I’ve watched a whole lot of Jan 6 coverage and have yet to see an insurrection. I see a legitimate protest that was allowed to get out of hand in a few places, quite possibly at the prodding of government agitators in the crowd.

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It was entrapment by the Democrat ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE, who secretly call themselves the "KINGDOM OF SATAN". The secret servants of Satan intend to destroy the sovereignty of all nations and RULE the entire world with their NEW WORLD ORDER, GREAT RESET, TOTALITARIAN HELL ON EARTH, complete with government controlled digital currency,(CBDCs) and the MARK OF THE BEAST. Revelation 13:16-18

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We cannot expect these corrupted systems to fix themselves anymore. We need a new approach. How about we make new high trust, decentralized and transparent systems that we plug into the corrupted ones to fix them?

Here is how we can fix corrupted government in 3 simple steps:


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Rape is the main weapon of Jihad . . . Jews and Muslims have similar roots and customs . . .

“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13-14

“The Messenger said, ‘If the disbelievers do not accept Islam, kill them, loot them and rape their women.’ And thus, advance Islam and strengthen Islam.” — Al-Bukhaari, Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 464

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This is as expected!! Trump has to be taken down by the left as they know he’s been the clear winner since 2020. There was no insurrection only a 2020 “COUP” by Progressive cabal that have made millions/billions by regulating/taxes Americans who are too busy working to notice how they are being fleeced by CCP-Progressive Marxists who are funded by WEF-CFR-Kst-Soros and many more...

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Gee, it is almost as if the left has lost its mind.... They truly want to stir up as much fury as they can, almost like they want civil disobedience.

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if there is no landslide win for the reps this time around, everyone will know for sure the voting is rigged, as most of us know it was in 2020, although I did not see it at first either.

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I saw it immediately, at 10pm on Nov. 3rd, 2020 when several states stopped counting. I knew they were rigging the election as planned.

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you are right. I remember thinking why do they stop counting. But it did not dawn on me. And then the endless recounts, and how many mistakes were found. If all went well, no mistakes at all should have been found! I remember the counting back in Belgium 25 + years ago were done by hand, recounted included, NEVER went over one day. 10 million people. All adults voting, because it is required. Of course the politicians then find other ways to circumvent the people's wishes.

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The "left" are secret servants of Satan who intend to RULE the entire world with their NEW WORLD ORDER, GREAT RESET, TOTALITARIAN HELL ON EARTH, complete with government controlled digital currency (CBDCs) and the MARK OF THE BEAST. Revelation 13:16-18

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Colorado has no jurisdiction in disallowing their citizens to vote for who they please and cannot stop anyone from their ballot !

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I've been saying it since 1/6 -- this is why it was 'insurrection'. That's the magic word that gives them "justification" to keep him off the ballot.

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No you can keep him off the 'ballot' but you can always write him into the ballot... hum, 80 percent vote write in Trump... what's THAT going to show? Just how badly ruled you are, the Emperor is naked and has no clothes on...

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I think I read that part of their "ruling" involved ignoring any write ins for him too.

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"It's the End of the World/as we know it/and I feel fiiiine..." Goodbye Amerika!"👋 Zee Fifth Reich has been born this day. Zeig heil, heil Biden! Heil Biden! HEIL HUNTER!!!

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I'm here in Trumps mums native country and I honestly can't believe what has happened to America. How have the left (which have never been that bad) gone so far to the left that Lenin would be seen as a right wing racist these days ( he probably was racist right enough)

The left have embraced killing unborn children, removing kids genitalia, allowing men to take over women's sports and trying to make everyone accept a bearded man in a dress is a biological woman, forcing poisonous injections into people , silencing the free press and imprisoning political opponents.

Holy fuck man, I can't believe this shit has happened to you.

We're getting it happen here as well but not near as bad (yet)

I can only hope that sane people in America (the old lefties as well) can stop this fuckin madness ! 🤞🙏

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Satan rules here in Amerika. And we did it to ourselves. Blissfully led down the primrose path, seeking more power, more glory and more Dinero. Anything and everything good eventually corrupted and attacked. All designed to destroy by powers with in the gates ruled from without the gates CCP, Israel/Bankers/Jew/Cabal/Elites, Russia, Illuminati, Masons whomever you want.. they all hated the American ideal of freedom, justice and opportunity and equality NOT EQUITY! They flooded us with the refugees, destroyed the native black communities taught hatred and division across every group, and in the end.. that is what will destroy us.

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Trust me, most of us are just as surprised as you are.

Those of us who have always been considered normal patriotic Americans ....people who are Christians, people who believe in individual freedom, free speech, the Constitution, pay our taxes, vote, and otherwise support the system.... are now suspected of being domestic enemies of the State simply because we believe that things are headed in the wrong direction (badly) and want Trump re-elected as President.

We aren’t “insurrectionists” or anything like that.

We are simply citizens who want a free, fair, and honest election (as guaranteed by the constitution) to determine the future of our country.

And for that the leftist media saddles us with all kinds of insulting labels..... we’re stupid, foolish, easily manipulated, cult members, insurrectionists, etc .... and if Biden wins reelection I suspect that more, and more intense, political persecution against conservatives and Trump supporters will follow.

Somehow there is something wrong with us because we are sick of leftist politicians and bureaucrats lying to us, introducing political persecution (and open corruption), doing end runs around the Constitution, and watching these lunatics purposely running the country into the ground.

At the rate things are happening, the USA may not be a free country by the end of 2024, and it’s all being orchestrated by Benito Biden, his minders, the Swamp, and the self proclaimed “elites” of the Democratic Party.

The “Transformation of America” indeed......

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George Orwell made clear in 1984 that changing the language is a tool to control the minds of the public. Flu season is now a 'global pandemic.' A toxic brew is now a 'vaccine' (safe and effective!). A chaotic voting effort fraught with tens of 1000s of mysteriously appearing (previously-rejectable) ballots is now a 'fraud-free election where all votes count.' And a peaceful protest - until the cops fired into the peaceful crowds where undercover cops egged-on violence - is now an 'insurrection' (also recall the Civil Rights movement of the '60s and the COINTELPRO operation by the FBI to cause violence to discredit the movement).

Victors write history and the dishonest victors will spin things to allow themselves to remain in power and to seem righteous to folk who blindly follow them. The Soros-controlled dems have destroyed our country.....reminds me of the Bolshevik revolution (which turned out really bad for the entire country; dems beware the fruit of your short-sighted actions. I still can't believe the Colorado Supreme Court could be so ..... UN-JUDICIAL!

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And now, what is a woman? That cannot be answered anymore, anymore than what is a Republic, nor, what is freedom of speech, thought, nor, what is truth?

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023

Griswold has that AOC / Schi(f)t bug eyed tell. She is owned!

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Bravo Tucker! And bravo Vigilant for posting his (Tucker's) video on the Colorado ruling here today.

Tucker: “None of this seems very American. All of it looks like the actual end of democracy.” Yep.

Although I was a registered Dim for all my life (had to in order to vote in state primaries - which is definitely another rig by the PTB on BOTH corrupt sides of the political binary pie - I've always been more a Libertarian than a Libral at heart. Why are all other political perspectives kept off the US Republic's Presidential & Senatorial/Congressional ballots? Answer: To maintain the 2-party grift. :/

After the Dim primary was CLEARLY stolen from Bernie Sanders in 2016 (Remember his populist crowds numbering in the thousands everywhere he spoke?) & Hillary the Grim Reaper "won", I thought that was the END of DEMOCRACY. And it was. Until Hillary stole the election from Trump in 2020. And now... the extension of the end of democracy goes on. When will this hellish political spiral really end?

Here's the Tucker interview with Trump on the 1st night of the so-called GOP/Republican debate, fyi.

> Aug 23, 2023 - Tucker Carlson Interviews Donald Trump On [GOP] Debate Night

1,652,282 views Aug 23, 2023 Donald Trump skipped the first debate to talk with Tucker Carlson


God help us overcome the dystopian nightmare of their planned NWO/Great Reset. Do NOT comply.

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We all need to begin writing in our candidate's name. Force the end of parties. Choose one from one side and another not selected in the primary. Something like that.

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I think every elected official who supported all the rioting and looting (and never calls it what it is) in anyway shape or form in 2020 were enciting. But I think the actual insurrection happened a long time ago. That's the problem with our system, too trusting. And at this point I don't know if term limits would have made a difference, maybe they would have. But americans should have realized on their own to not vote for anyone who's been in office for more than 15 - 20 years. There's something wrong with our minds.

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Amen. Term Limits would help, but not h old off the corruption Eisenhower warned of when he left office, the Iron Triangle, the MIC... the profits, the money, the POWER was what corrupted us.... the lure of power, the slow decline of morality and justice exchanged for money making corporate, military and thus rules corrupted. Every person in Congress goes into Congress and comes out a millionaire. How does that happen if they aren't trading favors, hum?? And if the aren't take the lobby money? And while we are at that... if you are in Congress, how many are CLEAN?!! I mean, of the 500 members who has not 1. cheated on campaign financing (using dollars for non legal purposes?) 2. who hasn't taking money then voted on a position? 3. actual crimes not related to congress: women, men, booze, drugs, sex trafficking and mobsters? 4. Influence peddling (nos. 3 and 4 shout out, we see you Hunter Biden)

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At this point, term limits definately wouldn't hold off corruption. There are too many life long politicians training the new and incoming ones.

And I never understood the point of having term limits on the presedency when the legislative branch holds more power and no other position has term limits.

I think they would have made a difference a long time ago but having it for one office and not any other was the ruse.

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Biden is a traitor who should not be permitted to seek reelection, if his family is involved in numerous nefarious profitable business deals in Ukraine which ultimately allowed the national security state to easily persuade Creepy Joe to participate in foreign policy initiatives which would unquestionably trigger the Ukraine mess killing hundreds of thousands of young Eastern European men while it simultaneously extracted more than $140 billion in US tax dollars to feed a bunch of seedy gangsters intertwined within a dubious arms industry.

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The end of the 'Rule of Law" as the uniparty, or Communism, has moved from the Kremlin to Beijing to Washington DC.

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It's easy to recognize the secret servants of Satan. They are doing everything they can to destroy Trump and the Patriots. The Satanists intend to destroy the USA and all nations and RULE the entire world with their NEW WORLD ORDER, GREAT RESET, TOTALITARIAN HELL ON EARTH, complete with government controlled digital currency (CBDCs) and the MARK OF THE BEAST. Revelation 13:16-18

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The end of the rule of law.

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Anyone paying any semblance of attention to Trump, Team, Truth Teller communities, intel, and information being revealed ought to have known this was coming down the pike.

[They] have NO choice but to go full steam ahead with [their] plans as:

1. [They] have been cornered to do so

2. Being in full blown panic mode, this is the ONLY playbook move [they] know

3. Trump will take it to the Appellate Court and USSC to appeal whereupon these fraudsters will once again be made to eat crow.

4. One State does not a country make

5. Even more interesting names are popping out of the woodwork to be held accountable at a later date.

[They] ARE trying to kill democracy (have been for a LONG time)

It ain't gonna work.

Anyone thinking President Trump and The TEAM weren't and aren't prepared for this are fooling themselves.

Anyone thinking The People are not onto [them] - again, fooling themselves.

Panic is making [them] do stupid things.

And it's quite entertaining to watch.

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The Art of War at it’s finest. Trump and team have played them brilliantly. 🍿❤️🇺🇸

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The decision is stayed until Jan. 4, which is plenty of time to right this wrong. There is no way the SCOTUS will support the insane decision to keep Trump off the ballot. Trump was never charged with insurrection, so they have no power to pull off their illegal disruption of the voting process and disregard the million Colorado citizens who previously voted for Trump.

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They only need to delay it until AFTER the election when it is TOO LATE to do anything about it. That's the modus operandi ... I love everyone's optimistic takes but I'm here to say never never gonna happen... he's toast. And no, he won't win (because they will use the lawfare to make that happen... just like they did before. Remember that demon possessed guy testifying in Congress Stroke, or something? Yeah, lying for his master the Father of Lies ... it will be like that. Demons walk among us.

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