I don’t believe Fauci *ever* took a single Covid shot. He *knows* how flipping dangerous any mRNA vaccines are, but the man is a proven liar. He’s lying about this, too. He needs to be indicted for crimes against humanity, treason, and pre-meditated murder.

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Just because you see a needle go in an arm, doesn't mean vaccination. You don't know what's in a needle.

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This ALWAYS cracks me up! Wrong arm, Tony!


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He patted the OK arm - not the shot arm!! ha

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Wow that’s just amazing. It’s not easy keeping track of all those lies 🤨

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No way would he have ever taken a jab, he knew exactly what was in it . That is all a part of the scam!!!! How could anyone fall for that

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I don't believe Fauci got jabbed, and I don't believe he got the coof three times.

The common cold has morphed into the dreaded deadly covid. Nobody gets a cold or the flu anymore, it's all covid.

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It's interesting, isn't it? There are supposedly thousands of potential overlapping causes of respiratory infections. Many of those are rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza viruses etc. BUT prior to covid if you had a respiratory infection it was just "influenza-like illness". They wouldn't test because it's apparently nigh impossible to culture viruses from people (unlike bacteria). Then, all of a sudden they roll out a PCR non-test to "diagnose" this one respiratory illness. Dubious to say the least.

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PCR is about as accurate as Salem Witch-Dunking.

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Witches everywhere! Everyone’s a witch!

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For sure! He should pay the price as well!

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I guess he wants other people who actually took 6 shots and got covid multiple times to feel like that's normal. Otherwise,why wouldn't he just not test for covid at all, or just lie and say he had the flu, or just stay out of the public eye when he got sick and not say anything?

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IMHO, I believe he is stating that he tested positive because he wants the gullible who have believed since the beginning and yet still believe today, that the shots are safe & effective. (Though these same willing victims -at this point- likely understand it to be "short term," as in 3-6 months), Fauci needs them to continue to believe that it is time to get another booster. After all, it's August and fall is just around the corner.

Fauci continues to prey upon those believers' fears, in a very subliminal Machiavellian way.

He understands that he is a cult of personality among a small demographic of "COVID19 Vaccination" believers, so by saying he has been boosted 6 times, and has had covid 3 times, he is trying to appear "relatable" to those who can still be influenced. He appears on camera to show how 'healthy' he looks, though he has just tested positive. Why? Because he had a recent booster, and therefore, he doesn't have to worry about it having been worse. Another part of his psyop charade. A lie from the very beginning, with layers of lies upon layers of lies.

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Absolutely! I think Tucker knows this but isn't saying it out loud. In time, the truth will be known that it's all a lie that most elitists and govt bureaucrats did not take the shot. Biggest scam in human history.

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Absolutely true!!!! None of these demons got the vax. They want to kill us, not themselves.

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Yes tho Faux-ci is merely the mouthpeace for the dozens hidden above him = all of'em need arrested, charged, imprisoned, ALL their assets frozen, confiscated and given to the injured victims and their family's...!

The worst of the creeps getting life in GITMO:

- with the true upper level perps publically hung for the world to watch like Haman the Evil greedy plotter of Mordecai..!

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Oh, I agree 100% but we will never see that happen as he has immunity to punishment! The 3 letter agencies & our corrupt politicians will protect him forever! They are all compromised and bought & paid for! Much $$$$ & power are involved!

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I agree. I don't think any of them got the vaxx, Gates, Fauci, Biden, etc. And yes, they all should be held accountable for their lies.

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no way "fauci" took it...it's all a lie

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Yap….you’ve got that right! I think if he says he’s taken it 6 times…he’ll encourage some dumb dumbs to still take it! There’s still a lot of Fauci worshipers out there!

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Some have to learn the hard way......

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Or unfortunately die off so that of us who are able to learn and discern can continue the species. It's so very hard to keep malice out of my heart, but as I continue to witness this obvious genocide and the cowardly response from most everyone, I find it creeping in. If this is how they are, we are better off without them. And as so many young people have discovered suddenly and unexpectedly, we all die. The biggest issue is what should life look like.

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I totally get how easy it is to get angry at those who cannot see what's happening. It's downright baffling! However, I try to remind myself that they are well and truly brainwashed, and ultimately they are victims of this depopulation agenda. I try to blame the perpetrators, and not blame the blind...but I get it, I really get it! I don't think we can count on them waking up, some might, many won't until it's too late for them. We just have to keep knowing what we know and holding the line. ...and YES, what do we want life to look like...once the walls come tumbling down!

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I hear you. In my better moments, I find grace for everyone, including the one who needs it most, me. I remember a time when I felt like most people were with me in empathy. But Covid has revealed that empathy is truly rare and that most of us have absolutely zero dedication to principle and to each other. Most of us are cruel scavengers and opportunists, only in it for themselves. Or maybe, like a mobster, they feel ethical because they’re devoted to their own lineage. I can transcend and forgive them, but I can also descend and judge. I don’t know what I want life to look like, but I know that I’m starving for people like me. If God ever gives me the chance, I’ll end my lonely wandering in the desert and give every ounce of myself to the people who deserve it. May it come to pass. Amen.

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Neither did Congress nor their staffs...nor Fauci...nor illegals

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I, too, refused the C-jab, but not only because it seemed unwise due to "warp speed" testing and it being experimental, but because I've been following the history of the mandated vaccines for school children and their link to autism. Autism is now a "pandemic" -- 1 in 34 boys! Why would our public health agencies and leaders NOT be up in arms about this??? I simply do NOT trust Big Pharma, our government, or its agencies to tell us the truth about ANYTHING, especially about their No. 1 profit-maker, vaccines.

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The graphs over the years, for vaccines and autism are very similar and have a steady increase. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything. Babies are jabbed from the day they are born until about 70 vaccines later, they finally are adults and can choose whether to have poisons injected into thier bodies. But all is not negative. Billionaires were created from the COVID Vaxxes

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After my first two kids were diagnosed with autism in 2000 and 2003, my wife and I wised up and refused vaccines for our third child who was born in 2003. The older two will need care for the rest of their lives. The youngest is a Jr in college seeking his education degree in Special Ed. I wish I had wised up sooner.

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How rare is it to own up to that? It’s not your fault, and you should be proud of yourself. Not many people can carry that weight. Strength of character and mind.

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So sorry to hear. Crimes against citizens. The vaccines Ppear to be depopulaton tools.

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Jabbing newborns who haven’t even developed an immune system is a heinous crime. The sheer numbers of childhood vaxxes, as you point out, is beyond reason. It sets children up for a lifetime of sickness. I’m 77 and cancer is rampant among people my age and people are so inured to it it’s like getting a cold. After I went off on my own age 17, I never got another vaxx. EVER. I also lived in Manhattan for 35 years, packed into subways, sports arenas, musical events, and rarely got sick. I had friends whose partner had AIDS and they never got sick either…another of fauci’s killing sprees.

I blame parents for allowing their children to be treated like a human pin cushion. My neighbor was totally against vaxx, she even voted against it via referendum (which we lost). When Covid came to town she completely buckled and all three of her teenagers were serially jabbed. I just don’t get it.

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If you're 77, you shouldn't have had many vaccines as there weren't that many available. I'm several years younger than you and I know I did not have many. I had chicken pox, mumps, measles, German measles as a kid, the real illness, not a vaxx to "protect" me from it.

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I never had a flu shot and never got the flu …

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Vaccines became tickets for jobs, education, etc. I always wonder whether so m e souls resist herding or whether this learned.

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Yes it’s a mystery !

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Love your sarcasm!

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I don't understand why Tucker isn’t talking about the clots the embalmers are finding.

We have sent him lots of info on it.

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I agree. Along those lines, have you seen the Japanese preprint that came out recently where they observed the action of the mRNA injectables in biological media? They watched it unfold under microscope. They report that something in the mRNA products self-assembles and grows, in various shapes. I don't know if that's an honest paper or not. The spin goes both ways these days, the objective to alienate us from truth completely. The only certainty is that this is a genocide and that the bodies are real.

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He needs to Laura Kasner … 🤔

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

I'm unvaxxed and I had covid once, in Jan 2022. Since then, I've been exposed at least four times (to confirmed cases), even hugged people who had covid, but I never caught it again myself.

Every single person I know who had covid more than once, is vaxxed.

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Ha, nor did I, just resisted all attempts feeling something fishy about the thing!

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Us too!

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Delighted to read this because I also consider it one of my favorite achievements. I was the "right" age - >65 - the "right" compromised health- rheumatoid arthritis - and the Mayo Clinic, although not able to make me get the shot, made it very clear that this was their strong recommendation for over 2 years. This was not originated by me as a political decision either. When I read that the FDA "approval" was for emergency use and there was no liability to pharma I knew that the drug had not gone through the arduous testing process. I had 2 friends my age with compromised immune systems who took it and died. I have purposely removed "friends" who insisted I take it. Unfortunate test of character in my mind. Seems there's never enough courage to go around. Bless you for your voice, heart, intelligence, persistence and mostly your courage. It supports millions.

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As soon as I saw that psychopath Bill Gates pushing the forthcoming jabs, I knew it was a depopulation jab. I always viewed whether or not to get the jabs as an IQ test, not a character test.

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My parents were not big on allopathic medicine but were patients at Mayos and would fly to Rochester for checkups, etc. I have outlived them both.

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I was anti-vax before anti vax was cool.

It is the default human position.

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I agree. I didn’t even vax my kids & they are all grown up now.

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wish I could say that. My kids are in their 60s

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A courageous stand…warrior woman !

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Me too. Took the usual childhood shots in the 50's and several flu shots (regret those), and 2 adult pneumonia shots. But nothing in the last years. My doc has learned not to ask.

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Same with the vast majority of pharma meds. Never had any since a child (>60 now), but as I've never seen a doctor (sans trauma), it would be difficult to get a prescription.

Who needs 'em?


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I'm a pure blood as well

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did you ever have a vaccine? The Salk polio vaccine contained SV40... Latent Simian Cancer Virus, etc. Just like some of the Covid Shots. None for me, thanks!

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Of course, I've taken a vaccine.

I was jabbed as a baby decades ago.

However, those vaccines were tested over long periods for illness that was causing deaths.

Covid hurts people who are in poor health, healthy people have rarely died or been badly harmed by it.....unlike the hastily made untested gene therapy they've been pushing.

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The first vaccine was created and administered to our soldiers going to world war 1. It caused the Spanish Flu. No vaccines have ever been beneficial. The allopathic medical system that we so enjoy today was a creation of John Rockefeller, a billionaire, not a doctor.

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didnt know this....makes sense

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My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH soundly debunks the allopathic medical system, as well as the schooling system, justice system, government, politics, media, and much more. You can sign up for my free newsletter with that book and others attached for free here;


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I think the smallpox vaccinations were many years before WWI. They caused great controversy in Britian at the time.

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IF so, no matter. THe Spanish flu was caused by vaccines given to our soldiers going to world war 1. Vaccines were not considered plausible before then, and that is what caused Spanish flu. History is often muddied up due to "historians"

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Yes, I’m pretty sure the polio vaccine caused polio.

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SV40, latent Simian Cancer Virus, takes years if not decades to manifest. Difficult to trace. It was in Salk Polio Vaccine administered in 60s. Could the spate of cancer cases in 80s be connected? Thats the diaboical part. Space of time makes proving connectios difficult. Aluminium and other toxic materials were in "tested" vaccines but as a dear friend and retired physician repeated what the AMA told him, mercury, aluminum , etc ., was in a form that didn't collect in the body🤪

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In my day you couldn’t start school without a few jabs. They were spread out, not given all together all at once. I still got measles and mumps. If they were tested, whether they were safe, are good questions. Still compared to the upwards of 70 mandated jabs for children today, at least we had a chance.

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Cough what decade were yiu born?

I was born mid 60s

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Pure of mind and clean living...

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Maybe you should check out this episode of The Highwire if you are so sure they tested these childhood vaccines! They lied about everything and now they are just so bold! #NEVERANOTHERVACCINEEVER

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You may find it interesting that in 1979, the ICD category for cause of death due to “prophylactic inoculation and vaccination” was eliminated. You gotta ask yourself why. Those codes are literally how everything is studied retrospectively. Before the 1960s, “crib death” was so rare that it wasn’t even included in infant mortality statistics. After the national immunization campaigns of the 1960s, the term SIDS was coined and in 1973, became an internationally coded diagnosis (ICD). Mind you, I am not claiming that this is cause and effect. Draw your own conclusions. No ICD code for C shot injury either, but something like 22 codes for under- or un-vaccinated.

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I recall waking up and checking on my babies in the late 50s-60s. Awful.

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I doubt they had the medical technology to do really serious harm until the 1990s

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Oh, I believe they've had a lot of bioweapons since WWII.

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I suggest you read “Turtles all the way down”. You need to straighten out some facts.

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Boris, I strongly encourage you to read this review and listen to Dr. McCullough’s podcast with the 2 MD authors. The vaccines on the CDC schedule were NOT tested for long term safety, carcinogenicity, or mutagenicity ( does it affect your DNA), we have all been duped! https://www.americaoutloud.news/escalating-pediatric-vaccine-schedules-have-become-unavoidably-unsafe/

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The vaccines you got as a baby were not tested. There were no clinical trials for any of the vaccines before they were released.

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Yes, Green Monkey virus is Serum Virus #40, it supposedly gifts the VaXXed with Soft Tissue Cancers over time. It might explain the prognostications of Deagel.com on the future populations of nations.

Put it this way; "long covid" is the VaXXed dieing off because they were culled.

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Yes, Simian Virus 40 (from monkeys suposedly) was latent soft tissue virus in and apparently manifested in 80s & 90s Lots of breast, prostate cancer. Now we have challenges to the concept of the existence of a virus.

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No … it’s a BIO - Connector .. check out Nonvax420 on Rumble. He has all the science.. Tucker has NO clue

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I'm not vaccinated (gene therapied) or even tested.

See the Vernon Coleman article on this.


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I care not if these idiots took the real deal.

I deeply care that they publicly claim.they are jabbed/boosted and "tested" positive.

Liars. ALL of them!

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Homicidal maniacs too.

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The real poison is the retarded idiots pushing the mRNA death injections.

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Totally agree! My every instinct said "No Way Jose!" I'm happier every day about that decision. More and More terrible things seem to appear daily.

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The fact that the jabs don't work is one thing but now there are so many people who have been permanently injured by "hot shots" which were inordinately heavily loaded with lipid nano particles and/or harmful adjuvants that we are only beginning to scratch the surface of this human devastation.

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Your hero Tucker's greatest achievement was to not vaccinate. Congratulations. AS soon as covid hit, I began proving that the hospitals were not full, that it was not from bats, and even that the disease might not exist, and was created by the initial 5G release, as 5G was first initiated in Wuhan at that time, and causes respiratory problems. I also showed very early that not only were PCR test kits not proper diagnostic tools, but also that tens of millions of them were purchased in 2018 by many nations. Furthermore, my book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, first published in May 2016 said this:


Do you want to save the planet? WE CAN. Plant a lot of organic (untouched in genetic alterations) fruit trees and vegetable farms and gardens. In yards, by the side of highways, in city parks, in empty fields, everywhere. Not only will there be a proper oxygen/carbon balance, but the result will also be that there will be enough food to feed the earth’s entire inhabitants for millenniums.

The same people who are overloading nuclear reactors, spilling oil all over the oceans, destroying our drinking water, destroying our food supply by altering its genetics; are telling us that we are overpopulating the planet. I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that.

First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough. He then gave some solutions to overpopulation. One of the solutions was vaccinations. That confused me at first. Aren’t vaccinations a way to promote more life?

The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations. In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations. He also funds abortions. It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire “philanthropist” (he publicly announced his generous contribution to abortions and like donations).  Does that not enrage you? If not, there is something seriously wrong with you, as there is with that lovely murderer, Gates. Funny, but it seems he is keeping the larger portion of his billions. I hope he can survive with the little money that remains. I will always remember the portion you have given, Willy G.


Tucker is another establishment journalist pretending to be for the people and against the establishment. Not so. He is another shill.

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By the way, that book showed that global warming is caused by geoengineering, that chemtrails of toxic heavy metals like aluminum and barium spewed out by airplanes were what deliberately were causing it, not carbon emissions pollution. My books are the best and most informative out there.



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My campaign policies which I am determined to place into legislation


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WOW..says it all. Good luck

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Gates is a Greedy vile psycho … too much money seems to alter brain chemistry, it lets loose the demented psycho.

I believe Carlson is a shill too.

Whitney Webb mentions him in this great piece…


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Every politician in DC is controlled by lobbyists. Corporations and AIPAC.


Both Trump and Harris are promoting the same tax agenda (it doesn't matter who you vote for, the red or blue in power will do the same globalists' agenda), otherwise both parties are not addressing policies, but instead do character assassinations. Neither one is virtuous. Act Blue, the democrats funding source, is performing money laundering to make it appear that they are receiving many small donations, which is not the source of their funding. The campaign is all an illusion, even the videos of the speaches is tampered with. We cannot trust information gathered from the screens.


We see "the Jews" being behind all the evil. But look a little deeper. Here is another part of the puzzle. The ADL is an offshoot of British Intelligence, thus of Rothschild who runs Britain. I have made it clear that the secret intelligence of every nation is under the Jesuit general. In addition, the illuminati were formed in 1776 by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt aligning with the first in the Rothschild line, Maier Amschel Bauer. Furthermore, the land of the state of Israel was given to Rothschild, not to Herzl or Weissman, who were the leading Zionist activists at the time.


By the way, that lawsuit accomplished little if anything. Corporations don't need to belong to an organized entity to be subjective on who they support. Furthermore, we see that everything in the media is now galvanizing in support of TRump, who is now the one being promoted with all their energy. By appearing to be against Trump, the court system, the media, the intelligence system, who have deliberately been throwing him softballs to overcome easily, he appears to be anti-establishment and unstoppable, and even had the miracle of his ear being healed to "prove" that God approves of him. Don't believe the hype.

Caitlin spells out the political boxes of thinking that are spoon-fed to the public to make us easier to manage.


I think that I finally figured out how the corporations and entities within the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS is able to achieve their goals and enrich their actors pretending to be politicians without being caught. Lobbyists get their funding from the corporations and the lobbies provide "handlers" to control the politicians, and at the same time pay the bribes doing so.

What would happen if a strong and intensively ethical and righteous man were to be elected president, and could not be bought or threatened into complying, and actually was able to transform the nation and straighten it out, and be a beacon of light for every other nation to follow? I am throwing in my bid for president. I have ideas on how to accomplish our goals unhindered by democrat or republican politicians. It is doable.


>>>>>>>At the end of “Behold a Pale Horse,” by William Cooper, was enclosed a list of members of the Council of Foreign Relations, as released by F.RE.E.. As I have before mentioned, the CFR was founded by David Rockefeller Jr., who also appointed its members. There are approximately three hundred listed members, well over a hundred of them representing the media.

CBS, NBC, ABC, Cable News Network, PBS, Associated Press, Reuters, Boston Globe, Baltimore Sun, Washington Times, NY Times, Time Inc., Newsweek, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, National Review, and others had leadership in membership of the CFR.

The Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are instruments of the illuminati formed to obliterate national boundaries and to establish a new world order. They are doing this by consolidating commercial and banking interests by capturing control of the political government of the United States, and through US covert actions, the political government of all nations.

“Some even believe that we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure- one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”-

David Rockefeller, from his book “Memoirs”

The list of members, compiled in 1989, included top brass from all sections of military, several banks, leaders of all the most influential universities, (Barnard, Columbia, Cornell, Notre Dame, Stanford, Yale, John Hopkins, Wellesley, Princeton, Brown, a dozen others); government officials, house and senate members; energy (Shell, Texaco, Exxon, Mobil); international broadcasting,; Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors; General Electric, AT&T, the Federal Reserve, and the Smithsonian Institute. These were the most powerful people in the United States at the time.

Together, they have been conspiring how to achieve their goals, and directing the actions that create world events. They compose federal legislation, bribe politicians, arrange coups and invasions, and are the ones who decide which people will be leaders.

Remember that the owners of media on these committees control editing policies and content of the entire media. David Rockefeller himself said this addressing the Trilateral Commission on June of 1991 (according to page 46 of Jim Keith’s “Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness”):

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward world government. The supra-natural sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determinism practiced in past centuries.”


The drug dealing and spying is done by impunity by ambassadors. Controlled opposition within the anti-vaxxers and "truth freedom" movement. Corruption in the high offices of the military. General Flynn.


Trump's false promises that he has no intention of keeping, nor does he explain in any way how he will accomplish these. Pie in the sky. No Great Reset is mentioned, as if it does not exist. All he addresses are the issues that are made important by the fourth branch, what they want us concerned about.


I like how this guy thinks


Brian talks on politics in general. Again, I am in total agreement.



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you are probably on target. What about Paul father & son? There are honest people who can't be bought

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Politicians are not in power. There are some who speak nicely and tell us what we want to hear. Why does Paul and company not tell us that the source of legislation is THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS? The politicians are actors, are deceivers, politics is the entertainment division of the government. they are there to pacify us, as if we have power and choice. Vote the motherfucker out. Then another one replaces him, but does the same things. No democrat or republican politician achieves any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists.

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That article is a must-see. Thank you, it will go in today's newsletter.

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Big Tech “Far-Right” Billionaires want to Eliminate Politicians and “Democracy” as They Believe They can Run the World Better by Themselves

J.D. Vance, who recently became Trump’s Vice Presidental choice, and how he has been influenced by Peter Thiel, who for years has followed the teachings of Curtis Yarvin, who believes “democracy” in the U.S. should be replaced by a “monarchy” instead.

Curtis Yarvin has found a place among the most right wing in tech.

In recent weeks, Democrats have relentlessly blistered Donald Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance, using a straightforward message: They’re too weird to hold high office.

If Trump and Vance are weird, imagine what the American public might make of Curtis Yarvin, 51, whose far-right thinking has influenced both Vance and, increasingly, members of the Silicon Valley right, including billionaires Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen. Both Thiel’s Founders Fund and Andreessen Horowitz have invested in Yarvin’s work.

As an intellectual godfather to these conservatives, Yarvin has laid out a philosophy in which he suggests replacing American democracy with a monarchy.

At a recent Palo Alto, Calif., reading of his poetry, he asked his audience to wear “cocktail attire for the new regime.” He has referred to himself and his friends as “dark elves” on a heroic journey to rescue the know-nothing “hobbits” who make up the American populace.

And last summer, Yarvin decided that Vibecamp, an annual Burning Man–style meetup of contrarian techies in rural Maryland, wasn’t contrarian enough. So he threw his own party in Washington that attendees called Vibekampf.

For now, Yarvin has found a place among Silicon Valley’s most ardent conservatives. His presence there matters. He has won the friendship and interest of people who possess great wealth and those in their own deep networks of influence.

What does (Yarvin’s teaching) entail exactly?

He’d like to see American democracy as we know it collapse, with the country electing a president who could then rule as a dictator.

Under his plans, Yarvin has further proposed to seize private assets, replace the free press with state-run media and purge any officials deemed insufficiently loyal to the new regime.

Though he has deliberately maintained a low profile, chances are you’ve caught wind of his ideas: In the 2000s, for instance, Yarvin co-opted the term “red pill” from the “Matrix” movies to describe the political awakening of the new right wing.

While Yarvin has worked to push his ideas on America’s GOP political elite, he has also made inroads among tech’s conservative elite.

His primary conduit has been Thiel, who has introduced Yarvin to others in his circle. In addition, Yarvin has been welcomed into the homes of Marc Andreessen and PayPal co-founder Luke Nosek.

And you can detect distinct traces of Yarvinian thinking in written work like Andreessen’s 2023 “Techno-Optimist Manifesto” and “The Network State,” a book by Balaji Srinivasan, Coinbase’s former chief technology officer, which envisions a system of new sovereign entities built on decentralized networks.

J.D. Vance is also one of his disciples, and they undoubtedly paid Trump a handsome sum to ensure Vance got picked as the VP.

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Thank you for the info. My newsletter can only be joined on this website. I have no substack.


I do not accept donations, all my work is available for free, and I live off a small but sufficient social security check. I live in one room that has no heating vent or stove, but is sufficient. Been incarcerated repeatedly for my work, but continue. I am perfectly capable at my age of 66, and work 80-100 hours a week for the people researching and strategizing, not for pay, but to save and change the world. I am a dedicated revolutionist, but not under the radar. Parole turns a blind eye, they are fully aware of my righteousness. I am the one who cannot be bought, and fear? I have been incarcerated,(45 months, including 8 months solitary confinement) and assaulted 30 times the past ten years, sustaining some fractured bones and a bloody nose. No fear. I am ready to take on the sharks.

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I won’t like your comment because it’s heartbreaking. If only there was something I could do to lessen your load. Please try to stay out of harms way.


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Thank you Nancy. I am fine. My purpose makes life an exciting adventure and full of purpose, better than being a millionaire. My values are different than most peoples. I really don't feel in any way unfortunate. I was simply stating that I am not corruptable, and can be trusted. Not wanting pity, nor deserving it. I am still in the natural realm, at my age, that is unheard of. No pain.

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I doubt if Gates has changed much since he was in his late teens. He was corrupted rarly.

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Wuhan was first 5 G cities. Many argued that COVID was really due to 5G & not a contagion.

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