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Tucker Carlson Learns About ‘The Most Evil Thing Ever Done’ to the Human Mind

Tucker asked, “Why, after the mRNA vax was shown not to stop transmission, did governments continue to push it on their populations?”

Tucker Carlson aired an eye-opening interview on Monday featuring medical doctor and molecular geneticist Dr. Michael Nehls. In the segment, Dr. Nehls, who is the esteemed author of The Indoctrinated Brain, provided a detailed examination of the unprecedented attack on mental freedom that occurred during COVID, a situation Carlson described as “the most evil thing ever done.”

Tucker asked, “Why, after the mRNA vax was shown not to stop transmission, did governments continue to push it on their populations?”

Nehls answered that it wasn’t about health or making money. It was about “conquering the human mind.”

“And it’s even worse than that [undermining the ability to think],” he continued.

“So, if you shut down this production [of new nerve cells] and force the hippocampus to memorize all these different stories, these fear-mongering narratives, then these narratives will enter the brain. They will be memorized in the hippocampus, but for a cost: they will override pre-existing memories.”

“So what happens,” said Nehls, “is you override with the narratives, with the fear narratives, with the technocratic narratives, you override your pre-existing memories, your individuality, or your personality, and change it.”

“If intentional, this would be the most evil thing ever done,” replied Carlson.

“Absolutely,” agreed Nehls.

Click here to watch the full interview.

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