Love that Tucker!

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Actually, We Are A Constitution Republic. Republicans need to start using that term.. stop playing into the Democrats language. "A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch" mob rule!

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I usually have the same thought! The dems overuse the word democracy for a reason. And it's not a good one

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Democracy to the Dems is they stay in power forever.

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Tucker knows that and I think he used democracy because the other side is using it and he is speaking to the world. In this context, it didn't matter. In this context, the word democracy was the right one to use.

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And the second amendment assures the lamb is armed.

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Thank you posting. Epic speech!

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Trumps looking a ‘shoe in’. The dems came up with a few hundred thousand bogus votes to get Biden over the line last time. I wonder if they can find about a hundred million this time!

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Never underestimate the lengths they are willing to go to, as they have no moral compass and the ends always justify the means. They are currently in the process of viciously devouring one of their own, their so-called leader, to get him out of the way. Cheating will likely be the least of the upcoming chaos that may be unleashed before the election. I am dreading the next 6 months.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Couldn't agree more with the last statement here. The next 6 months will very likely be a period of time unlike Americans have ever seen nor can fathom. Correction is coming to the U.S. The discomfort of seeing the words "Jesus Christ" (& our need for Him), in a comments section like this, even from myself, will need to be a thing of the past. God honors faith and prayer, and I'm sure He still hears the plea and prayer from the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock about our nation that was to be at that time. He has blessed our nation more than any other in this history of the world - is that not true? No, the Lord won't destroy us, in spite of our nation deserving it, but Correction is indeed coming. Hopefully a much larger number of us will recognize it and respond.

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I asked myself the same thing today— right after I noticed Biden has 37 million followers on twitter X and Trump has 83 million followers on twitter X!

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I like that...twitterex

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For sure.....however, that's why they need another candidate who polls better. The cheating will be more plausible.

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One word-Gratitude!

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I just pray that at some point in time these people will start calling our government a Constitutional Republic of Independent States 🙏

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Wow, something's happening, he's right, and it feels good.

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Tucker has been slowly and steadily set up to be the next (or the next next) president. They will advertise him as a new breath, a turning point in the politics and the salvation for the nation.

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He’s said he wants nothing to do with the position. He’s a journalist, and he likes his job and wants to be the best he possibly can at it.

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As I watched Tucker, I had to stop and ask myself "what is he"

Someone who speaks at a political convention is a "newsmaker". I can't call him a journalist any more.

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Just like other actors, Ronald R and Arnold S.

Being offered this position is an opportunity you won't (even try to) reject.

Whether you like it or not, you will be #1 in the world :-)

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I was hoping for Trump's VP this time around.

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...but but but Tucker:::; please remember that this is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic with representative government.

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TUCKER is right!

Something is happening! COURAGE HEART


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LOL I clipped some of the speech as well, although it's for an article tomorrow. Great minds think alike!

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Great speech. Perfectly said

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You, Sir, are a breath of fresh air!

Wonderful speech abt 47! Thank you.

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It’s all drama is right. But I wonder what is outside this drama. I wonder if a world could exist in absolute truth, which as far as I can tell is that there is no inherent meaning to anything and that emptiness and impermanence are the only constants. I think individuals can accept truth and continue to live, but I have my doubts society could function on Buddhism. Or at least the simplistic western mind. We demand concrete where there is none, and if it isn’t fabricated, we’ll kill each other to make it. Or at least these are thoughts I’m having at the moment. Create the North Star. If it drives us toward the shore, did it matter, in the end, if it was fundamentally true or not?

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Not a democracy...constitutional republic...big difference....

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He'd be more credible if he stayed away from religion.

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-Really? The world wouldn't be in the state it's in if so many people hadn't 'stayed away from religion' and taken the 'Left Hand Path'. That said, of course I know that all religions have been infiltrated and corrupted, but that is not God's fault.

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Lunarcide..... staying away from our Christian roots IS precisely the problem.

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