The U.K. government is corrupt to put it mildly. As a British Citizen as well as a US citizen I am embarrassed when asked about what happened to the conservatives in Parliament. The cover up is unsurprising as there was a big cover up of deaths and serious adverse events during the Pfizer Clinical trials. The HIDDEN DEATHS we reported on in our Forensic Analysis of the Pfizer Clinical Trial published in a peer reviewed journal last November and missing/deleted patients/trial-subjects showed the reason that we need FULL TRANSPARENCY immediately.

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All the ferrets died.

Pfizer requested 75 years to reveal the data.

It went from a free donut to a gun to the head mandate.

No charts needed! 😎

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Mckeekitty....you couldn't have summed it up more succintly.

I am hearing me say to my family and friends "all the ferrets died.

By the time I heard Pfizer requested 75 years, it was too late,

They already all took the jab. Fear of death is a helluva thing.

I am saving your post (if I may). It really resonates. I can hear myself in this.

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Of course you may save and share the post, Duchess! It is all true, after all! Tis a bummer but alas, all true...

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Thank you! On my facebook page with attribution!

Really, Four lines. Sums up just about everything.

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Mar 2
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Sara, i cannot get to telegram on my chromebook (corporate owned)...but the link told me the blog doesn't exist?

Can you check the link? sorry to bother and many thanks

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Nicely put!

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Power and money corrupt. It is written in the Bible. Hosea 9:9 is just one of 43 verses stating this fact.

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We’re just a number on their white board, we can be erased

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Well they can kill us so numbers are nothing. Easy peasy for both.

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Criminal but not surprising....how many bits of data got memory holed once they turned negative? All of them?

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They might be able to hide the deaths but undertakers will have records of their customers. Get them together.

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Yup, John O'Looney is a great one. His testimony is bombshell.

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What power do they have?

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No direct power, but to expose their documentation of the amount of customers they had over the years will show exactly how many deaths actually occurred. Burials can't be hidden, there's hard evidence for them and the numbers can be tallied with graves.

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And the criminals are walking around free with impunity and richer …..

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Now the is getting ridiculous, government statistics, lies and more lies.

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Well they are experts at skewing stats to fit their agenda!

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Fortunately, we all know they truth by now. Thank you, Dr John Campbell, for all of your diligence in getting truth out to us.

Now, we know that they know the truth (probably always did). How are we going to squash the head of this ugly serpant?

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I've been saying this for a few years now. The ONLY way to fix this is to start our own political party for the people and funded by the people like a union. The first rule of this new party should be no lobbying. Anyone getting caught taking any lobbying money is out with no remuneration and a possible 10 year jail sentence for treason (although i would like to see hanging brought back for this one, something B Liar changed the law on back in the early noughties/late 90s). Did he know what was coming down the pipeline?

Here in the UK i reckon £1 per person in work per week would more than cover this, and for that, once we are in power, you get a free pass so you don't have to pay your TV license fee. Why would you pay for non-stop propaganda anyway? Did you know they are ALSO funded by pharma? WE have the numbers so it has to be done this way. They have shown since 1979 and even before that they will never change. They are elite funded puppets who aren't happy with their on average 280k a year if you include the average expenses claim of 200k a year. And they have been getting this for doing nothing since 1970 when we were taken into the EU without a referendum and your taxes were paying £52 million A DAY to the EU so they could do the work for them!!! Make no wonder now they have to actually work for their money they are dragging their feet on all issues to make it look like Brexit isn't working so we can all go back in again.

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I'm all for it. You're right about the lobby money. And too many corporations in our government- creating laws that need their help so they get money to make something happen. No! We never should have allowed lobbying! It's just a major campaign to get the bill passed. The average person does not have that ability, nor should any corporation or other business.

One organization that I volunteered for, learning about the political system, I learned that they have high dollar attorneys that introduce and help us maneuver through it, coming back w more instructions and which politician needs more convincing and whose close to caving. This organization is involved w food & nutrition and how they can move themselves ahead while knocking others back. I couldn't stand it!

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I don't need the ONS. I don't need the CDC, FDA, etc. They lie. They butcher data.

I can SEE with my own two eyes. And what I see ain't pretty...

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Exactly. People believe their eyes and ears over easily falsified data.

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It’s downright scary!

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They can't hide it unless WE let them (by getting distracted with other much less important things).

Share this as much as you can, before more and more sources keep manipulating the data:


And this also, the gold-standard of evidence from clinical trials:


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The nonsense of 'our world data' is appallingly and glaringly self-evident. All the usual sources of "trusted in research and media."

"Gold standard evidence" for an entity that does not exist?

Controlled opposition alert.

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Feb 27Edited

You are the one who seems to be trying to COVER UP excess deaths after mRNA vaccines, and to distract with vacuous phrases like "an entity that does not exist". YOU are the one who seems to be controlled opposition. I have openly made clear that the point of my post was to draw attention to evidence of excess deaths from mRNA vaccines. Why won't you openly share your "better" evidence, and your stance on mRNA vaccines, Dr. Controlled Opposition?

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"openly made clear that the point of my post was to draw attention to evidence of excess deaths from mRNA vaccines." .. which appears an inversion of the truth.

Spouting excess data from 'one world data' appears very telling. The oecd.stat data provides a more accurate picture. Excess deaths in Australia since 2020: c.58,000 and in New Zealand: 12,000 ... whereas "one world data" depicts excess deaths in Australia and NZ as below some unstated mean. "One world data" does not for example state the mean to which it is comparing excess deaths.

Meanwhile, thankfully the 'Australian Senate Acknowledges Excess Deaths'

Yet Another Elephant In The Room? ~ near perfect concordance with NZzzz


The disingenuous manufacture of "gold standard evidence" for a fraudulent test based pandemic with a well established absence of excess deaths in 2020 (Rancourt et al) and others, Prof Martin Neil and Prof Norman Fenton, is yet another red flag reinforcing the "COVID" pandemic fantasy. The culprit remains unequivocal, namely experimental, unpredictable, novel, uncontrolled, unsafe, ineffective, synthetic modRNA/LNP plasmid laden, SV40, pseudo-uridine incorporating shots.

Re: “This Is Depressing. A Number of Presenters Aren’t Telling the Truth and Know They Aren’t.” https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-yeadon-comments-on-sen-ron-johnsons

You'll have to do better.

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OWID and OECD do not substantially differ in terms of what matters, which is the post-vaccine vs. pre-vaccine mortality comparison. Both sources completely refute "safe and effective" which is the bottom line. But I don't trust the "no pandemic" nonsense written about ad nauseum by the likes of Neil, Hockett, Engler, etc. I believe it is nothing but a deflection to draw people away from looking at excess deaths- it really is a clever way to target the right audience who would otherwise be talking about excess deaths post-vaccine. "No pandemic" aka "no excess deaths" may be crowd-pleasing and popular but I am confident that it is simply false. Even your chosen OECD source shows it is false.

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Champion the pandemic is central because the future modRNA/LNP platform is being promoted for all its worth by CEPI/GAVI/WEF/BMGF ... a trite mea culpa for the earlier errors. Laughable, predictable but nonetheless, tragic for those whose fear narrative is fed by the nonsense of a pandemic of 'testing'.

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he's a PhD in nursing...I already knew that...I realize some people don't refer to PhD's as doctors. Some definitely do so. Either Professor or Doctor are considered acceptable for PhD's. Why the anger? ...if you don't like the guy. Move on.

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I’ve been listening to John Campbell since he came on the Covid scene , back when he was a believer in all the nonsense & hysteria,

I still respected him & still do .

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I agree, Wanda. I really hate when those that speak out against these toxic garbage jabs are scrutinized and found to be at fault.

They are speaking out. THAT is all that matters...

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It’s not anger at all for me when I speak about his PhD .

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Love Dr. Campbell...Here's the kicker...The UK has actually been more transparent than the USA throughout Covid. We in the U.S. have no leg to stand on when criticizing other countries (per usual).

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He’s not a damn doctor. I suggest you do some research on this tyrant.

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Actually he’s great at getting all the information across to his listeners.

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I am fully on board that govts have not been transparent and have mislead citizens with the disastrous public health protocols.

However, in 2020 I was repeatedly pointing out that we were not having as many excess deaths as they were reporting. The age standardized method creates a black box and looking at the past 5 years as a benchmark going forwards is only accurate if the distribution of your demographics remains static.

As an example look at how many deaths occurred in Canada in 2019 as a benchmark of what to expect in 2020 set you up for believing there was excess even if 50 years and 10 year old and 85 year olds all died at exactly the same rates per 100,000 as they did between 2015-2019, simply because a greater proportion of the population moved towards age cohorts with higher mortality rates. I feel govts used this to promote the idea that we were experiencing so many excess deaths in 2020 and of course they attributed it all to Covid.

The same is probably still true, we can’t be looming to the past 5 years to predict next year. And drop the age adjusted mortality rates. Calculate estimated deaths for each age cohort separately (population x mortality rate from a control period say 2015-2019) then add all of them together.

In Canada again as an example by 2030 using the mortality rates for each age cohort from 2015-2019 applied to the estimates population of each age cohort the expected number of deaths is approaching 400,000 per year while in 2019 285,000 died even though the population is only estimated to be 7% more in 2030 than in 2019.

Thing about numbers you can produce every different values using the exact same data, it’s a matter of making a model that is relevant to what is actually occurring on the ground.

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Feb 27Edited

I am not claiming to be certain of anything, but I don't think what you're saying is correct. Age-adjusted mortality rates DO account for the issues you are describing, and age-adjusted mortality rates DID go up overall post-vaccine compared to pre-vaccine. Examples besides UK:

US: The age-adjusted death rate for the total population increased 5.3% from 835.4 deaths per 100,000 U.S. standard population in 2020 to 879.7 in 2021.


Canada: There were 334,623 deaths in Canada in 2022, an increase of 7.3% from 2021. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/231127/dq231127b-eng.htm

Australia: There were 190,939 registered deaths in 2022, an increase of 19,470 since 2021. (That amounts to 171,469 deaths in 2021, which is an 11% increase for 2022).


It can be confirmed that increases anywhere near this magnitude DID NOT occur prior to 2020, as AGE-ADJUSTED mortality was consistently DECREASING pre-2020. And if I had to bet a million dollars, I would bet that the ACTUAL excess deaths since 2021 are even MORE than the figures the governments have provided so far (which are already bad enough), NOT less as you suggest. I'm just warning to be very careful in downplaying the seriousness of excess AGE-ADJUSTED mortality, which DOES mean that something is causing more people to die than otherwise would have. Pfizer and Moderna will love to falsely downplay excess deaths even for any invalid reasons.

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Good post!

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What you all seem to be missing is this fact. These are deaths from blood clots which were caused by the clot shot AFTER the first 14 days because if you died in the first 14 days AFTER you had the shot, then you weren't classed as vaccinated. They changed the rule for this one early doors and if you looked at the VAERS data, over 90% of all deaths were occurring in that first 14 days period.

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Feb 27Edited

The fact that deaths REPORTED in VAERS are mostly immediate is just an artifact of reporting (unexpected deaths 3 or 6 months post-vaccine are almost never reported, and who knows if VAERS even prevents or at least discourages such deaths from being reported to VAERS)? The excess vaccine deaths in the clinical trials were pretty much all delayed, which matches the real-world data as well, see this post: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/this-one-graph-tells-you-everything.

Saying that only immediate deaths should be counted as vaccine-related would be effectively saying the vaccine is very safe overall, considering the many millions of shots given in a short time frame during rollouts. Be careful.

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I never said that only immediate deaths should be counted. I was making the point that the greatest number of deaths came in the first 14 day after the jab.

All of the deaths that he is talking about in this video are way past that 14 day mark. These are the deaths that are now being caused by the blood clots which are a side effect of the jab and are causing people to die suddenly from myocarditis and other heart related issues. These are the ones that are being swept under the rug. They won't even admit to the deaths in that first 14 day period as that would go against the jabs being safe and effective. NO jabs are ever safe or effective.

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Feb 27Edited

Ok, but again, if you say that the "greatest number" of deaths are in the first 14 days, then (thankfully) there just aren't very many deaths with millions of shots given (and obviously if there were funeral homes would be overwhelmed), but that is MISLEADING and gives an extremely false sense of security about the vaccine's safety. All the best evidence shows that the vast majority of vaccine deaths are delayed. There are no clear increases in all-cause mortality immediately after the massive vaccine rollouts, but there ARE fairly consistent increases a few months after those rollouts.

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What he is talking about is a small fraction of the actual deaths from the jab, less than 10% - and it's still very high.

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Thanks for your reply, I added some clarification for the point I was attempting to make, I don’t know if you would have been included because it was farther down the feed. I like the individual age cohorts done separately then totalled so you can see right away in which cohort any variances are occurring to the benchmarked period. And you can tell that total deaths moved from say 7.5 per 1000 to 11 per 1000 because of increased mortality within specific age cohort or if it was simply a matter of a redistribution of the population to older or younger cohorts. On a very extreme example if the whole population was 40-50 and then over 85 you could have significantly more deaths in one year over the other without any excess deaths over what would be expected.

Our demographics are changing rapidly and it is allowing govt to take advantage of that.

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It's like how they were able to push the bogus narrative that we had a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." They just didn't find out how many people had really been vaccinated. The software form had a box for "unknown." That selection then became "unvaccinated" when most of those hospital admissions would have been "vaccinated."

Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.

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Can somebody explain the difference between the old way of calculating and the new way of calculating...in plain English?

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It's really interesting. Do "they" realize they are devaluing their own lives by not valuing others? It's actually sociopathic.

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"you can't hide the dead bodies"

Except in New York City.. Thank you Jessica Hockett for your stamina to find out what happened in New York.

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