the collapse of the entire New World Order will be one of the happiest days of mine (wishful thinking)

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Jesus will come first and burn it all down. Now that will be the happiest day ever!

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

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Sheep are very smart independent animals, capable of analytical thinking. Not. Don't fight, turn the cheek. Jesus will save you, coming down from heaven riding a flying horse, wearing clothes dipped in blood and a tattoo, and a sword coming out of his mouth will kill all the heathen. Hallellujah!! All the unbelievers are going to hell eternal. Hallelujah!! Believe, don't worry, it is not by works that you are saved, but by belief!! Praise Jesus. Hallelujah!! And we have all seen all the miracles that Jesus said we would do, more than he did. Hallelujah!! TRUTH!! Swear to God!!

Excuse my deep sarcasm, I have no patience for stupidity.

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You'll have a chance to tell God how smart you are one day in person. Blessings.

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I have already. IF he wants to point any fingers at me, I will point a hundred back at him. Trust me, I can and will.

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As Jesus said, “Forgive them father for they know not what they do” and you truly don’t.

You think you know, I get that. And I really believe you believe that. I do. But I do hope one day your eyes will open to the truth. If it has opened to the truth about the lies in our media and government sold to us these past decades, then there is hope that one day they will open even wider and see the biggest truth that has been lied about for two thousand years, even more so today.

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Oh and one more thing, you are gravely mistaken if you think God commands that we never fight and always turn the other cheek. Context is everything with the Bible. There indefinitely is a time and reason to fight, it’s rare and less than humans like, but when it’s necessary, believe me, we will fight.

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Any objection you might have to God or the Bible, other people already stated them. Even before Jesus walked the Earth, other than those objecting to Jesus himself. Jesus also dealt with those comments.

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Then I guess that others saw his evil ways and of course you must be God, and that means that you would never lie. What a whopper of a lie, "God never lies"- I am sure that others saw the truth also, that supports the concept that I am correct in my observations. But you provide no evidence, as CHristians are the biggest liars.

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Calling Jesus evil will not end well for you.

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You are a damn stupid veteran. You were willing to murder foreigners in their own lands defending themselves and their families from foreign invaders (you). 9-11 was a demolition job, and you volunteered to murder for the damn bought lying politicians. You are stupid and evil motherfucker. You use violence and threats to further the purposes of deceiving evil entities, and you think that you are righteous. Shut the fuck up and sit your stupid ass down. My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH proves that every politician in DC was complicit to 9-11, and that ISIS was a US and Israeli operative headed by Mossad agent SImon Elliott posing as Muslim terrorist Al Baghdadi.

You are dumb as hell. Stupid men like you are destroying humanity.

Now regarding terrorism. We have some very real and dangerous terrorist organizations in Al Queda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, and others. And ISIS. But let us rethink and reconsider the situation.

ISIS is clearly the most dangerous and evil organization. It’s leader al-Baghdadi, is not profiled in the news. We have been told only minimal information about ISIS’ leader, and none of his origination, by the establishment media. They don’t seem to know much about him. But some people have done some research, and it is rumored that one of them was Snowden.

According to viral information some time ago, somebody reported that ISIS’ leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is an Israeli Mossad agent born to Israeli parents by the name of Simon Elliot. Snowden’s lawyer Ben Wizner denies such claims that the information was originated by Snowden, but Snowden has not denied such.

Al Qaida’s leader Ayman Zawahiri said that Al Baghdadi had been a member of Al Qaida, but they broke ties with ISIS in early 2014. Supposedly they have a similar mission, so why the rejection?

Al Baghdadi had been “trained” in Camp Bucca, a US prison camp in Iraq. He was third in the terrorist hierarchy, and the two above him were killed by US military, yet somehow, Al Baghdadi was freed.

Now observe who ISIS attacks. Not Israel, not the US, but more than anyone else, they target Shiite nations.

Notice that when they attack the US and its allies’ forces, they do so from within Arab citizen habitats; and in retaliation, U.S., Saudi, and Israeli (as well as others) bomb the civilian areas to rubble and dust. Syria is nothing but concrete destruction. Yemen is almost gone. Iraq is a graveyard.

The US forces somehow can’t defeat ISIS, but Russia and Hezbollah have success. As much as we are told that Hezbollah are evil, the truth is that they are freedom fighters that remind me of the black panthers. Defending Iran and their allies militarily, they also provide medical and social services, to their credit.

ISIS is a dangerous terrorist organization, and are obviously a covert US and Israeli operative.

“Oh heaven forbid, how could you have the nerve to accuse the US of terrorism? They are the good guys.” “Oh yes, and they would be the first to tell you so.”

What is the motivation? One deeper level I mentioned already was oil, and I have spoken in my previous book of it being a show and example of military might, a warning. Now let us go to the ultimate reasons, the core root of what is happening here; the devious and unthinkable concept that is so hard to comprehend and accept.

I have displayed clearly that the Vatican is evil, and that the United States is an extension of Rome. First, remember what the Jesuits teach, and the meaning of INRI on their flag. Now, recall the crusades, the planned number of people to be inhabiting the planet circa 2025. You saw the letter written by Albert Pike,


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"Jesus" stole my royalties when I debunked the Bible. Before that, while I was Christian, a devout true believer, and in the natural realm, the pastor's chief female counsel told a woman who had latched onto me to fuck me due to the pastor's paranoia thinking I wanted to take away his church (I had a ministry that half the leaders wanted to join- I never wanted to be a pastor) I survived, no thanks to the pastor (JOnathan Cahn). THat same pastor scammed me of a year's income=$12k- and as a result I lost my house (a trailer in a trailer park) and I became homeless. HE is and was a multimillionaire.

Since then, I see that the worldly realm is the hell realm, where CHristians are, and the bible is a portal to that destination. Christians prosletize, bringing many naive people in, mostly youth.

I exposed the government, those above it, and the Vatican ruling over every Christian denomination and worshiping Lucifer. I was incarcerated for writing the books doing so.

I have been in state prisons, and in an institution for the criminally insane with trumped charges and trumped diagnosis. I have been assaulted thirty times by men half my age (now 66) and twice my size. Sustained fractured ribs, fractured jaw, fractured arm, and a bloody nose.

Is this all the result of a good God or a good religion? And threats also.

Bring it on. My arm is not too short to box with God. I cannot be bought, and I cannot be threatened to shut up. I am trying to save the planet from the VAtican, including your pathetic ass, threatening me as I try to save humanity.

The New World Order Great Reset is a plan of the Vatican, dumbass, do you want to see it happen? I am on the front lines in defense of the people to stop it. And "Jesus" threatens me to shut up, while the whole world knows now his real character. Unlike your damn deceiving wolves in sheeps clothing (pastors) and bought politicians, I risk my life and freedom for you, even as you threaten me. Contemptible christians.

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You are sick.

Stockholm Syndrome

Why don't you do us a favor and kill yourself!

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Many many evils have gone to justice just like the real Biden. Keep the faith. God always wins!

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Jesus won at the cross. You notice how much better the world is now, since Jesus came? The devil is defeated.

Excuse the sarcasm. I have no time for stupidity.

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I've never seen the devil so bare

everything is being accelerated, we'll see where it leads...

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the prophet Daniel foresaw this, and gave the one and only completely specific messianic prophecy in the OT, and the messiah's name was NOT Jesus, and the messiah is here NOW, not two thousand years ago. And he is NOT God.

Dan 12:1  “At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book. 

Dan 12:2  And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 

Dan 12:3  And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. 

Dan 12:4  But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” 

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The Devil is Horus/Jehovah/Allah/Satan and yes, I have laid him out naked for all to see clearly. That Christians are so intent on proving Jesus to be God, in other words, Satan, is pure foolishness. But sheep are not reputed to be intelligent.

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How do we defeat The Devil?

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Good question. But by resisting him,, he flees. Do not comply with his ways, do not allow ourselves to be bought, cut through the bullshit and lies, don't believe him, etc..

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is hope good if not well founded?

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I was just talking to one of those people who belong to the herd of sheeple that get all their info from the legacy media. They are hilarious (but maddening) to talk to, as instead of conversing about reality and facts, they spout the same words and phrases as the retarded talking heads in front of the cameras. You just realize that they're lost causes and will remain that way until their world comes crumbling down around them.

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Ever see that video compilation where all the news anchors say the exact same fucking phrases… it’s super eerie and that is exactly what I see when I hear leftists use the same exact phrases the are told to repeat

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Jul 29·edited Jul 30

I was interacting with one this morning. He started talking about there being "too many white men" in a particular group. This was coming from a white guy himself. This is one of the most obvious brainwashing tells for me, when white people start chanting on about there being too many white people. And these people can't even see the absurdidty of what they are saying! Nor that they have been taken in by the globalist push for racial infighting.

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Isn't that crazy. It's like all these depopulation idiots. Evidently them and the white folk bobble-heads think that for some special reason they are exempt since they are so brave to virtue signal.

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Perfectly said Synickel- "for some special reason they are exempt since they are so brave to virtue signal". Exactly!

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I told one of the sheep thst the neighbor’s “In this house we believe” slogan “no human is illegal“ is a straw man since no one ever said any humans are illegal. He’s more concerned about the feelings of illegal immigrants than that his natural empathy is being weaponized via brain-numbing slogans to get support for essentially slave labor that hurts lower-income American workers and creates new generations of Democratic voters grateful for the open borders and free stuff. But how can they possibly understand that? They think these slogans just mean they’re nice. “Science is real” means Fauci is God. I feel these signs are probably alienating any sane people who might want to move into the neighborhood! Which of course is another reason people put them up. We need to make a counter-sign that also sounds virtuous.

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I had two neighbors with the pathetic “we believe” signs in their yards. They have taken them down so I had hope that they may have seen the error of their ways. On a walk one started to talk about politics and asked me point blank if I listened to DJT and I told them I wasn’t going to get into a conversation with them because we would never agree. They went on to talk about what a criminal DJT is and how he was going to jail. There is no hope for these sheeple.

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Note: I was not on a walk with them… oh, hell no. I happened to run into them. At this point, if you’re a liberal and voting blue I want NOTHING to do with you.

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No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the globalists and Vatican. Epstein. The ballot machines are owned by the Bush family and operated by the CIA. Politics is the entertainment division of the government, and legislation is created in the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and rubber stamped by politicians.


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Exactly. And you could make that same type of compilation almost every day with a multitude of news subjects. They all quacked the same words and phrases about Kramala when it was announced she was the new crowned princess.

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It is why that meme of the crowd of npc people in unison repeating the approved script

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El Rushbo called that "The Narrative". He was fairly certain that a group of gnome-like leftards working for either the DNC or The Lightbringer created and pushed out those scripts daily.

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Hate to burst your bubble, but not only lefties, but righties also are decieved. Both parties work for the same people. Politicians are selected for acting and deceiving abilities. Trump also, who is a Rothschild puppet and gave us operation warp speed and called a national state of emergency, shuttind down most states, as that gave control of the nation to FEMA. There are no political solutions.



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@Michael Lewis Kahn,you're pretty good for a bot. If you're a person, you don't have the balls to take the kind of flak President Trump has taken from billions of RSS wipes like you for years upon years.

Regarding President Trump and warp speed:

James Howard Kunstler interviewed globally renowned Belgian virologist and immunologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who, without actually mentioning its name, UNAMBIGUOUSLY DEFENDED OPERATION WARP SPEED.

J. H. Kunstler (host):

(10:01) “Were you alarmed by the speed that this vaccine was produced? Or, did you suspect or know that something was going on behind the scenes in the development of this vaccine?”

Dr. Vanden Bossche:

(10:16) “Well, we were of course all surprised but,…(10:21) it all comes down to the misjudgment, because...if you think you are dealing with a virus that has the potential to kill 2/3 of the world population within a very short period of time because it’s a pandemic...nobody…was saying anything because IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY and THE RISK/BENEFIT ANALYSIS WAS VERY CLEARLY IN FAVOR OF ANY MEASURES THAT COULD BE IMPLEMENTED VERY RAPIDLY and to the GLOBAL population (11:10) and...THAT IS WHAT VACCINES CAN DO.


NOW OF COURSE IT’S EASY TO MAKE BIG NOISE and say, ‘Oh, yeah, this has not been done and there were contaminations.’...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE and the overall landscape was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED ... WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could have a huge impact and destroy...lots and lots of...lives...People believed it and then



...And not very many questions asked about the safety and the purity of the vaccines and the limited amount of data, etc.”

Transcribed from

KunstlerCast 398

March 31, 2024


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Don't compare your sacred cow Trump to me. He is a bought piece of shit. I was fully aware of regular vaccine's harms well before covid, and my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, published in June 2020 debunked the whole field of allopathic medicine, as well as politics, the education system, the injustice system, evolution, the constitution, and much more. I have been independently studying and researching many fields and have put the whole picture together well, and have out-of-the-box easy doable solutions. This is from my book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, first published in May 2016 addressing Gates' vaccines and solving global warming, which back then, and ndw I attributed to chemtrails, not carbon pollution

>>>>>a child, could understand. The complicated explanations fed to you by the “experts” are intended to confuse you, impress you, and deceive you into thinking that they have valid points and highly developed cognitive abilities. Do not be deceived. It is all a “snow job.”

The simple truth is that plants breathe in carbon and breathe out oxygen. Animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon. Plants and animals, using oxygen and carbon, are inter-dependent, they need each other and benefit one another.    


Do you want to save the planet? WE CAN. Plant a lot of organic (untouched in genetic alterations) fruit trees and vegetable farms and gardens. In yards, by the side of highways, in city parks, in empty fields, everywhere. Not only will there be a proper oxygen/carbon balance, but the result will also be that there will be enough food to feed the earth’s entire inhabitants for millenniums.

The same people who are overloading nuclear reactors, spilling oil all over the oceans, destroying our drinking water, destroying our food supply by altering its genetics; are telling us that we are overpopulating the planet.

I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that. First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough. He then gave some solutions to overpopulation.

One of the solutions was vaccinations. That confused me at first. Aren’t vaccinations a way to promote more life? The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations. In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations. He also funds abortions.

It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire “philanthropist” (he publicly announced his generous contribution to abortions and like donations).  Does that not enrage you? If not, there is something seriously wrong with you, as there is with that lovely murderer, Gates. Funny, but it seems he is keeping the larger portion of his billions. I hope he can survive with the little money that remains. I will always remember the portion you have given, Willy G.


I had a newsletter then going to a few million people daily, now over a hundred million people read it. Well before the vaccine was finished (that was a lie, it had been developed by 2018, at which time hundreds of millions of PCR test kits had been bought by scores of nations) I was debunking the idea that hospitals were filled, that the so-called disease was deadly, that IV vitamin C was successful in healing it, and had shown the lie for what it was. Do you really think that Trump was less informed than me? He had interviewed RFK who advised against vaccines, but Trump ignored him, had done that to get more bribes from pharmaceuticals. I had also, long before the bioweapon was introduced, debunked the PCR Test kits as diagnostic tools.





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Trump is not a Rothschild puppet. Go away with your lies.

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These links prove that RUmp is a Rothschild puppet. Ask for proof rather than call me a paid troll. Your character rots. No love of truth .



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You don’t get it; get over the phoney dichotomy of R vs D. The legacy media is thoroughly zio controlled as is the US govt—from the Atlantic to the Pacific



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My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH proves that the CIA dominates the news media, and the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS mandates how and what is reported, as was commanded by Rockefeller for decades.

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Lunatic4Bizcas6 hours ago (edited)

@Michael Kahn : ¡ Exactly ! Trump is also photographed at having been at one of Jeffrey Epstein's functions, yet when confronted with the issue, Trump claimed that he never knew the guy nor had any sort of friendship with him. Trump is part and parcel of the same machine, but the fact is that he was never directly involved in politics himself and instead hovered around the periphery of the political establishment, had a considerable amount of the populous fooled into thinking that he was for the people. Trump is probably the perfect decoy for the deep state, because while many of his followers are distracted to the detestable deeds of government, Trump's party and allies from across the aisle are up to the same games of interventionism abroad and disenfranchisement of the average citizen domestically. Trump was installed as president to prevent the nation from coming undone at the seams. If Trump had not been elected then there could have been a possibility for a mass uprising against government, and that is the last thing the international cabal of elitists and deep state operatives could want. A polarized and divided nation is much easier to control and manipulate

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The guy above is a paid troll.

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My sole income is a monthly social security check of $1784. I am 66 years old. I work 80+ hours a week unpaid as I research 12 hours every day, no weekends, no holidays or vacations off. I produce the most trusted and radical newsletter with radical raw truth every day. I live in one room basement area with no heating vent, AC, or stove, but just use a hotplate, space heater, and fan. I am satisfied with my financial situation, and cannot be bought. Having no family, I can survive on little. I have saved millions of lives by informing the multitude of the real nature of medicines, politicians, educators, police, etc... My books earned me time in prisons and incarcerations= 45 months incarcerated in the past ten years. I cannot be bought. I am not fearful.

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"Having no family, ... I cannot be bought. I am not fearful."


You're a lonely old narcissistic RSS-whole whose only "joy" in life is posting online walls of sh!t.

Gonna take this as a Message from God Himself to LOG OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

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Not true. Look up my links. People who make unfounded accusations best be careful lest they get in trouble. I prove everything I say. That you make statements based on absolutely no evidence shows that you are a liar, and have an agenda.


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From a Japanese perspective, it may be wondered why the United States is divided into two like this, but is it due to the history since the Civil War of 1861-1865?

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IT is the result of an agenda by the powers who not only control government, but also the news media, to divide the people against each other rather than uniting themselves against the government. There are many other aspects to it, but that is the main gist. The news media is dominated by the CIA, and the VAtican has its Jesuits deceiving and controlling every aspect of banking, secret intelligence, and freemasons ( a cult that worships Lucifer, are highly intelligent, and organized for world domination)

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You said elsewhere that he knows more than I do. Negative. I watched some, he is not at all aware, could not even judge TRump, had no meat on him.


Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.


Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



He is a Rothschild puppet. If you want a deep dive into who controls, this goes into centuries of how the Vatican gained power. I get it, Israel looks like it controls all, right and center total control. But the Vatican is behind it all, look behind the Oz veil, real power is hiding behind it all. The following is mine



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Oh so true. Makes me cry.

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Some of them will not change their minds, ever. Union guys keep voting for democrats and some still threaten to go on strike. They are incapable of changing their minds.

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I would rather they simply report actual news and do not analyze. It’s in the analysis where things go off the rails. analysis opens the door for opinions and opinions are biased and skewed based upon who is paying the bills, your agenda or your boss’s agenda.

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But even when they "report" the news they read from the same script. Project Mockingbird is very eye opening.

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ABout the time Trump was elected to his first term, certain MS print journalists proudly announced that they were going to write opinion pieces and label them as news.

It's a frequent thing with progressives, that they tell us exactly what they are going to ruin next, then go ahead and ruin it.

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This all started a long time ago. It has been gradual until Trump was elected and ruined their plan. Then they all went on steroids and do nothing but lie. The Cabal killed Kennedy and has had some control over every president since.

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National Review Magazine was the first example of new media telling the truth.

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Look at the Smith-Mundt modernization act of 2012, which changed the original 1948 Act for the worse. This occurred not surprisingly, during the Obama administration, and imho, was the spearhead to this incessant operation mockingbird propaganda problem we have all been facing.

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Reporters also lie about what is said and what happens.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Very interesting to watch reports from the 70's/80's. They weren't great even then, but it is refreshing to hear just the Who, What, When, Where, How and such a marked constant to the lies we endure now. Even if they were lying then, hearing it today sounds like straight truth and makes me irritated with the garbage I have to hear despite not even tuning in.

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Look at the Smith-Mundt modernization act of 2012, which changed the original 1948 Act for the worse. This occurred not surprisingly, during the Obama administration, and imho, was the spearhead to this incessant operation mockingbird propaganda problem we have all been facing.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Their collapse truly can't come fast enough. And the more imminent it becomes, the more frantically they seem to be spewing their absurdities.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

And that is the beauty of choice, don't feed the beast by watching, starve the energy and the revenue.

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From your lips to gods ears. The propaganda has been destroying this country since the 60s. Imported neo-Marxism from the post WWII French pseudo intellectuals

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

The very fact that an "alternative" media platform had to be created speaks volumes...

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The Canadian government and the pharmaceutical companies own CBC. The taxpayers pay for these puppets to spout propaganda and lies. Unfortunately, most people look no further and don’t bother to do their own research.

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Amen!! The independent media, journalists, are escorted out if they are not on Castro jr. list. How pathetic the Canadian government has become. I steer clear away from them. I do listen and read Rebel News for interesting important news. The American media I have cut since Nov.3 2020. Go figure.

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Tucker's one of the few who got out before the entire scam collapsed.

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The Enemedia will not be easy to take down. Too valuable to the deep state.

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I would love to see the collapse of legacy media. They spread disingenuous lies. I read a few articles of the Herald Sun at my inlaws on the weekend. It was total brainwashing and pushing the Globalist Agenda. I'm in Australia. One article was about the US election, the lies about Trump where eye watering. They pumped up Kamala as the Saviour, with a end quote. May the best woman win. My inlaws were saying how great she is! Wtf ... I pray that people actually start to see through rubbish ... God help wake the normies up

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Returning to only flip phones and fax machines, in addition to landlines and terrestrial radio, would be a good thing.

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May they all come tumbling down one day, them and the lying corrupt politicians that feed them all their garbage 😈

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The same people who watch CBC (CTV, Global no better) watch CNN and read the Toronto Star 🫣🤯😳

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Amen. Have to keep Congress from subsidizing them now.

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It’s treason. Period. ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC….. I don’t think they’ll go down until WWW3 kills the globe. Pure evil. May they all suffer.

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I'm so sad that I spent so many years avoiding Tucker--but COVID has brought me to my senses--and his support for Kennedy freed Tucker to get fired and break free to say just what he thinks. He is such a breath of fresh air blowing though that cramped, sweaty, smelly elevator that many of us were trapped in unknowingly. And Kennedy is helping us to declare our independence of the MSM, the duopoly party system and corporate-captured agencies that no longer make any pretense of serving the American people. I am very grateful that Trump's life was spared and that the DNC and whoever is running our government has been outed as the likely perps--but on hearing that, if elected as President, Trump plans to name Larry Fink, head of Black Rock, as Treasury Secretary and Jamie Diamond, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, as Commerce Secretary, any sympathy I had for Trump is out the window. And then there is his choice for VP--JD Vance. According to to Journalist Whitney Webb, Vance's close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reining in the surveillance state.

https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/He's not draining the swamp but is naming the top Swamp Creatures to his administration! I think that possibly, beneath his servitude to corporate powers, there may be a descent person who would like to serve the American people--but our country is drowning in Swamp Sludge and cannot take another four years of either Trump or whatever Democratic place-holder for totalitarian rule they place on the ticket with Kamala. The only real option to take us out of corporate capture and continual Plandemics is Robert Kennedy Jr. He is a person of integrity, great intelligence and intends and has the know-how to drain that swamp. His supporter are true-blue and growing in numbers continually. Any other choice is a continual slide toward loss of our Constitutional Rights and Totalitarian rule.

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Whenever people try to discredit JD they use his connection to Thiel then parade Thiel’s reputation around as if that’s JD’s. But it’s not! It’s Thiel. And saying that Trump selecting JD is naming top swamp creatures to his administration is false because Trump did not elect Thiel as his VP. I do not judge a person’s character solely by his associations unless ALL his associations are questionable. JD has one. Just one. You are parroting exactly what MSM wants you to, but of course it’s a good strategy of your RFKJr. I personally wouldn’t mind him as president either, but I think he has as many pros and cons as Trump does. Either is better than Kamala. And don’t for a second think that there won’t be swamp creature appointments by Kennedy, because there will. It’s almost impossible to avoid the first year when turning a ship around.

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Let us put the hoax to rest. Bury the lies. And folks, remember that tRump had to be complicit, and there was a fatality in the process, but nobody seems to care about him. All that matters is our hero. Fuck the January 6th cons languishing in prison, fuck the fireman who died here, and fuck the half dozen youths that tRump raped and had to pay hush money to. The only one that matters is the great big hero. And don't forget to donate, the billionaire needs your money. And also make sure that you buy the hats, sneakers, gold coins, everything depicting himself as the big hero.





We have seen Trump be charged by the courts with contrived charges, easy to beat, which Trump does. Real charges that could have been raised against him not only were never charged in the courts, they were erased from the web. The news media had demonized him, did all kinds of reporting on him to make him look bad. But I have found far worse dirt on him than those establishment news media are "capable" of finding. Challenging interviews of Trump all play softball with him, nobody seems able to give him a question that stumps Trump. He is "unstoppable." THat kind of leader is what the CIA-dominated news media is projecting. We all know that it is the good guys who are assassinated. So why Trump?

HE is portrayed as "anti-establishment" at a time when we all know that the establishment is evil, and we know the evil character of the CIA, FBI, and other "deep state" operations which would assassinate him. Unknown to most, it was Kennedy's chauffeur who murdered him, briefly stopping the vehicle, turning around and shooting him in broad daylight, as I have seen a video portray. Only a powerful and secretive monolith of an organized crime syndicate could pull that off. And they could not take down Trump? They could only get his ear?

This was another "show" of Trump's great courage and his unstoppable determination. He is the great hero to serve this country in selfless service. BULLSHIT. It was contrived. If the CIA wanted him dead, he would be. IT is easy to bring your hand to your ear, squeeze a hidden bag of blood to release it onto your ear, and look like a close graze. Another source of the news had a picture of two streaks of blood on his cheek. This was not a legitimate attempt on Trump's life. It was a spectacle designed to make him look anti-establishment and fearless. All phony. Later photos showed his ear looking just fine.

Again, here is what motivates the phony.


How are de

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Kennedy supports Israel= the litmus test of corruption and evil.

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I understand that you have a problem with that. I did too. But knowing that this is a man of integrity and someone who I trust on every other issue I can think of--I went looking for his reason for supporting Israel. This Kennedy Podcast was a real eye-opener for me but you have to be willing to take an hour to listen to a well respected Israeli woman and a UK born Palestinian man. If you will take the time, I think you will have a different opinion of Kennedy after this interview. https://open.spotify.com episode/1K3hQdQb8pcoDFaSJxYJrH?si=qkRuc0s_QrKUJKoTEfqmlw&nd=1&dlsi=9766279d9f984db9

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I have no intention of listening to any Israeli. Furthermore, there is absolutely no hope in politics. The ballot machines are owned by the Bush family and operated by the CIA> Politics is the entertainment division of the government. Politicians are selected (not elected) for their acting and deceiving abilities. THe legislation is created in the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and rubber stamped by politicians. You are hopelessly deceived, following the CIA-dominated news media so carefully, been brainwashed well. Taking time to write so much belly wash bullshit, and thinking that you are enlightened and have something to teach me. Wake the fuck up.

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But MSM doesn’t analyse, or ask for opinions. It doesn’t care what the consumer thinks, it publishes what it wants to publish and is contemptuous of the consumer who remains so obeisant to them.

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