Yesterday I was watching Owen Shroyer of Infowars interview Ed Dowd who opined "they" were looking for something to distract us from the rising death toll of The Lethal Injections...that interview I think took place September 25..
And -- October 6, out of the blue! Who could have predicted it! The terror attack by Hamas in Israel! It's raised fear of Terrorism to a fever pitch! Netanyahu and thugs are going to burn every last Palestinian in Gaza to a crisp! All the morons who yelled out in "Support of the Science" are now howling for Palestinian blood to be spilled... 😰
You know something? The reality of The Lethal Injections must be unimaginable, if what The Monsters are bringing into play to distract us from them involves "genocide" and "nuclear war"... 🤔
It is very difficult not to agree with you Captain. Not at this point. My thinking was "they didnt kill enough they have to starve us, or nuke us, or something" to get to the numbers left they want in time.
But now? I think eventually all of those with the jabs will die...I just dont know when anymore.
But you are right, it must be unimaginable Not enough of us are dying fast enough.
I’m sure that Hamas and Iran (both of which are BRAGGING about how they carried off the attacks) did so in order to keep people from finding out how dangerous the “vaccines” are.
I agree that the politicians and others would love to divert attention from the whole Covid issue....the origins, the lockdowns, masking, and especially the disastrous vaccines.
I just think that it’s silly to think that the attacks on Israel by Hamas were somehow coordinated and ordered by the globalists and/or some shadowy group of western conspirators.
[Mind picture:
Klaus Schwab sitting at the head of a large table in a huge conference room. Sitting around the table are individuals, each with a small sign in front of them denoting their area of responsibility.....such as: North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, etc.
Blofeld......sorry, I mean Schwab.....(in a thick German accent) asks the man who heads operations for the Middle East and moslem world,
“Have you contacted Hamas and the Iranians? They know what to do, correct? They must not fail us...we must divert attention from the vaccines.”
“If they refuse, we will make them pay”
The man answers, “Yes, they have been instructed on what to do and they have agreed. The Zionist state will be attacked as required.”
“We must not allow the population to know about the vaccines. This diversion will help accomplish our goals “
Mind picture ends]
See what I mean?
Its difficult to imagine that the leadership of Hamas, or especially that of Iran, giving a rats ass about what any western leader(s) wants (whether it’s good, bad or indifferent).....or doing anything to help them.
They HATE the Israelis.
They HATE the West.
They operate independently of any western control and would not be bothered to attack Israel for the benefit of someone else.
*And I really hope that no one here is trying to make the case that the
Israelis attacked themselves in order to divert attention from the vaccines. That would take ‘conspiracy theory’ way too far....
That mind picture of yours, is precisely what is happening; or a situation so similar there's no point discussing the differences. Yes, Hamas hates the Israelis. But it is an open secret that Hamas and Hezbollah both, are creations of Mossad. (Ever read "Nineteen Eighty-Four"? If not, high time you did.) I correspond occasionally with Rabbi Chananya Wiesmann in Israel; in one of his broadcast emails he mentions:
"The Gaza border: one of the most fortified and technologically advanced borders in the world, teeming with combat soldiers, battalions of tanks, and a heavy air force presence. There are multiple systems in place there including;
1. Static thermal imaging observation posts.
2. Manned patrol vehicles.
3. Static manned observation posts.
4. Subterranean RADAR.
5. Reconnaissance drones.
6. Reconnaissance aircraft.
7. Autonomous patrol vehicles.
8. Fence motion detection.
9. Bomb proof multi-layered reinforced fence set in concrete."
And yet these "Hamas Terrorists" accomplished what they accomplished -- just like Osama Bin Ladin hiding in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan on a dialysis machine somehow masterminded 9/11!? Yeah, right.. 🤪🤣 If you believe that, I've got a slightly used suspension bridge in Brooklyn for sale... 🤔
The official story is patently ridiculous; it does not stand up to 5 minutes serious scrutiny... Terrorists flying in on motorized hang gliders? Can you say "sitting duck"? Where were the soldiers to pick them off? Then they drive away with their female prisoners in pickup trucks? Where did the pickup trucks miraculously appear from? The story in its entirety is on that level of implausible.
As for your comment "I really hope that no one here is trying to make the case that the Israelis attacked themselves in order to divert attention from the vaccines"? Take a deep breath: That's just part of it! 😱 Netanyahu made the entire Israeli population, pretty much, guinea pigs for the Pfizer / Moderna Lethal Injections. Like everyone else who's taken The Poison Death shots? They've got 2 - 5 years. Medical Doctors such as William Makis, Betsy Eads, Joseph Mercola and the departed Vladimir Zelenko speak of treatment protocols; hopefully these are prophylactic measures rather than palliative, because once you've had even ONE of those injections? That's it: You are now literally, no longer human: You're a genetic chimera, being devoured by trillions of vicious little spike proteins created with CRISPR technology; said to be analogous to the spike proteins of the putative "Sars-Cov-2 Virus" -- but no one knows if that's true, because that virus has never been isolated, let alone identified: It only exists, as a computer model!
This is truly, the degree of fraud we've been sold, with the Covid Scamdemic.
The truth is, the intention of the Globalists is indeed to distract The World's attention from the consequences of The Poison Death shots, as cases of vaccine-induced massive blood clots, vaccine-induced strokes, vaccine-induced myocarditis, vaccine-induced dementia and vaccine-induced turbo cancers not merely continue to mount, but are actively accelerating; it is very difficult for the average person to grasp the degree of evil of our global controllers: If it's not "demonic", then it is "Satanic".
You can find plenty more information on substacks by Steve Kirsch, William Makis, Mark Crispin Miller, Lionness of Judah, Vigilant Fox, Naomi Wolf, Eugyppius, Ray Horvath or even, dare I add, my own. Also do searches on "Natural News" and "Rumble" for anything by Ed Dowd about the Scamdemic. But to finish off, let me mention Dr. Betsy Eads commenting openly on "USA Watchdog" that over 2 billion people worldwide, have been killed or seriously injured by these so-called "vaccines" -- which are just experimental drugs, issued in America only under an Emergency Use Authorization by the thoroughly corrupt FDA.
Funny as one of the best security systems in the world & No one saw it coming? Something wrong here and stinks fishy! Is Ukraine a dead end for money laundering now & need a new war?? That is my question??? Liberals all over are evil I am beginning to believe & ALL Lib leaders in this together I fear……
Kinda like Lahaina.. best alarm systems in the world - didn’t sound off.
To change the subject - we need to contact our senators or whoever to #EXITTHE WHO
(I cut&pasted from James Roguski from substack)
Dear Senator,
I want the United States to #ExitTheWHO.
I want you to submit companion legislation in the Senate in support of House Resolution 79, the
World Health Organization Withdrawal Act.
The sponsor of this legislation, Representative Andy Biggs (AZ-05) has already gained the support of 50+ co-sponsors in the House who also support the United States’ withdrawal from the World Health Organization.
I want you to simply copy H.R. 79 and submit it as a companion bill in the Senate as soon as possible.
The WHO’s amendments and treaty violates our democratic constitution. It MUST BE STOPPED!
Because, will you have the power to stop unjustified counter measures? Can you promise to guarantee there will be no more experiments with substances when nobody knows exactly what is in it? You must guarantee this, after these last three years. Otherwise, step down if you are incapable of dealing with this situation.
Mark this is how the CIA or any intelligence organization works, they create a Hollywood version of catastrophic events called Psyops to divert all of the public/worlds attention because many people have short attention spans or from the continual chaos are so stressed out they tune out. Most of the wars in other countries are instigated, funded by CIA. I just read something that the U.S. gave money to Hamas and they gave money to Israel. We all know they just gave 6 Billion for hostages that Qatar is involved in also to make certain those funds are released.
THIS is why there is so much craziness going on. The J 6 made up Psyop? All Feds that planned it, dressed in costumes of Trump supporters. Why don’t you think we haven’t seen the unretouched 40,000 hours of video? Because it implicates all of them. The fake bomb that was placed by the FBI. Gretchen Whitmer’s fake kidnapping was schemed up by the same head of FBI hof Detroit that then got a promotion because he did such a good job so off to D.C. he went for January 6.
I really don’t think that the Iranian government and the Ayatollahs are working hand -in-hand with the CIA. Even the thought of it seems a bit laughable to me.
They’ve been playing us for suckers (except under Trump), pretending to want peace but in reality supporting terrorism against us and our allies.... and developing atomic weapons.
As for the US giving money to Hamas and Iran, you are absolutely right. We have been, and lots of it. Our foreign policy under Obama and Biden has consisted of throwing money at the problem and hoping that everyone plays nice.
That really worked out well/sarc.
I understand and agree about J 6, but I think it has very little (if anything) to do with the attack on Israel.
Don't want to sound patronizing Mark, but... have you ever read George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four"? If not, high time you did.
At risk of overkill, I'll also recommend "180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You've Been Taught To Believe" by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood, and "The Creature from Jeckyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin..
Actually Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" is a good addition to that list: Our dying civilization has everything in that but the Eugenics program -- and the Globalists are working on that...
I suspect they'll be too busy dying quite shortly to be much of a distraction.. I guess Netenyahu and Pfizer are going to finish off what Hitler purportedly started. 🤔
Thank you; slapped this onto Fb immediately so They can lose no time in "supporting" me with adding additional notes to my post to address the "partially false" information I love to share ...
It's hilarious to get Their little updates saying, "You have memories from 2 years ago to share" (so heartwarming!) and to click on Their message and see that there's a whole screenful of "This content is not available" because it wasn't, perhaps, quite as "shareable" as They'd prefer. lolol ~
OK, I'm disillusioned enough to go along with your premise for shits and giggles... Presuming Dr. Ryan Cole is playing us, is it just him, or are there other forces at work? To what end?
I can see the reason for mandatory vaccination - people were scared, others greedy, far leftists getting off on the power over us toothless, trailer dwelling hicks. But who benefits from convincing people they are carcinogenic? Not the governments that mandated them. Not the doctors. Not the drug companies. Not the military. Not the employers who mandated them.
If he's right, everyone is screwed... And few people want to believe it, anyway, so it would be a long uphill battle to convince people, especially if a few more years go by and the data isn't there.
Can you spell out your hypothesis more concretely? I'm genuinely curious.
No, Ryan Cole isn't playing us. I think he is pretty convinced of what he is saying and he is saying it for all the right reasons. I think he's a good and honest man from all I can tell.
However good and honest though, he is just a man. People cheering and nodding their heads in agreement are sources of confirmation for him.
When there is no healthy discourse, both correct and false information can become self-amplifying.
This is precisely what you are witnessing. We all want to hear that we were right, that hell has been unleashed on the world, but this desire has caused us to fool ourselves.
I don't know if anyone else is actively playing us (probably), but somehow the wrong narratives are being promoted.
I've been working with the data for many months now and trust me I'm working hard. I dare say there is nobody half as familiar with the US data as I am right now.
Hell has been unleashed. We all know it. Many millions have been killed worldwide.
I am working on summing it up, but it's very tough, because literally every single counter-narrative out there stands in stark contrast to what I am seeing.
The biggest issue with these drugs seems to have been COVID. Call me crazy.
If I started telling you more, you'd just be more certain I'm crazy or we'd end up argueing. Either way I'd probably waste time I better spend on writing at this point. Feel free to look through my notes to get an impression what it's all about.
Everything I see that could prove how many 100k's Americans were killed has been "debunked" by counter-narratives. We are actively working against the truth right now. Almost all of us. Almost all the counter-narratives are wrong.
I knew one person pretty well who just dropped dead in the past couple of years, at least two more tangentially, and several relatively well that got aggressive cancers. Another relatively young person collapsed from a major stroke.
I hope you're right. It's certainly in my material best interests if you are, so I'm more than willing to accept being wrong.
I'll check out your notes. Thank you for the honest engagement.
I know 4 people with myocarditis (plus a bunch with other newly acquired cardiovascular issues). These are real issues, but they don't explain the large number of excess deaths.
I don't see any safety signal anywhere for cancer. I looked into the ones that were advertised by others and they were all bogus. I strongly doubt this is happening on a grand scale. Doesn't mean there isn't the odd reaction that would promote cancer growth.
The other big issue are suicides and accidents. External cause excess mortality was soaring and no decision maker is even being criticized for this.
We should be working on getting justice for the many poor souls who have ended their own lives, either intentionally or accidentally. Yet everybody is talking about cardiac issues, a "sudden death epidemic" or "turbo cancer".
Cardiac issues are the one thing that is real among all the counter-narratives, but they only make up a small proportion of the deaths that were inflicted, especially in young people.
It isn't reasonable for these issues to receive so much focus.
Whoever took this shit should be learning from their mistakes instead of blaming others. People gave their children a dangerous drug and their children died.
We are talking about a few hundred deaths in 12-17 year olds, while thousands who stood strong were agitated against until they drowned in their own despair. Yet the fucking morons who gave their kids an experimental drug receive all the attention. We are not pursuing justice this way.
If there is cancer, we will see the signal soon enough. We need to focus on the million deaths that have already happened.
Hardly anyone is even aware how all these children died throughout the past years. Sudden death epidemic my ass. It was an epidemic of cruel and inhumane policies (and infection enhancement in older people).
“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.”
When I showed my GP here in the kakistocracy of Canada a report two years ago, written by Dr. Cole, he told me that “Doctor Cole is enthusiastic but he knows nothing”. Now you know why the medical system here is failing! It is all under the control of Trudeau who is under the control of Schwab of the WEF. Most of the good doctors who voiced the truth were fired.
Damn I feel bad listening to Dr Cole. Man had 80 employees and got shut down. He has 6 daughters too. Great interview, if I could have found away to mute Greg Hunter (joking). Nah Greg’s a good dude too. Dr Cole visited the part of this that overwhelms me. The totality of it all still throws me for a loop. Which is worse; The fact that the entire Western Population was experimented on, or the part that most of them still don’t seem to get it.
This is also proven in the case of the Corona epidemic, which is 'fought' with means, lies and empty promises that cause many deaths.
Also the number of deaths due to the Corona virus is set so much lower than what corresponds to the truth as a result of lies.
Our records 6 days ago are known to me in this respect, and they amount to 8,314,088 Earth-humans who have died of the Corona virus, very many of whom have succumbed to death as a result of unsuitable vaccines.
Also, it should be mentioned, our research has shown that various of the Corona vaccines attack the DNA and also cause various types of cancer, as well as damage the nervous system and impair and damage the brain in its functions.
WHEN is Cole, McCullough, Malone and others going to mention the synthetic venoms found in the jabs AND people who test positive for the ‘virus’??!!
Many labs around the world have found 36 types of venoms in both people and the jabs! It NEEDS to be detoxed and neutralized too.. otherwise people will continue to be sick. McCullough’s detox protocol DOES NOT cover getting the venoms out!
There are and have been for many years synthetic venom in many medications. For instance, Lisinopril, a commonly prescribed drug for heart disease, etc., is made from the venom of the most paralytic viper venom known to man and can result in many negative side effects, the most common, kidney disease and failure.
Yes. Nicotine is the antidote for several things that are very harmful. Like fluoride. Nicotine blocks fluoride from crossing the blood brain barrier. As it blocks snake venoms and the spike proteins in the injections. There are even more things nicotine blocks. Doctors are prescribing nicotine patches to people with "long covid".
I remember a study about smoking and cancer and an accidental discovery was made about nicotine blocking fluoride. Then the people who conducted the study realized the anti-smoking campaign began in the same years as wide-spread fluoridation of municipal drinking water. This was also when American tobacco companies began adding hundreds of chemicals to the tobacco in cigarettes which caused a huge spike in cancer among smokers. was likely not tobacco in moderation that causes cancer, but the added chemicals which caused cancer and deterred people from using tobacco.
Incredible. We need to learn everything we can while we still can. So very much has been manipulated and hidden.
Jesus told us one of the signs of the end times is that knowledge would increase. And that people will perish for lack of knowledge. Just amazing.
One of the ingredients big tobacco added was formaldehyde.. a KNOWN carcinogen! That, and the SV40 virus found in the kidney cells of the monkey’s they used for the polio “vaccine” which cause soft tissue cancers. Bone marrow, lymphoma, brain and LUNG cancers. They needed something to cover that up. Tobacco was the perfect target. It’s all been a coverup.
There have been many studies on nicotine. Doctors started noticing that those with Alzheimer’s were at a higher level in non smokers than it was in those that smoked. Study found the nicotine protected the brain. We now know why. We have nicotine receptors in the brain, digestive track and in the ovary’s and testicles. It seems Alzheimer’s probably has a venom connection, as they’ve been putting venoms in medications too.
Another thing Doctors noticed is the people that filled up the hospitals the most were no smokers. But the liars, like Fauci, told everyone smokers were are I higher risk. Which was a lie!
If you know who Dr Ardis is, then you may know he had Roundup and Roundup+ tested for venoms. BINGO!! Tons of different type of venoms in what they call “glyphosate”! Now we know why glyphosate causes gut problems, when you know there are nicotine receptors in the intestinal track. It’s not ‘gluten’ that people are having problems with, it’s the glyphosate (venoms!) they use to dry the wheat out faster with! And just think if the millions of tone’s of that toxic crap being spared on crops around the world for DECADES! Which I believe brings us back to Alzheimer’s, and dementia, and why there’s so much more of it these days too.
Thank you for this information, Therisa. I appreciate it so much. They also have "Round-Up Ready" crops that are genetically spliced with glyphosate so they don't even have to spray it anymore. Then we eat it. Feed it to babies.
That makes so much sense about "gluten intolerance". I kept saying to people - no way - people have been eating gluten for thousands and thousands of years and have been fine. It also makes sense about brain malfunctions of all kinds. I vaguely knew about synthetic venoms in medications and that's a big reason there's a snake in the symbol for "doctor", but now I know a lot more. Like a common heart med called Lisinopril made from the most paralytic viper venom known to man that has deadly side effects and yet they prescribe it like candy. It causes kidney failure and not one doctor who prescribes it tells a patient. The patient just develops kidney disease followed by failure and Oops! Another one bites the dust. But since the patient didn't die of the heart disease the medication was prescribed for - it's a success!
What have we allowed this world to become? I know. I didn't know any better than any one else what these evil idiots were up to, but there is a part of me that did know they were never to be trusted. But the whole world kept telling me to buck up and just get along. I saw too much and I couldn't do it. Now I'm grateful I can see. I only hope more eyes are opened.
Here is a copy and paste of the email I got on venoms in roundup by Dr Ardis, from Jonathan Otto.
I received an email from Jonathan Otto.
In that email Dr Ardis exposes Round up and the venom’s that are in it!
“Dr. Bryan Ardis revealed that his unvaxxed wife, Jayne, just tested positive for scorpion and snail venoms…
And he traces their origins to the poisons in our food supply!
“When scorpion venom populated in her body, I then knew Monsanto and their use of insecticides that are made from scorpion venoms, maybe it's found in Roundup or in glyphosate.
Dr. Ardis then purchased and tested Roundup and Roundup Plus (the more concentrated version)... And confirmed his worst fears:
“So just so you know, this is what we're up against. They have been utilizing glyphosate, which actually has every published side effect identical to snake venom in the human body. It does three things. Established in 2003, glyphosate, the worldwide most used herbicide, insecticide, sprayed on all your food you're eating. It mimics the same action of all venoms with these three minerals.”
I couldn’t believe my ears when Dr. Ardis revealed the sheer number of deadly venoms sprayed on our food crops…
“So I'm gonna read to you what they found in Roundup. Venom from Scorpions was the first venom that was published.
“Inside of Roundup was also found a venom called Snake Venom Metalloproteinase Inhibitor. This is what makes the cells of your body destroy or deplete you of copper and zinc. Metal proteinases from venoms do that and it's in Roundup glyphosate.
“King Cobra venom was found inside of it.
“Scorpion venom called myoxocephalus scorpius somatostatin that's manufactured in E. coli bacteria around the world, which is how they make these insecticides.
“That specific scorpion venom is in Roundup and was the same one we found in my wife's body. And then they found cone snail venom specifically from the virgin cone snail called Conotoxin 10.
“They found Malayan krait venom in Roundup, which is the actual origin of COVID supposedly.
“Chinese researchers in January of 2020 confirmed bungalow toxin, which is the venom of a krait snake, is the origin of COVID and it's inside of Roundup.
“Now how much Roundup's been sprayed around the entire world that you've been exposed to in your food as it's sprayed on all your farms, drawn up into your plants and you eat it, and then how much of it is sprayed on farms around the world and then irrigation and rain takes those venom sprayed all over your farms all over the world, like Roundup and glyphosate, and then it gets into your water tables and then you drink it or shower in it. It's just disgusting.”
Dr. Ardis is not the only doctor calling out the poisons in our food supply… Even though the others aren’t talking about venoms (yet)...
Scientists at the University of Iowa just released a study demonstrating that there really are no “safe” levels of glyphosate…
Because despite what the “officials” tell you, even small amounts of glyphosate can disrupt the gut microbiome… Which is where at least 80% of your immune system is found.
Shockingly, “venom biodiversity” is actually recognized in agriculture, and it’s becoming increasingly common!
What on earth is our world coming to when scientists tell us:
“Agriculture, environment, and society are benefitting from this use of venom biodiversity and biotechnology.”
Are these scientists blind to the rampant diseases and deaths caused by venoms in our food supply?
Or do they look at them as “collateral damage” in pursuit of “advancements” in science and technology?
What I do know is that we MUST do everything within our power to get the TRUTH out to everyone we know…
Tell them to eat only organic foods… And teach them how to detox their body the RIGHT way…
By working together, we CAN save lives.
To your health,
Jonathan Otto
Dr Ardis on Roundup
Sign up for the docuseries ‘Disease in Reverse’ below to listen to Dr Ardis say….
Tests reveal Venoms in Roundup:
King cobra venom
Scorpion venom
Cone-snail & Virgin cone-snail (from the ocean) venom
You can't really change the pH of your body in any dramatic way unless you remove all acids and ingest large amounts of alkaline foods/liquids and then it will have very bad effect on your body. The healthy pH for the body is a neutral 7.35-7.45. Anything off these marks is dangerous and your body has many ways to put itself back into balance if the measures you take to change your pH are slight. Don't buy the hype of alkaline water, etc. Water is neutral pH.
Baking soda - even - Bob Mills - will cause your blood and urine to become acidic, it will lower pH. Human body is an amazing apparatus and in most cases does the opposite of what one expects.
Fight back! Hit big pharma where it hurts! Learn about cheap, safe, effective OTC fenbendazole for cancer. So far, since 2021, it has saved four people close to me with stage IV cancers! Read the Case Reports, read the preclinical science! It’s all there. Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions.
THANK YOU, Dr. Ryan Cole, for COURAGEOUSLY and SACRIFICIALLY continuing to speak TRUTH! May ALMIGHTY GOD continue to provide you and your family His strength, peace, wisdom, guidance and provision....
The majority of the world's rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist.
Also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known.
This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives.
But what I have to say is that all those in power ...
Yesterday I was watching Owen Shroyer of Infowars interview Ed Dowd who opined "they" were looking for something to distract us from the rising death toll of The Lethal Injections...that interview I think took place September 25..
And -- October 6, out of the blue! Who could have predicted it! The terror attack by Hamas in Israel! It's raised fear of Terrorism to a fever pitch! Netanyahu and thugs are going to burn every last Palestinian in Gaza to a crisp! All the morons who yelled out in "Support of the Science" are now howling for Palestinian blood to be spilled... 😰
You know something? The reality of The Lethal Injections must be unimaginable, if what The Monsters are bringing into play to distract us from them involves "genocide" and "nuclear war"... 🤔
It is very difficult not to agree with you Captain. Not at this point. My thinking was "they didnt kill enough they have to starve us, or nuke us, or something" to get to the numbers left they want in time.
But now? I think eventually all of those with the jabs will die...I just dont know when anymore.
But you are right, it must be unimaginable Not enough of us are dying fast enough.
Yeah, right.
I’m sure that Hamas and Iran (both of which are BRAGGING about how they carried off the attacks) did so in order to keep people from finding out how dangerous the “vaccines” are.
Makes sense to me...../sarc
Here Mark.. watch this...
I agree that the politicians and others would love to divert attention from the whole Covid issue....the origins, the lockdowns, masking, and especially the disastrous vaccines.
I just think that it’s silly to think that the attacks on Israel by Hamas were somehow coordinated and ordered by the globalists and/or some shadowy group of western conspirators.
[Mind picture:
Klaus Schwab sitting at the head of a large table in a huge conference room. Sitting around the table are individuals, each with a small sign in front of them denoting their area of responsibility.....such as: North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, etc.
Blofeld......sorry, I mean Schwab.....(in a thick German accent) asks the man who heads operations for the Middle East and moslem world,
“Have you contacted Hamas and the Iranians? They know what to do, correct? They must not fail us...we must divert attention from the vaccines.”
“If they refuse, we will make them pay”
The man answers, “Yes, they have been instructed on what to do and they have agreed. The Zionist state will be attacked as required.”
“We must not allow the population to know about the vaccines. This diversion will help accomplish our goals “
Mind picture ends]
See what I mean?
Its difficult to imagine that the leadership of Hamas, or especially that of Iran, giving a rats ass about what any western leader(s) wants (whether it’s good, bad or indifferent).....or doing anything to help them.
They HATE the Israelis.
They HATE the West.
They operate independently of any western control and would not be bothered to attack Israel for the benefit of someone else.
*And I really hope that no one here is trying to make the case that the
Israelis attacked themselves in order to divert attention from the vaccines. That would take ‘conspiracy theory’ way too far....
Hello Mark..
That mind picture of yours, is precisely what is happening; or a situation so similar there's no point discussing the differences. Yes, Hamas hates the Israelis. But it is an open secret that Hamas and Hezbollah both, are creations of Mossad. (Ever read "Nineteen Eighty-Four"? If not, high time you did.) I correspond occasionally with Rabbi Chananya Wiesmann in Israel; in one of his broadcast emails he mentions:
"The Gaza border: one of the most fortified and technologically advanced borders in the world, teeming with combat soldiers, battalions of tanks, and a heavy air force presence. There are multiple systems in place there including;
1. Static thermal imaging observation posts.
2. Manned patrol vehicles.
3. Static manned observation posts.
4. Subterranean RADAR.
5. Reconnaissance drones.
6. Reconnaissance aircraft.
7. Autonomous patrol vehicles.
8. Fence motion detection.
9. Bomb proof multi-layered reinforced fence set in concrete."
And yet these "Hamas Terrorists" accomplished what they accomplished -- just like Osama Bin Ladin hiding in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan on a dialysis machine somehow masterminded 9/11!? Yeah, right.. 🤪🤣 If you believe that, I've got a slightly used suspension bridge in Brooklyn for sale... 🤔
The official story is patently ridiculous; it does not stand up to 5 minutes serious scrutiny... Terrorists flying in on motorized hang gliders? Can you say "sitting duck"? Where were the soldiers to pick them off? Then they drive away with their female prisoners in pickup trucks? Where did the pickup trucks miraculously appear from? The story in its entirety is on that level of implausible.
As for your comment "I really hope that no one here is trying to make the case that the Israelis attacked themselves in order to divert attention from the vaccines"? Take a deep breath: That's just part of it! 😱 Netanyahu made the entire Israeli population, pretty much, guinea pigs for the Pfizer / Moderna Lethal Injections. Like everyone else who's taken The Poison Death shots? They've got 2 - 5 years. Medical Doctors such as William Makis, Betsy Eads, Joseph Mercola and the departed Vladimir Zelenko speak of treatment protocols; hopefully these are prophylactic measures rather than palliative, because once you've had even ONE of those injections? That's it: You are now literally, no longer human: You're a genetic chimera, being devoured by trillions of vicious little spike proteins created with CRISPR technology; said to be analogous to the spike proteins of the putative "Sars-Cov-2 Virus" -- but no one knows if that's true, because that virus has never been isolated, let alone identified: It only exists, as a computer model!
This is truly, the degree of fraud we've been sold, with the Covid Scamdemic.
The truth is, the intention of the Globalists is indeed to distract The World's attention from the consequences of The Poison Death shots, as cases of vaccine-induced massive blood clots, vaccine-induced strokes, vaccine-induced myocarditis, vaccine-induced dementia and vaccine-induced turbo cancers not merely continue to mount, but are actively accelerating; it is very difficult for the average person to grasp the degree of evil of our global controllers: If it's not "demonic", then it is "Satanic".
You can find plenty more information on substacks by Steve Kirsch, William Makis, Mark Crispin Miller, Lionness of Judah, Vigilant Fox, Naomi Wolf, Eugyppius, Ray Horvath or even, dare I add, my own. Also do searches on "Natural News" and "Rumble" for anything by Ed Dowd about the Scamdemic. But to finish off, let me mention Dr. Betsy Eads commenting openly on "USA Watchdog" that over 2 billion people worldwide, have been killed or seriously injured by these so-called "vaccines" -- which are just experimental drugs, issued in America only under an Emergency Use Authorization by the thoroughly corrupt FDA.
Capt. Roy Harkness
Did you think we would be here three years ago?
ALL theories are now viable.
Actually Mckeekitty I'm surprised it's not a great deal worse. Brace yourself; we're in for a VERY rough ride.
Funny as one of the best security systems in the world & No one saw it coming? Something wrong here and stinks fishy! Is Ukraine a dead end for money laundering now & need a new war?? That is my question??? Liberals all over are evil I am beginning to believe & ALL Lib leaders in this together I fear……
Kinda like Lahaina.. best alarm systems in the world - didn’t sound off.
To change the subject - we need to contact our senators or whoever to #EXITTHE WHO
(I cut&pasted from James Roguski from substack)
Dear Senator,
I want the United States to #ExitTheWHO.
I want you to submit companion legislation in the Senate in support of House Resolution 79, the
World Health Organization Withdrawal Act.
The sponsor of this legislation, Representative Andy Biggs (AZ-05) has already gained the support of 50+ co-sponsors in the House who also support the United States’ withdrawal from the World Health Organization.
I want you to simply copy H.R. 79 and submit it as a companion bill in the Senate as soon as possible.
The WHO’s amendments and treaty violates our democratic constitution. It MUST BE STOPPED!
Because, will you have the power to stop unjustified counter measures? Can you promise to guarantee there will be no more experiments with substances when nobody knows exactly what is in it? You must guarantee this, after these last three years. Otherwise, step down if you are incapable of dealing with this situation.
One more American that wants to #ExitTheWHO.
Not so much evil, Judy... so much as... just well intentioned -- with other people's money.
Whilst simultanously as dumb as shit. 🤔
Well, that went right past you like a fastball.. 🤔
Quite possible. I’ve seen so much craziness in the last few days that I may have easily missed something.
Mark this is how the CIA or any intelligence organization works, they create a Hollywood version of catastrophic events called Psyops to divert all of the public/worlds attention because many people have short attention spans or from the continual chaos are so stressed out they tune out. Most of the wars in other countries are instigated, funded by CIA. I just read something that the U.S. gave money to Hamas and they gave money to Israel. We all know they just gave 6 Billion for hostages that Qatar is involved in also to make certain those funds are released.
THIS is why there is so much craziness going on. The J 6 made up Psyop? All Feds that planned it, dressed in costumes of Trump supporters. Why don’t you think we haven’t seen the unretouched 40,000 hours of video? Because it implicates all of them. The fake bomb that was placed by the FBI. Gretchen Whitmer’s fake kidnapping was schemed up by the same head of FBI hof Detroit that then got a promotion because he did such a good job so off to D.C. he went for January 6.
The deep state is controlling all of it.
I really don’t think that the Iranian government and the Ayatollahs are working hand -in-hand with the CIA. Even the thought of it seems a bit laughable to me.
They’ve been playing us for suckers (except under Trump), pretending to want peace but in reality supporting terrorism against us and our allies.... and developing atomic weapons.
As for the US giving money to Hamas and Iran, you are absolutely right. We have been, and lots of it. Our foreign policy under Obama and Biden has consisted of throwing money at the problem and hoping that everyone plays nice.
That really worked out well/sarc.
I understand and agree about J 6, but I think it has very little (if anything) to do with the attack on Israel.
Don't want to sound patronizing Mark, but... have you ever read George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four"? If not, high time you did.
At risk of overkill, I'll also recommend "180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You've Been Taught To Believe" by Feargus O'Connor Greenwood, and "The Creature from Jeckyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin..
Actually Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" is a good addition to that list: Our dying civilization has everything in that but the Eugenics program -- and the Globalists are working on that...
They mostly have to distract Israelis... they are some of the most jabbed people in the world
I suspect they'll be too busy dying quite shortly to be much of a distraction.. I guess Netenyahu and Pfizer are going to finish off what Hitler purportedly started. 🤔
Thank you; slapped this onto Fb immediately so They can lose no time in "supporting" me with adding additional notes to my post to address the "partially false" information I love to share ...
After I was banned on Shitbook for the 7th or 8th time for a month for telling the truth I deleted my profile in disgust....
Good luck...
I deleted FB when the virus crap started …. Never looked back
FB...always looking out for us 😈
It's hilarious to get Their little updates saying, "You have memories from 2 years ago to share" (so heartwarming!) and to click on Their message and see that there's a whole screenful of "This content is not available" because it wasn't, perhaps, quite as "shareable" as They'd prefer. lolol ~
Looking out for you to die
Because it is false information. It's complete and utter bullshit to be precise.
You are being played.
..... you too ?
'f' 'em.
Same! 😁
Two years ago, Dr. Cole walked us through how turbo cancers would occur. He is right.
He is right because no one is questioning this nonsense.
There is no cancer signal.
You are being played!
In oncology, the signal is real, but not as real as the denial.
OK, I'm disillusioned enough to go along with your premise for shits and giggles... Presuming Dr. Ryan Cole is playing us, is it just him, or are there other forces at work? To what end?
I can see the reason for mandatory vaccination - people were scared, others greedy, far leftists getting off on the power over us toothless, trailer dwelling hicks. But who benefits from convincing people they are carcinogenic? Not the governments that mandated them. Not the doctors. Not the drug companies. Not the military. Not the employers who mandated them.
If he's right, everyone is screwed... And few people want to believe it, anyway, so it would be a long uphill battle to convince people, especially if a few more years go by and the data isn't there.
Can you spell out your hypothesis more concretely? I'm genuinely curious.
No, Ryan Cole isn't playing us. I think he is pretty convinced of what he is saying and he is saying it for all the right reasons. I think he's a good and honest man from all I can tell.
However good and honest though, he is just a man. People cheering and nodding their heads in agreement are sources of confirmation for him.
When there is no healthy discourse, both correct and false information can become self-amplifying.
This is precisely what you are witnessing. We all want to hear that we were right, that hell has been unleashed on the world, but this desire has caused us to fool ourselves.
I don't know if anyone else is actively playing us (probably), but somehow the wrong narratives are being promoted.
I've been working with the data for many months now and trust me I'm working hard. I dare say there is nobody half as familiar with the US data as I am right now.
Hell has been unleashed. We all know it. Many millions have been killed worldwide.
I am working on summing it up, but it's very tough, because literally every single counter-narrative out there stands in stark contrast to what I am seeing.
The biggest issue with these drugs seems to have been COVID. Call me crazy.
If I started telling you more, you'd just be more certain I'm crazy or we'd end up argueing. Either way I'd probably waste time I better spend on writing at this point. Feel free to look through my notes to get an impression what it's all about.
Everything I see that could prove how many 100k's Americans were killed has been "debunked" by counter-narratives. We are actively working against the truth right now. Almost all of us. Almost all the counter-narratives are wrong.
I knew one person pretty well who just dropped dead in the past couple of years, at least two more tangentially, and several relatively well that got aggressive cancers. Another relatively young person collapsed from a major stroke.
I hope you're right. It's certainly in my material best interests if you are, so I'm more than willing to accept being wrong.
I'll check out your notes. Thank you for the honest engagement.
I know 4 people with myocarditis (plus a bunch with other newly acquired cardiovascular issues). These are real issues, but they don't explain the large number of excess deaths.
I don't see any safety signal anywhere for cancer. I looked into the ones that were advertised by others and they were all bogus. I strongly doubt this is happening on a grand scale. Doesn't mean there isn't the odd reaction that would promote cancer growth.
So what are the excess mortality causes of death, or is that data not available? Whatever the causes are, I assume they are a result of the shots.
Time will tell if you're right, I suppose, but since the snake venom thing, I've been skeptical of some of the counter narratives as well.
We should all keep this in mind so we don't blow our credibility. So I see your point now.
The other big issue are suicides and accidents. External cause excess mortality was soaring and no decision maker is even being criticized for this.
We should be working on getting justice for the many poor souls who have ended their own lives, either intentionally or accidentally. Yet everybody is talking about cardiac issues, a "sudden death epidemic" or "turbo cancer".
Cardiac issues are the one thing that is real among all the counter-narratives, but they only make up a small proportion of the deaths that were inflicted, especially in young people.
It isn't reasonable for these issues to receive so much focus.
Whoever took this shit should be learning from their mistakes instead of blaming others. People gave their children a dangerous drug and their children died.
We are talking about a few hundred deaths in 12-17 year olds, while thousands who stood strong were agitated against until they drowned in their own despair. Yet the fucking morons who gave their kids an experimental drug receive all the attention. We are not pursuing justice this way.
If there is cancer, we will see the signal soon enough. We need to focus on the million deaths that have already happened.
Hardly anyone is even aware how all these children died throughout the past years. Sudden death epidemic my ass. It was an epidemic of cruel and inhumane policies (and infection enhancement in older people).
“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.”
~~John Lennon
Quality and integrity like Dr Cole's is God given - thanks for the post - and the best of luck to Dr Cole
When I showed my GP here in the kakistocracy of Canada a report two years ago, written by Dr. Cole, he told me that “Doctor Cole is enthusiastic but he knows nothing”. Now you know why the medical system here is failing! It is all under the control of Trudeau who is under the control of Schwab of the WEF. Most of the good doctors who voiced the truth were fired.
Damn I feel bad listening to Dr Cole. Man had 80 employees and got shut down. He has 6 daughters too. Great interview, if I could have found away to mute Greg Hunter (joking). Nah Greg’s a good dude too. Dr Cole visited the part of this that overwhelms me. The totality of it all still throws me for a loop. Which is worse; The fact that the entire Western Population was experimented on, or the part that most of them still don’t seem to get it.
except DR COLE will not address the GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE in the injections
Does that make him “controlled opposition” or a “limited hangout”?
I can’t remember. ;)
Thursday, 11th August 2022
Contact Report 816
This is also proven in the case of the Corona epidemic, which is 'fought' with means, lies and empty promises that cause many deaths.
Also the number of deaths due to the Corona virus is set so much lower than what corresponds to the truth as a result of lies.
Our records 6 days ago are known to me in this respect, and they amount to 8,314,088 Earth-humans who have died of the Corona virus, very many of whom have succumbed to death as a result of unsuitable vaccines.
Also, it should be mentioned, our research has shown that various of the Corona vaccines attack the DNA and also cause various types of cancer, as well as damage the nervous system and impair and damage the brain in its functions.
WHEN is Cole, McCullough, Malone and others going to mention the synthetic venoms found in the jabs AND people who test positive for the ‘virus’??!!
Many labs around the world have found 36 types of venoms in both people and the jabs! It NEEDS to be detoxed and neutralized too.. otherwise people will continue to be sick. McCullough’s detox protocol DOES NOT cover getting the venoms out!
There are and have been for many years synthetic venom in many medications. For instance, Lisinopril, a commonly prescribed drug for heart disease, etc., is made from the venom of the most paralytic viper venom known to man and can result in many negative side effects, the most common, kidney disease and failure.
You're right. Everyone needs to detox.
Yep! And they have at least 6 more venom based “medications” in the works to bring to market.
Now we know why they’ve pushed people to quit smoking. Tobacco is the antidote
Yes. Nicotine is the antidote for several things that are very harmful. Like fluoride. Nicotine blocks fluoride from crossing the blood brain barrier. As it blocks snake venoms and the spike proteins in the injections. There are even more things nicotine blocks. Doctors are prescribing nicotine patches to people with "long covid".
I remember a study about smoking and cancer and an accidental discovery was made about nicotine blocking fluoride. Then the people who conducted the study realized the anti-smoking campaign began in the same years as wide-spread fluoridation of municipal drinking water. This was also when American tobacco companies began adding hundreds of chemicals to the tobacco in cigarettes which caused a huge spike in cancer among smokers. was likely not tobacco in moderation that causes cancer, but the added chemicals which caused cancer and deterred people from using tobacco.
Incredible. We need to learn everything we can while we still can. So very much has been manipulated and hidden.
Jesus told us one of the signs of the end times is that knowledge would increase. And that people will perish for lack of knowledge. Just amazing.
One of the ingredients big tobacco added was formaldehyde.. a KNOWN carcinogen! That, and the SV40 virus found in the kidney cells of the monkey’s they used for the polio “vaccine” which cause soft tissue cancers. Bone marrow, lymphoma, brain and LUNG cancers. They needed something to cover that up. Tobacco was the perfect target. It’s all been a coverup.
There have been many studies on nicotine. Doctors started noticing that those with Alzheimer’s were at a higher level in non smokers than it was in those that smoked. Study found the nicotine protected the brain. We now know why. We have nicotine receptors in the brain, digestive track and in the ovary’s and testicles. It seems Alzheimer’s probably has a venom connection, as they’ve been putting venoms in medications too.
Another thing Doctors noticed is the people that filled up the hospitals the most were no smokers. But the liars, like Fauci, told everyone smokers were are I higher risk. Which was a lie!
If you know who Dr Ardis is, then you may know he had Roundup and Roundup+ tested for venoms. BINGO!! Tons of different type of venoms in what they call “glyphosate”! Now we know why glyphosate causes gut problems, when you know there are nicotine receptors in the intestinal track. It’s not ‘gluten’ that people are having problems with, it’s the glyphosate (venoms!) they use to dry the wheat out faster with! And just think if the millions of tone’s of that toxic crap being spared on crops around the world for DECADES! Which I believe brings us back to Alzheimer’s, and dementia, and why there’s so much more of it these days too.
Thank you for this information, Therisa. I appreciate it so much. They also have "Round-Up Ready" crops that are genetically spliced with glyphosate so they don't even have to spray it anymore. Then we eat it. Feed it to babies.
That makes so much sense about "gluten intolerance". I kept saying to people - no way - people have been eating gluten for thousands and thousands of years and have been fine. It also makes sense about brain malfunctions of all kinds. I vaguely knew about synthetic venoms in medications and that's a big reason there's a snake in the symbol for "doctor", but now I know a lot more. Like a common heart med called Lisinopril made from the most paralytic viper venom known to man that has deadly side effects and yet they prescribe it like candy. It causes kidney failure and not one doctor who prescribes it tells a patient. The patient just develops kidney disease followed by failure and Oops! Another one bites the dust. But since the patient didn't die of the heart disease the medication was prescribed for - it's a success!
What have we allowed this world to become? I know. I didn't know any better than any one else what these evil idiots were up to, but there is a part of me that did know they were never to be trusted. But the whole world kept telling me to buck up and just get along. I saw too much and I couldn't do it. Now I'm grateful I can see. I only hope more eyes are opened.
Here is a copy and paste of the email I got on venoms in roundup by Dr Ardis, from Jonathan Otto.
I received an email from Jonathan Otto.
In that email Dr Ardis exposes Round up and the venom’s that are in it!
“Dr. Bryan Ardis revealed that his unvaxxed wife, Jayne, just tested positive for scorpion and snail venoms…
And he traces their origins to the poisons in our food supply!
“When scorpion venom populated in her body, I then knew Monsanto and their use of insecticides that are made from scorpion venoms, maybe it's found in Roundup or in glyphosate.
Dr. Ardis then purchased and tested Roundup and Roundup Plus (the more concentrated version)... And confirmed his worst fears:
“So just so you know, this is what we're up against. They have been utilizing glyphosate, which actually has every published side effect identical to snake venom in the human body. It does three things. Established in 2003, glyphosate, the worldwide most used herbicide, insecticide, sprayed on all your food you're eating. It mimics the same action of all venoms with these three minerals.”
I couldn’t believe my ears when Dr. Ardis revealed the sheer number of deadly venoms sprayed on our food crops…
“So I'm gonna read to you what they found in Roundup. Venom from Scorpions was the first venom that was published.
“Inside of Roundup was also found a venom called Snake Venom Metalloproteinase Inhibitor. This is what makes the cells of your body destroy or deplete you of copper and zinc. Metal proteinases from venoms do that and it's in Roundup glyphosate.
“King Cobra venom was found inside of it.
“Scorpion venom called myoxocephalus scorpius somatostatin that's manufactured in E. coli bacteria around the world, which is how they make these insecticides.
“That specific scorpion venom is in Roundup and was the same one we found in my wife's body. And then they found cone snail venom specifically from the virgin cone snail called Conotoxin 10.
“They found Malayan krait venom in Roundup, which is the actual origin of COVID supposedly.
“Chinese researchers in January of 2020 confirmed bungalow toxin, which is the venom of a krait snake, is the origin of COVID and it's inside of Roundup.
“Now how much Roundup's been sprayed around the entire world that you've been exposed to in your food as it's sprayed on all your farms, drawn up into your plants and you eat it, and then how much of it is sprayed on farms around the world and then irrigation and rain takes those venom sprayed all over your farms all over the world, like Roundup and glyphosate, and then it gets into your water tables and then you drink it or shower in it. It's just disgusting.”
Dr. Ardis is not the only doctor calling out the poisons in our food supply… Even though the others aren’t talking about venoms (yet)...
Scientists at the University of Iowa just released a study demonstrating that there really are no “safe” levels of glyphosate…
Because despite what the “officials” tell you, even small amounts of glyphosate can disrupt the gut microbiome… Which is where at least 80% of your immune system is found.
Shockingly, “venom biodiversity” is actually recognized in agriculture, and it’s becoming increasingly common!
What on earth is our world coming to when scientists tell us:
“Agriculture, environment, and society are benefitting from this use of venom biodiversity and biotechnology.”
Are these scientists blind to the rampant diseases and deaths caused by venoms in our food supply?
Or do they look at them as “collateral damage” in pursuit of “advancements” in science and technology?
What I do know is that we MUST do everything within our power to get the TRUTH out to everyone we know…
Tell them to eat only organic foods… And teach them how to detox their body the RIGHT way…
By working together, we CAN save lives.
To your health,
Jonathan Otto
Dr Ardis on Roundup
Sign up for the docuseries ‘Disease in Reverse’ below to listen to Dr Ardis say….
Tests reveal Venoms in Roundup:
King cobra venom
Scorpion venom
Cone-snail & Virgin cone-snail (from the ocean) venom
Crate snake venom
Viper venom
India Easter Brown-snake venom
Korean slimosis snake venom
In addition of even more venoms in Roundup+:
Uruguayan coral-snake venom
Cat cone-snail
Black Mamba snake venom
Jericho viper (from Basil) venom
Tipian snake (Asia) venom
Yellow Pacific cone-snail venom
Is it possible that the unvaccinated are also subject to turbo cancers if the spike protein is transmitted from the vaxed? This seems to be happening.
Nope.. not like the vaXx’d. But, in case, take bob mills baking soda. It raises your pH & cancer can’t live in a high alkaline body… ✌️
And eliminate sugar from your diet!
You can't really change the pH of your body in any dramatic way unless you remove all acids and ingest large amounts of alkaline foods/liquids and then it will have very bad effect on your body. The healthy pH for the body is a neutral 7.35-7.45. Anything off these marks is dangerous and your body has many ways to put itself back into balance if the measures you take to change your pH are slight. Don't buy the hype of alkaline water, etc. Water is neutral pH.
Baking soda - even - Bob Mills - will cause your blood and urine to become acidic, it will lower pH. Human body is an amazing apparatus and in most cases does the opposite of what one expects.
You believe modified RNA and the current use of pseudouridine to be problem-free?
Fabian is an obvious shill. The data are clear. Best to ignore him.
Link to data please. Show me the numbers, not some video.
No, never said that.
Fight back! Hit big pharma where it hurts! Learn about cheap, safe, effective OTC fenbendazole for cancer. So far, since 2021, it has saved four people close to me with stage IV cancers! Read the Case Reports, read the preclinical science! It’s all there. Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions.
Dr Ryan Cole is a gem. He is in Anchorage this weekend for a medical conference and I spoke with him.
THANK YOU, Dr. Ryan Cole, for COURAGEOUSLY and SACRIFICIALLY continuing to speak TRUTH! May ALMIGHTY GOD continue to provide you and your family His strength, peace, wisdom, guidance and provision....
Saturday, 8th July 2023
Contact Report 852
The majority of the world's rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist.
Also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known.
This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives.
But what I have to say is that all those in power ...
Agenda 2030
Agenda now…
2025 ; they moved it up -