Jun 26Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Just finished watching the whole thing. It is GOLD! He is so amazing. Nearer the end watch how he puts the female journalist puppet in her place. Loved it.

Tucker is the walking proof that you just can’t win against truth. I love that he is beholden to no one anymore and can say the truth as much as he wants without repercussions by some employer.

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"The last Japanese soldier on Okinawa!" That made me laugh so much I woke up the dogs.

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Hilarious how he told that girl reporter “I can’t tell if your trying to be an idiot or really are one” and then later when he saw she was just plugging the questions her producers wanted her to he said something like “oh now I see, you are an idiot”. 🤣🤣🤣

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"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt?"

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Your comment prompted me to watch the whole thing. Yes, indeed, that was hilarious.

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Me too! My dog woke up, startled, and started barking! 😂

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Definitely one of Tucker's best lines! 😂

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It progressed exponentially!! Like he warmed up, or maybe saw Murdock in the audience.

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Is there a link to whatever event this was?

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If COVID didnt demonstrate to you with absolute clarity that the World is operated (and has been for a very long time) via highly coordinated and compartmentalized public-private partnerships that exist without any respect for national sovereignty or judicial restraint, then I no longer have any empathy for what will become of you. It is not conspiracy, it is reality and it makes zero difference if you believe its true or not.

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of course it is a conspiracy. It is conspiracy FACT. Dont be brainwashed by CIA definitions created in order to confuse you.

Every prosecutor on the planet is a conspiracy theorist.

And when the investigations are finished, the conspiracy fact is called evidence.

Chat GTP explains


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The bad news for the narrative repeaters is that we still have the evidence showing exactly why we said what we said. These things were known but ignored at the time -- like the CDC's breakdown of covid IFR by age, which showed that the vast majority of people had little to fear from covid. (Especially the kids, which makes the school closures that much worse.)

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he was so deceived THE COVID shot saved NO ONE

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I am Aussie. If that so-called "journo" stood up in my pub and said that the Death Jabs saved lives... he wouldn't make it out... our MSM deserves culling, a DECIMATION. One in ten executed. Each Jabber (nurse or doctor), their hand cut off. After a People's Court, of course 🤷 After our Death Penalty for Treason referendum...

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The saddest thing for Australian's is that they have to deal with an imbecile incontestable single voice Main Stream Media everyday.

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Nothing like reflecting comedic ridicule against the globalist stooges. Straight out of the Alinsky play book that has been used by globalist Regressives to destroy the coherence of wider society with devastating effectiveness. Finally, the push-back appears to be starting.

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I like Tucker so much better than when he worked for FOX.

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Watch the hour speech there a 2nd numbnutz reporter... put in her place.

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Remember that time when an Authoritarian Dictator from Russia cared more for the human rights of his citizens than a PM called Scomo who shat himself at McDonalds?

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Best smack down ever!!!

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Awesome. Thanks!

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I hope America can keep our freedom! The lunatic tyrants are many!

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And ”the opposition Party” no longer exists. The US federal government is now a UniParty vs the voters.

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It is somewhat amusing to see the word 'obliterate' regarding an interview with a journalist given how he shoveled it

during GENOCIDE, which began in '20. . . .

ALL for a fat paycheck

Some of his colleagues still carry water for it

I walked away from Fox in '20 and have never returned

Perhaps the most ludicrous was Faulkner who shrieked in tv ads "I got mine, YOU get yours too"

Her eyes gleamed like she had discovered King Solomon's mines

What made me laugh was "I am supposed to hop on because some

anchor on Fox had her jab?" I don't think so.

NOW Tucker says he never had his jab. SMH

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I walked away from my career in television journalism in 1989 after 15 years when I saw journalists were being replaced by actors who looked pretty on TV, but had no idea what journalism was. The rot started long ago and continues today.

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So right. Every now and then I will watch local news and current "reporters" and "anchors" are a complete joke.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

I can beat that

In '68 following Tet I walked from network and the printed rags given what they

were doing in convincing America WE, the military, were the enemy

Sadly a large # of 'americans' bought it and it got very ugly not only for our returning military, but those who served stateside, including me.

Of all my duty stations during the war, the worst were San Fran bay area and Pentagon.

Among the displays of contempt by 'americans' . . .spitting in my direction and labeling me a whore for wearing the uniform

I have seen no reason since to make me believe I was wrong in abandoning them

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Walter Cronkite was the ringleader in that whole Tet debacle. After he did that I started becoming much more critical of what reporters were saying as they weren’t just reporting the news anymore, but were spouting their opinions about how things were going.

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Speaking of Cronkite, the interview he had with JFK was Kennedy's death warrant

That interview it was earlier on YouTube but I see it has been pulled.

When asked about Vietnam, Kennedy said "While we are willing to provide support, it is THEIR war"

In '68 shortly after Tet, dad came to visit me (I was stationed at NavComSta Newport at the time) and he said "State and intel need deep cleaning. For far too long

they have considered themselves entities unto their own, accountable to no one"

He had been there for almost 2 years at that point and would stay

until Saigon fell (a 30 year USN/MSC officer who was an adviser in I Corps)

Much later, he never reneged what he had said earlier

and the war?

Dad told me "It was never meant to be a military win. Instead it was always a

political chess game"

Speaking of, later when McNamara wrote his book, he stated that 2 years into the war, THEY knew it was not winnable

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He’s said he never had the jab for over two years. This is not a new revelation.

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Yes, but that means since 2022…Rosalee is right, while at Fox he never revealed he didn’t have it, and certainly never said what he’s saying now about it…there wasn’t enough public support at the time…and that does make him less than “heroic” in my book, when so many were fired, ostracized, and even drug into child custody battles over it at the time. Someone like Tucker might have been able to reach Fox viewers who were still somehow hoodwinked enough to go along during 2021….but he took the safe way out and waited to speak out. Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate what he’s doing now, I do. But it’s always good to be realistic with your assessments, in my view.

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It may have taken him two years to follow his conscience, whereas many of us already knew we couldn’t trust Big Pharma … He may have been pro-vax as many other people were. He may have done the research himself and needed these two years to speak out. Most of us already made up our minds about the (fake) science.

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Everyone knows you don’t talk bad of your advertiser. Now, a word from our sponsors.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

You missed my main point

When they rolled out the jab he was too busy, like all the Fox anchors, focusing on a fat


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I don’t think his silence alone is an indication of his reasons for staying silent - there could be lots of reasons why he stayed silent, not just his paycheck. It’s not like Tucker is living hand to mouth.

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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ speaks volumes put so does

an insatiable need to feed ego, something Fox seems to excel in. . .not only

when Carlson was part of it, but the other anchors.

Kilmeade was queried about why there was no investigation of what

REPUTABLE healthcare providers were offering regarding COVID treatment etc.

He replied there was no way to do that ;-)

For a network which who endless hours investigating whatever, I thought his reply ludicrous

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I agree - Kilmeade caught the brainworm at some point along the way. Sad to see, but also nauseating.

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Tucker had stated several times that he was against the Covid 19 vaccine and never took it. I had relatives die from getting their jab and many friends who are still having problems after following the media’s propaganda.

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After the fact doesn't count.

There is a massive reject despite the # who died shortly following the jab, e.g. a friend who dropped dead, bled out before EMS could arrive. Another was a dermatologist same in front of colleagues. A friend had an appt with the physician and when he arrived, he had had some skin cancer removed and it was to be a recheck, he was met by a different physician who described in graphic terms what had happened. My friend and the dermatologist had had their booster 3 days earlier.

A large gathering of funeral home owners provided specimen of what they were finding when they did embalming. They were written off as quacks.

There was a film on Rumble called Died Suddenly which also provided stark, graphic information about what was happening, including visuals of the evidence funeral homes were finding. In some cases the material was so large, they could not deliver the embalming fluid into the body.

Over the past 4 years "unknown cause of death" continues.

Several friends have been chronically sick with upper respiratory problems, some bouts of pneumonia etc.

One so severe, hospitalization needed

The common denominator?

All fully jabbed

So Carlson's after the fact holds no water for me and I am outraged by those who shriek "They lied to us"

No, they were just focused on self instead of TRUTH

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Real Manichean type aren't you, us and them, the pure and the other.

Maybe it's worth pointing out that journalists, particularly high profile journalists like Carlson have to consider that their words have real influence in the world and in the early days many medical authorities claimed the jab was safe. Many of those doctors were shown to be on the public or pharmaceutical payrolls, but at the time it was hard to refute them as the evidence was not apparent.

I think you can cut Carlson some slack here, his words are weapons in the world unlike some Sheila from the burbs shouting at the monitor over dinner.

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Reputable were telling a different story, I watched them interviewed,

but they were shoved aside by mass media as quacks and now

a different story

IF his words were 'weapons' perhaps he ought to have paid attention to

something other than fat paycheck and prestige of anchoring on Fox

Perhaps the TRUTH. At least I am able to recognize who is staring back from

the mirror unlike most of 'high profile journalists'

Just to be clear, 'high profile journalist'

convinced America during the Vietnam war that WE, the

military, were the enemy

Sadly, a large # of 'americans' bought it, as they bought the lie about the jab,

and it has to this day left pain, genuine pain for those who were targeted

I find it interesting that I point out TRUTH and you make it personal:

A Machiavellian personality is characterized by manipulation, deceit, and exploitation of others

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This is SOOOOOOO terrific! Made me LOL, even though the underlying issues are very serious.

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Journalists who still proclaim the bullshit that the covid shot saved lives need to sit down and read the statistical mortality analyses of Denis Rancourt and Norman Fenton.

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