I don't need no stinking 'pology for knowing something for the last 3 decades. There is no crime or stigma with being called an anti-vaxxer. What's the problem with refusing vaccines and mRNA poisons?

Big pharma, the FDA and CDC have never proven that using any vaccine or mRNA poison is more advantageous than avoiding them all the time.

I have made the absolute correct choice to avoid all vaccines and mRNA poisons for over 50 years. That was my decision and I couldn't care less what the government, CDC, FDA, HHS or Pig Pharma thinks of it. Nor any freaking doctor.

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Vaccine, jabs are just words that describe poison! They are straight poison! Just keep repeating slogans like vaccines save lives and sheep will demand to be poisoned!

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I thank God every day for him giving me strength to keep me strong in MY CHOICE NOT to take the vax! My whole family was against me from day one and tried to convince me I was crazy for decision.

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Thank you it was tough. I pray for all who took the vax because they were coursed and brainwashed 🙏🏻

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Society should be ashamed of mocking the experiences of those harmed by vaccines as fake news, dismissing them without investigation, and trivializing victims’ lives for the sake of vaccine sales. This practice is one of the most wicked witch hunts in history.

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The mockers have no shame.

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Best summary of news I’ve seen anywhere.

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What a nice compliment!

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Conservatives can’t understand a problem until it affects them directly? The most insane lockdown, pro-vax people are liberals. They are still masking in Berkeley.

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I like Jimmy but I just can’t forgive him and forget that I traveled to San Diego from Northern California to see him live and he was drunk and stoned and acting like an asshole.

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Once a liberal always a liberal. Jimmy just can't help himself.

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I always wondered about the anti-vax movement. I didn’t criticize them. I just didn’t have the info and didn’t look into it. I do now. I never trusted Pharma that much so I was an easy convert.

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Denise, I think you are the same as lots of folks, including me. When my daughter was born in 1975, I never even thought about questioning the shot schedule for babies. Back then, I think most of us assumed no doctor would do anything harmful to our children. Boy, was I wrong. My eyes are opened now.

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Most Doctors believed the studies they were being given. Sad thing is that they all should have seen the harms but didn’t question. The lies come from so far up the ladder, so many that just comply. Many of the Doctor heroes of Covid have said they didn’t realize the level of lying and false studies until Covid.

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Yes. But, we must admit that the doctors are influenced by the financial realities of their life, which contributes to their ‘failure to realize’ (intentional blindness, really). I confess to being sick to death of everyone making excuses for doctors. I think we all need to stop doing that…look where it has gotten us?

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Once Covid hit and it was all so obvious for critical minds, I give no passes.

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I agree it has to stop. It’s all out now.

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Covid crimes opened up a lot of our minds.

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I tried to open up people’s minds pre rollout of the poison! Known for years what was coming! Now people who ignored me have jab injuries! Some even dying because of their choice to get jabbed! You can’t reverse that decision!

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Three cheers for Tony Dungy!

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I hope someone sends Dore and Tucker the Movie Protocol 7. https://rumble.com/v42t93k-andrew-wakefield-on-his-new-film-protocol-7.html

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Great summary of the latest topics. Insightful, concise and pertinent. 👍

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Regarding #9 - I found the whole Beyonce thing hysterical because it truly is a metaphor for Harris’ promises. It’s all bait and switch. I create an expectation that you’ll be getting one thing (a Beyonce concert) when in reality you’re just getting a bunch of empty words.

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Not surprised about Tucker; he's openly apologized for similar things in the past. That's pretty rare these days! Most people of his stature only apologize after they're caught, and after consulting with their lawyers and PR people and running focus groups to analyze the benefits and risks.

Interesting about Robert DeNiro. Obviously TPTB have dirt on him.

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His child has autism.

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I didn't know that. 😢

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While I believe that the link between autism and vaccines deserves study, two issues that have not been discussed concerning the rise in the number of kids diagnosed with autism that cannot be overlooked in any meaningful analysis of data is 1) the fact that autism is a "soft diagnosis" AND 2) the secondary gain of having that diagnosis. SOFT DIAGNOSIS means that a)there is no physiological parameter to allow the diagnosis to be made that is definitive such as an EKG to diagnose a myocardial infarction and b) there is a wide range of signs and symptoms of autism. Much of it boils down to a doctor's opinion versus measurable data and given that doctors are paid for their services, if faced with a parent who wants that diagnosis many doctors will error in favor of what the patient wants since a satisfied patient will return. SECONDARY GAIN cannot be overlooked. In schools if a diagnosis of autism is made the child is eligible for a variety of things such as free tutoring, extra time on exams etc. This too is a strong influencer on pushing doctors to be exceedingly liberal with the diagnosis. I believe that these factors have a lot to do with the rise in the number of diagnosed cases and cannot be overlooked.

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Watching your 2 year old change right after the shot is HARD, not soft. My happy, brilliant light son turned into depression, red rashed, day and night mares, fevers that moved from his midsection out through his arms and legs then back again in waves, rarely smiled anymore.. got school pics to show... BUT ANYONE WHO THINKS THERE IS NO CONNECTION, WAS LUCKY ... NOT WATCHING THEIR CHILD CHANGE RIGHT AFTER THR MMR VACCINATION! THE PROOF IS EVERYWHERE. Dysgrafia and delayed speech in so many children even today. I need no stinking proof.

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That is not what I said. I am commenting on the statement that more cases of autism are being diagnosed, and that the rise is numbers may be due to the fact that autism is not a diagnosis based upon a measurable parameter. SOFT means if you ask 5 doctors you can get 5 different answers. HARD means if you ask 5 doctors you get the same answer from all 5 because something was done to measure whatever you are testing.


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I DO understand what you have said here.. appologies for not acknowledging the great article here... I just get triggered with this. My father studied pharmacy and was a hospital administrator, sister is a pharmacist... and they live by the script ... denial... even though my sister's own daughter became disabled by the cervical cancer vaccine... so I get hot fast with this subject! I appreciate you writing about this! Thank you!

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Thank you. My background is that I am a doctor and also worked in the insurance industry in auditing for medical scams so I have a lot of experience with people, doctors and patients, doing lots of stuff to get money or other things for fake diagnoses. I have seen lots of kids with alleged autism whose diagnosis was made by graded school teachers who want the kids on drugs so that their lives are easier. They send the kids to doctors to get medical diagnoses and many doctors will simply give them what they want to retain the business and if you diagnose a fake disease the patient will keep coming back. It's a real money maker

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Yes I went through the "drug the kid" dance at his school as well. No real reason other than they want him to sit down and shut up. They asked me and a teacher to fill out a questionnaire on his behaviour and then it was let's drug him. I gave the school he'll, asking them for real eye and ears tests and psychological tests... and once they agreed, I told them I was (and did) hiring an outside exam as well. Those consisted of in classroom observations only?!?.. and they did nor know, but I told my son what was going on and why. We'll they did not classify him as 504! He is near genuine, bored with school his whole life.. acting out, watching everyone and everything. So been done that road too. My brother drugged all his kids, all today are under performers and not a great life.

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I believe Tucker Carlson have good heart! He is not like the most blind for the true! He loves the true, if he knows the true about something, he will support the true about that! And i think he will not do it because of others, but because he want to say direct "sorry" if he find out the true!

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I, 100 percent believe there’s a connection between the child given vaccines and autism! There’s no doubt in my mind. How else would you explain the radical increase in autism cases? We must STOP THE SPREAD🛑

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