You can like or respect somethings about a person or even think they are "basically decent" but that doesn't mean they should be President or are worthy of a vote to hold that office. I will take a pass on RFK Jr for President.

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He isn't a supporter of the 2nd amendment - from his own lips!


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Well, debatable. We should STOP judging candidates words, when his actions say otherwise.

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Maybe we need someone who is ethically, morally, constitutionally and VERBALLY congruent. I think so.

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Or we could stop relying on politicians to save us and instead control our own systems and generate answers from the bottom up.

We fix this by solving problems in groups better. It is the most powerful force on Earth.

Here is how:


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And where would we find such an animal? They all seem bought and paid for by WEF.

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Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Back to reality. How many candidates which fit this profile can you name please?

Provide the whole list, please

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Feb 7
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It’s not about my standards. It’s about your standards🫶🏼

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Keri Lake

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No one is coming to save us. There is no savior. We only have ourselves. Humanity is at stake & 90% of the people don't know or believe that we are being attacked daily & time is running out.

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2nd Amendment didn't help us much from the shamdemic now did it.

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That is a stupid statement.

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That’s a people problem, not the 2nds fault. But you are correct. A cowardly lions teeth are useless

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Well said, Brenda.

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I agree with your premise. Yet, do tell, who should be a President? Rove, McConnell & the rest of swamp supported DeSantis? Who?

Let’s look 4 years from now, when Trump is not in the picture, who of the current crop is worthy?

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IN four years the cream can rise.... and I do think that Trump will likely show us the best candidates...Trump learned a lot about who is criminal in the last 6 years... in 4 years he will be absolute master

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Every cycle we, hopeless dreamers, say: “ IN four years the cream can rise.... ”

Yet, the only «cream” that invariably rise is another element if the same crap.

I am against ageism. If Trump is up to this at 120, I am in 😁

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Keri Lake

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None of the above from your sad list. But thst doesn't mean RFK, Jr is any better or my personal choice by default.

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Can you at least name a single Democrat, who is better than RFK Jr.?

If Democrat wins again, I’d rather it be RFK Jr.

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So who is worthy?

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Personally, I liked Vivek but that is no longer an option. Why should we accept rehashed left over liberals, neocons or RINO'S as the only options.

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Are you fully vaccinated?

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Not sure if the fully vaccinated remark was directed at me. But no, I am not vaccinated. And unlike others, my husband and I stand on our convictions. We suffered financially and professionally due to our refusal to inject toxic juice into our bodies. Lost jobs, had to sell our dream home and property where we intended to live on the rest of our lives, had to move 1,500 miles to somewhere we never wanted to live and have taken the financial, personal and professional hits. Not seeing RFK. JR as a savior or my choice as President literally has nothing to do with vaccines 🙄 It does have to do with his personal actions, his words and his political ideology. By the way he and his wife insisted guests at their Christmas party show proof of vax.

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I remember that story about showing vax or negative test to attend their party, and that he blamed it on his wife. I still have reservations about him for some reason.. a gut instinct I guess.

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Rfk is a Never for me

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His wife runs him. Who wants that? She Hollyweird.

He waffles on abortion. Abortion seems like a yes or no issue to me.

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Abortion being the obvious murder of a genetically distinct human being, it is definitely a no issue to those who oppose zygotic genocide.

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Feb 8
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Anything that prevents conception cannot be an assault on a genetically unique human zygote that would never be created.

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RFK Jr. is the only serious presidential candidate that doesn't suck up to big pharma.

Were you excluded from his Christmas party?

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He’s still a liberal despite Tucker praise

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and you know what.. Tucker's support of the Iraq war did nothing for me and him. Always be cautious with these talking heads. Moral relativity is always an issue.. perhaps Tucker has finally grown a moral backbone?

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Moral knows not what ignorance drives.

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I find his failure to call out the real forces behind the vax, namely the US DOD bioweapons labs damning.

Dr. Martin does, he calls them out with names, facts, patents, etc. RFK Jr just yells FAUCI...never a whisper about the actual source being the DOD that I have seen.

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Bobby/Malone never screamed for the public to have free/open access to ivermectin!!!

He doesn’t detail and name names in DOD/CIA who are actually the ones who gave us Covid and ran the vaxxes!!! Bobby is just another CIA puppet.

He’s a liberal who tweeted shutdowns were great for climate. He has changed most of his positions when challenged by the media!!! He’s weak and a coward.

He’s nothing but a vote splitter and everyone is falling for it. A vote for Bobby is a vote for China!!!!

Because Tik Tok is pushing him, CIA/deep state actors are helping him…. They will make Bobby president.

America cannot afford another democrat in the White House!!!

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He doesn't have anywhere near the level of support that would allow him to win. His long history of anti vaccine work caused him to be branded "insane." I am in Massachusetts surrounded by the most liberal of people, most of them think he is a "whacko."

And I disagree with Tucker, he will take a lot of votes from Biden, but few from Trump. Especially once he brought in a CIA operative relative of all people to run his campaign. WHAT in heaven's name was that for???

He will capture some number of the Bernie Bros, who were unlikely to ever go for Trump. I think also Tucker may be talking him up, because as his friend, he hopes Kennedy gets a spot in Trump's administration. And we do disagree, there is no way the CIA wants him anywhere in DC.

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Yeah well Trump still says it’s one of his greatest achievements. And RFK knows it was the DOD.

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Trump said his efforts to get a solution was one of his greatest achievements, which is valid. Keep in mind he did not launch the vax, it was not released until 2 weeks after Biden got in. Nor did Trump ever call for lockdowns, he repeatedly said he was opposed to them, and said they were a matter of State's rights.

The fact that Trump was lied to by all charged to come up with a solution is something he still needs to address, and I am sure he will.

RFK may know, I am sure he does. Yet he has not said word one about the DOD involvement that I am aware of.

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Is the USDA part of the DoD?

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Currently Phizer mNRA vaccines are being used in pigs, they intend to expand their program into cattle, etc. They are also introducing mNRA genetic mutations into vegetables, such as lettuce.

So they don't need to be formally part of the DoD, as these vax are approved by the FDA, the CDC, the FDA. To quote a famous line; Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges." Same reasoning applies.

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Really, he doesn't suck up to big pharma? Him not allowing unvaxxed at his party was a big pharma wet dream. He made really stupid decisions regarding the vax and tried to push his ideology on others through isolationism/segregation. I do not forgive and I do not forget. Obviously he felt entitled to do this.

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Which brings up another problem with him. His wife is in charge of him and operates in direct opposition to his positions.. That party decision was made by her.

She also had their children receive all the vaccines. Yet he is totally against childhood vaccines. So you elect him, the wife runs the nation. Not up for that myself.

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Again, Trump pushed Warpspeed, started the lockfowns, and NEVER has acknowledged any issue with the shots. They are all liars and pawns.

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Were you refused attendance at his party?

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but he sucks up to israel and to the police (state). he actually said 'Palestinians are the most pampered people on earth,' and he's against ending qualified immunity for police who stomp on our constitutional rights, use excessive force, make false arrests, etc.

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Why are you paraphrasing when you should be quoting trackable comments? If you didn't personally hear him say it, you should avoid regurgitating spun media clips.

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paraphrasing? I personally heard (and watched) him say, 'Palestinians are the most pampered people on earth.' so what's the problem. did rachel maddow tell you he didn't?

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Really? That last bit. Was he letting in the vaxxed or the unvaxxed though? Is he vaxxed? Don't think he is so maybe he was just letting in the unvaxxed. At least there would be no shedding then. Of all the American candidates that i know of he seems like one of the best choices you have, just him and Trump imo. Neither are perfect but at least 100% better than your current 'leader'.

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You needed proof of vax to attend. The information is readily available all over the internet including him blaming it on his liberal actress wife when he got caught. Plenty of information about him and his history of drug addiction, heroine overdoses, mistreatment of women and his far left ideology are also readily available in biographies including his autobiography. His actions and words regarding limiting the second amendment, putting "climate deniers" in prison including oil company executives... defending his cousin who raped a woman and defending the other cousin who admitted to killing Martha Moxley in the 70's... lots of unpleasant and unsavory baggage with RFK, jr

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Not being American i have not heard this before, but i also don't watch the news anymore and tend to just rely on posts like this. He has a book out Vax vs Unvax with Brian Hooker that tells the truths about vaccinations and his book on Fauci also tells the truth so i just see him as a good guy. I also see that family as being the best you lot have ever had in politics, and the fact that 'they' wanted rid of that family says a lot about them. If 'they' don't want them in power then you really should be voting for that person. Over here in the UK last election we had JC (Jeremy Corbyn) in that same position where the press went for him like he was some kind of mad dog. He actually had all the correct answers to the major problems, he became leader of the Labour party at age 66 (2x33 - second coming?) and also said he would not bow down to then the queen. A good egg imo. He had 2 main policies that stood out though, and they were deeply against both the Rothschilds and the Rockefellas and as they own the media and everything else he kinda shot himself in the foot but i would prefer someone like that than the currentl leader Starfish... Real name Starmer but you may get my point...

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NOT a difficult solution to participate…


Please help!

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Being a writer for Children's Health Defense Canada, I can say that this organization , though not perfect, is one of the only ones, along with RFK, to even touch the subject of the smart grid and EMF:


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Agree. No one talks about it. If you asked 100 people off the street, I suspect 99 wouldn't have a clue that there are any radiation concerns with phones and 5G. I've mentioned it to friends and they look at me blankly.

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It would be more impressive if they didn't seem ignorant of electromagnetics.

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But then they'd look crazy...and people would rather be low-fat vanilla than full fat chocolate ice cream. Forget about strawberry.

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WTF are you talking about?

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people would rather be boring than provactive.

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They also prefer to be ungrammatical when writing gibberish.

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Thank you Vonu for going out of your way in being so kind to another human being. Next time I'll spell it out for you, real simple-like.

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RFK jr is a total DISGRACE for being in the pocket of the zionist lobby!! His knowledge of the Middle East and the zio genocide is less than minuscule. This trumps any other position he has on ANYTHING. For SHAME! Boycott fraudulent USRaeli (s)elections.

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And? Trump isn't?? He's an agent of the zionists too, you've been snowed

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Can you not read? FRAUDULENT USRAeli (s)elections! Read, and think!! We haven’t had an authentic election since the zios off JFK. Geezuz america—turn off the boob tube! Tune out the dog and pony show!!

Who told you sheep you have to vote? 😵‍💫🙃

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Omg. You're me. That's exactly what I say. I must have thought you were another fool. My bad. You're clearly not. Spot on. 🇮🇱 are the terrorists and they I'll usher in the end. Either now or later but it will be them..

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Absolutely! They’re working on their third WW as we speak😰🤬

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‘zios offed’

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My similar comment was deleted after three seconds. Now I see how to trick the algorithms -- USRAeli, that's cool!

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keep in mind that it was Trump who make the term 'FAKE NEWS' famous in all circles.. we all know who controls the fake news... ZIONISTS!!!... WE HAVE TO FIGURE THESE THINGS OUT FOR OURSELVES! for if Trump came out and said zionist controlled media was fake news, well, he probably would not be alive right now.

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Just because he calls the media fake or zionists as you say, why do you think the zionists wouldn't like the term fake news? They love it. All they want is division, does it matter? They have nukes, JFK tried too stop them and one of the reasons he was killed, look at how the Israelis treat other humans? Do you think they give one lick? These people will destroy themselves if they have no other choice with you, they will not accept losing. You're playing checkers. You told me this like it was some great insight I missed. Trumps most likely an actor. He's speaking to you and me. He's speaking to all the sane Americans telling them what they're thinking. Meanwhile it's a side show as all plans go forward. Don't you get it? It's gone. It's over with, things will change however they want them to at whatever speed they want. It's unbelievable you think there is a person a some that can change it. Putin controls Russia, he's got billions personally. He knows he can't do a damn thing to them. But Trump he knows and he's telling us by saying fake news? Come on Arrow. Understand first the money system. Read the Creature from Jekyl Island by Ed Griffin

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you are so incredibly ill informed this is all the reply Im giving you. LOL have a great retarded day

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you must be a plant. there is no way you can call what I wrote, ill-informed you have no clue what it even is. OMG! I knew I'd ferret it out! You're a patel loser! OMG you two are complete morons. That guy is a complete lunatic or psy opp, you must be too!

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You know everything going on in the world but you think Trump can fix it all and he needed to be selected president to do that. I'll call you nuts, that's what you are. Ill informed? NO. Nuts yes. I have paid attention to every last thing Trump, Q, and the rest have been saying, it's absolute and utter bullshit. You admit these people can take over the world and kill millions but Trump and his band are safe and can fight against this cabal. You're a fool or nuts.

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Zionists control everything, globally and locally. One has to let them cut off a finger, but there are still 9 remains to manouver

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President Trump often skirts controversial topics for strategic reasons. I f you wait just a bit longer I think he will reveal his true feeling about Zionsm. Eveything in due time. He is absolutely America First.

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Absolutely? Logical fallacy and idiotic comment. You know nothing absolutely and you definitely know nothing about Trump Absolutely. You also sound like hopeful dolt. I have been hearing this for almost 10 years. Just stop already. The only thing that's coming next is the next stage of facism. I guess you need the false hope because the truth is too much to handle. "Absolutely"

He created as much debt in Obama in half the time. That's socialism and the destruction of the dollar but you don't have a clue about that. He pushed the poison jab, was a mouthpiece of the pharm companies, said the jab was good. Fired no one but Bannon the only good one he had. The world is exponentially worse but yeah its a plan. He needed everyone to see how bad it was. Only idiots think that. He's walking you down what you see as a prim rose path. But? It's to hell. They kill millions of p3ople. They start wars, they're pedofilles, they have anyone killed they want but Trump, his kids, his grandkids are somehow immune. Are you fking serious right now?

The end.

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you don't seem to have a clue that Trump intended to take down the monetary system, and was going to make them pay for everything without ever paying them back for all the theft and usury upon the American people. It was supposed to come after the 2020 election, which was stolen.. ya come back at me.. but you are not awake to what is going on and I got no more time for you

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I came back to read this so i could another good laugh. What I don't understand is that Trump was going to take down the oldest banking families in the world thst are worth in excess of 500 Trillion Dollars with a whole system established 111 years ago or since the country began and before that in Europe? Ypu dont understand how the world works. You think Musk and Gates are somw of the richest people. Thats what you think. You don't know shit arrow. These people not only control standing armies they control it all but your thoughts, for now. But IF you think this guy who tells you what you want to hear has any chance under the sun to do what you said, you're just stupid. Plain and simple. You live in Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood

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LMAO. Cause he told you so? What in the AF are you talking about? I know exactly what he said. You think you're the only knows what he said? Are you an AI bot?

If you're not understanding this. Let me be crystal clear. I think he's an actor a bullshitter. He's employed by the zionists. Think what you want.

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Absolutely, and the main reason I would never vote for him. Because of this he is incapable of draining the swamp

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Well, except RFK Jr is a climate change fear monger. I know lots of conservatives who are classical environmentalists who possess a great environmental steward philosophy as does RFK Jr. However , he’s also a global warming climate change alarmist who wants B I G government to regulate the shit out of individuals and businesses to enforce a fraudulent ideology.

Tucker left this ideology out of his analysis, and thus he is wrong. Bobby’s climate alarmism and regulatory goals disqualify him from any serious consideration by real conservatives.

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He's a gun-control nut and a climate-zealot.

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That's why he is a hunter?

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Because he enjoys it. Politician's are allowed to have guns and bodyguards with guns....especially Kennedys.

However.....on banning assault weapons, he said, "I'm not going to take away anybody's guns," but if a bipartisan bill to do so passed Congress, he'd sign it. (look it up)

He says some good things, but cancels them out with climate/2A views.

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Agree completely …so good on so many things then WHAM right in the eye… has to be a NO.

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I can't look it up because I don't know what your source is.

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I used to subscribe to Reason Magazine before they became conservative, like Cato did.

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His comments are his comments regardless of the political views of the magazine. He's been a lifelong gun control and climate changer for his entire political life. He's never hid from it, although recently he's tried to sidestep those issues.

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But unfortunately RFK has his head stuck up his ass in regard to Palestine/Israel. He doesn't seem to mind killing Palestinian children....

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And Trump or Biden don't?

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If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it.

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If editing didn't make a difference, you wouldn't have done it post-post.

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Trump needs to pick RFK as his VP in order to win big enough to overcome the cheating that will undoubtedly take place

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It's all rigged. RFK is there as a Ross Perot. Y'all act like these peopl3 have choices and it's organic. LMFAO

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He won’t because that puts him in line for president

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Amen John.

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Both have said they are too far apart on too many issues. Let it go.

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It would make it hard for Trump to walk away from his 2016 promise to bring our troops home from the 800 bases we have in 80 countries and put them on the border, as he promised and walked away from after being inaugurated.

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I think he should pick DeSantis.

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DeSantis chose to run against him, why pick someone like that??

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I don’t think that Pres and VP can be from the same state.

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I love DeSantis too. But Trump must win and he already has Floridas electors. He will need more to overcome what the democrats will do.

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I like RFK! He’d do a heck of a lot better than Obama or Biden!

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We are no longer choosing the lesser evil.

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Yeah! And best of all, he wants to lock up “climate deniers”!!

No, thanks. I will pass.

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Bobby Kennedy is pro abortion right?

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YES. But he has the "Children's DEFENSE Platform". Does not compute!

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Tucker the shill, RFK wants digital passports, supports the vaccine industry, and is best friends with Hilary Clinton!!!!!! I rest my case

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also said that if was presented with a bill to take away guns from American citizens he would sign it. (maybe an imperfect quote)

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Abortion, 2nd amendment, climate- these downsides aren’t negated by his pharma stances. He talks a good deep state line but still endorses their globalist policies

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The one thing I was surprised by last night was how long RFK Jr. talked about pharma and "poisoning" the food and air. I don't think he mentioned 'cloud seeding' in particular, but I don't think he had to.

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Do you hear Trump saying that? He's a LARP

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true enough - at least he even brings up those subjects.

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He pounded over and over that he was the only one talking about it (and the tremendous rise in chronic sickness since 1989 or so.)

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Thank you for sharing. I am an RFK fan. I have followed him for years on CHD platform. He clearly sees what is going on. He has a sane voice. I believe he will fight for us, and the country. That said, I think his life is in danger and it would be a miracle if he actually won. He also could throw the election to the current president who should not be re-elected, in my opinion.

I can not vote for Trump. He is a wild card, which we may still need. He sold us out on C-19 issue. I'm not sure he understands what the cabal is planning and doing. So I must continue to think about this as it unfolds over the next months.

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He was set up on C-19. He was no wild card either and this time he knows all the players. I’m IN all the way even more this time around.

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Tucker is right in that RFK is more like the older blue dog Democrats of his father and uncle's era. However, he still supports the Democrat party platform, including supporting abortion. So I couldn't support him for president even though I admire the work he's done at CHD and his truth-telling about the harms of vaccines and many other drugs and how we 've been lied to be Fauci et al about Covid.

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