jeffrey Epstein in one of the early trials.

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Money, and much worse - children. And when the minion in charge of that op was busted by the Haitian police, HRC paid a huge bribe to spring her, brought her back to the States, helped her get a name change and... wait for it... put her in charge of NCMEC (Nat'l Center for Missing & Exploited Children.)

See George Webb's work for details. He has a substack, though this particular info was covered years ago.

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The unraveling has begun! More to come, stay tuned.

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Well done. Next question I would like to see him put to the "you are a facist!" idiots is "please define what fascism is?"

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