Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Thanks, Fox, for posting this. Sen. Paul deserves credit for being one of a tiny handful of politicians and bureaucrats in all of Washington D.C who stood up to the Great, Powerful (and apparently Infallible) Fauci. Tucker also deserves credit for his scathing critiques about the Covid response, even if they were somewhat belated.

I do wish Rand and Tucker - or someone with influence - would simply point out that this virus was spreading months before the Wuhan outbreak. This means the virus was never "deadly" and we never really had a "public health emergency" that would require lockdowns and then unsafe and ineffective non-vaccines.

I note that Zero Hedge has now run a piece about "early spread." I know this because I wrote it! In this piece, I point out, again, why "early spread" is extremely important and, if conclusively proven, would, by itself, nuke all the faux and deadly Covid narratives.


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As early as Aug 2019 as proven by the REAL COVID timeline:


COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:



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TRUE. They put a toxin in vials that causes Covid and then they tell you to get vaccinated with the toxin that produces Covid. It's crazy!

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Rand Paul is not doing enough. He has been given documents from David Martin showing all the patents and evidence of this bioweapon con being planned for years. And documents stating bioweapon engineered and was RELEASED, no accident. Given to Ron DeSantis, Ron Johnson, and others also. Why doesn’t Rand come forward publicly with this info? Or any of the others??? Not very courageous sadly.

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Because he is controlled opposition. Both he and Tucker are paid opposition assets, which is why they will circle around topics of angst and never address the issue with sincere depth! I agree with their statements, but for those of us like you, we realize that they miss specific talking points. They’ve been sent information years earlier, and never address those important facts! Assets!!

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Who isn't on your Jewish-controlled opposition list? Can we assume Alex Jones, Stew Peters, David Icke etc. are all on your trusted non-asset list - anyone else?

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You're right, this was a farce. In reality it was a genocide. They are exterminating the population and nobody does anything. They are so intelligent that they turn some against each other, while they continue to sweep away humanity.

People have to understand that both the media (except the few alternative ones) and judges, who are with the system, were funded to follow the official discourse. And they will never do anything.

We presented 600 complaints in 2021. Did they stop vaccinating? They continued ahead even though there was scientific evidence that the vaccines were all thoroughly contaminated with a material that produced Covid

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Rand Paul has a staffer who subs to my Stack.

I wrote a few posts pleading with him.


From 2021.

"Sen. Rand Paul revealed Wednesday in a disclosure that was more than a year overdue that his wife in February 2020 bought up to $15,000 worth of shares in Gilead Sciences, a biotech company that brought to market the first drug designed to treat COVID-19.

The mandatory filing with the Senate by Paul (R-Ky.) shows that his wife purchased between $1,000 and $15,000 worth of Gilead stock on Feb. 26, 2020.

Gilead’s antiviral drug remdesivir became the first COVID-19-specific treatment to win an emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration less that three months after the purchase in May 2020.

Paul’s disclosure raised eyebrows among government ethics experts, especially because it came a whopping 16 months later than legally required."

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Maybe if Tucker had led with this and stayed with it from the jump, millions would NOT have died.

Now it's 2024, and we're big mad?


When did you sort it out, Bill?


Also, here's a Bama guy doing good work.

Heck, maybe Tucker and Bret Weinstein can cover Davos and find "Goliath".


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Larry is great. I had no idea another journalist like me existed in Bama. I'll follow his work more closely now. Thanks for the link.

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Oooohhh this is juicy, can we have a UK version of Tucker please. I am living in a country full of brainwashed zombies!

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Tucker is actually playing a role similar to the role Henry Fonda's character played in the memorable movie "Twelve Angry Men."

In that movie - which jibes with important behavioral science experiments - one intelligent, persuasive and brave contrarian actually CAN change the groupthink opinion. The key is that such a person first needs one or two more "jurors" to show his support. If this happens, the rest of the group can be persuaded that their first thoughts might have been wrong.


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The bystander effect. Unlike the popular psyop, often someone speaks out. As you write, it is the second that turns the tide. James Corbett does a deep dive on this complete with the second person in leading to the collapse of cecescu's authority when one person then another began to laugh at an official gathering. From laughter to execution was less than 5 days, I believe.

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Do you have any links on this study you can provide? Yes, the exact same effect. If this, somehow, could happen with the Covid lies ... all the false narratives might rapidly crumble. It's the important second person .... But we don't get even the first important person or the second important person/organization with our 100-percent captured "pack journalism" fraternity/clones.

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From my note files:

Bystander Effect

More details to the Asch and Milgram tests.

Every individual is important.

FLASHBACK: The Bystander Effect - #SolutionsWatch (2021)


SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-bystander/

FROM 2021: The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. Today James Corbett dives into the psychology underlying the bystander effect and explains how we can flip this quirk of human cognition on its head to help change the world for the better.

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Dr John Campbell of the UK posed on Jan 16 of this year, a video on parliamentary action. It had been presented a couple times, I believe in the past, but everyone walked out. This time, there was enough interest and some stayed (as is their job, at least in the US).

My point- people are coming out of their comas and waking up. We need all of them to speak out. We meet to stomp the head of this demon immediately- it will take all of us contacting representatives and telling our stories everywhere.

It's beginning to look like it was a plan to roll in communism globally. Follows playbooks, as I read more on the subject, and watch documentaries.

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I agree, Dr Campbell is a legend but do not underestimate the reach of the censorship industrial complex. 11 million+ nanoparticle jabs were deployed this autumn by the National Homicide service. We still have a lot of work to do.

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Neil Oliver

June Slater

Maajid Nawaz

Laurence Fox

David Icke (and sons)

Matt le Tissier

Russell Brand

...to name a few...

....and for a bit of music, listen to The English 909 Radio Station 👍

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Sadly the censorship industrial complex still has a strong hold on our pensioners, 70% are still getting the SV40 plasmidDNA endotoxin nanoparticle brew!

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You have my deepest sympathy.

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4 years ago everything was normal. Now 95% are walking around in a trance, hypnotised zombies. It's just weird, very weird.

More waffle here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/the-psychological-war-in-your-mind

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It's like all of us here on Substack are living in a real-life episode of "The Twilight Zone." Fortunately, we know everyone hasn't gone crazy. But we also now know that every "adult in the room" that could stop the madness ... is in on the conspiracy.


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Russel Brand, David Icke, You should go searching. UK Column is another one.

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All of these heroes are invisible to at least 70% of our pensioners. Hence we need to break through the censorship industrial complex and wake up these zombies. Keep at it, we are starting to get through. German farmers, French truckers, Netherlands, Argentina, even 97% in the US are refusing the nanoparticle bioweapon, catch up UK ffs...

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Yes very true, i forget that a lot of pensioners don't have internet access but not all do. Some are very high tech. The bioweapons seem to have very low amounts taking up another jab right now. Pity they didn't listen at the start. Maybe they will next time around. Why would anyone want to be at the front of the queue for anything experimental? I've already started warning them about disease X.

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81% of UK care home residents were jabbed this autumn and 70% of pensioners overall. Holy moly, I just wanted to link to Modernas website that described 70 new mRNA "vaccines" they are developing but it's gone. They have even managed to wipe it off the Wayback Machine as well! That is Orwellian levels of censorship. They are erasing history in front of my eyes!

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They really don't want to be paying out the pension money you worked most of your life for do they. That is criminal in anyone's eyes. They've already spent it of course, that's why. They will either wake up or die sooner than they wanted to. Neither the covid or the HIV viruses have ever been isolated, so do they even exist? Have you seen the Dr Parmeena Singh video where she was told to keep her mouth shut about it?

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No but I think the no virus road is not helping our side. Even if it is true it's a hard sell. Better to focus on the hard data with solid references because that is what the other side cannot do. They only have soundbites and propaganda.

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Tucker is right about the greatest crime against humanity. Paul is wrong about the consequences. Jail is not justice for over 24 million dead worldwide. There is only one thing that is justice for Fauci. It needs to be a very public spectacle too. The WEF crowd needs to understand what they will face if they continue on the path they are on.

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If one does believe in the death sentence, it seems like it might apply if you were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent victims. Disinformation Specialists produced a Massive Body Count.

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There are a whole lot of others that need fair trials and then the gallows for many others besides Mengele...er....Fauci.

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We need to make it as public as possible just like the French did during their revolution

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Why can’t people see that this has nothing to do with China. The so called mRNA vaccine technology was developed by the US military decades ago. They needed an “excuse” to inject the population with their DNA altering poison. Blaming China does a number of things for the public: 1. They created an enemy that the US military need. 2. They enforce the belief there was a pandemic and a virus (there was none) and 3. They created a scapegoat. Case closed. Brilliant strategy gameplay. And everyone just swallows it, just like they took the injections. It’s time to wake up.

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Talk about a wake up call! Our own United States government is the true enemy of the world. Causing war, destruction,and murdering innocents for decades. It sickens me, that after 60 years on earth, I know my country is not what I grew up thinking it was. I don’t live in denial, only Truth.

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79 and same feelings. Vietnam Veteran and all we did was enrich the big corperations. Killed God knows how many for what. Now we, the US is in a position to go to war on three fronts. Are we going to send boys in dresses to fighr in China, Ukrain, middle east - all at the same time. Enough!

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I expect they will send the real men to the wars and the dress wearing things will stay back manning the deck. They are useless. All DEI hires will cry and they will not go.

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I am in my 60’s as well and I agree with you 110%.

The only positive thing about all of this is the bright light is shining on all of this evil. If people would only open their eyes they would see it.

Unfortunately way to many don’t want to look or hear anything that might upset their perception of the world around them.

Thats my short take on it anyway.

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WE all have more power than we think we do! I firmly believe that the world is in a spiritual battle of good vs. evil. This is BIG!

Those that want to destroy humanity, life, and joy, know we are innately connected to Creator and have Intuition. We are Energy and Light.

Unfortunately, many still do not understand how perfect we are all created. I know this!

“They” know this too, thus their reasoning for control, division, hate, war, greed…

You get it John! 🌞

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Right. They can throw Fauci and friends under the bus, and justice will be seen to have been done, but the ones truly responsible will get away with it. That's called a limited hangout.

That was probably the plan from the start. Either they are really dumb and are making it up as they go along, or this is all a long con.

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Paul did not stray away from safe talk, not even to Tucker’s level. Nothing will ever be resolved by the political system until a critical mass of Americans wakes up to the reality in which they live. I am afraid that Tucker and his guests are themselves actors in a larger drama in which we are all losers.

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I personally think Rand Paul is weak. He’s probably been threatened. It looks like someone in CONgress is fighting for you...they’re not. Because they’re all captured...bought and paid for.

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All important decisions are made elsewhere. The Congress, as it stands now, is a Potemkin Village, a mere facade left standing to fool us into believing we still have a Constitutional system. We do not!

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A bloviator like Trey "the rooster hair" Gowdy did.

They all have their roles. There may be a few good ones --but not many.

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You nailed it! They are controlled assets participating in this evil psyop!

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Yes, it is the greatest crime ever committed. Now Tucker, (who I have always admired) why don't you say ANYTHING about Trump and his role? Nothing about the self-proclaimed 'Father of the Vaccine'. Nothing about how Trump still, to this very day, brags about how great it is and how he saved millions of lives...yada yada yada.

The same with Dan Bongino. He has stated multiple times publicly on his podcast that getting the jab was the worst decision of his life. However, NOT A WORD about Orange Man's role in it. The same goes with Bannon, and some others.

WTF? Are there no principles with even those on the conservative right? Those men that call themselves Christians and Patriots and they give Trump a complete pass?

The whole " he was duped by those around him. HELLO, its 2024, going on year now. Playing dumb or being duped is no longer a viable response.

Am I passionate about this subject. Yes, I am. I've lost 1 good friend and another who has heart problems to the jab. They are/were ardent Trump supporters and they listened to him say "It's good, get the shot, its good!". BS..

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Trump was initially naive and duped by the Deep State Propaganda like so many. He did tell people to use hydroxycloroquine, but the Big Pharma MSM smeared him.

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Your response is typical of someone carrying his water. You did not address the fact that he still takes credit for the jab. 17 million deaths and counting and he still brags about it.

Does this not compute? Your comments could have been valid in 2020/2021. They fall completely flat in 2024.

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So what’s the choice in 2024? RFK jr is the only one willing to expose the lie it appears to me. He talks reasonable but his leftist world view is still there.

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I don't have the answer for you. I'm sick and tired of voting for the lessor of 2 evils. How has that worked out for us so far?

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It hasn’t work out.

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Seems to me this is exactly what the commies in control want. NO one to vote.....I digress. Eric Trump is now advertising the kits from 'The Wellness Company' on Rumble. Huh?

also i watched the same video on Truth Social for three days on the Eulogy of Diamond of the African American Trump promoting duo.

Trump sat near the podium while Silk talked about her sister's death. she actually said there is something wrong with these shots and described how her sister suffered a heart attack in front of her adding that it was not like other heart attacks. then she introduced Trump.......next day same video, Silk's description and condemnation of the vax was deleted. Next day , same video..........ONLY Trump speaking ( mainly about himself)

We are all being played.

One bright spot was Greg Guttfield playing the theme to 'Visiting Angels' while showing Jill leading our figurehead off the stage.

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I’m still out on Trump...”the father of the vaccine”, “the beautiful vaccine”...https://youtu.be/hSfeCqKty9o?si=00aaseMC0CPv8VVb...absolutely insane!

And I WAS a big Trump supporter.

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I voted for him twice. I held my nose both times because his whole life he was a NY democrat. He was friends with the Clintons. During his 4 years he hired swamp creatures, fired many, and hired more swamp creatures. Some will read this and say he was duped by his advisors and then they will say he knows how to play 5D chess.

You can't have it both ways. He can't be smart and easily fooled at that same time.

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I agree Brewer! Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice…screw that! I voted for Trump twice as well.

Actions speak louder than words, and sometimes the words aren’t too cool either.

I can say more, but I think you get it!😉

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Hilary’s cousin.

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Completely agree, Brewer! I won’t forgive Trump for what he put in motion in 2020. Because he won’t admit he was wrong or ask forgiveness much less acknowledge his “beautiful vaccines” have damaged & killed millions, not “saved” them.

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Covid and the "vaccine" were created years before Trump came into office.

Listen to Dr. Martin, Sasha Latypova, Karen Kingston, and others...they have the receipts.

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Are you also excusing him for his role?

Trump brags that he made the FDA approve the shot in months, not years.

Yes, of course it was planned years ago. It does not excuse his actions, his bragging about it, and the consequences of the millions dead and many millions suffering with debilitating injuries.

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No, I am not excusing him.

But people need to know that this genocide was years in the planning.

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Not ONLY have we been victimized for years prior to this one, but babies have been murdered in the womb as "clumps of cells" ....However, nurse anesthesiologists are taught in med school that the babies feel the excruciating pain of abortion rituals by eight weeks.

This is the BIG LIE that keeps on giving people like Fauci his human cells and body parts to experiment with. Ever seen the pictures of the baby scalps sewn on the backs of rats?

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It was the University of Pittsburgh that sewed dead/alive baby scalps onto the backs of mice.

Pitt also requested minority baby parts.

When the story first broke in Pittsburgh, I emailed a handful of black churches in the city because I knew the local news would never report the story. I emailed the churches with this story from The Federalist.

Not one church replied to my emails.


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Trump if and when duly elected will bring the sickos to justice.

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I actually would argue there will NEVER be a deep dive & reckoning w/ either Pedo Joe (including whoever replaces him @ the last minute) OR Trump. Trump will not want the spotlight on his culpability w/ his warp-speed “beautiful” vaccines that “saved millions of lives” because the truth is out now & if anything, killed or damaged millions

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A comforting thought, but a vengeful Trump will be cast as authoritarian, angry, fascist Trump. And we know how Americans, like many other western countries, believe what they're told by the captured, corporate media. I think he'll be more careful than lynching his enemies. I hope you are right, but I predict a long game, and always assuming they let him win, of course.

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Respectfully, I know that Kathleen & follow a number of those. Does not excuse Trump, esp the fact he won’t admit he was wrong & still will not admit the damage & death.

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He's being pig headed and someone needs to smack him.

More damage was done with Biden. That idiot forced the military, federal workers, federal contractors, and businesses with over 100 employees to take the covid death shot.

That, did far more damage.

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So we now vote for the person who has done the least damage to the people?

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I’ll grant he would never have mandated but he laid the “infrastructure” if you will for later actions by Pedo Joe. He was also very critical of FL & GA when they reopened. He has NEVER admit he was wrong about any of it. I’m absolutely not being disrespectful but everything I’ve said is truth.

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Also doesn’t excuse his not entertaining sane voices like atlas, Ionnidis, Yeadon, Battacharia, et al instead of demonic tools Faux-Ci, Birx, Collins, ad nauseum

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Fauci worked for at least 7-8 Presidents and was never fired.

I don't think that anyone knew what a murdering psychopath Fauci was...once you read RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci, people finally realize the depth of his murderous intent.

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I knew .

Back in the seventies i was a Maid of Honor sitting in the backseat of a car with the Best Man on our way to a wedding.

I asked him about his uniform then what he did in the Air Force. He told us he flew helicopter out of Ft Detrik Md. for "....epidemiology studies by spraying virus and bacteria over LI ,NY." Symptomatology was then sent to local health departments by clinics and Drs who were alerted.

I was shocked while the others in the car thought nothing of it.

Years later our local high school was closed. CDC vans were the only vehicles in the parking lots. No one could go back without a measles booster BUT friends who worked at the designated HMO told me it was odd that for each student boosted 5 copies were made and sent to different government agencies. Meanwhile , my own GP who had the first student patient said ," It looks like measles, acts like measles BUT it isn't measles."

More recently , a retired Prof of Bioethics fat Georgetown said she recalled when Fauci gave a talk to the UnderGrads ,"......he asked them if they thought it was ethical that he sprayed viruses and bacteria in DC subway stations." She said the undergrads said nothing while the grad students moaned.

..........and so it goes .

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Fauci was outed in the late 80's and early 90's for another of his "vaccines" -- AZT. That drug killed more HIV patients than AIDS. Back then, even the left went after him. He is a slippery serpent and although it looks like he will escape justice in this world, he will be meeting his maker when he departs his mortal body. As he is in his 80's, time is short for him.

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TRUMP 2024🦅

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That doesn’t absolve Trump of not listening to other opinions. He also gave Faux-Xi some big award & to my knowledge has never REALLY criticized any of them

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No mention of the DOD, so just a distraction really... Nice to hear it said, but stay focused all!

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DoD are the baddies.

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Dept. of Degenerates 😂

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Dept. of Democrats

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ABORTION is by far “The Greatest Crime Ever Committed”.

Not only in numbers (hundreds of millions globally) but because the babies are completely innocent and defenseless!

But considering most people believe the lie of overpopulation, few seem to care about this other genocide. And because of that, by voting genocidal politicians, after abortion, they came for us:

Open season for human culling:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


War on food


Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


War on poultry and cattle:


Not global warming but deliberate global droughting

Climate change has nothing to do with gases and everything geoengineering tech


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Reagan Administration approved Aspartame alongside the 1986 liability protections act. Reagan was also involved with many other 'good people that were given bad advice' (free-masons and Jesuits) in the DCI/CIA's membership.

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The other big ‘Elephant in the Room” that no one is talking about is people within the FDA who help with the development of drugs are allowed to receive royalties for the development of said drug and those royalties are. GENERATIONAL !……….let me repeat that : Fauci won’t just receive those royalty payments for the entirety of his life or his spouses life but as long as there is a “FAUCI” living relative those royalty payments will NEVER STOP!!! ….🤔Who says murder/genocide…..EUGENICS doesn’t pay?….it’s beyond criminal….and Tucker said it correctly….it’s the greatest crime in the face of the earth and NO ONE RESPONSIBLE WILL EVER SEE THE UNSIDE OF A PRISON CELL OR HELD ACCOUNTABLE BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL PROTECTING EACH OTHER!!

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Yep. This is what happens when ALL important "truth-seeking" organizations are completely captured.

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The globalist parasites will always be looking to commit a greater crime until 7 billion humans are murdered and gone.

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Conflict of interest w wife in charge of ethics.

This couple needs to be in a prison on an island

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What nobody ever says about Fauci is this. This is in Ed's book if you don't believe me. Ed McCabe showed proof to Fauci in 1992 of over 200 HIV+ people who became HIV- after using ozone treatments. Fauci said they must not have had the disease to start with. Part of his job is to tryout these 'new' technologies with the billions he has access to each and every year. He decided not to bother. I put 'new' in inverted commas because ozone is hardly new, it's over 100 years old. They have NO right whatsoever to use an EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) act if there are alternatives available. Ozone is one of those alternatives so anyone trying to push an experimental jab on people should be up for treason at the very least. IVC is another one and the drug of choice for china during the plandemic after they discovered it worked early in March of 2020 and purchased 50 tonnes of the stuff from Dutch State Mines. This info is in the April 30th 2020 edition of the BMJ (British Medical Journal). I did some calculations using that data and guessing that that would be for 3 billion chinese people. Here in the UK we have 62 million people. I got 3 quotes from DSM for 3 different types of vitamin C. As i'm not a doctor i didn't know which of the 3 quotes to go for so i went for the most expensive of the 3 quotes. The total cost to the UK would have been about £100,000 which is 1/10 of £1 million.

Boris Johnson said that he was taking £339 billion for covid from out taxes. That is what this is all about. That to me is the theft of £339,000 million of UK taxpayers money. I just hope and pray that someone above is taking all this into account.

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Thanks VigilantFox. There's a special place waiting for Fauci.

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Hell will open wide its mouth to receive him!💀

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I agree 100% ! People should be arrested , tried , and punished for their acts !!!

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Who will arrest whom? And who will punish whom???

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Fauci is a mass murderer.

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He's right. People hate him for speaking the truth.

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