Just apologize? Many of them should have their license to practice taken. And there are a select few who knowingly participated in crimes against humanity. Those people need to be tried and sentenced to the harshest possible sentence. This includes Fauci, Wallensky, Birx, and a lot more.

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I think being held liable would be far more apropos.

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I would like an apology so I can refuse it!

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I agree but unfortunately that will lead to a severe reduction in the number of available doctors.

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A reduction of doctors would be music to my ears...

And bring back ALL healthcare workers that sounded the alarm and were rewarded with termination...

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And you would ever trust them again after recommending these deadly jabs???? We left ours as fast as possible! If I ever hear the words, “trust the science,” they will be picking that doctor up off the floor! I’ve watched young people in their thirties die we knew, babies that NEVER should have been given these, nope they deserve firing squads! I didn’t truth them immediately!

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- " Available"?

No thanks...

It would be preferable

they would be more competent Dr. 's.

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Not real doctors. Thats like saying I don’t want Theranos Elizabeth and SBF in prison for stealing money because we need more entrepreneurs, not fewer.

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Apologize? Do we really think that they didn’t know the harm they were inflicting, that they personally had a financial conflict of interest, and that there was no informed consent? Apologize?

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You beat me to it. Some were brainwashed and ignorant, but many knew it was bad and went along for the money or because they were cowards.

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They are supposed to be pretty smart, informed, and educated people, right?

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Yep, indoctrination from the corrupt medical establishment and medical schools runs deep.

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Have yet to meet a person in medicine who has both intellect AND common sense...

Many are ' book smart' and that's the extent in my interactions thus far...

One must search far and wide for competence in EVERY endeavor. No more can there be :

'Blind Trust' in this day and age...

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An engineer was held liable for the collapse of a high school gym backboard, 25 years after it was built. About 20 kids climbed on it as a prank and it came off the wall. HE SHOULD HAVE ANTICIPATED THIS!! He screwed up. He should have…apologized! But a doctor who kills people, knowingly, or at the very least it should have been knowingly, NOT LIABLE. All good. Apologize Kids. Say you’re sorry! There. Don’t you feel better now?

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The collapse of the apartment complex in Florida a few years back had people calling for the head of the developer. Despite the building being 40 years old and was built to code, which is imposed by the government. The building then owned by condo owners didn’t maintain it as it was supposed to. And was warned of salt water seeping in which was causing damage. But ‘KILL DEVELOPER SCUM!!’

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Doctors though? Those purehearts get a pass.

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proves once more that rags on a wall do not define intellect

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Agreed! And, rags on a wall from “elite schools” surely don’t signify competency!

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Love it!

"Rags on a wall!" 👍👍👍👍

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Nah. Doctors are just the same jerks that live next door to you. In my experience, most doctors are idiots and narcissists.

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It is like the nurses who called Remdesivir ‘Run Death is Near’, yet STILL GAVE IT OUT!! “You poisoned that person and he died.” “I had no choice. It was on the chart.” “But you knew there was a good chance he would die.” “No. You don’t understand. Look. Right here. See it says Remdesivir. What choice did I have?”

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and some loved their paycheck more than TRUTH and STILL do

Throughout life I have made it a habit to be able to recognize who is staring back from

the mirror

For some there is not even a mirror. . .

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Thank you - it's like saying you're sorry when you cheat on your spouse - I bet that was the absolute last thing you were ever thinking of while you were committing adultery. It's like saying you're sorry for getting your kid vaccinated for everything - when the kid then becomes disabled and or worse. It's like the politicians who say they're sorry after getting caught taking bribes or in sex scandals! Sorry is such a bullshit excuse for everything. You're not the least bit sorry because if truly were - you wouldn't have done it to begin with!

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The only thing they seem to be sorry for is getting caught.

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I think Justin Trudeau’s apology for sexually harassing a reporter for the National Post is the best apology ever. He had just kicked an MP out of his party because an opposition member claimed he had belittled her sexually in an elevator. The guy denied it. He got kicked out anyway. Justin said ‘believe all women’. Justin sexually harassed a young woman at a rural campaign event, not realizing she was a reporter for a National newspaper! His apology? ‘She remembers it differently than I do. Sometimes people have different views about what happened. In any event I do apologize and I want to make it clear I never would have sexually harassed someone if I knew she was a reporter.’ Main stream media, all bribed with government money, ‘okay, we are all good here, he apologized, nothing to see, move along people, don’t make us bring out the rubber truncheons’.

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Initially at least one I know genuinely trusted the CDC. He lost me however when he asked me, a veterinarian, friend and patient, why he should listen to me and slammed down the phone.

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THEY knew it just like Tucker and others hacks on Fox did and it was ALL for a

paycheck. They prove that ladies peddling it any street corner are not the only

action in town.

Perhaps one of the best examples of the knotheads at Fox was when someone queried Kilmeade about Ivermectin and he replied something like: "there is no way to research that"

Odd reply given he researches everything else for his dull books

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We desperately need a parallel healthcare system. I'm not trusting the people who wouldn't allow visitors for the dying, and then wouldn't allow unvaccinated visitors. A friend of mine was denied entry to the hospital to see her dying brother, she was fully vaccinated and boosted but had forgotten to bring her vaccine card (her memory hasn't been the same since her post vax stroke). The basis for that crime against humanity was a lie that they still refuse to admit.

When covid first started and the ventilators clearly weren't helping I decided I would recover from covid at home or die from it at home, no way I would go to a hospital for it. And now? The day I need a hospital to keep me alive is the day that I die.

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I self treated at home also. 3 really miserable days but I am fine. I would not allow the kids to get the "vaccine".

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You probably saved your own life. I doubt that I will ever trust anyone in allopathic (traditional) medicine ever again. There is no doubt in my mind that the doctors and nurses had to know their protocols were killing people—from withholding viable treatments such as Ivermectin, Hyrdoxy, steroids, etc to administering Remdescivir and vents to pushing for the vax and multiple boosters. And, by endless testimonies, many had willful malice.

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If I need a doctor, their stance on COVID treatment is now a litmus test for me.

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Same! I generally avoid them where possible!

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Ditto ❣️

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I only use them to order tests. They are all drug oriented. They all peddle cures that aren’t cures.

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They should be criminally charged.

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The amount of pain and suffering that they caused?! They belong in prison! Fuck them!

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Awesome!!!! Agree!!! ❤️ Tucker and I am NOT trusting my doctor and especially FED PUBLIC HEALTH in Canada and USA. Tucker. Next. GET all over the WHO /UN attack on humans via our Governments. NO to the WHO Treaty!!

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It became very obvious soon after the vaccine began being administered that there were problems. And that the protocols were not only downright stupid, but were actively killing people. But knowing this, the medical profession pushed onward with bureaucracies greedily collecting dollars with every death. Sorry? Tell "sorry" to the families of the 17 Million people who died from the jab.

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The reaction was SO immediate, the press literally had to run stories about "ACTUALLY, THAT MEANS IT'S WORKING!".

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And they’re STILL PUSHING IT!!!

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VA still pushing the covid DeathVax on US veterans.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Nuremberg 2.0 for any doctor that recommended the jab but did not take it in their own arm. Period. I would also argue that nurses, RNs, are culpable. They all KNEW. They were paid to turn a blind eye. ‘Just doing my job’ didn’t work for the Nazis and it sure isn’t going to get these sick, greedy pigs off the hook. They wanted to thin the herd? Let’s thin the herd of unethical healthcare workers that did not honor their simple oath to DO NO HARM.

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Any nurse or doctor who administered Remdesivir is a murderer.

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The ICU doctors are mass murderers. Kept giving that poison, well aware of the awful side effects Remdesivir was known for. I wonder how much they got for using it. Had a major falling out with a PA I know. Kept arguing with me ‘Because her mom was an ICU md. ‘ How awful to now know your mother is a serial killer for hire.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

I always ask, "didn't they notice that people were dying?"

Yeah, they did and they didn't care.

No different than the Nazi doctors.

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If there were medical professionals that took it and didn't know it was dangerous, they are responsible for their own stupidity and negligence for wrongly advising patients when information was available for those that did a little research.

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If they were ignorant of the potential harms, they’re lousy doctors! I’m not a clinician, but I managed to figure it out. I managed to treat myself and family and friends and none of us died or were sick more than 3 days. How any doctor could ignore that the nonsense the Fauci team was spouting went against how every virus has behaved since we knew what they were, is beyond me. Is it any wonder we don’t trust a damn thing they say any more?! They look pretty stupid, at the very least!

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ACOG is still recommending the jab to pregnant women. 🤬

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood….

Right Bro?

People need to understand this absolute truth.

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Truth !! Laura Kasner !

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I can’t get past it either. My cardiologist. I can’t imagine how many new patients he must have. He yelled at me because I wouldn’t take those shots. I haven’t seen him since. He took them, so who knows, maybe he is vaccine injured? I know that he owes me an apology. It was very unprofessional and disrespectful the things he said to me. He made it clear that people dying was MY fault!

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Wonderful thanks. I hope that Tucker and Jimmy are not murdered for their statements.

People who oppose the narrative are winding up dead supposedly by their own hand.

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My husband and I are a part of an HMO and all of the doctors had to take the shots and had to recommend the shots. Our insurance is through the HMO so for the moment, if we want to see a doctor, we have to go to one of them. However, I will never again trust any of my 3 Drs and if given the opportunity, I would testify against all 3 that they recommended the shots. At least one knew that Hydroxy and Ivermectin worked, but told me if I got covid, he couldn't provide those 2 medicines for me. Since I was able to find the true info about the jabs, all Dr's, as professionals that we relied on for good advice, had a responsibility to do the research and wisely advise their patients. Since they didn't do due diligence and people died or were injured, they should go to prison for criminal negligence. More than 35 of my family members took one or more jabs! To my knowledge, none of them are aware of their serious mistake because they are still trusting their doctors.

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I worked as a multi-disciplined Pharmacist for 20 years, leaving the profession in '98 because the Big Pharma, health care for profit model did not resonate with me. When this scam first began and alternative treatments such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were villainized, I knew immediately that something was not right. (even vitamin D3 was questioned) The immediate push to "vaccinate" with an experimental biological as the only mode of treatment raised a huge red flag. There is never only one way to treat anything. If I knew that something was off, then surely many other professionals had to know, or at least question. Instead, they went with the "program" lock, stock, and barrel. Apologize?? No--that isn't good enough and what would it accomplish?

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The Primary that closely monitored this my health etc. chose to abandon his practice

in 1998 ad well.

This was when the medical groups were going into mega-groups...

He explained why, and warned me of what may come.

I pray he is well, he saved my life to this day, from that warning...

Cheers to you.

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Yes, the writing was clearly on the wall at that time.

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Send them all to GITMO

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Apologies will not restore trust. What happened over the last four years is impetus for us all to question everything about our paradigm, especially health care. We are after all our own best advocates and have a responsibility to question and not to just blindly comply.

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Wrong. They should be hanged.

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Apologies require restitution and compensation. How and what will these unethical charlatans offer to compensate for sickness and loss of life? They have been richly rewarded. They acted in concert and with deliberation, just as their medical and surgical forebears did in the Nazi era, when they embraced the narrative and its ideology. They are biddable, easy to persuade and compliant...not unlike kakistocratic bureaucrats and politicians.

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